These Violent Delights | Book Review

Title: These Violent Delights
Author: Chole Gong
Published: 2020
Genre: YA/Fantasy/Retelling
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Perfect for fans of The Last Magician and Descendant of the Crane, this heart-stopping debut is an imaginative Romeo and Juliet retelling set in 1920s Shanghai, with rival gangs and a monster in the depths of the Huangpu River.

If you are looking for a contemporary style mystery/fantasy retelling, then this book is for you. The main reason I picked this book up was due to all the hype surrounding it. And, if you ask me, the praise is well deserved. Something I noticed right off the bat, is that you have to really pay attention while reading it, because it can be a bit confusing. There were a few times when I had to go back and reread a passage.

But, what really makes this book a winner is the compelling plot. It makes you want to keep reading, even when the story is slow moving. It was interesting to see how the rivalry between these two gangs came to be, and that the rivalry and their stubbornness could hurt millions.

One of things that made the book so enchanting were the characters. The author took so much time in giving each character their own distinct personality and backstory. I enjoyed the side characters as much as I did are main protagonists, Roma and Juliette. However, my favorite characters were Kathleen and Benedikt.

“The stars incline us, they do not bind us.”

At first, I found Juliette to be a bit bitchy. But as the story progressed, I understood why she acted a certain way. And, she had some funny moments. As for Roma, he had a very strained relationship with his father that wasn’t talked about much. However, I did think their relationship was much like Zuko and his father, the Fire Lord, in ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’.

Juliette and Roma’s relationship was complicated, to say the least. Not unlike Romeo and Juliette’s love affair. Yet, that is to be expected, since the book is a retelling of the Shakespeare’s classic story. For most of the book, they were trying to deny their feelings for each other. There romance was a slow burn, which isn’t something I generally love in books. But, in this case it worked well. Still, it isn’t my favorite trope.

As for the ending, it was a mix of emotions. The last few chapters were intense, shocking, and sad. It was a crazy ending that was unexpected, but expected at the same time. You don’t see the finale twist coming, but you do suspect the book to end on a major cliffhanger.

This is an incredible book, and I had so many thoughts while reading it. It was also very well written. Let me know in the comments if you think the book is deserving of all the hype. Before you go, share and like this post, and give the blog a follow.

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5 Star Predictions #3 // 2022

Hi Friends,
I thought it was time to guess some 5 star reads. I picked 5 books that I believe will be highly rated books for me. All of the books are young adult books, because that is what I primarily read. Weirdly enough, my last five star predictions post included some 2022 releases. This time I will be including some 2022 releases as well as previously released books.

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord (January 2020)
I have seen mixed reviews on this book, but I have a feeling that I’d love it. It is a YA enemies-to-lovers that includes food and Twitter. You all know that I am a sucker for a cute YA contemporary.

The Mary Shelley Club by Goldy Moldavsky (April 2021)
Don’t know why I am predicting this to be five stars. If nothing else, it has to do with the fact that Mary Shelley interests me. The premise is very intriguing, and it is bound to have a lot of twists.

You’ll Be the Death of Me by Karen M. McManus (November 2021)
This is described as a dark ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’. Three friends’ ditch day turns scary, when things go fatally wrong. I am always in the mood for a good YA thriller, and Karen McManus books usually rank pretty high for me.

Places We’ve Never Been by Kasie West (May 2022)
This one might be a letdown, since West’s last book release, Sunkissed, was a big disappointment. Still, I normally always rate her books around 5 stars. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will be another amazing book from her.

I Guess I Live Here Now by Claire Ahn (May 2022)
This one is giving me Katharine McGee’s ‘American Royals’ meets ‘The Princess Diaries’ vibes. This book takes places in Korea, and is a ‘found family’ story, which isn’t typically something I gravitate to. But I hear it includes a lot of family drama and hidden secrets, which is something I do love.

I am not sure how accurate these predictions will turn out to be, but I am hoping for the best. Check back for my reviews on each book (if I actually read them) to see my final rating and thoughts. Better yet, follow the blog to get post notifications.

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The Holiday Switch // Book Review

Title: The Holiday Switch
Author: Tif Marcelo
Published: 2021
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
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A bookish Filipino-American girl who crosses paths with the innkeeper’s aggravating nephew–but when they accidentally switch phones, their newly discovered secrets draw them together.

