These Books Will Self Destruct // 2024 Challenge

Hi Friends,
Today, I am going to talk about 12 books that I have to read before the end of the year. Okay, I do not have to read these books, but I would like to make a conscious effort to read them. So, to hold myself accountable, if I do not read these books, I will unhaul them next year. Truthfully, I have tried this before and I do not think it went too well for me, so we will see how it goes this time around.

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
I have had this book since its release in 2021. Sadly, I never had the desire to pick it up. However, I recently heard one of my favorite BookTubers talk about the synopsis of the third book in this companion book series ‘Love, Theoretically,’ and that book sounds like a potential five-star read for me. So, now, I am very hyped to read this book.

River of Dreams by Jan Nash
I remember getting this book from BookOutlet, and the synopsis sounded original. It is a magical realism young adult novel. However, I have lost interest in the young adult genre. Don’t get me wrong I still read YA books, but I do not find myself gravitating towards them anymore. I would like to at least attempt to read this book because the premise still seems interesting to me.

The Troop by Nick Cutter
This was a completely accidental buy, so I decided that it had to be read this year. All I know is that it’s a ‘Lord Of The Flies’ esc horror novel. However, please do not quote me on this because I could be totally mistaken for the plot. I know that this author is pretty popular in the horror genre, which makes me slightly more eager to read the book.

Cupcake by Cookie O’Gorman
This is a fluffy, lighthearted, young adult contemporary. I know that my teenage and even my early twenties self would have adored this book. However, I am skeptical of reading it. I have had it on my shelf for way to long now simply because I am afraid it might fall into the cheesy side of young adult books for me. Still, I am hoping that I can read it this year and perhaps even enjoy it.

Blackout by Dhonielle Clayton, Tiffany D Jackson, Nic Stone, Angie Thomas, Ashley Woodfolk, Nicola Yoon
I have been saying that I was going to read this book for many years. Sadly, it has just been collecting dust on my bookshelf. I believe this is because I am not a huge fan of short story collections. This book contains stories that follow different black teens, but are all interconnected. I am still very interested in the book, and I have heard that it is being adapted into a movie, so I would like to read it before the adaptation is released. Otherwise, I should probably let it go to a new home.

Delicious Monsters by Liselle Sambury
I bought this book because I had seen a few bookish creators talk about it, but the length of this book absolutely frightens me. It is a young adult paranormal thriller released in early 2023. So it has not been on my TBR for too long, but I feel like if I do not make the effort to read it this year I probably will not ever get around to it.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer
This book was a gift to me years ago when I started getting back into reading. All I know is that this is a Queen of Hearts retelling and a fairly popular book. Honestly, this is one of the oldest books on my shelf, and as a fan of retelling, I do not know why I have not read it yet. I am making this book a major priority this year. However, I will not be terribly disappointed if I have unhaul it.

Hunted by Meagan Spooner
This is another retelling I have had for a long time. I think that I have been hesitant to read this because I have not heard the best things about it. However, it’s a ‘Beauty And The Beast’ inspired retelling, which happens to be my favorite Disney Princess movie. Thruthgully, it is really up in the air when it comes to whether I will actually read it within the next eleven months.

The Nature of Witches by Rachel Griffin
When it comes to reading the book, I am very on the fence because I had picked it up before. Something about the story wasn’t working for me, but I do own another book by this author. I would really like to read this one first, since I have had it longer. In addition, I know that many people enjoy this book. I hope that my second attempt at reading it will be a success.

The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth
I bought this book on a whim because I heard positive things about this authors book ‘The Good Sister.’ I do not know much about the plot, except that it is an adult thriller. This is a book that could most likely stay on my bookshelf unread for years if I do not, I hate to say force, but force myself to read it.

Witchlings by Claribel A. Ortega
I should not be left at Barnes and Noble unsupervised because I sometimes buy books in genres that I seldom read. This is the first in a middle series, and if you have been following my blog for quite some time, you know that I do not typically read middle grade. However, I decided that if I do not read it soon, I should just unhaul it and a few other middle grades that I own.

