Summerween 2024 | Day Three

Hi Friends,
Happy Summerween Day Three! I’ll be completely honest and let you know that I did practically nothing on Day 3 of Summerween. However, that is my typical Sunday routine. I slept in way too late and then had a yummy breakfast for lunch. Still, I did manage to read a bit, though I didn’t finish any books.

I started ‘Something Is Killing the Children‘, a horror graphic novel. It wasn’t originally on my TBR, but I thought it would be a quick read and fit the prompt to read a thriller or horror book. I got about 40% through it and I’m really liking it; the story is quite interesting.

I also started my next audiobook for the readathon, ‘The Last Time I Lied‘ by Riley Sager. I’m enjoying this book a lot; it’s very fast-paced, and I’m really invested in the story. I’ve read up to the 30% mark and I’m curious to see where it goes.

Besides my reading, I posted a photo for Day Two of the readathon’s photo challenges on Instagram. The challenge was to post a sunset book stack. If you want to see all my photos for the photo prompts, follow me on Instagram (@Books.With.Bunny). Before you go, like this post and leave me a comment telling me how your weekend went.

Until The Next Chapter,

Summerween 2024 | Day Two

Hi Friends,
It’s Summerween day two! I started my morning with iced coffee and listened to my book, ‘The House Across the Lake‘. I got about 50% through before taking a break to do some cleaning. I was so invested in the story and had a lot of theories about what was going on.

In the afternoon, I worked out while listening to more of the book. Afterward, I made dinner and watched some YouTube videos. I’ve been enjoying Alexandra Roselyn’s old videos. This readathon has made me wish it were fall already, so watching her fall book content has been helping me stay in the fall mood.

I did some personal 45-minute reading sprints to finish off the day. In that time, I was able to complete ‘The House Across the Lake’. It was a crazy read! Riley Sager knows how to write a mystery full of twists and turns. The book ended just before midnight, so by that time, I was ready for bed.

I hope you enjoyed this little recap of Summerween day two! Let me know in the comments what you have been reading lately. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others.

Until The Next Chapter,

Summerween 2024 | Day One

Hi Friends,
Yesterday, Summerween kicked off! In my TBR post for the readathon, I promised to do daily updates. However, I didn’t mention that I wouldn’t be posting the updates until the day after, which is why Day 1 is going up on Day 2. This is because I won’t know how much I’ve read until the day ends. I hope that makes sense.
Anyway, I’m somewhat happy with how my reading went on the first day of the readathon. I managed to finish a book, but unfortunately, it wasn’t for Summerween. I had started ‘Vespertine‘ by Margaret Rogerson at the beginning of the month and wanted to finish it before starting any new books.

However, I was able to start ‘The House Across the Lake‘ by Riley Sager and got to 25%. So, even though I read a lot, I didn’t finish any books for the readathon. Still, I’m happy with my reading for the day.

Let me know in the comments if you are participating in the readathon. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others. And hit the follow button to show your support for the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

Summerween 2024 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
Am I completely insane for doing another TBR for the month? Probably. But I wanted to participate in Summerween 2024, which is taking place from July 5th – 11th. This is a very popular short summer readathon (announcement video). The prompts are fairly simple, and I think a lot of the books already on my TBR should work for them.

Read A Book In The Dark
This is such an easy prompt because I mainly listen to audiobooks. Reading a book in the dark or at night shouldn’t be a problem.

Read A Thriller Or Horror Book
I am going to use ‘Listen for the Lie‘ by Amy Tintera for this prompt. Not only is it on one of my TBRs for the month, but it is also a book I have been wanting to read for so long. This is an adult thriller with a podcast element, and I hear the audiobook is amazing.

Read A Book With A Night Sky On The Cover
I might be stretching this prompt, but I think either ‘The House Across the Lake’ by Riley Sager or ‘How to Sell a Haunted House‘ by Grady Hendrix should fit.

Read A Book With Five Words In The Title
The House Across the Lake‘ could fit this prompt as well, but so could Riley Sager’s ‘The Last Time I Lied’. Both of these are on my July TBR.

Read A Book Set In Summer
I am most likely going to read ‘The Last Time I Lied‘ by Riley Sager because it takes place at a summer camp. Although I’m not sure it is set in the summer, I think it’s safe to assume it will be.

I could essentially read ‘The House Across the Lake’ for all of these prompts, but I am nothing if not overly ambitious. Hopefully, I will get to at least three of these books. I am going to try to post daily Summerween updates, so please follow the blog to stay updated.

