2024 Anticipated Releases // January To June

Hi Friends,
Today, I am going to talk about my most anticipated 2024 book releases. I will only mention books released in the first half of the year, so from January to June. If I mentioned every new release that I want to read in this post, it would be far too long. So,I decided to narrow it down to two books per month.

The Breakup Tour by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka (Jan. 24, 2024)
I read every young adult novel written by this author duo. However, I did DNF their first adult book and did not even attempt to read their second one. This adult romance was clearly inspired by Taylor Swift. And, being a Swiftie, I know that I must give it a chance.

Canadian Boyfriend by Jenny Holiday (Jan. 30, 2024)
This is an adult romance with a fairly original plot. It takes the fake dating trope to a new level. In addition, it is a hockey and a single dad romance that should make for a pretty good time. Although I do not know how much I love the single-parent trope, I look forward to reading it.

Bride by Ali Hazelwood (Feb. 6, 2024)
This is Ali Hazelwood’s first paranormal romance, which apparently contains vampires and werewolves. So, essentially it’s an adult version of ‘Twilight.’ I own all of Hazelwood’s books but have yet to read any. However, this is the most interesting to me.

I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang (Feb. 6, 2024)
I had been seeing this cover for a while, and after reading the synopsis, I became very excited about this release. Truthfully, young adult books haven’t been hitting the way they used to for me, but this one is bring me back to my ‘To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before’ roots – and I could not be more happy about it.

Murder Road by Simone St. James (Mar. 5, 2024)
I have read only one book by this author, but it was a fantastic paranormal thriller. This book takes place in the 90’s, when a young married couple finds themselves suspects in a string of murders that occur on the Atticus Line. However, while trying to clear their name, they found that there might be a more supernatural cause for the killings.

Happily Never After by Lynn Painter (Mar. 12, 2024)
I’m a Lynn Painter stan! I seem to rate her young adult novels highly. In my opinion, she has some of the best plots and characters. Although I did not love the only adult romance I have read by her so far, I am still very interested in picking up this book. Honestly, I will most likely read anything that she releases.

The Reappearance Of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson (April 2, 2024)
Unfortunately, ‘Five Survive’, which was this author’s 2022 book release, was a total letdown for me. But, I hope that she will redeem herself with this book. The story contains many amazing parts. There is an unsolved mystery, a true crime documentary, and the reappearance of the long missing and presumed dead Rachel Price.

Funny Story by Emily Henry (April 23, 2024)
I want to be an Emily Henry girlie, and I feel that this might be the book to make me one. The plot is about two jilted exes that find themselves not only roommates but also hatch a plan to mislead people about their relationship. In particular, they’re exes, who happen to be engaged.

The Dare by Natasha Preston (May 7, 2024)
I have a complex relationship with this author, but I will say that her book plots continue to improve each year. This is a YA thriller about a game of truth or dare that turns deadly. I hope that it will be full of twists and turns that have me on the edge of my seat.

The Lamplighter by Crystal J. Bell (May 21, 2024)
This is a gothic fantasy with a captivating premise. It’s giving me ‘Stalking Jack The Ripper’ vibes and I’m very intrigued if it lives up to the hype I have created for it. I have been loving gothic fantasies lately, and the synopsis mentioning a lamplighter and monsters had me immediately add it to my TBR. I hope to pick up this soon after its release.

Heiress Takes All by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka (June 4, 2024)
I love how this book takes revenge plots in a new direction. This book is giving me ‘Catch That Kid’ meets ‘Heist Society’ by Ally Cater. I am all for a young adult action adventure about a sneaky and badass former heiress. Will this be the most insightful read? No. Am I going to love every second of this book? Hopefully.

Two Sides To Every Murder by Danielle Valentine (June 4, 2024)
I am going to be 100% honest and say that I know absolutely nothing about this book besides the fact that it is a YA thriller. However, I binge every one of Danielle Valentine’s books. I am sure that this is going to be a super-fast-paced and possibly a campy thriller, and I am going to read it the minute it is released.

In the comments, let me know what your most anticipated book releases are for the first half of the year. Don’t forget to like and share this post with other readers. Feel free to follow the blog before you go.

Until The Next Chapter,