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
As the author of the poetry collection, Convenient Interruptions, you think I would be more inclined to pick up poetry books. Sadly, this is not the case. I own two poetry books by this author, and I would like to read one if not both this year. I believe that this is their best-known release, so I would like to start with it.

In the comments, let me know if there is one or a few books that you have to read in 2024. I don’t know how this challenge is going to go but I like to push myself when it comes to my yearly reading. Don’t forget that it is completely free to follow my blog and helps it grow.

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2024 Anticipated Releases // January To June

Hi Friends,
Today, I am going to talk about my most anticipated 2024 book releases. I will only mention books released in the first half of the year, so from January to June. If I mentioned every new release that I want to read in this post, it would be far too long. So,I decided to narrow it down to two books per month.

The Breakup Tour by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka (Jan. 24, 2024)
I read every young adult novel written by this author duo. However, I did DNF their first adult book and did not even attempt to read their second one. This adult romance was clearly inspired by Taylor Swift. And, being a Swiftie, I know that I must give it a chance.

Canadian Boyfriend by Jenny Holiday (Jan. 30, 2024)
This is an adult romance with a fairly original plot. It takes the fake dating trope to a new level. In addition, it is a hockey and a single dad romance that should make for a pretty good time. Although I do not know how much I love the single-parent trope, I look forward to reading it.

Bride by Ali Hazelwood (Feb. 6, 2024)
This is Ali Hazelwood’s first paranormal romance, which apparently contains vampires and werewolves. So, essentially it’s an adult version of ‘Twilight.’ I own all of Hazelwood’s books but have yet to read any. However, this is the most interesting to me.

I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang (Feb. 6, 2024)
I had been seeing this cover for a while, and after reading the synopsis, I became very excited about this release. Truthfully, young adult books haven’t been hitting the way they used to for me, but this one is bring me back to my ‘To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before’ roots – and I could not be more happy about it.

Murder Road by Simone St. James (Mar. 5, 2024)
I have read only one book by this author, but it was a fantastic paranormal thriller. This book takes place in the 90’s, when a young married couple finds themselves suspects in a string of murders that occur on the Atticus Line. However, while trying to clear their name, they found that there might be a more supernatural cause for the killings.

Happily Never After by Lynn Painter (Mar. 12, 2024)
I’m a Lynn Painter stan! I seem to rate her young adult novels highly. In my opinion, she has some of the best plots and characters. Although I did not love the only adult romance I have read by her so far, I am still very interested in picking up this book. Honestly, I will most likely read anything that she releases.

The Reappearance Of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson (April 2, 2024)
Unfortunately, ‘Five Survive’, which was this author’s 2022 book release, was a total letdown for me. But, I hope that she will redeem herself with this book. The story contains many amazing parts. There is an unsolved mystery, a true crime documentary, and the reappearance of the long missing and presumed dead Rachel Price.

Funny Story by Emily Henry (April 23, 2024)
I want to be an Emily Henry girlie, and I feel that this might be the book to make me one. The plot is about two jilted exes that find themselves not only roommates but also hatch a plan to mislead people about their relationship. In particular, they’re exes, who happen to be engaged.

The Dare by Natasha Preston (May 7, 2024)
I have a complex relationship with this author, but I will say that her book plots continue to improve each year. This is a YA thriller about a game of truth or dare that turns deadly. I hope that it will be full of twists and turns that have me on the edge of my seat.

The Lamplighter by Crystal J. Bell (May 21, 2024)
This is a gothic fantasy with a captivating premise. It’s giving me ‘Stalking Jack The Ripper’ vibes and I’m very intrigued if it lives up to the hype I have created for it. I have been loving gothic fantasies lately, and the synopsis mentioning a lamplighter and monsters had me immediately add it to my TBR. I hope to pick up this soon after its release.

