Hi Friends,
I am so excited to be doing my September TBR, because not only am I premiering my TBR game, but this month is Scary Readathon! If you haven’t heard, Scary Readathon is a Monsters University inspired readathon that will be happening from September 1st – 30th. I am actually one of the hosts for the readathon! My team is ROR! You visit the Readathon’s Twitter for all the information on the readathon, so please go join my team! I will also be hosting reading sprints, and I’ll let you know on Twitter when those will be happening.
This month, to help pick the book I’ll be reading, I have created a TBR game! The game is ‘The Sims Chooses My TBR’ since my husband is a big Sims player. He helped me create this little game, which I am grateful for. I will be choosing 5 books every game, and each book picked has a different prompt on it. I have to choose a book that fits the prompt given.

The first prompt Sims gave me was ‘Under 350 Pages’! Which works perfectly, since one of the Monsters University Prompts is to read a book under 300 pages. So, I decided to go with ‘Coraline’ by Neil Gaiman. I read this book years ago, and decided it was about time to reread it. The next prompt picked was ‘Poll Pick’, and the winner was ‘The Woman In The Library’ by Sulari Gentill.
Next we had ‘Steal A Book’, which is to take a book off of someone else’s September TBR. I stole this book off of Liv’s from Liv’s Library’s TBR, and it is ‘Sorceline’ by Sylvia Douye and Paola Anista. This is a graphic novel, which I don’t typically read, so I’m using it for the Monsters University prompt: “Read a book in a format you don’t usually read”

After that was ‘Husband Pick’, and he picked ‘Recommended For You’ by Laura Silverman. Finally, my Sim picked ‘A Book With Representation’, and luckily, my team’s book for the Monsters University readathon is ‘People Like Us’ by Dana Mele. This book has queer representation, and is set in an educational setting, which is another prompt for the readathon. The next three prompts I will be checking off for the Monsters University readathon are a book with a strong female lead, a YA book and finish a series. I will be reading ‘This Coven Won’t Break’ by Isabel Sterling!

Then, I randomly had Goodreads choose a book for me, and it was ‘The Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities’ by Rick Riordan (Editor). This completes the random chosen book and a book I know nothing about prompts. I am marking off another three prompts with ‘The Witches’ by Roald Dahl. The prompts that it fills are a book that features a child as the main character, a TBR vet, and features a person on the cover. Next, I decided to fill the prompts to start a series, and to read a backlist from a favorite author. I went with Kiersten White, because I have been wanting to read more of her books. The book is ‘Wretched Waterpark’, which is the first in the ‘Sinister Summer’ series.
The last two prompts I will be trying to complete for the Monsters University readathon is to read a book with only good or bad reviews, and to read your last purchased book. I got ‘Mooncakes’ by Suzanne Walker, and it is a graphic novel that I have only heard good things about!
There you have my entire September TBR! This TBR is a bit ambitious, since I have a million other books I would like to read this month, but I am trying to stay positive. In the comments, let me know if you are taking part in the Monsters University readathon, and what team you are on. Team ROR is the best!
Until The Next Chapter,