With a title like ‘The Holiday Switch’, you’d think this going to be some swap story. However, it has little to do with an actual switch. The main character, Lila, has worked at the cozy local inn for a while, and fancies herself as their best employee. But everything changes, when over winter break, she has to train a new employee, Teddy, who happens to be the nephew of inn’s owner.

First off, this is not some cute enemies-to-lovers swap story. The switch happens fairly early on when the two accidentally swapping phones. However, this gets resolved in a day. That being the end of any switch plot line. While they have each other’s phones, for literally just a few hours. They learn each other’s most deepest secrets.

Lila is hiding her book blog from her overprotective, non-social media loving parents. Teddy has a secret passion of rock climbing that he is very serious about, but he is afraid his family will think it is too dangerous.

“Sometimes it takes a snowstorm to bring two people together, but sometimes it takes one person—and someone you least expect—to help save the day.”

The plot took awhile to get into, and for the first half of the book, I wasn’t invested in the story or supposed romance that was going to happen. I didn’t feel any connection between Lila and Teddy. Sure, Teddy wasn’t the best worker, and was preoccupied with his rock climbing training. But, I found that Lila judged him right off the bat. It seemed that she didn’t like him, because he took away her chance to get extra hours working at the inn. In short, she was just being petty and bitter. Didn’t she ever hear not to judge a book buy it’s cover? Which is ironic seeing as she is a book blogger.

Speaking of her book blog, throughout the book there were review excerpts that she wrote on her blog. It was a nice touch, yet most the books where rated 4 or 5 stars. A little more diversity ratings would have been nice, since not every book can be a 4 star read. However, if all her books are that good, then she is one lucky reader.

This book does focus a lot on both their secrets. And, sharing these secrets help them form a bond. Still, I felt like their friendship and relationship came out of nowhere. Did they even like each other? Or did the mutual agreement to keep each other’s secrets make them want to be together. It really seems like it could be the latter.

As for the side characters, they were all very one dimensional. The author put less thought in everyone surrounding Lila and Teddy. I know a book needs it’s lead, but I like a well round group of supporting character as well. It wasn’t necessarily a bad book, it just wasn’t anything new or exciting. It was pretty forgettable. And overall, there was rather little romance involved in the story.

Also, one of my biggest pet peeves in books is the portrayal of writing as a career. In most every book where a main character wants to be a writer, there is one person that doesn’t believe it is a real career. Seriously, it’s 2022, if people can make a living on social media, then you can be a successful writer. Than again, maybe these authors were judged for their career choice, and are speaking from personal experience.

Please keep in mind that this solely my opinion. I try to be transparent and honest in my reviews. But, I would never want my reading experience to shy you away from reading a book that interests you. If you have any positives about the book, leave them in the comments. If you want to like and share this post, that would be amazing. And, follow my blog for all things bookish, and more!

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12 In 2022 // Yearly TBR

Hi Friends,
I knew that I wanted to do some kind of 2022 TBR, but I decided not to include any new releases. Of course, I will be reading many 2021 and 2022 releases throughout the year, but I wanted to do more of a backlist TBR for the year. If you read my resolutions post, then you know that one of my bookish goals is to read more older titles. I want to read all the books that came out years ago that I have forgotten about. So, here are the 12 books I would like to read this year. Also, keep in mind that I am counting a book series as one book.

Divergent by Veronica Roth: I have heard a lot of mixed things about this series. But, I really want to read it this year. My husband read the entire trilogy, and we’ve seen the first two movies. I would like to read all the books, and possibly the companion novel ‘Four.’

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: I started this series a while ago, but never finished it. I attempted book two, ‘Catching Fire,’ but I put it down and never picked it back up. Now I think it’s time to see if all the hype about the series is true. I have seen the final two movies in the film adaptations, weirdly enough, so I kind of have an idea on how the books end.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer: In 2020, I got the boxed-set for Christmas. Last year, I started the first book on audio, but I loaned it from the library, and had to return it before I was finished. I would like to at least read two or more books in this vampire romance series.

Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian:

I haven’t read a Jenny Han book in a minute. I would love to see what this trilogy is all about. It is the only Jenny Han series that I have yet to read, yet my opinions on her books have been fairly mixed. I hope that I enjoy this one as much as I did the ‘To All The Boys’ trilogy.