Heiress Takes All by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka (June 4, 2024)
I love how this book takes revenge plots in a new direction. This book is giving me ‘Catch That Kid’ meets ‘Heist Society’ by Ally Cater. I am all for a young adult action adventure about a sneaky and badass former heiress. Will this be the most insightful read? No. Am I going to love every second of this book? Hopefully.

Two Sides To Every Murder by Danielle Valentine (June 4, 2024)
I am going to be 100% honest and say that I know absolutely nothing about this book besides the fact that it is a YA thriller. However, I binge every one of Danielle Valentine’s books. I am sure that this is going to be a super-fast-paced and possibly a campy thriller, and I am going to read it the minute it is released.

In the comments, let me know what your most anticipated book releases are for the first half of the year. Don’t forget to like and share this post with other readers. Feel free to follow the blog before you go.

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2023 Lucky 13 // Best Books

Hi Friends,
Here, we have my best books for 2023! I had such a hard time narrowing down my best books, and 12 was not going to cut it. Therefore, I decided that 13 books deserve to be on this list. However, there is probably more that I could have added. Thus, without further ado, let us talk about my favorite books from last year.

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Originally, I gave this book four stars, but the story was stuck in my mind for weeks. For that reason, I knew that I had to bump it up to five stars. This is a young adult romance about a long-distance relationship, which is something that is not written about much. I loved how the story went, and the character development was one of the best things in the book.

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I did not expect a cozy fantasy to make this list, but this one really pulled at my heartstrings. No, I do not think it resembles Gilmore Girls or Practically Magic, but nevertheless, I loved the characters and story. A small town, family of witches, and mystery all make for a wonderful read. However, you might also shed a few tears at the end of the book because I certainly did.

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I never thought that I was a pirate girl, but this book had me thinking I might be. This story was so action packed, and had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I loved our female main character, and despite the romance being very typical of a young adult book, I found it enjoyable to read.

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I do not hear anyone talking about this book, which is such a shame. Although this story is probably not anything to write home about, I had such a great experience reading this book. It was a fast-paced adult romcom with a happily ever after ending. Personally, I sometimes need a feel-good love story, which is exactly what this book was for me.

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I am so happy that I was finally able to read the first book in this mystery series because it was brilliant. I loved how we followed a cast of animal characters in a small town. The mystery was fun, although predictable. However, the slight romance plot is unexpected and entertaining. This is both an easy and enjoyable read.

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This is one, if not the best, queer romance I have read. What makes this even better is that it is a YA story. I found that the book provides a real look at different sexualities and what it is like to struggle with one’s own sexual identity. And let me just mention that an open door spicy scene was very unexpected for a young adult novel, but I did not mind it one bit.

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Honestly, I cannot say why this book sticks out in my mind, besides the fact that the plot was so well-done. I thought that this was going to be a simple psychological thriller, but there was so much more to it. The story was surprisingly more twisted than I expected. Still, I liked how the author showed the darker and more horrifying side of the publishing world.

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In my opinion, this book is underrated in the thriller genre. I have heard some negative things about it, but I loved the slower character-driven plot. Although there were not many twists and turns, I found the story very engaging. I found myself unable to put the book down, which made my reading experience even better.

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At first, I thought that this was going to be a thriller involving vampires, but I was actually very wrong. This is a difficult book to describe, but I loved the writing style, the found family element to be a nice touch, and the plot incredibly unique. The story I was so captivating that I read it in a day.

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I knew from the synopsis that I was going to love this book, but I did not expect it to become a new favorite romcom. Everything about this book from the story to the spice is perfection. I think it is a great book for readers who do not typically love the friends-to-lovers romance trope.

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This book has such an interesting plot and is a wonderful start for the series. I had never read anything by this author before and picked up this book because of its title alone. However, I am so glad that I read it because it was an enjoyable experience. The love story is original, and the magical aspect is fascinating.

