Summerween 2023 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
I know that I’ve just posted my July TBR, but July 7th was the start of Summerween! If you’d don’t know what Summerween is, you’re missing out. For all the details on the readathon, you can watch Gabby from GabbyReads announcement video on Youtube. Basically, this is just a week-long readathon that is all about bringing the spooky season into summer, hence the name: Summerween. There are only a few prompts, and I think my TBR is quite manageable to participate in a week long readathon.

Read A Thriller:
For this prompt I’m going to be reading ‘Every Last Fear’ by Alex Finlay, which, as you might know, is already on my July TBR. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Read A Book Set In Fall: –and– Read A Book With Orange Or Black On The Cover:
Now I could be completely wrong, but I think that ‘The Haunting of Aveline Jones’ by Phil Hickes takes place in the fall. There are even leaves on the cover, and the color orange. So, I’m going to be using the book for two prompts.

Read A Manga, Graphic Novel, Or Novellla:
Last month, I started the ‘Fence’ graphic novel series by C.S. Pacat. I’m on volume 2, so I’ll probably end up reading that during the readathon.

There is one more prompt, which is simply to read at night or in the dark. I didn’t pick a specific book for that because I’ll probably use one of my already picked books to complete that prompt.

In the comments, let me know if you are also participating in Summerween. What’s on your TBR? Don’t forget to like this post and follow my blog!

Until The Next Chapter,

Anticipated Releases // Summer 2023

Hi Friends,
Today, I’m going to be talking about my summer anticipated book releases! This years has been full of amazing book releases. I cannot wait to read all of these books! I’m hopeful that I will get to at least some of these new releases this summer, because they all sound so good. But, I do want to preface that I only have limited knowledge of what each of these books are about. What can I say, I like to go into books a little blind.

Summer Rental by Rektok Ross (June 13th): This book is tag-lined as Mean Girls meets Scream, which is all I need to know. I believe that it’s a YA thriller about a group of friends trapped on an island with a serial killer. I’m thinking it’s going to be more of a campy thriller, which I can get behind.

The Only One Left by Riley Sager (June 20th): I’ve been wanting to get into Riley Sager books for a while now, and this one sounds amazing. The book takes place in the 80’s, where we’re following Kit. She is a home health aid for Lenora, an old woman that is unable to speak or move anything but her left hand, due to polio. Here’s the kicker, as a teenager Lenora was accused of killing her parents and sister, yet she was never charged with their murders. Soon Kit starts to suspect that Lenora might be more dangerous than she thinks. My interest is piqued!

The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston (June 27th): I’m not sure how I feel about this book, because it’s giving off serious ‘The Lake House’ vibes. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, ‘The Lake House’ is a movie starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, in which they both live in the same house, but in different timelines, and somehow they end up communicating with one another. This book follows what seems to be a similar plot. Although, I didn’t love the movie, I know that Poston’s adult romance ‘The Dead Romantics’ was a big hit last year, so I want to give this book a chance.

Business or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon (July 4th): I’m actually very excited for this book, because the premise sounds really funny. This is an adult romance following a ghost writer and a C-list actor, who have a less-than-satisfactory one-night stand. Cue some “lessons in satisfaction” and it sounds like a winning plotline to me. I haven’t read anything by this author before, but I’ve heard some good things about her books. Also, who doesn’t like mixing a little pleasure with business every now and again.

Ghosted: A Northanger Abbey by Amanda Quain (July 25th): As you can tell from the title, this is a Northanger Abbey by Jane Austin retelling. It is a young adult story about a high school senior, and there’s a ghost hunting element. That’s pretty much all I know about this book, which, according to GoodReads, has X-Files vibes to it.

One of Us Is Back by Karen M. McManus (July 25th): Why do I feel like I’ve talked about this book a lot? Probably, because it’s one of my most anticipated releases of the entire year. If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, then you know that Karen M. McManus is on of my favorite authors! She writes some of the best (at least, in my opinion) young adult mystery thrillers. This is the next, and possibly last, installment book is part of her ‘One of Us is Lying” series, and I could not be any more ready for it.

