Bridge Of Souls // Book Review

Title: Bridge of Souls (Cassidy Blake #3)
Author: Victoria Schwab
Published: 2021
Genre: Middle-Grade/Paranormal
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Nothing can prepare Cass for New Orleans, which wears all of its hauntings on its sleeve. In a city of ghost tours and tombs, raucous music and all kinds of magic, Cass could get lost in all the colourful, grisly local legends. And the city’s biggest surprise is a foe Cass never expected to face: a servant of Death itself.
Credit: GoodReads

I was sad to finish off this trilogy, but excited to see how things would end. In my opinion, the previous books were slightly different from each other, but followed a similar format. The first book was spooky and interesting. While the second book was gripping, it was quite sad as well. I was curious to see where this book would fall.

For me, the story was a bit underwhelming. As the reader, you could tell that the author was trying hard to make the story spine-chilling and exhilarating, but something about it didn’t work. I wasn’t as invested in the plot, and characters like with the other books. In this book, we aren’t following a ghost mystery, but being chased by a soul eater. Personally, I missed the simple story of helping a ghost move on.

One of my major issues with the book was Cassidy’s personality. In the earlier books I had nothing against her, but this time around she thoroughly annoyed me. It is possible that I was more critical this time around, with it being the final book. But she acted reckless and immature throughout the book. She wouldn’t listen to anyone putting others lives in danger.

“Once, I stole from Death. I’m ready to do it again.”

I was glad to see that Lara was back, since she is my favorite character. Not only do I love her accent, but her intellect as well. As always, Jacob is a treat and adds the much needed comic relief. I did feel as if we didn’t see many of the side characters in this book. Cassidy and Jacob were alone a lot of the story until Lara joined them. I could be wrong, but I remember Cassidy’s parents being more prominent in the other books.

One thing’s for sure Schwab had a way of bringing each city to life. This time around we are in New Orleans, yet the author didn’t utilities the city as she did with Scotland and Paris. The only thing that was talked about was New Orleans cuisine.

Don’t get me wrong, the book wasn’t all bad. I do enjoy Schwab’s writing and storytelling. However, the energy in the story was off, and it didn’t read like the first and second book. The ending to the series was satisfying, but there was something missing in the plot.

These are good middle-grade ghost stories that I can see fans of Neil Gaiman enjoying. The author left the series somewhat open-ended, so she might revisit these characters in the future. If you asked me to name my favorite book out of all three, I’d pick ‘Tunnel of Bones.’

Let me know if you have read the Cassidy Blake trilogy. Did you like the final book? Please like and share this review. Don’t forget to follow my blog for more bookish content.

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Little Women | Book Review

Title: Little Women
Author: Louisa May Alcott
Published: 1869
Genre: Classic/Contemporary
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Generations of readers young and old, male and female, have fallen in love with the March sisters of Louisa May Alcott’s most popular and enduring novel, Little Women. Here are talented tomboy and author-to-be Jo, tragically frail Beth, beautiful Meg, and romantic, spoiled Amy, united in their devotion to each other and their struggles to survive in New England during the Civil War.
Credit: GoodReads

Being a long-time fan of the movie adaptations, I knew that I was eventually going to have to pick this book up. The story is very iconic and timeless. At a young age, my mom would compare me to Jo. At 15 years-old, I thought that this was the highest of compliments.

Each sister (Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy) had their own stories, but they were all connected. They learned to be selfless, grow-up and above all less that family comes first. Jo March is the most notable character from the book. Probably because her arc is the main focus of the story. Also, she was an offbeat girl of that time, which was refreshing. I found Jo to be a little too stubborn for my liking, but I did notice some similarities between me and her.

Jo was outspoken, strong and not afraid to be herself. Throughout the book she mentioned how marriage, class or money wasn’t her goal. She wanted to be known for her talents instead of her status in society. Meg was the oldest of the sisters, and at first wanted nothing more than to fit in. I enjoyed her journey most of all. She chose love and a family over a career, which isn’t always a bad thing. I liked that she married for love, and though she wanted expensive things, never regretted the life she picked. Out of all the sister, I found myself relating most to Meg.