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I was truly surprised by how much I loved the book. This is similar to the Hunger Games but with vampires and magic elements. The world building was amazing and the characters were very interesting. However, the last few chapters take this book the extra mile and really cement it as a standout read, in my opinion.

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Right from the first chapter, I felt that this was going to be my favorite book of the year. I loved it even more than the first book (Belladonna), and the ending has anxiously awaiting the release of what I believe is the final book in this series. I am in love with this story, the world, and characters.

I hope that you enjoyed if not all some of these books. Feel free to share your favorite books of 2023 in the comments. If you weren’t a fan of one of these books I mentioned, that’s okay too, because I still adore all of these books. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others. It would be great if you could follow the blog before you go.

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12 Letdowns From 2023 // Worst Books

Hi Friends,
Today I’m talking about my worst reads of 2023. Now this year, it is more disappointments than worst books, because 2023 was a fairly good reading year for me. I had mostly 3 and 4 stars, and I don’t consider a 3 star to be a bad book. So, with all that out of the way, let’s jump into my top 10 most disappointing reads of 2023.

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I thought that this was going to be such an interesting YA thriller, but it was fairly confusing. I am still not sure of the plot. The book was very weird, and the writing style wasn’t my favorite. And, for a thriller, it wasn’t necessarily a thrilling book. You see what I did there?

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Frankly this isn’t a huge disappointment since I didn’t really have high expectations going into this book. I hadn’t heard anything about it, but as someone that grew up watching ‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’, I wanted to get similar vibes from the show. But, for a book based on Spike, the character wasn’t very reminiscent of his television counterpart.

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This book frustrated me to no end. Besides the writing, it has no redeeming qualities. I wouldn’t even call it a romance story. Well, it might be a romance, but a messy one (that isn’t exactly romantic). Also, anyone can see where the plot is going to go? The ending was crystal clear, making me wonder what the point to the story was. Needless to say, I wasn’t a fan.

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I wish that I loved more from this author, but I just can’t seem to enjoy much that I read from her. Although, I can’t seem to stop reading her books either. This plot was very generic, and I’m not a fan of books based on snobby rich kids. This is like Gossip Girl meets Pretty Little Liars, which might appeal to some, but for me it didn’t work at all.

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I was so disappointed in this book, because I was hoping for a cute supernatural romance but it was very slow paced and cringy. The storyline wasn’t very engaging, and the characters barely had any chemistry.

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I have a love/hate relationship with the Disney Twisted Tales books, but this one was low on the totem pole for me. I didn’t get ‘The Little Mermaid’ vibes, and truthfully, I was barely making it through reading the book. It could be that the ‘What If’ storyline didn’t work for me this time around, but the story wasn’t captivating as other books in this series have been.

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In my opinion, this book was not good at all. It completely read like a middle grade, and the story was not compelling at all. I wasn’t a big fan of the characters or the supernatural elements. But the book cover was so pretty that I wished I liked the inside more.

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This book sounded so appealing, but it was a struggle to get through it. The magic aspect felt weird in the story, which isn’t good when it’s the basis for the plot. And, it’s never good when you have a dual timeline story but only one of the timelines is actually interesting.

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I don’t know if it’s the fact that adult are writing teenagers but the main character in this book was so unrelated and immature. The biggest problem with this book is that it was boring. I know that’s a bit harsh but I can honestly say that I was bored throughout the whole book. That’s not exactly the reading experience I was looking for.

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The main character drove me insane throughout the whole book. Also, I like books where things are actually happening. However, I wasn’t aware that this is a ‘Death On The Nile’ retelling, which I have heard struggles with a slow moving plot as well. Still, I cannot in good conscience recommend this book to anyone.

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I can’t believe that I even read this book considering I had such a distaste for the first book, ‘So, This Is Christmas,’ in this companion series. Hopefully, this will be the last book because I can’t get behind the characters, the romance or the writing. It feels like I’m reading about two middle schoolers. That’s all I’m going to say.