The Trap by Catherine Ryan Howard (August 1st): This is a psychological thriller set in Ireland. It follows Lucy, who is trying to uncover what happened to her sister Nicki that disappeared a year ago. The book is inspired by a series of still-unsolved disappearances that took places in the 90’s. The fact that there’s a real world element to these books makes the plot even more exciting.

Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine (August 1st): I was stoked to find out that Danielle Valentine was coming out with another horror novel. Last year, I read her book ‘How To Survive Your Murder’ in about a day. It was such a fun, campy, slasher horror book. However, this book is an adult thriller, which I’m typically more of a fan of. I also heard that it is the basis for the next season of American Horror Story. And, as a reader, I have to read the book before watching the show. It’s practically a law.

Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney (August 3rd): I’ve only read ‘Rock Paper Scissors’, which I did really like. But, she is known as the queen of plot twists, so I’m looking forward to picking this book up. The book follows two crimes which, despite happening twenty years apart, are somehow linked. This book is said to have a lot of twists, and let’s face it, the twists are what make a good thriller.

Foxglove by Adalyn Grace (August 22nd): This is the sequel to ‘Belladonna’, which was a fantastic YA fantasy. The first book ended on a cliffhanger, and I cannot wait to find out what happens next. Honestly, ‘Belladonna’ shocked me with how good it was, so I’m hoping that the next installment doesn’t let me down. Other than the fact that it’s a sequel, I actually don’t know much about the plot, but I’m okay with that.

There you have my summer 2023 most anticipated book releases. of course there are a ton more releases I want to get to, but these are the ones at the top of my list. In the comments, share your most anticipated book release with me. Don’t forget to hit the follow button before you leave.

Until The Next Chapter,

Mexican Gothic | Book Review

About The Book
Something sinister is brewing beneath an isolated mansion in the Mexican countryside, and an ancient evil is about to be exposed. From the author of Gods of Jade and Shadow comes “a terrifying twist on classic gothic horror” (Kirkus Reviews) set in glamorous 1950s Mexico. With callbacks to classics like Rebecca, Jane Eyre and The Haunting of Hill House, Moreno-Garcia proves that she is just as consumed by stories of haunted houses as we are in this new gothic horror with a twist.
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My Rating

I’m not exactly sure how to describe this book, but I will say that it was a gripping read. In the book, we follow Noemi whose family receives a letter from her newly married cousin. A letter requesting help. Noemi is basically sent to rescue her cousin from her new family, but this rescue mission is proving to be more complex than she originally thought it would be.

This book was eerie and gothic inspired. As a main character, Noemi was confident and strong despite other regarding her as just a common socialite and a bit flighty. I liked that not only could she be that high society girl, but she also has a good head on her shoulders. And, let me just say, the sprinkle of romance added into this mainly gothic suspense was very well done and a nice touch.

If you are looking for a fast-paced plot, this book has you covered! Also, I love when books give off movie vibes, which is another thing Silvia Moreno-Garcia perfected with this book. Speaking of Silvia Moreno-Garcia, her writing is fantastic. The book was very easy to get sucked into, and often, that stems from the writing.

“We thought monsters and ghosts were found in books, but they’re real, you know?”

As I mentioned before, the story was super interesting. Which, in a way, shocked me. I had heard good things about this book, but I hadn’t read a lo,t if any, gothic style thrillers, so I was unsure of what to expect. Nevertheless, I found myself unable to put the book down. I will say that the book is far more creepy than it is actually scary, if that makes any sense.

The major con I have with book was that there was a lot going on. I had to go back and reread chapters, because I wasn’t sure what exactly was happening. However, some people might think that’s a good thing, when it comes to a thriller book. Sadly, I’m not one of those people.

Overall, I enjoyed the ride that the book took me on. I was shocked a lot of the time, and despite the fact that ending left me confused, I would still recommend this book to other thriller readers. Also, I don’t know if this is just me, but the ending gave me major ‘The Nun’ movie flashbacks.

In the comments, let me know which of Silvia Moreno-Garcia books I should read and review next. Don’t forget to give my blog a follow so you never miss a post.

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2023 Mid-Year Book Freakout // Book Tag

Hi Friends,
Today I’m doing the classic ‘Mid-Year Book Freakout’ Book Tag! This tag is a very popular one among the book community. If you’d like, you can check out my 2021 and 2022 editions of this tag.