Beth didn’t have a big plot in the book, but she was the glue that tied the sisters together. She was kind, shy and had a great love of music. In the book, she probably went through the most physically, and it was painful to see how her story ended. She never complained about the cards she was dealt, and wanted what was best for her family. This is something we both have in common.

Amy, like many, was my least favorite sister. I do understand that the author was trying to portray her as immature and selfish, since she was the youngest March girl. It was evident that her character development was supposed to be the most drastic.

In some ways, I get Amy’s need to marry rich and move up in society. Her desires weren’t purely for herself, but for her family. She wanted to be able to provide for the ones she loved, even if it meant marrying someone just for money. Although, I would never do that, I can see her point of view.

As for the boys, Meg and Brooke’s relationship was very wholesome and real. They started as friends and grew into something more. What can I say I’m a hopeless romantic. On the flip-side, Laurie’s obsession with Jo was a tab much. I hated that he acted poorly when she refused his proposal. His relationship with Amy started as a fallback for not getting Jo, which left a sour taste in my mouth. Does he even really love her?

“I hate ordinary people!”

For me, Jo and the Professor’s relationship was my favorite. Some people might think that Jo was better off single. Because not all women need a man to be complete. Although, I agree, it was heartwarming to see Jo fall in love. Throughout the book, she was so against marriage and being seen as somebody’s wife. It showed that you can achieve your goals, and find love too. Once you find your person, everything changes.

After reading the book, I found that I could relate to each March sister in one way, or another. We are all Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy in are own way. I will probably always ship Jo and Laurie even though his fixation was a little much.

The one final thing I learned from my reading experience is that classics aren’t for me. Yes, my favorite book is a classic, but I don’t generally enjoy classic books. I’ll continue to watch all ‘Little Women’ adaptations that are released. And, probably read a few more classics in my lifetime. But they aren’t my first reading priority.

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Undead Girl Gang // Book Review

Title: Undead Girl Gang
Author: Lily Anderson
Published: 2018
Genre: Young Adult/Paranormal
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Meet teenage Wiccan Mila Flores, who truly could not care less what you think about her Doc Martens, her attitude, or her weight because she knows that, no matter what, her BFF Riley is right by her side. So when Riley and Fairmont Academy mean girls June Phelan-Park and Dayton Nesseth die under suspicious circumstances, Mila refuses to believe everyone’s explanation that her BFF was involved in a suicide pact. Instead, armed with a tube of lip gloss and an ancient grimoire, Mila does the unthinkable to uncover the truth: she brings the girls back to life.
Credit: Google Books

From what I’ve seen and heard, this book isn’t very liked. However, I found it to be a funny and thrilling. Their were some twists and turns that I didn’t see coming, but loved. At first, I thought this would be fun, witchy contemporary, but it surprisingly has a lot of thriller aspects.

To be honest, the writing isn’t the best, so that might turn some readers off. Yet, I found that the writing fit the story perfectly. The entire book felt like an old-school teen movie. It was lighthearted, but had spooky elements too. I noticed that there were a lot of pop-culture references throughout the book.

These days a lot of contemporary seem to be full of pop-culture references. Perhaps authors believe that they’ll relate more to the younger generation if they talk about ‘Instagram’ and ‘HP’ in their stories. I personally don’t care when authors do this, but I know some readers find it annoying. I will say that those references worked well in this case, since the story was very campy.

“You wouldn’t understand. It’s a dead girl thing.”

The best part of the book was the twist at the end. Now, I am not the best at solving mysteries. So I found the reveal at the end to be shocking. However, I can see how some could find it underwhelming. Looking back, there were a lot of red flags when it came to the killer that I seemed to have overlooked.

Personally, my favorite thing about the book was the dialog. For a spooky YA story, I found it to be pretty funny. The author did an amazing job mixing a mystery-thriller with a cheerful contemporary. I probably wouldn’t rereead the book, since I already know the big twist at the end. Still, I will recommend it to others looking for a more tame YA thriller.

