Valentine’s Day Sweetheart | Book Tag

Hi Friends,
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you’re spending today with people you love, or just enjoying some me-time! To celebrate Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d do a book tag inspired by it. YouTuber ‪@PamperedPages‬ created Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Tag, which has some really fun romance related book questions!

It’s not really a Valentine’s candy, but I love sour gummies. But honestly, I’d rather have Valentine’s Day donuts than candy.

Absolutely! I love all types of books, but I’m especially into adult romances and romantasy novels these days.
Related Post: Love On The Brain | Book Review

I usually read a lot of romance novels around Valentine’s Day, but I’m a mood reader, so I don’t stick to one genre. However, because most books I read have a romantic subplot, they still fit the week’s romance theme.

A handwritten love letter! Being an affirmation girl, a simple love letter is enough to make my day feel extra special. And flowers would be a really nice bonus!

Of all the romance authors, I probably own the most books by Ali Hazelwood and Abby Jimenez. I love Ali’s books so much; I buy them as soon as they come out. Believe it or not, I have all of Abby Jimenez’s books and haven’t read a single one. It’s kinda embarrassing to say.
Related Post: Authors I’ll Love | Female Authors

That’ll probably always be Five Feet Apart. It’s one of the saddest romance novels I’ve ever read. This book has the best teen love story ever! But if you read it, get ready for heartbreak.
Related Post: Five Feet Apart | Book Review

This is a really hard question, but I’ll say Epicot. It’s a bit out there, but wouldn’t a Valentine’s Day date trying all that delicious food be so fun?

Definitely “Holly” by Adalyn Grace! It’s a Belladonna novella—a holiday one. I’m a huge fan of that series, so I can’t wait for this book!
Related Post: Belladonna | Book Review

“Love means constantly saying you’re sorry, and then doing better” is one of my all-time favorite quotes about love. It’s a quote from Emily Henry’s Happy Place, a really great second-chance romance novel!
Related Post: Happy Place | Book Review

So I checked, and I’ve got way more books with red spines than pink ones. Seriously, I never realized I had that many red-spined books!

I hope you enjoyed this fun, Valentine’s-themed book tag! Don’t forget to comment your answers and a heart emoji if you’ve made it this far. Follow to the blog—it’s free and you won’t miss any posts!

Until The Next Chapter,

Be My Valentine | Book Recommendations

Hi Friends,
I wanted to share some book recommendations perfect for Valentine’s Day! However, I didn’t want these recs to be filled with only romance books because I know that there are so many types of readers. Some people might only read mystery/thrillers while others prefer fantasy, which is why I create this list with many readers in mind.

The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose

I think this mystery thriller would be a fun Valentine’s Day read. The story follows a woman whose husband stands accused of murdering his lover. Her role now is to defend her husband in court, literally acting as his attorney in the case brought against him. I’ve only read one of this author’s books, and although I wasn’t crazy about it, I’ve heard great things about this one. There’s also a film adaptation in progress, and a sequel book coming soon.

One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid

To be completely honest, I wasn’t a fan of this book. However, it’s a great Valentine’s Day read if you want something emotional with a happy-ish ending. Emma, in the book, ends up marrying her high school sweetheart Jesse. Following Jesse’s unexpected death, Emma returns home and eventually begins a relationship with a former friend. But then, surprise—Jess is alive and wants Emma back, except Emma’s moved on. This book is a total emotional rollercoaster!
Related Post: One True Loves | Book Review

Happily Never After by Lynn Painter

This romcom has a unique twist: the FMC is cynical about love and relationships. To rescue people from terrible marriages, Sophie and Max become a wedding-objecting pair. If you’re a girl who likes witty banter and quick, not-too-mushy romances, you’ll love this book. It’s a friends-to-lovers story with some steamy scenes—if you’re okay with that, it’s a good read!
Related Post: Happily Never After | Book Review

Lonely Hearts Day by Kasie West

This quick YA novella takes place on Valentine’s Day. Scarlett’s not anti-Valentine’s Day, but she’d rather celebrate being single. So, enlisting the help of her longtime best friend, Jack, she hosts a party for all the single students at their high school. However, the undeniable spark between Jack and Scarlett complicates her independent, single identity. This sounds like the perfect lighthearted teen romance to me!

Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

I think the book title practically shouts “fairytale romance”. This young adult romantasy novel, the first in a trilogy, continues the story of the Prince of Hearts from the Caraval series. This book promises an incredible romance intertwined with a fascinating fantasy story! If you’re looking for a fantasy romance this Valentine’s Day, this book is for you.
Related Post: Caraval | Book Review

I hope you found a Valentine’s Day read among those recommendations! Drop your fave romance novel in the comments! Spread the love, share and like this post! Hit the follow button to stay updated on new posts.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Valentine’s Day Sweetheart // Book Tag

Hi Friends,
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m not sure if I have ever done a Valentine’s Day book tag, but if I have I hope it wasn’t this one. But, if it was sorry not sorry. I’ll just be a book tag repeater. This tag was created by Pampered Pages on YouTube. It’s just a fun, bookish tag inspired by one of the most romantic days of the year.

Reese’s hearts all the way! Honestly, as someone that doesn’t enjoy peanut butter it confuses me that I can’t get enough of peanut butter cups. Thus, these have to be my favorite type of Valentine’s Day candy.

Yes! I love me a good adult romcom or young adult romance.

This is hard for me to answer because I do try to read as much romance as I can during February but as a mood reader it’s hard for me to stick with one genre. But, I do generally like to read as many romances that I can in honor of Valentine’s Day.

Let me just say that I’m a happily married women, but if one of my fictional crushes happen to show up at my door the perfect gift would be a love note. I know that’s lame but my love language is words of affirmation.

I have a ton of romances written by the same author. I recently got most of the Chestnut Springs series, I’m only missing one book, and I’m so excited to start it! I have heard that they are just such great, small town! cowboy romances.

The one book that made me sob is ‘Five Feet Apart,’ which is the most heartbreaking and sweet young adult romance. Honestly, it’s not for the faint of heart, but it’s still such a good read. But be prepared to shed a few tears. Maybe more than a few.
Related Post: Five Feet Apart // Book Review

I’m going to be so basic and say Paris. It’s the city of love. I know that’s such a lame answer but it’s on of the places I’ve always wanted to visit.

I feel like I’ve answered this question way too many times, so I’m going with a release that I haven’t mentioned yet. That would be ‘Nothing Like The Movies’ by Lynn Painter. When I found out that ‘Better Than The Movies’ was getting a sequel, I knew that it would most likely be in my top 5 favorite books of the year.

I never remember a lot of my favorite book quotes so I did have to do some digging when it came to this question. I found two quotes that I absolutely adore that I think perfectly describe the feeling of being in love.

“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same” ― Emily Brontë, Withering Heights

“I didn’t fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we’d choose anyway. And I’d choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you and I’d choose you” ― Kiersten White, The Chaos of Stars

After looking at my bookshelf, I believe that I have more books with pink spines than red ones. This kind of makes sense, because most of my romances have more pastel tones for their cover art.

Those are all the questions in this tag, but before you go, let me know in the comments your answers to these questions. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others! As always, follow the blog, so that you never miss a post.

Until The Next Chapter,


The Valentine’s Day Book Tag

Hi Friends,
I know that I’m a day late, but in honor of Valentine’s Day I wanted to do a V-Day inspired book tag. This one was created by Epic Reads on YouTube. I found it to be the perfect a short and sweet book tag.

First Book Crush?
My first book crust was probably Holden Caulfield from ‘The Catcher In The Rye’. He was just broody, with a lot of issues. What can I say, I’m a sucker for a damaged guy that I can help heal. Also, he reminded me a lot of my husband (I have a type, I guess?), so that could be another reason that I fell for him.