I’m going to say ‘Belladonna’ by Adalyn Grace. This is a young adult fantasy that I couldn’t put down. I can’t wait for the sequel to be released! Other than that, I feel like my reading year hasn’t been the best.
Related Post: Belladonna // Book Review

Because I’m terrible at finishing series, I haven’t read too many sequel. So, there’s only one answer for this question and that would have to be ‘Finale’ by Stephanie Garber. It’s the conclusion to the ‘Caraval’ trilogy. I enjoyed how the ending, but it wasn’t my favorite book in the series.
Related Post: Finale // Book Review

You Shouldn’t Have Come Here’ by Jeneva Rose is an adult thriller about a woman that rents an Airbnb ad falls for the owner of it. But, their romance goes from sweet to obsessive. It was released back in April of 2023 and I still haven’t had the chance to pick it up. I haven’t read anything by this author, but I tend to have good luck with adult thrillers, so I have high hopes for this book.

This is a no brainer! It’s is, for sure, ‘One of Us Is Back’ by Karen M. McManus, which will be released on July 25th. I loved ‘One of Us is Lying’ and ‘One of Us is Next’, so I’m very excited for the next book in this YA thriller series of companion novels. Hopefully we get to see more of Knox and Phoebe relationship.
Related Post: One Of Us Is Lying // Book Review

Probably, ‘Five Survive’ by Holly Jackson. I’m a pretty big fan of the ‘Good Girl’s Guide To Murder’ trilogy by this author, but this book was a fail. It was my first read of the year and put me in a reading slump. The whole premise behind the book was subpar and the writing wasn’t up to her usual standards.
Related Post: Five Survive // Book Review

I’m going to have to say my biggest reading surprise of the year, so far has been ‘With and Without You’ by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley. I have read all of their YA novels, and only ever truly liked one of them. But, this book shocked me and was a 5 star read. It was such a cute YA contemporary romance that had a long distance relationship element, which isn’t something you typically see in YA books.

I’ve apparently been sleeping with regard to Kara Thomas’ young adult thrillers. I read ‘The Cheerleaders’ and it was a really captivating mystery. The writing was wonderful and it’s made me want to pick up all of her books.

I’ve got two answers for this question. The first being, Patrick from ‘With and Without You’, because if I was a teen girl, I would be swooning for this boy. And, the second is Four from ‘Divergent’ by Veronica Roth. What can I say I guess I have a thing for quiet, strong, serious guys.

Vera from ‘Shady Hollow’ by Juneau Black is a great main character. Yes, she is a fox, but I love her personality, and she’s become one of my new favorite characters.
Related Post: Shady Hollow // Book Review

So far, I actually haven’t read a book that has made me cry. But, I did find ‘Then She Was Gone’ by Lisa Jewell really sad. Honestly, for a mystery thriller, it’s pretty heartbreaking.
Related Post: Then She Was Gone // Book Review

The Stand-In’ by Lily Chu brought a smile to my face. It’s an adult romance that I adored. The entire plot and writing was great, and I had a really fun time reading it.

The special edition of ‘Daughter of the Pirate King‘ by Tricia Levenseller. I pre-ordered it, so it isn’t released until my birthday (June 27th). But, I’m still counting it as the most beautiful book I’ve bought this year. And, yes I did pre-order the rest of the series special editions as well. Before you ask, no, I haven’t read the series yet.

My TBR is far too long for this question. However, I’m really hoping to complete some book series that I’ve started. One that is high on my list is ‘Our Violent Ends’ by Chloe Gong, since I really enjoyed ‘These Violent Delights’. It should be easy to get a few duologies finished by the end of the year. At least, that’s what I’m hoping.
Related Post: These Violent Delights // Book Review

In the comments, let me know if you have done this tag too. Don’t forget to like and share this post. Also, hit the follow button to get notified whenever there’s a new post.