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Hocus Pocus and the All New Sequel // Book Review

Title: Hocus Pocus and the All New Sequel
Author: A.W. Jantha
Published: 2018
Genre: Young Adult/Fantasy
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Hocus Pocus is beloved by Halloween enthusiasts all over the world. Diving once more into the world of witches, this electrifying two-part young adult novel, released on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the 1993 film, marks a new era of Hocus Pocus. Fans will be spellbound by a fresh retelling of the original film, followed by the all-new sequel that continues the story with the next generation of Salem teens.
Credit: GoodReads

The idea of a Hocus Pocus sequel is awesome. Especially, now that one is officially happening. However, I was unprepared for the concept of the book. Part one is the Hocus Pocus movie we know and love. I listened to this on audiobook, which is my preferred method of reading these days. But it was as if I was listening to the movie instead of watching it. Of course some parts were different, and scenes were omitted, but overall they were one in the same.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of the 90s film. There is just something strange about an author taking a movie and trying to adapted it into a book, while still making it their own. I guess I shouldn’t be so unimpressed by this since Hollywood has been adapting books into films for years. Nevertheless, I’d much rather just watch the movie. Don’t lie you know you would too.

However, the first half of the book did keep me entertained. The author tried their best to bring the movie story to life in a different way. And, give us all the feels we get from watching the film. Part two of the book was a whole new story; thus the sequel. It follows Max and Allison’s daughter, Poppy. All her life she’s heard stories about the Halloween her parents and aunt brought back the Sanderson sisters. Usually she laughs them off, because the story is too unbelievable to be real. But on Halloween night, Poppy and her friends sneak into the Sanderson museum and accidentally bring the witched back from the dead once again.

This sounds like a solid concept, but it was very lackluster. I wasn’t invested in the characters, which made me not care if they lost against the witches. The author tried to play off readers love for the movie by adding cameos of some of the movies characters. However, those characters felt out of place and didn’t fit it the story. And, it was clear that the author didn’t know how to right Max, Allison and Dani as adults.

Max and Allison were so far off from their original personalities. Allison was lawyer, which made no sense to me. Max was a teacher, which was weird as well. I would have mad Allison a teacher instead. Max seemed very creative, so I would picture him going that route. Maybe writing fiction books that stemmed from his experience with the Sanderson sisters. As for Dani, she was portrayed very childish. Like an adult, who think they’re still in high school.

“Oh, look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick!”

Throughout the book, Poppy talked about how her parents always freaking out on Halloween. They didn’t ever celebrate the holiday most years. This is another fact that was unrealistic to me. Sure three witches almost taking over Salem would probably change anyone perspective on Halloween, but that drastically. I think not. You would think that over time the story would start to sound fake even to them. They might even chalk it up to a nightmare of sorts. When paranormal thing happen most people convince themselves that their mind is playing tricks on them. So why wouldn’t these characters.

For me, the book was so-so. I would have preferred a ‘what if’ type story. Kind of similar to the Disney twisted tale books. Now that would have peaked my interested. Let me know your thoughts on the book in the comments below. Don’t forget to like and share this post. If you are a book lover follow my blog for book reviews and more.

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One Of Us Is Lying // Book Review

Title: One Of Us Is Lying
Author: Karen M. McManus
Published: 2017
Genre: Young Adult/Thriller

One of Us Is Lying is the story of what happens when five strangers walk into detention and only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.
Source: Goodreads

I went into this book with low expectations, considering that the reviews aren’t the best. The book started off fairly slow, but from there, it got right into the main plot. Unlike others, I was a fan of the writing style. The characters were the typical ‘Breakfast Club’ stereotypes. However, you could see growth and development throughout the story. The author took a lot of time on their personalities and lives. They all had secrets of their own, which I will admit were pretty mediocre. Although, I was spoiled for one of the secrets, but I probably would have figured it out before it’s reveal.