What book would you want as your Valentine?
I haven’t read this book in years, but I’m going with ‘Anna and the French Kiss’ by Stephanie Perkins. All I remember is that this is a cute YA contemporary that takes place in Paris. I know that I loved romance and characters in the book. Honestly, I need to give it a reread.

Candy Hearts or Chocolate?
Probably chocolate! But, I would pick Nerds gummy clusters over either of these. I’m a for sure a gummy candy kind of girl. Still, I can appreciate a good piece of chocolate every now and again. Especially on Valentine’s Day.

What book would you gift to your true love?
I’m actually gifting a book to my hubby this Valentine’s Day. The book is ‘Warcross’ by Marie Lu, because I think it’s a book he’d really enjoy. However, another book I’d gift to my love would be ‘Five Feet Apart’ by Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott, and Tobias Iaconis, since it’s a beautiful star-crossed lovers type story.
Related Post: Five Feet Apart // Book Review

Favorite Rom-com?
I have way too many to name, but my top five (yes five), are probably ‘The DUFF’, ‘He’s Just Not That Into To You’, ‘A Cinderella Story’, ‘13 Going On 30’, and ‘Valentine’s Day’. But, the list could seriously go on. Out of all of them I’d have to say that ‘A Cinderella Story’ is my favorite.

Best Valentine’s Day gift you ever received (or want to receive)?
The best I’ve ever received was a Bunny bookmark made by my amazing husband. He’s such a sweetheart. Honestly, my favorite gift is a sweet little note written for me by my love. I’m so cheesy, and I embrace that fact.

Favorite thing about Valentine’s Day (if you love it) OR favorite thing to do on Valentine’s Day (if you hate it)?
I really don’t mind Valentine’s Day, because with life being so hectic, we sometimes forget to show our love. It gives us the opportunity to take a day to just share our appreciation for our loved ones, whether that be a spouse, partner, parent, sibling, or even friend. I think people have gotten this misconception that the holiday is only for couples, but really it’s about spreading and sharing love. And, that doesn’t solely apply to couples. Sorry, I’ll get off my soapbox now.

My favorite thing to do on Valentine’s Day is to get all cozy in bed, with my husband, and watch a bunch of rom-coms, and read a YA contemporary.

There you have the Valentine’s Day Book tag! I’d love to know your answers to these questions, so leave them in the comments. Or, let me know if you’ve done this tag on your blog, and I’ll give it a read.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Do-Over // Book Review

About The Book
In this riotous young adult romp for fans of Recommended for You and A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow, a teen girl has the worst Valentine’s Day ever—only to relive it over and over again. How many days can one girl passively watch her life go up in flames? And when something good starts to come out of these terrible days, what happens when the universe stops doling out do-overs?
Buy The Book:

My Rating

This was one of my highly anticipated releases of 2022, because my love for Lynn Painter’s ‘Better Than The Movies’ book is very strong. In this book, we follow Emilie, who lives the worst Valentine’s Day ever. Well, worst according to a teenage girl. But, in a strange turn of events, she gets stuck in a loop of repeating that terrible Valentine’s Day.

Yes, this is one of those classic ‘Groundhog Day’ retellings. Although, the plot of this book is super predictable, I still found it to be a cute read. And, the writing was, once again, superb.

I had a love/hate relationship with Emilie. There were times that I found her likable and other times I didn’t care much for her character. However, the love interest in the story was great, but I have a thing for the brooding, outcast, sort of bad boy.

The best part of the story was how the relationship between the MC and love interest developed so naturally. You could see their connection growing and them fall for each other. It was very relatable and adorable.

“I fell in love with you on Valentine’s Day, Emilie, but I need more than just seven minutes.”

For me, the outcome of the story was good, and once Emilie started facing things head on, her life changed for the better. Also, I like the addition of Taylor Swift, and I need to get a tattoo that says ‘I had a marvelous time ruining everything!’