A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi: I have heard nothing but good things about this book, and love the premise of it. This book follows a Muslim-American teenage girl. Although, I was born in American, I was raised Muslim. Today, I wouldn’t necessarily consider myself Muslim, but it was a big part of my upbringing. We don’t get a lot of Persian and Muslim representation in books, so I’m excited to read a book that deals with a character that I can relate too.

Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo: I have been very intrigued by this author since I discovered that she writes some books in verse. I am trying to learn more about this type of writing, because it is something I am very interested in. Now I don’t know much about this story, except that people love it. I would also like to read ‘With The Fire On High’ from her as well.

Love from A to Z by S.K. Ali: This is a Muslim teen romance that sounds very sweet and wholesome. I have had this on my overall TBR for a while, but never got around to it. However, I would love to pick it up this year if only because I just learned that the female character is named Zayneb. Fun fact that is my older sister’s name just spelled slightly different.

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord: I am shocked that I haven’t read this yet. It is an adorable YA contemporary that I know I am going to love. I need to read this as soon as possible, because I love all things cute and contemporary. Honestly, I haven’t seen one negative review of this book.

House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland: I used to be in love with this book cover, because it is so different. But then I found out the plot, and knew it was going to be a crazy read. It has sister and mystery elements, with maybe a touch of horror. I haven’t seen too many people reviewing it, so I will be going into it with an open mind.

House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig: I am going to be honest, but this book sounds an awful lot like the one before. However, I have been wanting to read it since it was released two years ago. It is supposedly a ‘Twelve Dancing Princess’ retelling with a dark twist. I have become a big fan of horror and thriller books, and this one sounds pretty good.

American Royals by Katharine McGee: I cannot explain why I desperately want to read the series. Everyone in my life knows that me and royal plots don’t mix. But for some reason I am dying to jump into this trilogy. I have heard that the first book is great, but the second book falls flat. All I know is that this book has a cute romance and drama, and I am here for it.

Lore by Alexandra Bracken: This book was very hyped, leading up it’s release in January 2021. After the book came out, I noticed the hype died down quite a bit. There have been a lot of mixed reviews, with some recommending the book. Others, not so much. It is a YA Greek Gods story, that, despite the polarized opinions, I would still like to read.

I am going to stop myself here, so that this post isn’t novel length. Let me know any of the books on your yearly TBR in the comments. Don’t forget to follow my blog before you go to get notifications on all my new content.

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Books That Missed The Mark // 2021 Disappointments

Hi Friends,
I talked about my favorite books of 2021, but I thought it was time I mentioned some of the books I didn’t love. These books are ones that I didn’t really enjoy, but keep in mind that this is only my opinion. Also, I will link any reviews I have for each book.

Sunkissed by Kasie West
This was probably my biggest disappointment, because Kasie West is an auto read author for me. I usually love all her books, but this one was infuriating to say the least.

One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
This book bored and annoyed me. The concept of a, sort of, time travel romance seemed so cool. Yet, I didn’t connect with the story or writing. Also, I wasn’t a fan of the ending at all.

The Final Girls Support Group by Grady Hendrix
I heard how great this book was for months, but to me it wasn’t worth the hype. However, that could be due to the fact that I am not a big adult book reader. Still, I think it had more to do with the plot than anything.

So, This Is Christmas by Tracy Andreen
Ugh, this book was such a let down. Honestly, I hate that I have to talk about it since I kind of ranted in my review. It was a major disappointment, enough said.

The Holiday Switch by Tif Marcelo
I can’t fault this one too much for being on the list, since I was just excepting something different from the plot. There isn’t necessarily a problem with the book itself. Although, from the title one naturally assumes it will be a cute holiday swap story but sadly it isn’t.

Time Of Our Lives by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley
This is another book that I couldn’t stand. Truthfully, I don’t have anything good to say about this book, which is very unfortunate. The plot fell flat and the female love interest was extremely unlikable.

What’s Not To Love by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley
Yep, there are two books from this author duo on this list. The plot promises an enemies to lovers YA contemporary, which is only half true. The romance was very random and instant lovey. And, don’t even get me started on are female lead.

I am going to end this list here. After looking at all the books I read in 2021 I realize there are more I could add to this list. I guess my reading year 2021 wasn’t the best at all. Nevertheless, these are just my opinions and not every book is intended for every reader. Please tell me if you enjoyed any of these books in the comments. Don’t forget to follow the blog, share and like this post.

