Five Feet Apart | Book Review

Title: Five Feet Apart
Author: Rachael Lippincott, Mikki Daughtry, Tobias Iaconis
Published: 2018
Genre: Young Adult/Contemporary

In this moving story two teens fall in love with just one minor complication—they can’t get within five feet of each other without risking their lives.
Source: Goodreads

I wasn’t sure if I should give the book 5 or 2 stars, because it truly broke my heart. However, I settled on 4 stars. I loved the writing style and the plot isn’t too far from John Green’s ‘Fault in Our Stars’. I was not a fan of Green’s book, yet it is very beloved. This book is not nearly as popular, but captivated me in ways ‘Faults in Our Stars’ didn’t. This was much more than a love story, even though that was a big part of the plot. It focused on death, illness, and not always getting what we want.

Stella is a major control freak with Cystic Fibrosis, waiting on new lungs. Will also has CF, but has contracted Cepacia as well, which is terminal to patients with CF. However, the two are drawn together after meeting during their most recent hospital stays. The only catch is that they must stay six feet apart at all times. I adored both characters, and watched their relationship grow organically. The book takes place solely in the hospital, and tries to paint the picture of what living with a chronic, life threatening condition is like.

“Everyone in this world is breathing borrowed air.”

I felt every heartbreaking thing Stella and Will felt. I hated their disease right along with them. And, I cried when the ending came. I don’t want to giveaway spoilers, because I do think that everyone should read this book. But this book doesn’t have a “happy” ending. Yes, the ending is somewhat great, still it breaks the readers heart in many ways.

The book was beautifully written and will give you great cry. I finished it in a day, which for me says that the plot was very engaging. I would have given it 5 stars, but I will probably never read it again. Only because it made me extremely sad. However, I could just be an overly emotional reader.

Remember, this isn’t a lighthearted ‘sick kids falling in love’ story, but it all works out in the end. But if you are looking for a book that will leave an impression on you, and give you a good cry, then you should give this book a read.

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