Until The Next Chapter,

Red, White, and Blue Books // July 4th Reading

Hi Friends,
In honor of the 4th of July holiday, I wanted to share some red, white, and blue books. These might not be my all-time favorite books in these colors, but they are definitely ones worth checking out. I know this post isn’t the most original, but I love recommending books I’ve enjoyed. I hope you might find joy in them too!

Buy The Book

‘Summer’s Edge’ By Dana Mele
I am going to be upfront and admit that this isn’t truly a favorite of mine, but I think the concept of this book is really cool. It’s a queer young adult paranormal thriller that takes place during the summer. Although I had my issues with it, I do think that it is a pretty decent summer thriller. Also, it is compared to *I Know What You Did Last Summer*, which, if you are a horror movie fan, takes place during July 4th.
Related Post: Summer’s Edge // Book Review

Buy The Book

‘A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder’ By Holly Jackson
I really wanted to give out new recommendations, but when it came to a white book, the only one that stood out was *A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder*. I’m not going to rave about it too much since it is a widely popular YA mystery book, but this is such a good, fast-paced mystery with great characters and an interesting storyline.
Related Post: A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder // Book Review

Buy The Book

‘How Not to Fall in Love’ By Jacqueline Firkins
This is a blue book that I think is underrated. It is a young adult friends-to-lovers romance. I found it to be so cute, and it has the exchange of service plot that I adore. The plot follows Harper, who tries to teach her hopeless romantic best friend Theo how not to fall in love with every girl they go out with. I read this book really fast, so if you’re looking for a quick and cute read, you should definitely give this book a chance.
Related Post: How Not to Fall in Love // Book Review

There you have three recommendations for books to read this 4th of July. These books might not take place during the summer holiday, but they are still good reads nonetheless. Before you leave, hit the follow button so that you get notified whenever there’s a new post.

Until The Next Chapter,

July 2024 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
I’m excited to share my July TBR post! This month, I’ll be playing my roll-the-dice game again. For a detailed breakdown of the rules, please read my June TBR post. The new rule I added is that if I don’t complete my main TBR from the previous month, I have to add an extra roll. Also, if I get any doubles, I add one extra roll. Normally, I start with 5 rolls, but a double means I’ll do 6 rolls. Since I didn’t complete my June TBR, I started with 6 rolls and got doubles, so I have seven books on this TBR.

Buy The Book

Last year for Christmas, my husband did a 24-day bookish advent calendar for me. Unfortunately, I haven’t read many of those books. For this prompt, I’ll read ‘Vespertine’ by Margaret Rogerson, a young adult fantasy book.

Buy The Book

I typically don’t read books before I buy them, but I’ve been trying to get better at that, especially with YA books and authors whose works I don’t always love. For this prompt, I’m picking ‘Heiress Takes All’ by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka. The story takes place during a wedding and claims to have an “Oceans 11” vibe.

Buy The Book

For this prompt, I had many books to choose from, but with my husband’s help, I decided on ‘The Wisteria Society Of Lady Scoundrels’ by India Holton. This is a fun historical romance with pirates, making it a good summer read.

Buy The Book

I’m very happy I got this prompt because I’ve been wanting to read ‘The House Across The Lake’ by Riley Sager for a while. I think it will be a great thriller read for this time of year, and there is clearly water on the cover.

Buy The Book

I’m going to try and read the third book in the Lovelight Farm series by B.K. Borison called ‘Mixed Signals.’ This series consists of interconnected standalone romances. The fourth and final book in the series is set to release sometime this fall.

Buy The Book

I’m shocked by how many books I have on my shelves by authors I’ve never read before. Keeping with the summer and mystery trend, I’m choosing ‘The Summer She Went Missing’ by Chelsea Ichaso. This is a YA mystery, so I’m a bit worried I might not love it, but I’m going to approach it with an open mind.

Buy The Book

I have many BOTM books that I’ve bought secondhand. Soon, I’ll have Riley Sager’s newest book to add to my collection, but first, I want to get through some of his backlist titles, most of which I have as BOTM editions. For this prompt, I’m going with ‘The Last Time I Lied’ by Riley Sager, another perfect summer thriller set at a camp.

In the comments, let me know if you enjoy TBR games and what books you plan on reading in July. I plan on listening to the audiobook for most of these books via Everand (click here). Don’t forget to follow the blog to stay updated with all my posts.