However, the thing that hindered my enjoyment of the book was the fact that it gave me tremendous anxiety. Somewhere around the halfway point I dreaded picking the book up, because my anxiety was so high. I have no idea what caused this, but I don’t think it’s an issue that most other readers will have to worry about.

Overall, Lynn Painter has once again released a adorable YA contemporary. Although, it’s not exactly on the same level as ‘Better Than The Movies’. Maybe I’m just not a lover of time loop plots. But, I did love how she didn’t leave the readers hanging, and kind of has an explanation for Emilie’s time loop.

In the comments, tell me if you like the ‘Groundhog Day’ trope in books. And, if you like book reviews, be sure to give the blog a follow.

Until The Next Chapter,

Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Book Tag

Hi Friends,
Today, I am doing a Valentine’s Day inspired book tag! I wouldn’t say that I’m a V-Day fan, but I don’t hate the holiday either. Chocolate and flowers are nice, and YA contemporary is my favorite book genre. The tag that I will be doing is the ‘Valentine’s Day Sweetheart’ Book Tag, created by Pampered Pages.

What is your favorite Valentine’s Day-themed candy?

This is probably the most boring answer, but Reese’s hearts. I don’t normally like peanut butter, but I do like a good Reese’s.

Do you enjoy reading romance?

Yes! I love YA romances the most, but lately I have become a fan of adult romances as well. There is nothing like an adorable and over-the-top fictional romance.

Do you tend to read romance books throughout the Valentine’s Day season?
Not really, I am kind of a mood/planned reader. I am a seasonal reader at times, but with contemporaries being my favorite genre I read them all throughout the year despite the holiday.

Your fictional sweetheart shows up at your door with a Valentine’s Day gift. What is it?
The most romantic gift would be a love note or a song the especially wrote for me. I don’t need shiny things, because I’d marry my true love with paper rings.

How many romance books do you have that are written by the same author?

I have no idea at all, but I do have a few Jenny Han, Kasie West and Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka books.

What is a romance book that made you cry?
Five Feet Apart by Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott, and Tobias Iacon! It was my favorite book of 2021, and it broke my heart.

If you could choose any place (fictional or real) to escape to for a Valentine’s Day date with your sweetheart, where would you like to go?

I want to go somewhere snowy, like to a cabin in the snowy mountains. Somewhere I can go ice skating, make a snowman, or curl up by a fire and read.

Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: What anticipated book release do you know in your heart you will absolutely love?
Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley’s 2022 release ‘With and Without You’, which is a YA romance about a long distance relationship. This touches my heart already, because my husband and I were in a long distance relationship at first.

Do you have any favorite love-themed quotes from any of the books you have read?

All’s Fair In Love And War: Do you have more books with red or pink spines?
Definitely a pink spines. I don’t know if I have any books with a red spine.

I hope that you enjoyed this book tag. In the comments, let me know if you are a Valentine’s Day fan or not. Please follow the blog via WordPress, so my little blog can grow.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Holiday Plan // Book Review

Author: Emma Lyndon
Published: 2022
Genre: Adult/Romance
Rating:Full, star, bookmark, favorite, favourite, like, rating icon - Download on IconfinderFull, star, bookmark, favorite, favourite, like, rating icon - Download on IconfinderFull, star, bookmark, favorite, favourite, like, rating icon - Download on IconfinderFull, star, bookmark, favorite, favourite, like, rating icon - Download on Iconfinder

A heartwarming romance that will whisk you away to a magical winter wonderland and have you reaching for the hot cocoa and box of chocolates long after the holidays.

*I want to thank Hapeth Road Press for sending me a copy of the book for review.*
I was unsure to make of this book, because adult romance and I have a very love/hate relationship. In the beginning, we are introduced to our female lead, Verona, who is a down on her luck author. She is also recently single, and having the worst Valentine’s Day ever. Skip forward a year into the future, where we meet Troy, who is a single father and professional match maker. The two come face to face during Valentine’s Day weekend, at Troy’s biggest match making event of the year.