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Books With Bunny

To Be Read // January 2022

Hi Friends,
It is a new month, which means a new TBR! I decided to have my husband pick my TBR for January. To make it easy, I just had him chose five books off my GoodReads ‘Want To Read’ shelve. So what books did he end up picking?

“From author Kelly Quindlen comes a poignant and deeply relatable story about friendship, self-acceptance, and what it means to be a Real Teenager. Late to the Party is an ode to late bloomers and wallflowers everywhere.”

I didn’t remember the plot for this book, or why I added it to my TBR, but it seems like a contemporary about self-confidence and breaking out of your shell. Not sure I am still interested in it, but as you can see I am going to be reading it.

“Boarding school has never been more dangerous. What if your roommate is a murderer? Or what if he’s being framed and only you can save him?”

I have been into YA thrillers lately, so I am happy that he ended picking this book. It is also a book I own, and I have been wanting to read from my shelf more this year.

“Two sisters. One brutal murder. A quest for vengeance that will unleash Hell itself… And an intoxicating romance.”

Apparently, he wants me to start a new series this year. I have only read ‘Stalking Jack The Ripper’ by Kerri Maniscalco, but I found her writing to be very atmospheric, which added to the reading experience. I am excited to see where this series takes me.

“Frances Janvier spends most of her time studying. Everyone knows Aled Last as that quiet boy who gets straight A’ s. You probably think that they are going to fall in love or something. Since he is a boy and she is a girl. They don’t. They make a podcast.”

The synopsis baffles me completely. I am very curious to see why so many people love this book.

“In this “raw and well-crafted romance” (Kirkus Reviews), Bea learns that some things just can’t be controlled.”

This is another book that I just so happen to own. He picked this one because of my love for contemporaries and my OCD. But, I am not mad about it.

Those are the books that I have on my TBR for the month. However, if I somehow manage to get to all of them before the end of the month, I might end up doing some mood reading. Let me know the books on your January TBR in the comments.

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Christmas Book Haul 2021

Hi Friends,
Today, I am going to be doing my Christmas book haul. I was lucky enough to get some great books for Christmas for my loved ones. I am a fan of Christmas hauls, and I know others do as well. So, here are the books that I got for Christmas.

Yep, I got many books plus a gift card to buy more books. I am so incredibly thankful and grateful for everything I was gifted. I hope that you got some amazing gifts as well. Also, two of my lovely Twitter friends Emma (BookTube Channel) and Jazz (BookTube Channel) gifted me books from my wishlist. I haven’t received them yet, but it was very kind of them to send me a gift. I hope that you had a great holiday season, and remember the holidays are about family and sharing love not presents.

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The Afterlife Of Holly Chase | Book Review

Title: The Afterlife Of Holly Chase
Author: Cynthia Hand
Published: 2017
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
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On Christmas Eve five years ago, seventeen-year-old Holly Chase was visited by three Ghosts who showed her how selfish and spoiled she’d become. They tried to convince her to mend her ways. She didn’t. And then she died. Now she’s stuck working for the top-secret company Project Scrooge—as their latest Ghost of Christmas Past. So far, Holly’s afterlife has been miserable. But this year’s Scrooge is different. This year’s Scrooge might change everything.

I was very excited to read a YA version of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”. This is a story that has been told many different ways before, and for good reason. A Christmas Carol embodies not only the spirit of Christmas, but also teaches us that we should remember the past, live in the present, and hope for a good future. However, the story is always about an older depiction of Scrooge.

A book that follows a teenager, especially a girl, intrigued me. At first, Holly was an unlikable Scrooge who was too self involved to care about the lessons that the ghosts were trying to teach her. She had lost her mother, and grew distant from her father. She was raised by her bitchy stepmother, which turned Holly cold. However, as the story went on, we learned a lot about Holly. She was regretful, and truly lonely. You could see that there was a good person hidden with in her Scrooge-like exterior.

Because Holly ignores the ghost, she is forced to become the new ghost of Christmas past after her death. But when teenager, Ethan, is chosen as the newest Scrooge. Holly is instantly drawn to this younger, teenage version (as was I). The thing that made Ethan different than other Scrooges, even Holly, was that he still wasn’t all that heartless. True, he was stuck-up, self involved, and thought that money was all that mattered. But, he still managed to show kindness at times.