Until The Next Chapter,

Camp Foxenwood Readathon // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
Today, I’m sharing my July TBR! Well, sort of. This isn’t just my July TBR but a combination of the rest of June, July, and a little bit of August. I’m part of Alexandra Roselyn’s Patreon, and every season she hosts a Readathon for her subscribers. The summer Readathon is camp-inspired and runs from June 17th to August 5th. There are multiple cabins and bingo boards to choose from, making it a fun event. I’m going to try to complete the horror bingo board because it’s one of my favorite genres, and I’m in desperate need of Summerween! I’m aiming to read a different book for each prompt.

Buy The Book

When I saw this prompt, I immediately thought of this book. It doesn’t directly follow best friends, but the story revolves around a main character who thought she killed her best friend years ago. Now, a true crime podcast is trying to uncover what really happened. In my opinion, it fits the prompt perfectly.

Buy The Book

I’ve heard mixed reviews about this book, but I’m a big fan of Kiersten White’s writing. It has a paranormal monster element, which makes it suitable for this prompt.
Related Post: Mister Magic // Book Review

Buy The Book

This is a paranormal historical fiction horror with gothic vibes that I can’t wait to read. It’s a recent purchase, and I’m excited to dive into it.

Buy The Book

This is the third book in the Housemaid series. The first book was amazing, but the second was just okay. I’m hoping this one will be a pleasant surprise.

Buy The Book

I’ve been wanting to read this book for years. It’s a young adult horror novel that is supposedly a retelling of ‘Carrie’ by Stephen King, which sounds great to me.
Related Post: White Smoke // Book Review

Buy The Book

This manga literally has “summer” in the title, so it fits the prompt. It’s a LGBTQ+ horror manga about best friends Yoshiki and Hikaru. When Hikaru returns from a trip, Yoshiki starts to suspect that this person who looks like his best friend isn’t really Hikaru.

Buy The Book

I’m nervous about this one because I’ve read two other books by this author that I didn’t really like. However, I love haunted house and ghost stories. This book involves siblings going through their parents’ stuff and trying to sell their childhood home after their parents’ death, with some family secrets involved. A review described it as “Annabelle meets Child’s Play,” which intrigues me even more.
Related Post: The Final Girls Support Group // Book Review

Buy The Book

This 2024 release has a plot that sounds like it’s straight out of a horror movie or a supernatural episode. I’m excited to read it and hope it will be my first 5-star rating for this author.
Related Post: The Sundown Motel // Book Review

Buy The Book

This young adult horror book takes place on an island with a film crew and a creepy curse. It seems like a quick and engaging summer horror read, and I have high expectations for it.

That’s my Camp Foxenwood Readathon TBR! If you aren’t a member of Lexi’s Patreon, I highly recommend joining. I’ll be posting another July TBR soon, featuring my TBR game. Hit the follow button to get a notification when that post goes live.

Until The Next Chapter,

Good Bad Girl | Book Review

About The Book
Twenty years after a baby is stolen, a woman is murdered in a care home. Edith, planning her escape from the nursing home, bonds with Patience, who is hiding secrets. Edith’s estranged daughter, Clio, is soon approached by a suspicious person. The women must solve a mystery involving three suspects, two murders, and one missing baby. Good Bad Girl is a twist-filled thriller where no one can be trusted.
Buy The Book:

My Rating

I’m not exactly sure how to categorize this book, because it doesn’t really fall into the thriller category, but it wasn’t a very compelling mystery. Throughout the story, we follow four women’s different perspectives, all of which are connected. There’s the mystery of a missing baby from years ago, and a present day murder – all taking place around Mother’s Day.

Each woman had a very distinctive voice, but none of their perspectives really captivated me. Also, I didn’t find any of the characters in this book particularly likable, which isn’t a good thing, since you have to be somewhat invested in the characters you’re reading about.

Unfortunately, the plot also fell flat for me. Although there were two ‘sort of’ mysteries going on throughout the book, I wasn’t gripped by the story. I want there to be more twists and turns and shocking moments that I didn’t see coming, however, I completely figured out where the book was going from pretty early on. This book didn’t have any plot twists, which I think are an essential part of a good mystery/thriller.

“Everybody has a mother, but not everybody has a mother’s love.”

As for the writing, Alice Feeney is a great author! Although the storyline wasn’t for me, I still wanted to keep reading. I attribute my inability to put the book down to her fantastic writing style. Her books are fairly easy to read, and bingeable too. I read this book in about a day, and I could see others doing the same.