This is a Hallmark style dual-perspective story. It is filled with romance and predictability, and I ate it all up. It was very cute, and had some witty banter between Troy and Verona. They were both struggling with their own personal issues that went far beyond just work and Valentine’s Day.

Verona was dealing with the feeling of loneliness, due not only to the fact that her romantic future fell apart the previous Valentine’s Day, but she is still reeling from the loss of her best friend and biggest supporter, her aunt Teoni. Troy can’t move past the death of his wife, nor all the guilt he carries from of it. Not only that, but his business is crumbling around him, thanks to a PR nightmare.

“Magic in the mistakes.”

The two weren’t super complex characters, but they felt real. Like everyday people with everyday problems. As you read about these two characters and watch them grow closer, you get butterflies in your stomach. Anyone who has ever been in love should know that feeling pretty well.

The writing was good, and it was an easy read. A straightforward romance, which was neither messy nor over the top. The book sparked a lot of thought provoking questions, one being simply why do we make such a big deal about Valentine’s Day? Is it really necessary to celebrate a holiday that makes others feel even more lonely than they might already? Shouldn’t we tell people we love them and do romantic things all year long? Do you think the whole celebration of Valentine’s Day is an antiquated idea?

Another question the book indirectly asks, is if one should go looking for love. The entire book centers around a Valentine’s Day ‘looking for love’ event. Basically, a giant week long singles mixer. People pay tons of money in hops of finding their other half, which, in Verona’s opinion, is ridiculous. Is it better to let love find you? Or to go searching for it?

By the end, both Verona and a Troy learn that you don’t have to go actively looking for love – you just have to be open to the possibility of it. And, you risk the chance of getting hurt, but some people are worth that risk. Honestly, the book couldn’t get anymore sappy, but in a good way. I am not by any means calling this book’s sweetness a bad thing, because I was all for it.

However, there was this small found family side plot that didn’t really fit in with the rest of the story. I understood what the author was trying to do by including it, but the story would have worked just as well without it. I would have preferred it without, actually. Nevertheless, the ending wrapped everything up with a neat little bow, and was very delightful.

If you are a fan of Hallmark movies and your stereotypical adult romance books (think Debbie Macomber) then I would give it a read. Also, if Hallmark does adapt it into a movie, I would make the perfect Verona, just saying. Before you go, share and like this post. Also, don’t forget to follow the blog so you will never miss a post.

Until The Next Chapter,

Some Girls Do // Books Meet Beauty // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
Valentine’s Day is is just around the corner, so I thought I would do my first ‘Book Meets Beauty’ post. I picked a book and created a makeup looked based off the cover. I choose my book cover with Valentine’s Day in mind. I loved the purples and pinks in the cover, so I played off of them. I think that the look turned out nice, and it reminds me of the cover. But, keep in mind that I am know makeup professional and just do makeup for fun.

elf Superhydrate Gel Moisturizer
Cate Watermelon Burst Setting Spray
Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Glow
Essence Pretty Natural Hydrating Foundation
Wet n’ wild Concealer Make-Up Stick
L.A. Colors Translucent Setting Powder
Almay Smart Shade Blush (Coral)
Mac Extra Dimension Skin Finish Highlighter

Elf Putty Eye Primer
I Heart Revolution Eyeshadow Palette (Strawberry Cheesecake)
* Creased Shade: Syrup
* Lid Shade: Drizzle
* Outer Corner Shade: Juicy
*Brow Bone Shade: Butter
L.A. Colors Auto Liner (Black)
Maybelline ‘Sky High’ Mascara (Black)

Revlon Sheer Lipstick (820 Pink Cognito)

If you like these type of post combining my love of beauty and books please like and share this post with others.

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