Now, if you’re looking for a shocking mystery thriller, then this book probably isn’t for you. It seemed like a Lifetime original movie that was trying to be “Pretty Little Liars”. Personally, I enjoy Lifetime movies. But I can see readers being split on how the book handles certain topics, especially mental health. I struggle with mental illness myself and thought the representation was a little far fetched. Still it was an interesting take on the topic.

“Things’ll get worse before they get better.”

Most people probably won’t find the twist at the end particularly surprising. Some might even call it predictable. Maybe I am just clueless, because I thought the ending was pretty clever on the author’s part. I haven’t read too many mystery thrillers at this point in my life, so I’m judging this from a newbies perspective. I would be interested to see how I feel about the book in a few years, when I have more mystery thriller reads under my belt.

After reading the book I am excited to read Karen M. McManus other works. She could become a new favorite author of mine. This was a shorter review, but sometimes I don’t have much to say about the book. One last point, try going into it the story with an open mind. Don’t let reviews, good or bad, sway you one way or another. There are trigger warnings for this book, but unfortunately knowing them will spoil the book. If that doesn’t bother you visit Book Trigger Warning to view them all.

If you have read the book, leave me your thoughts in the comments. Please don’t leave any spoiler for the for others that haven’t read it yet. Don’t forget to like and share this post. Also, go ahead and subscribe to the blog to get notifications about new content.

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There’s Someone Inside Your House // Book Review

Title: There’s Someone Inside Your House
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Published: 2017
Genre: Young Adult/Thriller

2.5/5 Stars

Makani Young thought she’d left her dark past behind her in Hawaii, settling in with her grandmother in landlocked Nebraska. She’s found new friends and has even started to fall for mysterious outsider Ollie Larsson. But her past isn’t far behind. Then, one by one, the students of Osborne Hugh begin to die in a series of gruesome murders, each with increasingly grotesque flair. As the terror grows closer and her feelings for Ollie intensify, Makani is forced to confront her own dark secrets.
Source: Goodreads

I was a fan of Stephanie Perkins’ contemporary books, so I was interested to see her take on a thriller. I had heard that it was reminiscent of ‘Scream’, which I loved. This book follows a high schooler, Makani, who has moved from Hawaii to Nebraska to live with her grandmother. But Makani has a dark secret that she is hiding. Now this wasn’t the most captivating book, and it dragged at times. I enjoyed that last half of the book, but that is about it. It was very romance heavy, which is strange for a thriller. The romance was very instant lovey and based on physical attraction. However, I didn’t feel like there was much chemistry between the characters.

Her friends were barely a factor in the book at all. When we did seem them, they were always throwing shade at her boyfriend. She even mentioned countless times how she felt like the third wheel in her friendship, which seemed pretty toxic to me. Ollie, the love interest, was probably my favorite character. He had a tragic past, but a dark sense of humor as well.

As for Makani’s dark past, it was pretty underwhelming. For a teenager it might have seemed life shattering, but it wasn’t all that horrible. I didn’t understand the reasoning behind her selfish, absent parents. It seemed as though the author added that so we could empathize with the main character. I would have enjoyed it better if she had told her parents off, because her mother was a witch with a B.

“Everybody has at least one moment they deeply regret, but that one moment…it doesn’t define all of you.”

Now the thing that ticked me off the most was the killer reveal and motive. Without giving too much away. The killer was so random and the reveal wasn’t shocking at all. There were times when I thought I knew who the killer was going to be, which kept me interested in the plot. However, I was completely disappointed in the identity of the killer. The motive was on a whole other level of annoyance. Totally ridiculous. I understand that people kill for all different reasons, but I thought it was altogether a terrible ending. It seemed as those the author didn’t know where she was going with the story, and threw a motive together at the last minute.

The best part of the book was the killer’s last attack. This character fought like hell, and wasn’t going to let some serial killer take her life. She was pretty bad ass. I am not disappointed by the book, but I was hoping for more from the story. I probably wouldn’t recommend it to readers unless you are a die-hard Stephanie Perkins fan. Once thing that I wanted to note was that the killing scenes where somewhat graphic, so keep that in mind before you pick it up.