“My fortune read, ‘It’s never too late to become what one could have been’.”

There were moments throughout the story where I felt bad for Holly and Ethan. You want them to get a happy ending with each other. They both had been through things that contributed to their lack of compassion. But, their shared hardship doesn’t excuse their actions. Especially Holly’s, who was being a bit thoughtless in her communications with Ethan. She was being reckless because she found him cute and interesting. His journey wasn’t about her, but she somewhat made it about herself by only thinking about what she wanted and not focusing on thawing his cold heart.

Still, the love-story aspect was very cute. I understand why Holly and Ethan were attracted to one another. They were both unkind people that had a secret desire to change and be better people. But, they didn’t know how after all the mistakes they had made. Although, the love-story was a big part of the plot, it was the fact that isn’t was a real love-story that made this book so special. This was overall a great, heartwarming story.

The ending was incredible, shocking, and inspiring. It gave me all the feels of “A Christmas Carol”, while still managing to separate itself from the original story. However, from the beginning, the story has always begged the question, “Can people truly change?” I, for one, believe that changing yourself is a choice. One must decide if they want to make that choice.

Do you enjoy the story “A Christmas Carol”? What’s your favorite retelling of it? As always, don’t forget to like and share this review, and follow my little book blog for more content!

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So, This Is Christmas // Book Review

Author: Tracy Andreen
Published: 2021
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
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When Finley Brown returned to her hometown of Christmas, Oklahoma, from boarding school, she expected to find it just as she left it. Christmas hasn’t changed much in her sixteen years. But instead she returns to find that her best friend is dating her ex-boyfriend, her parents have separated, and her archnemesis got a job working at her grandmother’s inn. And she certainly didn’t expect to find the boy she may or may not have tricked into believing that Christmas was an idyllic holiday paradise on her grandmother’s doorstep. It’s up to Finley to make sure he gets the Christmas he was promised. This is Finley’s Christmas. It’s about home and family and friends and finding her place, and along the way she also finds the best Christmas present of all: love.

I was excited to pick up this book, since it was a Christmas contemporary set in Oklahoma. I have family from Oklahoma, and my mom grew up an Okie. However, the book left a bad taste in my mouth, because the author portrayed Oklahomans in a very stereotypical way. Tracy Andreen grew up in Oklahoma, so this could stem from her experience there. Or, the stereotyping was simply supposed to be a joke.

In the book, Finley, returns home for the holidays after spending the semester at an elite boarding school. She spends the holiday season coming to terms with the things that occurred while she was away at school, all while working at her grandmother’s inn. Things get mess when her snobby British schoolmate shows up at the inn with his aunt for the perfect Christmas holiday.

In the book, we meet characters that sound and act like dumb hicks that never left their small Oklahoma town. It seemed like most the girls end up getting pregnant in high school, or at least that how it was with Finley’s family. And, sure Oklahoma is known to be a religious state, but I wouldn’t classify everyone as judgemental.

Moving on, Finley wasn’t enjoyable to read about and, in the audiobook, she had an overly southern accent. Not all Oklahomans have an accent, but apparently in this book they do. Also, the love story didn’t work for me one bit. I didn’t get an ounce of chemistry from them. It felt forced, and I wasn’t buying the enemies-to-lovers story the author was selling.

“Three percent Neanderthal wasn’t it?”

Rather than hate-to-love it was an unexpected romance story. The two didn’t even know each other well enough to hate one another. Perhaps if this was a dual perspective story where we heard from Finley and her love interest, Arthur, I wouldn’t have had such a negative opinion on the romance.

Furthermore, the plot was predictable from the get go, but not in a cute Hallmark movie way. More like a Disney Channel movie that is trying to be relatable and cute. About halfway through the book, I knew exactly how everything was going to turn out. I don’t always mind this, but it is more annoying when the story already isn’t captivating me.

Besides the holiday romance and family drama, the book’s message is that life is tough. Things are hard, but you shouldn’t give up. If you fall down, get back up and try again. Although, I think this is a good message, the book didn’t deliver it well. True, one shouldn’t give up because something is hard. But giving up shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing.

Sometimes we do things that might not turn out the way we hoped. They might be too hard, or just give us stress. It is always okay to say ‘I can’t do this.’ Not every choice you make will be right, but it is better to do what is best for you, than to do something because you feel obligated to. Honestly, life isn’t that black and white, and you should make the best decision you can for yourself.