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Five Total Strangers // Book Review

About The Book
Mira needs to get home for the holidays. Harper, Mira’s glamorous seatmate from her initial flight, offers her a ride. Harper and her three friends can drop Mira off on their way home. Soon, roads go from slippery to terrifying. People’s belongings are mysteriously disappearing. Someone in the car is clearly lying, and may even be sabotaging the trip—but why? And can Mira make it home alive, or will this nightmare drive turn fatal?
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My Rating

My feelings about this book are very mixed. I think the plot was really good, but the story wasn’t as fleshed out as I would’ve liked. In the book, we follow Mira, who gets trapped at the airport during a blizzard. Instead of waiting for the storm to pass, she accepts a ride with 4 other teenagers.

Mira was an unlikable main character for many reasons, but the main one being that I found her to be so naive and clueless. She would willingly believe anything if they put the right amount of doubt in her mind. She never trusted her instincts, or stopped and thought before jumping to conclusions.

The rest of the characters were generic and didn’t have much depth to them. Sure, they played a part in the story, but the plot really does revolve around Mira. However, I didn’t hate any of the characters, which I’d say is a good thing.

My biggest complaint is that the book was very, very slow. I am a fan of fast paced mystery/thrillers, and this one just wasn’t one. I felt like nothing was really happening, and I just kept waiting for things to pick up.

“Six awkward hours in the car with strangers, and I’ll be home with my mom. It’s going to be fine.”

Now, the book did keep me guessing and reading, which is a good thing. But I just wanted more excitement, and more action! For it to be more thrilling. Maybe that’s just a me thing, but if I am reading a mystery/thriller type book, I want to be on the edge of my seat, and not know what to expect every chapter.

The outcome of the story was pretty good, and it did start picking up during the last couple chapters. Also, I was a fan of the writing. All in all, I just wished I liked the general plot and how things played out a little bit more.

Overall, I didn’t hate the book, but I probably wouldn’t recommend it either. However, if you’re looking for a middle of the road, very easy to read, slow thriller, you could give this one a read. Especially if you’re just getting into the YA thriller genre. In short, I would probably pick up more of this author’s books in the future.

In the comments, let me know if this book is on your TBR. Don’t forget to support my blog by hitting the follow button.

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White Smoke // Book Review

About The Book
Marigold is running from ghosts. The phantoms of her old life keep haunting her, but a move with her newly blended family from their small California beach town to the embattled Midwestern city of Cedarville might be the fresh start she needs. The renovated picture-perfect home on Maple Street, sitting between dilapidated houses, surrounded by wary neighbors has its. . . secrets. But “running from ghosts” is just a metaphor, right?
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My Rating

Right off the bat, I was unsure about the writing of this book. For some reason, I didn’t love the author’s writing style, and felt it was going to be a more slow-paced young adult thriller, which it did end up being. However, in the book, we have an unreliable narrator, so I enjoyed that aspect a lot.

Marigold has moved with her newly blended family to a small town, and is trying to leave her addiction in the past, after it almost ended her life. So, drug use is mentioned a lot throughout the story. I found it interesting to see Marigold’s struggle with addiction, because you could see her wanting to stay clean, but the addict part of her brain was trying to convince her that she needed to use.

She also deals with OCD, which is a mental illness that I haven’t read about in books before. I liked the way the author talked about all these different issues, while still keeping the core of the book as a thriller. However, I didn’t find Marigold to be very likable. She had a brother that she was close to, but didn’t even want try and connect with her younger stepsister. It frustrated me to no end.

“The house stills. The house heard us.”

As for the thriller part of the plot, it was pretty slow moving. But, once you hit about the 50% mark, things get creepy. While Marigold is trying to explain away these unexplainable incidents, thinking they’re caused by her addiction, you as the reader just know something isn’t right with the house. There were times that I was freaked out and had goosebumps.

I didn’t see the ending coming at all. It was way more hard hitting than I expected, and it was a shocking turn of events to say the least. This book really straddles the line between young adult contemporary and thriller. It leaned a little too much towards the contemporary side of things for me, but I understand how some people might not feel that way.

Overall, it was a good read, and I probably would have enjoyed it more if it had been more fast-paced. The book just took a little too long to grab my attention and creep me out. I actually DNF’ed it the first time around, but I am glad I gave it another chance.

In the comments, let me know if you prefer fast or slow paced thrillers. Don’t forget to follow my blog if you like bookish content.

