Conceal, Don’t Feel // Book Review

Title: Conceal, Don’t Feel
Author: Jen Calonita
Published: 2019
Genre: Middle Grade/Retellings

When a magical accident erases Anna and Elsa’s memories not only of magic, but of each other the sisters are separated for protection. But when Elsa unexpectedly finds herself as a young queen mysterious magic begins to happen and questions of her past start to form. Will the sisters ever be reunited?

I pictured this book to be a new take on the Frozen story. However, it was the same basic story with slight changes. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Frozen movie, so I don’t know why I was excepting to enjoy this book. When I think of retellings, I envision a whole new tale that takes inspiration from it’s origin story. Unfortunately that was not the author’s plan for this novel.

I was curious to see who Elsa and Anna would become without one another. The answer the same exact people they were in the film. There were minor changes to their personalities, but unless you were looking you wouldn’t be able to notice these differences. I think the biggest change was Elsa and Hans’ relationship. Although, he is scum the book and movie writes him in a charming almost likable way. As someone that loved his and Anna’s duet from the animated film it would have been great to have him be a good guy this go around.

This is probably an unpopular opinion but I find Olaf to be annoying. He is too much for me in the movie. However, I liked the change to his personality in the book. The author kept his lovable and clueless charm while reining in his over-the-top persona. Also, I found his forgetfulness kind of adorable. One character change I wasn’t a fan of was Kristoff. Now I enjoyed his interactions with Sven, yet he seemed cold and irritated with Anna. I didn’t see them development from friends to lovers, or in this case enemies to lovers.

Overall, this book was an average, quick middle grade. While being a good choice for Disney fans, if you’re looking for a reimagined take on the story, skip this one. This is my first “Twisted Tale” and despite it not being my favorite, it hasn’t totally prevented me from giving others in the series a fair chance. Still, here’s hoping the rest are a bit of a fresher take on the classic tales we all know and love.

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Until The Next Chapter,

May 2021 // To Be Read

Hello Book Lovers,
I felt like April would never end, and though I had a pretty decent read month I’m looking forward to May reading plans. If you have been following my blog than you know that I do monthly tbrs where I talk about the books I hope to read throughout the month. Now I don’t have solid reading plans for May, but I have added a ton of books to my want to read list lately. As for readathons, I am loosely planning on doing the 4th Mini round of the PopCulture readathon that will run from May 16th – 30th and is Degrassi: TNG themed. However, if I do it I will post a separate tbr for it closer to the readathon start date.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyers: Me and my husband started the audiobook about a month back, and I ready to dive into this once popular series. I have seen all the movies, but my husband isn’t a Twiheart. Most of you are probably aware of the plot, still I will give you the shortened version. This is the story of what happens when a human girl falls in love with a vampire boy, and all the must overcome to be together.

The Project by Courtney Summers: I decided to pick this up on a whim since I have heard nothing but good things about Summers books. She writes YA/new adult mystery thrillers with her most notable being Sadie. The Project follows a nineteen-year-old girl as she tries to uncover the truth about “The Unity Project” a religious group that many see as a cult. She knows that the project isn’t as holism as they seem, and believe they are the reason behind her strained relationship with her older sister.

Conceal, Don’t Feel by Jen Calonta: I have wanted to read this for a while not, and I was finally able to get my hands on a copy from the library. This is part of The Twisted Tales book series, which are middle-grade Disney retellings. This is Frozen retelling we see what would happen if Anna and Elsa never knew each other. I am not a huge Frozen fan, but I do think that this could be a fun read.

10 Truths And A Dare by Ashley Elston: I read “10 Blind Dates” from this author, and loved it! I knew that I had to pick up her next YA contemporary as soon as it came out. The plot follows Olivia, a character from “10 Blind Dates,” as she finds out she might not get to graduate with her senior class after all. These books are usually light, fluffy reads that I cannot get enough of.

You’re Not Special by Meghan Rienks: I started this book a while ago, and ready to finish it. It is a collection of memoir type stories by YouTuber Meghan Rienks. I was never an avid watcher of Meghan’s channel, but I thought it would be an interesting read.

Snow In Love by Various Authors: I am a big fan of YA story collections, so I was happy to pick this up back in January. However, I have yet to make a dent in it, and it is already May. I am enjoying the first story thus far, and would love to have it read by the end of the month. Also, I don’t mind a little holiday spirit anytime of year.

Those are all the books that I am putting on my main tbr for the month. I am trying to focus on books that I have already started, so that I can have a clean reading slat going into June, which is my birthday month. Please let me know what is on your May tbr in the comments below. If you want to support my blog you can like and share this post. As always you can follow the blog to get notified when I post. I post bookish content and more.

Until The Next Chapter,