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I cannot begin to tell you how sad I am that this is most disappointing read of 2023. I am still a Holly Jackson fan, but this book was a major flop. It could be that she wrote it fairly quickly, but every part, from the plot to the character, was bad. I know that it might be for some people, but I am not one of those people.

In the comments, let me know what some of your disappointing reads for 2023. Remember that nobody’s reading experience is the same, so if you liked any of these books that is great! They did not work for me. Before you go, please follow my blog, so that it continues to grow.

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24 In 2024 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
Today is Bookmas day 20, I am going to talk about 24 books that I hope to read in 2024. I did not want this list to be only new releases, so I think I have come up with a good mix of both newer and backlist books. There are many series on this list for some reason, but I am not mad about it.

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In the comments, let me know if you have read any of the books. Also, I would love to know what is on your 2024 TBR. Remember to follow the blog because I will be sure to be reviewing each of these books once I read them.

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Did Not Finish // My 2023 DNFs

Hi Friends,
I thought that for day 12 of Bookmas, it would be interesting to talk about the books that I had DNFed this year. I try not to DNF as much as possible, but as I read more, I learn about my book taste. I do not feel the need to push through a book I am not enjoying or that I can tell I am not going to like. This year, I DNFed ten books, which I think is the most I have in my years.

It Sounded Better In My Head’ by Nina Kenwood and ‘The Tenth Girl’ by Sara Farings were instant DNFs because I could tell that the plots were not for me. As for for, ‘The Headmasters List’ by Melissa de la Cruz, the storyline was too predictable. I am sad that ‘All I Want For Christmas’ by Maggie Knox is on this list, but I am not one for plots based around competition shows. And, ‘The Bandit Queens’ by Parini Shroff had a lot of triggering topics for me.

One of my biggest disappointments was ‘The Last Word’ by Taylor Adams. I got to 50% until I realized that I was not really enjoying the plot or writing. I soft DNFed ‘It’ by Stephen King mainly because the book was just way to slow moving and it is one of my favorite horror movies, so I think the story is just to ingrained in my brain. I barely made it through 30% of ‘The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic’ by Breanne Randall until I had to give up on it. The plot was way to slow moving, and I am not a second chance romance lover to begin with.

I was hesitant to DNF ‘Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other’ by Bethany Turner since it was an audiobook ARC I received via Netgalley, but the female main character was so unlikable that I did not see any chemistry between her and the love interest. My last DNF of the year was ‘Local Women Missing’ by Mary Kubica, which I have heard so many good things. However, child adduction and abuse in graphic detail are something I would prefer not to read.

These are all books I chose not to finish this year. I have stopped feeling guilty about DNFing because I’d rather read a 5 star than something I know will be a 2 star. In the comments, let me know the books that you did not finish. Do not forget to hit the follow button so that you never miss a post.

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The Family Game | Book Review

About The Book
A confession to a grisly crime. A murder. And, suddenly, the game is in motion. Harriet Reed is newly engaged to Edward Holbeck, the heir to an extremely powerful American family. When Edward’s father hands her a tape of a book he’s been working on, she is desperate to listen. But as she presses play, it’s clear that this isn’t a novel. It’s a confession to murder.
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My Rating

This was a very slow moving thriller that focused mainly on the main character. We get to learn a lot about her, and the story is told through her eyes. And although it wasn’t a quick paced story, I really enjoyed it and think that it’s a great winter time thriller.

In the book, we follow Harry, a novelist, who is newly engaged to Edward. Her fiancé comes from a very wealthy family. But Harry soon learns that the family not only has money, but secrets as well. Although she finds herself drawn in to her new family, she’s starting to wonder if they can truly be trusted.