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Then She Was Gone // Book Review

About The Book
She was fifteen, her mother’s golden girl. She had her whole life ahead of her. And then, in the blink of an eye, Ellie was gone. Ten years on, Laurel has never given up hope of finding Ellie. And then she meets a charming and charismatic stranger who sweeps her off her feet. But what really takes her breath away is when she meets his nine-year-old daughter. Because his daughter is the image of Ellie.
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My Rating

I had heard nothing but good things about this book. And, going into it, I was expecting it to be a thrilling mystery-thriller. However, the story wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be.

In the book, we follow Laurel, whose daughter Ellie disappeared when she was just fifteen year old. 10 years later, Laurel meets Floyd, whose daughter Poppy looks almost identical to Ellie.

The plot sounded so intriguing, but predictable from the start. Honestly, there wasn’t many shocking twist in the book. I think even a newbie mystery reader could have figured out where the story was going.

As a main character, Laurel was a classic mother of a missing child, at least as far as pop culture is concerned. She took 10 years to even attempt to move on from losing Ellie. And, she had a strained relationship with her other two kids and husband because of her resentment towards them for Ellie’s disappearance.

“When I read a book it feels like real life and when I put the book down it’s like I go back into the dream.”

It was interesting to get chapters in Ellie’s perspective. Reading those chapters made me imagine what it would be like loosing a child. Nothing can compare to that kind of nightmare. It’s a horrifying, and nobody should have to go through that kind of situation.

However, the writing wasn’t as engaging as I’d would have liked. I found the pacing to be pretty slow. I’ve heard a lot of people mention that it is a quick read, and while I did finish it in a day, I wouldn’t necessarily consider the book to be fast-paced. Still, the story wasn’t interesting enough to keep me reading.

Overall, I would say that this for sure a mystery but not at all a thriller. For the most part, you already no where the story is going to go. Also, I found the book to be very sad. The ending broke my heart. I just felt so bad for Laurel, Ellie, Poppy, and mostly every character by the end of the book.

Before you read this book be sure to check out the trigger warnings. StoryGraph is a great resource for looking up trigger warnings in books. Don’t forget to like this post and follow my blog to get post alerts.

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Friday Reads #16

Hello Friends,
Let’s do a weekend reading breakdown! I love sharing what I hope to read over the weekend with you guys. So, here is my Friday reads and it’s an ambitious one. But, what else is new.

A Magic Steeped in Poison‘ by Judy I. Lin
I’m on a fantasy kick and this book is fulfilling all my fantasy needs right now. I’m not far into it but the writing is amazing. And, so far I’m loving the story.

She Is a Haunting‘ by Trang Thanh Tran
I have been dying to read this book since I got the audiobook on release day. Honestly, I can’t remember the plot but I know that it’s a YA horror. This also happens to be my ‘The Reading Rabbits’ book club pick!

The Way I Used to Be‘ by Amber Smith
If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time you know that I love a good young adult contemporary. However, I haven’t really had the desire to pick any up lately. Yet, I picked this book out of my TBR jar so I would like to read it this month.

The Book of Cold Cases‘ by Simone St. James
I’ve been very intrigued by this book lately and it’s kind of been calling to me. It’s an adult thriller, so I’m most likely going to love it. Although, getting to it this weekend might be a bit of a stretch.

Those are the books I’m hoping to read with in 3 days. Yeah, I might be a little insane. In the comments, let me know what you are planning to read this weekend. Don’t forget to follow the blog for more bookish content.

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Spring 2023 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
Today, I’m going to be doing my Spring TBR! I’ve decided to start doing more seasonal TBRs, since I’m a huge mood readers. However, I’ve been super active on Bookstagram and Booktok. And, on Booktok I’ve started doing a TBR jar, so each month I’ll pick out four books from that jar. If you want to see my picks for April go follow me on TikTok (@BooksWithBunny). Anyways, let’s get on to the books I hope to read this spring!

Mr. Wrong Number by Lynn Painter: I have become a huge Lynn Painter fan, so I have decided to dive into her adult romances. I hear that this is a really funny and cute romance.

Love Wager by Lynn Painter: This is the second book in her ‘Mr. Wrong Number’ series. I don’t know much about it but the color is yellow, which makes me think of spring.