Overall, I didn’t hate the book, but it’s nothing to write home about. I would not recommend it to someone searching for a fast-paced and exciting mystery. One thing to know – motherhood is a big factor in this book, so maybe I would’ve had more of a connection to the story if I was a mother, but all in all, I don’t think you’re missing out on anything if you choose not to read the book.

In the comments, let me know if this is on your TBR. If you have already read the book, tell me your thoughts on it! Do you think it is worth the read? Or was it not the thriller for you? Don’t forget to share this post with others, and as always, you can follow the blog, so that you never miss a post.

Until The Next Chapter,

Are You Listening? // Audiobook Recommendations

Hello Friends,
Today, I’m excited to talk about audiobooks, one of my favorite ways to read. If you’ve been following my blog, you know how much I love them. So, I wanted to share five exceptional audiobooks with you. The best part? You can find all of them on Everand.

This gripping mystery novel features a full cast of narrators, offering an immersive experience. The story follows a team of experts who come together to solve a cold case while filming a true crime documentary. With sound clips and interviews included, it truly grabs your attention.
Related Post: Murder In The Family // Book Review

A short but captivating audiobook, perfect for fans of the movie. It’s both eerie and entertaining, a bit creepier than the film, with some intriguing differences.
Related Post: Coraline // Book Review

This heartbreaking tale explores themes of grief with an original take on loss. The audiobook format adds a unique dimension by incorporating text message elements, making the story feel more real.
Related Post: Message Not Found // Book Review

Although this book wasn’t my favorite, the audiobook was outstanding. The skilled narrators brought the story to life, keeping me more engaged and immersed in the plot. Without the audiobook, I might not have finished the book at all.
Related Post: All Of Us Villains // Book Review

The first book in this YA fantasy series is long but captivating. The audiobook enhances the experience, especially with its detailed world-building and Arthurian elements. Listening to it helped me understand the story better.
Related Post: Legendborn // Book Review

Here are some of my favorite audiobooks. I’d love to hear about yours in the comments below! You can find these titles on Everand. If you’re not already a subscriber, you can sign up for a free trial using my link (click here). It’s my favorite platform for enjoying audiobooks. Before you go, please hit the follow button to show your support.

Until the next chapter,

June 2024 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
Today, I’m sharing my June TBR, and I couldn’t be more excited! June is my birthday month, so I’ve come up with a special way to choose my TBR using a ‘Roll The Dice’ game. The game is pretty simple: I use a six-sided die, roll it once to determine the column, and roll it again to find the row and prompt. I hope that makes sense. As usual, I’m picking five prompts, but to make things more interesting, if I roll the same number three times, I’ll add an extra roll. This rule only applies once, so I’ll never have more than six books on my TBR.

For this prompt, I chose ‘Bunny’ by Mona Awad. I’m both excited and nervous to read this book because I have such high expectations for it. It will be devastating if I don’t enjoy it, but maybe I’m being too dramatic.

This prompt means I have to scroll through Instagram (Bookstagram) and read the first book I see that I own. The first picture I saw that included a book on my physical TBR was shared by wallflower.bookshop. It showed the entire Chestnut Springs series by Elsie Silver, so I’ll be reading ‘Heartless’, the second book in this companion cowboy romance series.

This one might make my June reading a bit chaotic since I’m adding two books to my TBR. The first book that came to mind was ‘Magnolia Parks’ by Jessa Hastings. I discovered that ‘Magnolia Parks’ can be tandem-read with ‘Daisy Haites’, so I’ll be reading both. Unfortunately, I don’t own these books, so they won’t help reduce my physical TBR.

The only book I could think of for this prompt is ‘The Unmaking of June Farrow’ by Adrienne Young. I’m a bit disappointed that I don’t own this book either, but I’ve heard great things about it and have been wanting to read it.

For this prompt, I chose an ARC I received from NetGalley called ‘A Game Most Foul’ by Alison Gervais, which will be released on June 18th. I’m a bit nervous because I’ve never read anything by this author. However, I do enjoy a good YA mystery.

For this prompt, I picked ‘The Last Girls Standing’ by Jennifer Dugan, a young adult thriller about the surviving counselors of a summer camp massacre. This book sounds like a fast-paced thriller and includes LGBT representation, which is perfect since June is Pride Month.

That’s my June TBR! Let me know in the comments what you plan on reading this month. Don’t forget to check out Everand, my favorite audiobook and ebook subscription service, to see if any of these books are available. By using my link (click here), you can get a free trial of the of Everand. Before you go, please show your support by following the blog.

Until the next chapter,