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Coffee Break // Audiobooks Aren’t Real Reading

Hi Friends,
I have wanted to do this post for a while now, because it is something I am extremely passionate about. Is listening to audiobooks ‘reading’? I used to be the type of person that would hate on audiobook readers. I would think it was cheating, and not real reading. However, fast forward 10 years and 100% of my reading is done via audiobooks. Zero regrets. I completely understand people that cannot get behind audiobooks, and have to physically read. Just like anything else, audiobooks aren’t for everyone, and it does take some getting used to. I know that a lot of people believe that you aren’t truly ‘reading’ if you go the audiobook route. But I don’t think that’s really true.

I watched a lot of videos on this topic, and one of them put it very well. In the video, by EmmmaBooks, she posed a question – that if someone drives themself to work, but their co-worker takes the bus, did one of them cheat? Or take the easy way out? The person that drove themself isn’t going to call out their co-worker for taking the bus. They both got the same results, but took different paths to get there. In the debate of audiobooks versus physically reading, you are both consuming the same work, just in different forms.

I am a multi-tasker with serious ADD, which makes audiobooks perfect for me. I can accomplish other things while reading. Also, it is like TV in my head. Oh, the days of radio shows. Best-sellling author Stephen King even did a short video, declaring that “audiobooks are terrific”. They are especially great for people who have learning disabilities, that would otherwise struggle with reading. I am forunate enough to be able to read well, but I do still get frustrated when there isn’t an audiobook version available. Authors that only release physical books are missing out on sharing their work with a whole new dynamic of people.

In my opinion, the whole point of reading is to open your mind to a new world and a new group of people, to bring the story to life. You can do that regardless of whether you listen to the audiobook or read it in print. I would certainly never think less of the people who choose to listen to audiobooks, and I love the fact that all readers are different. but can still come together and share a love for books. I will always advocate for audiobooks, and if that makes me not a real reader, then so be it. Remember – you do you, and enjoy reading any way you please.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

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They Wish They Were Us // Book Review

Title: They Wish They Were Us
Author: Jessica Goodman
Published: 2020
Genre: Young Adult/Mystery

Freshman year Jill’s best friend, the brilliant, dazzling Shaila Arnold, was killed by her boyfriend. After that dark night on the beach, Graham confessed, the case was closed, and Jill tried to move on. Now, it’s Jill’s senior year and she’s determined to make it her best yet. After all, she’s a senior and a Player–a member of Gold Coast Prep’s exclusive, not-so-secret secret society. Senior Players have the best parties, highest grades and the admiration of the entire school. This is going to be Jill’s year. She’s sure of it. But when Jill starts getting texts proclaiming Graham’s innocence, her dreams of the perfect senior year start to crumble. If Graham didn’t kill Shaila, who did? Jill vows to find out, but digging deeper could mean putting her friendships, and her future, in jeopardy.
Source: Goodreads

This was one of my first introductions into YA mystery. I figured since I love thriller movies, then thriller books should be right up my alley. I had been anticipating reading this book for a while, but had seen some mixed reviews on it. I’ll start off with the negative aspects of the book, so we can end on a good note. I wasn’t a fan of the slow moving plot. I felt as though nothing had happened, but I was already at the 1/3 mark.

Another problem was that I could instantly tell who the killer was going to be. I feel that a thriller is more interesting when there are a lot of suspects, and you don’t know who to trust. I found all the characters to be fairly shallow, and only cared about their social status. I never went to high-school, so I don’t have any frame of reference on how other teenagers act. But I hope they aren’t as bratty as they were portrayed in this book.

My biggest problem was the female lead’s indecisiveness. For the majority of the book, she bounced back-and-forth between helping or just staying out of it. Even though she had many doubts about her friend’s killer, she tried to talk herself out of helping an innocent person go free. There’s not wanting to get involved, and then there’s just turning a blind eye. Now, moving on to happier things! I enjoyed Goodman’s writing style tremendously. I could see her writing some amazing, lighthearted contemporaries in the future.