Harry as a main character was great. I found her to be likable and for the most part smart. And I love that she was a thriller author, and used the knowledge she gained from writing her books to help her uncover some of the family’s secrets. However, Harry has a secret of her own, which shows the darker side to the character, but also very human side.

“Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.”

No, I won’t say this book is full of twists and turns, but there were a few moments that shocked me. I enjoyed the slower pace of this book, and I loved that it was at Christmas time. I haven’t read many thrillers that take place during the holidays, so it was a nice change for me. And the mention of Krampus, although small, was pretty interesting.

I have heard others say that they wished that the book focused more on the family game part, which is understandable, considering it’s the title. However, that didn’t lessen my enjoyment of the book. And the ending was fantastic! It started off as a four star, but was bumped up to five because those last few chapters.

Overall, the writing was excellent, the plot was amazing, and my reading experience was great. I will 100% be reading more from this author, and I would recommend this book to others who are looking for a thriller to read in the winter time. But please check trigger warnings before picking up this book.

In the comments, let me know if you will be reading this book. Don’t forget that you can stay up to date with the blog by giving it a follow.

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Did I Read My 2023 Anticipated Releases?

Hi Friends,
For day 2 of Bookmas, I am going to be taking a look back at my most anticipated book releases of 2023. I have done 4 anticipated releases post this year, so I am hoping that I have at least read half of the books that I was excited for this year. If not, I am going to try and make it a priority to read some of them before the year is over.

I did a post talking about my most anticipated YA romances, and I am happy to say that I read 3 out of the five books I mentioned in that post. I read ‘Never Vacation with Your Ex’, ‘Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl’ and ‘Borrow My Heart.’ But, I wasn’t able to pick up ‘Promposal’ and I completely forgot about ‘The Borrow a Boyfriend Club.’ However, I am still interested in both of those books.
Related Post: 2023 YA Romances // Anticipated Releases

My next release post was talking about 2023 summer books. I read 5 of the books in that post, which were ‘The Only One Left,’ ‘The Seven Year Slip,’ ‘One of Us Is Back,’ ‘Delicate Condition,’ and ‘Foxglove.’ And, all of these books were between 4 and 5 stars for me. As for the ones I didn’t read we have ‘Summer Rental,’ ‘Business or Pleasure,’ and ‘Ghosted: A Northanger Abbey.’ All of those books still sound so good. There were two other books in this post, ‘The Trap‘ and ‘Good Bad Girl‘ that I didn’t read, but started. And, since putting down ‘Good Bad Girl’, I haven’t heard the greatest thing about it, so it might be a DNF.
Related Post: Anticipated Releases // Summer 2023

Moving on to a post I did recently, my October anticipated releases. I am going to keep this short and sweet by saying that I have yet to read any of the six books I mentioned. Still, I am very interested in all of them. Lastly, is my November book release post and, like October, I haven’t read any of these books. I might try and get to one out of six books in that post, which will most likely be ‘Iron Flame’ or ‘Betting On You.’
Related Post: Anticipated Releases // October 2023
Related Post: Anticipated Releases // November 2023

Honestly, I don’t think I did too badly this year when it came to reading books I was excited for. It doesn’t shock me that I did poorly in October and November, since I’m a mood reader and like to read certain books during those months. In the comments, tell me if you have read any of my anticipated releases, and if they are worth the read. Don’t forget that it is completely free and makes me smile when you follow the blog.

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The September House // Book Review

About The Book
A woman is determined to stay in her dream home even after it becomes a haunted nightmare in this compulsively readable, twisty, and layered debut novel. Every September, the walls drip blood. The ghosts of former inhabitants appear, and all of them are terrified of something that lurks in the basement. Most people would flee. Margaret is not most people.
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My Rating

This book surprised me in a good way. The book follows Margaret, a woman who moves into a haunted house with her husband. However, when her husband goes missing, their daughter is determined to find out what happened to her father. Her mother is desperate to keep all the supernatural things that go on in the house a secret from her. Does that not sound like a recipe for a good haunted house mystery?

