Convenient Interruptions // Pre-Order Now

Hi Friends,
I never truly imagined that this day would come, and even now it feels surreal. Convenient Interruptions, my first ever book is now available for pre-order here. This is a collection of poems that mean so much to me. The book will be solely available on Amazon, and the paperback will be available the day the ebook is released. As of now, KDP only allows you to do a pre-order for an ebook, so if you would like to pre-order the ebook version please do so here. Otherwise, you can buy the paperback edition on April 12, 2022. Thank you for all of the support! And, follow my blog to support me even more.

Until The Next Chapter,

Books, Blogging And More

Hi Friends,
I have a life and blog updated for you all today. My hope is that in doing this post, I can keep myself accountable. These are a bunch of fun goals that I want to accomplish. Not sure where time will take me, but “I have some dreams to make true” (comment if you get that reference).

It has been a goal of my for sometime to self-publish books. I am going the self-publishing route for two reasons. First, I have a lot of respect for self-published authors. Secondly, I don’t want to put my mental health through the stress and possible rejection that comes from looking for a publisher. Anyhow, let’s talk about my books. I have been dying to put out a poetry collection for sometime now, and I already have a title and a draft of a cover. Now it’s time for the editing and formatting stage.

My goal is to have it out by winter of 2021, or early 2022. I have a children’s picture book completely thought out, and on the process of getting the artwork done. I would like to release that by March of 2022. Currently, my main focus is a YA thriller that is reminiscent of classic teen horror flicks. I am working on the manuscript and taking my time getting it just right. I would like to have that released by October 2022 or Fall of 2023. For me it is about quality, not speed. I have a loose idea for a magic-realism middle grade and an adult rom/com novel, but those won’t be out for a few years. Comments about self-publishing tips or advice would be great!

If you are a reader, you are a candle lover as well. For some reason candles and reading go hand-in-hand. I am starting a small candle business. I want to make a few small fall candles, then winter ones as well. The goal is to create scents that you can’t find anywhere else. The plan in the future is to release themed collections, which will be a lot of fun. I would love to know your scent ideas in the comments below. You can follow the company’s Instagram page to stay updated on our progress.

As for my blog, I wanted to let you know that I will be officially doing “The 13 Days of Spooktober” as well as “The 12 Days of Bookmas/Blogmas”. I already have most of my posts planned out, but topic suggestions in the comments. Not all of my posts will be book related, but I do think I have a good mix of lifestyle and book posts planned. “Thankful Thursday” may also be a thing in November, which will consist of mostly lifestyle posts.

I am going to be doing a giveaway in October too. I picked October, since everyone is bound to do a holiday giveaway. Also, October is close to my heart because I got married on Halloween. Another thing is that I have a readathon idea, so I might be hosting that sometimes next year. Do you prefer just prompts? Or would people prefer a bingo board? Last, I might be starting a book club, but more info about that will be on my Twitter.

If you read this entire post, thank you! I love getting my readers’ feedback. Don’t forget to like and share this post. And, if you aren’t already doing so, go subscribe to my blog to get post notifications.

Until The Next Chapter,