As you can tell, I had such a great time reading this book. Okay, bad joke. This book was a big letdown, and wished I had DNFed it. Still, if you liked this book, then I am happy for you. I think that I probably rambled way too much in this review, so, sorry (not sorry). Anyhow, give me a like, a share, and a follow.

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Books I Wish I’d Read // In 2021

Hi Friends,
There were so many books that I wanted to read in twenty-twenty one. But, sadly I didn’t have time to read every book on my TBR. If only the days were longer, and I had hours to dedicate to reading. Nevertheless, I put together a list of the top books that I wanted to read, but never got to.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber
“Welcome to Caraval, where nothing is quite what it seems. Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father.”

I was hoping to reread this book, and possibly finish the whole series. However, I was never able to fit it on to my TBR. Although, I don’t think I was ever really in the mood to pick it up. It is, still, a great fantasy series that I would like to complete.

The Lucky List by Rachael Lippincott
“Two girls, one list and twelve chances to fall in love this summer. From the #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Five Feet Apart comes a gripping new romance, perfect for fans of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda.”

I am so sad that I didn’t get around to reading this book. It is by one of the authors of ‘Five Feet Apart,’ which I read this year and loved. I don’t know much about this book except that it is a YA contemporary that gives me summer romance vibes. I think it is a female-female love story, which I am here for.

White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson
“The Haunting of Hill House meets Get Out in this chilling YA psychological thriller and modern take on the classic haunted house story from New York Times bestselling author Tiffany D. Jackson!”

I have heard nothing but good things about Tiffany D. Jackson’s writing. So I was looking forward to picking up her newest novel. I was going to read it in October, but failed to. It is a YA thriller, which is awesome since I have been branching out into that genre lately. I will mostly likely be reading this in October of 2022. Maybe even sooner.

What Once Was Mine (Twisted Tales, #12) by Liz Braswell
“The 12th installment in the New York Times best-selling series asks: What if Rapunzel’s mother drank a potion from the wrong flower?”

I have been getting into the Twisted Tales series, and managed to read two of them this year. When I read the plot of this one, I was anticipating its release. It is a twist on the ‘Tangled’ animated film, which followed Rapunzel. Honestly, I kind of forgot about the book once it was released. I do hope to read it next year, but might get to more of the previous books in the series first.

The Mary Shelley Club by Goldy Moldavsky
“New York Times-bestselling author Goldy Moldavsky delivers a deliciously twisty YA thriller that’s Scream meets Karen McManus about a mysterious club with an obsession for horror.”

I saw this book in store during spooky season, but the cover didn’t wow me. The title did catch my eye, though. However, once I found out about the interesting plot, I already had other books that I wanted to read more. I haven’t seen many people mention the book, but it is high on my radar.

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord
“A fresh, irresistible rom-com from debut author Emma Lord about the chances we take, the paths life can lead us on, and how love can be found in the opposite place you expected.”

This is a book that has been raved about from fans of YA contemporaries for a while. It is a hate-to-love story, which you should know by now is one of my favorite tropes. I think this is a summer read, but as usual, it never made it on to my TBR for the year. Next year, I will for sure pick this up. But, please don’t hold me to that promise.
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“She came from nothing. They had everything. Now there’s only one rule: winner takes all. An utterly addictive and twisty thriller, full of dark family secrets and deadly stakes. Perfect for fans of One of Us is Lying and Knives Out.”

This is one that I heard about later in the year, and it seems like YA thriller with a fascinating mystery aspect. Again, this is one that I didn’t get to pick up during spooky season. I way to preoccupied with Karen M. McManus books to read any other YA thrillers. I do want to make an effort to read this book, which I believe is duology.

The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe
“A slick, twisty YA page-turner about the daughter of a con artist who is taken hostage in a bank heist.”

To be honest, this was a last minute addition to the list. I had seen the cover, but pegged it as an adult thriller. Once I discovered that it was a YA book about a former con-artist, it immediately made it on to my TBR. I read about a con-artist early this year, and that type of character transfixes me. I want to predict that this will be a 4 or 5 star read that I will be picking up sooner rather than later.

Those are some of the many books that I wanted to read in 2021, but didn’t have time to read. Let me know the books you wanted to pick up this year, but never managed to. If you want to give me a holiday gift, then like, share, and follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,