The book is told from Margaret’s perspective during her fourth September in the house. It is widely mentioned throughout the story that September is when shit hits the fan. We get chapters from previous years throughout Margaret’s life. Many of these chapters described what it was like when they first moved to the house. We also learn a lot about Margaret and her life with her husband and daughter.

Margaret is a very unreliable narrator, because there is a mention that her father had a mental illness. Her marriage was unhappy. She mentioned a lot about rules and rules to cope with many things, such as her husband’s drinking and anger and her deadly house.

“Thank you for coming but kindly remove your crazy asses from our holy ground.”

The writing was good, but it did not keep me engaged as much as I had hoped it would. I felt that there were many instances when I wanted the story to progress much faster than it did. I felt that it was just lacking something in the way the author told the story that kept them from becoming a new favorite thriller author.

This plot is interesting. I kept trying to guess what was going to happen. You think the author is going to take you in one direction, but then they do a complete 180, and take you in an entirely different direction. The last few chapters were not incredibly action-packed, but they were very intense.

Overall, it was a decent haunted house story. Will there probably be better options in the future? Sure, but is this one that I will remember? Definitely, yes. Please keep in mind that this book heavily dives into domestic violence and what it is like to be a woman in that situation, especially one with a child.

You can always check book trigger warnings on the StoryGraph app or at Book Trigger Warnings. Please leave me a comment letting me know if you are interested in this book. Do not forget to hit the follow button, so that you never miss any of my posts.

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You Shouldn’t Have Come Here // Book Review

About The Book
Grace Evans, an overworked New Yorker, books an Airbnb on a ranch in the middle of Wyoming. She’s pleased to find that the owner is a handsome man by the name of Calvin Wells–and he’s eager to introduce her to his easygoing way of life. But there are things Grace discovers that she’s not too pleased about: A lack of cell phone service. A missing woman. And a feeling that something isn’t right with the ranch.
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My Rating

This book was nothing like I expected it to be, and I am still trying to figure out whether that is a good thing. Jeneva Rose is considered the queen of twists, but whether or not those twists are good is still up for debate, in my opinion. However, if you are looking for a book with a completely shocking twist (that you will probably never see coming), I can see you enjoying this book.

The plot revolves around Grace, who is staying at an Airbnb in a small town in Wyoming. She is instantly drawn to Calvin, the owner of the Airbnb, but you can immediately tell that both Grace and Calvin have some dark secrets. However, both Calvin and Grace are decent characters. I was shocked that we actually received POV’s from both Calvin and Grace throughout the book.

The writing style was great, and I found myself unable to put down the book. I read it in a day, and I am a fan of short chapters, so that was a major plus for me. The author did a good job of keeping the story moving without any unnecessary chapters that do nothing for the plot. I can see why people enjoy her books and I will pick up more of them in the future.

“There was something both beautiful and terrifying about isolation. It made you feel important and insignificant at the same time.”

Regarding the queen of twists title, there were too many breadcrumbs in the story. I quickly figured out two of the twists. Now, I am not the type of reader that tries to figure out book twists, and normally I do not see things coming, but a few of the twists in this book were just plain obvious. However, the end twist was completely out of left field and was unusual. In my opinion, it did not seem to fit the story.

Overall, the book has a decent plot, but the direction the author took the story is baffling. It seemed as if the author threw in this out-of-the-blue twist for the shock value rather than making sense for the plot. I had an idea of where the plot was going and would have actually preferred it if I was correct. Also, the fact that this book title reminds me of the movie ‘You Should Have Left’ is strange to me.

In the comments, let me know your thoughts on the end of the book. Do you agree that Jeneva Rose is the queen of book twists? Do not forget to follow me on Bookstagram (@Books.With.Bunny) and Pinterest, for more bookish content. And help support my blog by giving it a follow!

Until The Next Chapter,