The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston: I’ve read some of the authors YA work before, and admittedly, didn’t love them. However, I’ve heard only good things about this book. It’s a romance with a main character that falls in love with a ghost. It’s giving off major ‘Just Like Heaven’ vibes.

Weather Girl by Rachel Lynn Solomon: I have absolutely no idea what this book is about, but it follows a weather girl, so I’m sold. Anyone who knows me in real life knows that I’m obsessed with the weather, so this book is perfect for me.

The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez: This is an adult romance that has to do with a women that is infertile. I’m excited to read this because Abby Jimenez is a very popular author, but, as I’m struggling to conceive as well, it might be a very hard read for me.

With And Without You by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley: I have a love hate relationship with this author duo. I loved their book ‘If I’m Being Honest’ but have hated nearly all of their other books. However, I’m going to give this one a read, and see if they can prove they’re not just a one hit wonder in my book.

She Gets the Girl by Alyson Derrick and Rachael Lippincott: All I know is that this is a queer love story, and it’s written by one of the authors of ‘Five Feet Apart’. Enough said.

Promposal by RaeChell Garrett: This was on my most anticipated romance releases of 2023. As you can tell from the title it’s a young adult contemporary about prom. So, I have to read it around prom seasons.

Tell Me What Really Happened by Chelsea Sedoti: I know nothing about this book, except for the fact that it’s a YA mystery/thriller, but leans more toward the mystery side of things. The cool thing is that it’s told mostly through police interviews.

She Is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran: Honestly, I can’t remember what this book is about, but I know that it’s a YA thriller. And, it is said to be perfect for fans of ‘Mexican Gothic’. While I didn’t love that book, I remember being intrigued by this one’s plot.

The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager: I’ve been wanting to pick up a Riley Sager book for sometime and this is the one I’ve chosen to read first. I believe it’s about a woman that thinks she witnessed a murder. However, I’m pretty sure she’s an unreliable narrator.

Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins: This book has mixed reviews, but I still want to read it for myself. It is a ‘locked island’ thriller, which sounds unlike anything I’ve read before.

There you have my somewhat big spring TBR! Let me know what you are hoping to read this spring in the comments. Don’t forget to give my blog a follow.

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Five Survive // Book Review

About The Book
Red and her friends are on a road trip. When their RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere with no cell service, they soon realize this is no accident. They have been trapped by someone out there in the dark, someone who clearly wants one of them dead.
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My Rating

Honestly, I had such high hopes for this book after reading the ‘A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder’ trilogy (even though I wasn’t a fan of the last book). But, I thought this would be a fast-paced thriller. However, I didn’t find it to be engaging. I’d even say it was a bit boring.

I didn’t like any of the characters, and I hate when authors try to make us feel sympathy for the main character. I kept hoping that the plot would pick up, but I was sadly disappointed.

It didn’t feel like a mystery/thriller at all. I wasn’t excited to pick it up, but I’m not disappointed that I finished it. Although, I would have been better off DNFing it.

I didn’t like being in the main character’s mind at all. She was such a plain, boring, and depressing character. And, I wondered why any of the characters were even friends. I personally wouldn’t have been friends with any of them. Especially Oliver, whom I despised.

“This is turning into Lord of the Fucking Flies. We’re going to end up killing each other, forget about the sniper.”

There were a few twists in the book. Some I saw coming, and others I didn’t. But, the twists weren’t enough to make up for the slow and uninteresting plot. In my opinion, there has to be more to a story than a few good twists.

The book reminded me a lot of ‘The Woods Are Always Watching’ by Stephanie Perkins, which I did DNF. Truthfully, I finished for the author. But sadly, the writing just wasn’t on the same level as her previous trilogy.

I did hear that the author wrote this book in somewhere between 6-8 weeks, and it shows. Perhaps if it wasn’t so rushed and she took more time, the book would have been more developed. However, I’m not sure if more time would have help make the plot more interesting, or the characters more likable.

Overall, if you are looking for an interesting mystery/thriller, look somewhere else. Better yet, just pick up Holly Jackson’s ‘A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder’ books, because they better showcase the authors talent.
Related Post: A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder // Book Review

In the comments, please tell me I’m not alone in my distaste for this book. Don’t forget to like this post, and hit the follow button!

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