I thought that the killer’s motive was done very well. I didn’t expect it at all. One of the most redeeming points is that I find this to be a great first step into the YA thriller, murder mystery genre. It is on the tamer side, but has solid writing and plot. Don’t be afraid to give me some YA thriller and horror recommendations in the comments. Subscribe via email to get notified whenever there’s a new post.

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Why I Read YA // Coffee Break

Hi Friends,
In this post, I wanted to share with you why I usually prefer YA books. It isn’t unusual for an adult reader to enjoy books about teenagers. However, I always find it interested to learn why readers read what they do. I have seen posts dissing young adult books, which is completely unfair.

I believe one of the biggest reasons I enjoy YA is that they’re typically faster paced than adult books. No offense teens, but younger readers have a shorter attention span, so the books are more engaging and quick to keep you reading. Another big thing is that a lot of YA books are usually set in high schools with no shortage of drama. Being fairly sheltered (and home schooled) as a teen, I live vicariously through the characters.

This might seem lame, but adult novel intimidate me. They can be 500+ pages. While there are some lengthy books in the YA genre, most are under 350 pages. I can only speak for myself, but I just don’t have the patience to read a thick book that could take me months to finish.

I hate myself for admitting this, but one of the reasons I love YA is the love stories. First love and high-school romances, cliché as they might be, always pique my interest. I love teen dramas! So, no surprise, my book taste reflects that as well. Plus, the authors behind the novels can be very imaginative and over-the-top in their writing. Probably because teens thrive on drama. Hey, I’ve seen Riverdale, and I love a little unrealistic drama too.

Whether you are a fan of middle-grade, adult, non-fiction, or YA keep reading what makes you happy. Not every reader has the same interest that is what makes the book community so diverse. I would love if you left a comment telling me your favorite genre and why.

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One Last Stop // Book Review

*This review might include information that some might see as a spoiler.*

Title: One Last Stop
Author: Casey McQuiston
Published: 2021
Genre: New Adult/Contemporary

2.5/5 Stars

Casey McQuiston’s One Last Stop is a magical, sexy, big-hearted romance where the impossible becomes possible as August does everything in her power to save the girl lost in time.
Source: Goodreads

I wouldn’t call this book a YA, but it isn’t exactly adult either. It falls somewhere in the middle, which I would call new adult. First off, I want to say that I tried really hard to enjoy this book. Also, I’m proud of myself for not DNFing it. I just had so many issues with the book, and can already say I wasn’t a fan. The premise of the book sounded very intriguing, and had the potential to be a 4 or 5 star read, if executed well.

Let’s start with the main characters and love interests. August and Jane’s relationship seems to come out of left field. One or two meetings with this girl, and August has suddenly found her soulmate. Their attraction to one another progressed too quickly for my liking, and wasn’t based off much besides looks and a few small conversations. As the story developed, I didn’t see the two having much in common or any real chemistry.

“I fell in love with you the day that I met you, and then I fell in love with the person you remembered you are. I got to fall in love with you twice. That’s— that’s magic.”

I want to point out that there are some – *cough* – scenes in the book. Honestly, I don’t know if you could call them outright objectionable, but they are pretty intense. Let’s just say if you don’t like public displays of affection = especially doing the deed in public = then this book isn’t for you. Yep, this book goes there.

August’s roommates were fun, diverse characters, who added most of the humor to the story. However, there were a lot of characters, and it was hard to keep track of them all. Most of the extra characters were unnecessary to the plot. On top of that, there seemed to be multiple plots going on. There was a lot thrown into one book.

The biggest flaw for me, however, is the story itself. I never full understood the connection between August and Jane. The author tried their best to create a reason for their intense connection, but it didn’t really work for me. There was even an interesting twist at the end of the book. Still, it didn’t make up for the story as a whole. I absolutely hated the ending, and it played on one of my least favorite things about time travel plots. People from the past can’t, and shouldn’t, stay in the present!

Overall, I liked this book a lot less than expected, but I feel that most of my issues came from personal tastes rather than from the story itself. I have heard great things about Casey McQuiston’s young adult work, so I might give them a try in the future. Please like and share this review with all of your bookish friends!

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