10 Random Questions // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
I thought it might be fun to do a little get to know me personally tag. However, these questions aren’t super personal. Perhaps later on if you guys want I will do a post were I answer some of your questions. Anyhow, I found these questions randomly online and on YouTube. I picked out the questions I thought would be most fun answering for all.

How Old Are You? I am 29 years old

When Were You Born? I was born in June on the 27th to be exact, which makes me a cancer baby.

Do You Have Any Pets? Yep, I have 3 cats and 2 dogs. All of them are girls.

Are You In A Relationship? I have been with my hubby for 9 years. We will celebrate of second wedding anniversary in October.

Do You Suffer From Any Mental Health Issues? I have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety.

Favorite Makeup Brand? This is hard but I think I would have to say Clinique and Makeup Revolution.

Favorite Clothing Store? Walmart for sure!

Favorite Color? Pink, which is a pretty basic answer.

Favorite Candy? Probably any kind of gummy candy and Reese’s.

Go To Starbucks Order? On most days it’s a hot tall non-fat white chocolate mocha with whip. But, on hot days I go for an iced non-fat white mocha with no whip and vanilla sweet cream foam.

Those are all the questions I am going to answer in this post. If you want to stay up to date with my life and random thoughts follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Please follow the blog, and comment below with any post questions you might have for me.


Tips For Productivity And Motivation

Hi Friends,
I am very happy that 2022 has arrived. I feel like every new year is a time to reflect, set goals, and have a fresh start. I have made my goals for the year, but I want to share some things that I will be implementing in order to stay productive and motivated. I know that everyone’s life is different, but I still hope that you can get something out of this post.

Vision Board: I have never been a vision board kind of girl. However, I do believe that creating one can help give you a visual and clear view of your hopes for the year. The easiest way to create a vision board is by using Pinterest. You can make the board private or public, depending on your preference. I am a big supporter of dreaming big, but try to keep your goals within the realm of possibility, as well.

Make A Plan: One of my biggest tips for staying on top of your game is to make some sort of list or plan. Now you don’t have to be this major planner lover, but I encourage you to plan at least for the important tasks. Something as simple as making a list of your goals for the month can minimize stress, and help you accomplish more.

Limit Screen Time: I think we are all guilty of this, myself included, but we spend way too much time staring at a screen. This can be scrolling on social media, playing video games, or watching television. It isn’t the healthy thing, or the best use of our time. I am not going to preach about how TV kills brain cells or video games encourage violence, because I don’t buy into that nonsense. However, it is good to limit your screen time, so you can get the most out of your days. Try to disconnect from social media two hours before bed, or turn off the computer by 5 pm. I believe that this can really help productivity in the long run.

Environment: A big key to staying productive and motivated is having a nice, clean, and peaceful environment. I know that for some, their surroundings are…less than ideal. But try to work with what you have. If possible, find a place to call your own, where you can effectively work. Make it one that makes you feel happy and energized. Also, a good idea to switch up your surroundings every once in a while. Try working outside, or even at a coffee shop, for a nice change of scenery.

Reward Yourself: Who says bribery doesn’t work? I know that a way to help me stay motivated all week is to set little accomplishment rewards for myself. These rewards can be as small as an at-home spa day, Starbucks, or a cheat meal. Remember, prizes do not replace the feeling that comes with completing weekly tasks, but they are a nice treat.

I hope that you found this post helpful, and here’s to a productive 2022. Share your thoughts on this post, and other tips you might have in the comments. If you’d like to support my blog, give a follow! It’s totally free, and you get updates on new content.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Book Blogger Newbie Tag

Hello bookish friends,
I thought that I would do the classic “Book Blogger Newbie” tag post. I know that this tag is a time long tradition when becoming a book blogger. I hope that these question help you to get to know me and my little blog better.

Why did you start this blog?
I had a booktube channel, but I just didn’t love the video format. I have always been a writer so I thought a blog is much more my style. I want this to be a place where I can share my love of books as well as other things. I want to talk about TV shows and maybe even some first time mommy content in the future.

What are some fun and unique things you can bring to book blogging?
I know that there are so many blogs out there and you want your blog to stand out. However, I don’t know how fun or unique my content will be. I guess something different is that I haven’t read a lot of the popular books from the 2000s. Currently, I am reading the Harry Potter series for the first time and I haven’t read anything by Sarah J. Maas. Also, this blog will be 75% bookish, yet I want to talk about other topics on this blog too.

What are you most excited for about this blog?
Mostly writing content and sharing my bookish thoughts. I love connecting with others in the book and blogging community.

Why do you love reading?
It let’s me escape into different land. This quote by George R.R. Martinup sums up why I love reading perfectly “A reader lives a thousand lives.”

What series got you into reading?
I fell in love with the The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books by Ann Brashares, which is a very underrated series in my opinion. After reading all of those books I never wanted to stop reading.

What questions would you ask your favorite authors?
I would love to know what they hope a reader gets from their books. Why do they continue write stories? Also, I read somewhere if author think their characters know about them. I think it would be interesting to know if author do think their characters know about them. As if the world they created is some alternate realm of sorts.

What challenges do you think starting a blog will be the hardest to overcome?
Probably staying consistent. Live has many ups and downs, so it is hard to stay on top of blogging. However, I have a lot of post planned and I will be trying to blog as much as I can each week.

When did you start reading?
I was not a reader as a kid at all. I was more of a television watching, Barbie playing kind of girl. It wasn’t until 2005, I was a huge Gilmore Girls fan and my brother mentioned that Alexis Bledel was going to be starring in the film adaption of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I decided I would read the book first, and I never stopped reading. From that day on I was a reader.

Where do you read?
I usually read at home in my bed. I cannot read in cars be I get motion sickness and I never really read when I am out. I just like being cozy in bed with a book or audiobook.

What kind of books do you like to read?
I am a huge YA fan! I will try to read a lot of different YA genres, but my favorite is contemporary. I am a fan of middle grade books, yet I haven’t read as many of them. I want to expand my reading taste this year, still I am kind of set in my ways when it comes to the books I read.

Wow! Does doing this mean I am an official book blogger? If you are a blogger of any kind let me know in the comments. I want to connect with blogger and just readers in general.

Until The Next Chapter,