My Yoga Journey // Thankful Thursday

Hello Friends,
Today, I am going to talk about something I am very thankful for, and that is yoga. I do not know if I have ever mentioned this before, but I am a certified yoga instructor, and hopefully one day I will become a yoga therapist. Obviously, I share my love for books on the blog, but yoga is my second passion.

Growing up, I was very overweight and depressed. I had many mental health issues yet to be diagnosed. However, when I started my fitness journey, I began with a treadmill and Wii. Yep, the old game system, had a very popular game called Wii Fit. The yoga portion of the game was fun.

Soon after, I started watching yoga videos on YouTube and even taking some classes. I found that yoga calmed me, and I loved how strong it made me feel. Over the years, I have fallen out of my yoga routine, but I always seem to return to it. So, last year, I decided that it was time I began my yoga career.

I am thankful that yoga has not only made me feel stronger, but it has also helped me with my anxiety and mood. So, when I discovered yoga therapy, I knew that it was something I would love to do because you can teach people how to balance their emotions with yoga.

The practice of yoga can really do wonderful things for the mind and body, and I would love to help others discover its benefits. In the comments, let me know something you are thankful for having discovered. Don’t forget to like this post and follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

Stuck In Park // Mental Health Struggles

Hi Friends,
Depression has struck again! Does anyone ever feel like a car stuck in park or is that just me? My whole life I have wanted to do something amazing. If you don’t know when I was 14 years old I started an Online Magazine called ‘Sparkling Stars‘. It is actually still up if you want to check it out. It was fairly successful and I worked with many brands. However, it wasn’t a money making career choice. Sadly, money makes the world go around. 

I did have a successful YouTube beauty channel from 2007 to 2011, but than my mental health took a turn for the worst. I have started and failed at many things. I’ve had multiple blogs, released a poetry book and even started an Etsy shop. Honestly, this little book blog blog of mine is one of the longest things I’ve stuck with, which is pretty sad. 

I just want more. Not to say I want to be this big time influencer, but I have always wanted to do something that not only I loved but also brought me joy. I have a pretty complex life currently. My husband is disabled so I have to take care of him. I struggle with my bipolar, anxiety and as you can tell depression. Also, I would love to be a mom one day, but I don’t ever feel like I am good enough to be a mom. 

I was never good at school, and because of my husbands disability it would be hard to have a 9 to 5 job. For clarification, i would never blame my huasband for my life not being where I want it to be. He is my best friend and i love him unconditionally. That being said, I just feel so lost and confused. I don’t know what the point of this post is only to say if you are feeling like a failure or lonely, lost and have no idea where your life is going just know that I hear and I understand. 

I do want to stress that I am in no way suicidal or have thoughts of harming myself. If you have those thoughts please reach out to someone or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255). The provide 24/7 support to enough in need. Please leave a comment letting me know that I am not alone in how I am feeling.

Until The Next Chapter,

Reading Helps // Coping With Mental Health

Hi Friends,
I have stated before, or at least I believe have, that I suffer from mental health disorders. Well, lately, my mental health hasn’t been the best. I have my highs and lows, and this has definitely been a low month. However, reading has always been a solid coping mechanism for me. So, I wanted to share some ways that reading helps me, and might help you, cope with mental health struggles.

#1. Clears Your Mind
Honestly, reading completely takes your mind off your problems. When you are reading a high fantasy, you aren’t thinking about your everyday struggles. When you are falling in love with the boy next door, you aren’t worrying about the days to come. A good story captivates you, and everything else falls away.

#2. Problem Solving
Reading could possibly solve your problems. You may actually read a book about a character dealing with similar issues, or pick up a self-help book. Advice type books might not be your thing, but they can be useful when dealing with mental health. Books can give you clarity, or a new way to look at something, which is important.

#3. You’re Not Alone
Books featuring characters with mental illnesses are very beneficial, especially if the characters are facing the same diagnosis as you. Simply reading about somebody that is struggling with a disorder can be comforting. You don’t feel so alone, because you can relate to the character in one way or another.

#4. There’s No Competition
This might seem like a weird reason, but pretty much everything we do, or I do, feels like a competition. We see people online, or friends and family, doing these things that make us feel like we aren’t doing enough. Essentially, people are always competing against each other. But you aren’t going to compete with a book character. You can feel at ease and pressure-free.

#5. Happiness
The number one reason that books can help you with your mental health is because they make you happy. If you don’t enjoy reading, then none of the other tips are going to work. You have to read because it brings you joy, if everything else is to fall into place. Honestly, how could reading not ignite happiness?

I must admit that when my mental health is bad, reading doesn’t always do it for me. But, I try to remember these tips during the low periods, and keep reading. Please leave me a comment to brighten my day. And, like always, I ask that you follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

3 Things That Help Me Cope // Anxiety and Depression

Hi Friends,
Today I wanted to talk about, I guess, a more serious topic – anxiety and depression. I suffer from both of those, along with other mental illnesses. Most days it can be a struggle. I know that a vast majority of people have anxiety in some way, and there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ way to ease one’s anxiety. But, I thought I’d share the things that help me when my anxiety and depression are running wild.

This is probably an obvious one, but reading helps me get out of my own mind. I get to follow characters lives and escape the real world, if only, for a little while. Another great thing about reading is that there is something for everyone. Whether you enjoy mysteries or fantasy, or even a cute romance there a tons of genres to choose from that could help free you mind and keep you calm.

A Hug
For me, a hug from someone I love always helps. It might seem like the simplest of things, but when ever I’m feeling sad or anxious, I know that a hug from my husband will help get me through until the feeling passes. Sometimes all you need is to be embraced by a person that loves and cares for you and your happiness.

Let’s be honest, nobody really likes working out. Yet, it can be beneficial for not only staying healthy, but while struggling with anxiety and depression. Exercise releases endorphins, which make you happy. After a workout, you will feel energized, stronger, and (hopefully) happier. If nothing else, you will get such a burn and be so exhausted that you forget all about your anxiety and depression.

These are the 3 things that have helped me when dealing with my mental health. Another tip, as taboo as it might be, therapy and medication can really help. Taking care of your mental health is important, and you shouldn’t be afraid to seek help. Don’t let the judgement of others stop you from doing what is best for you and your health.

Until The Next Chapter,

Self Care For Mental Health // Toss Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
Earlier this year, I did a post called “A Little Bit Personal” – where I shared some of my mental health struggles. Today, I wanted to talk about a few self-care things you can do when anxiety and depression become overwhelming. Currently, depression and anxiety have been dominating my days. Some days, it’s hard to get out of bed, or find the simple joy in doing things that I normally do. So I hope these tips can help you, and me.

Give Yourself Permission To Be Sad

First, I am guilty of ignoring this rule, and I’d bet that some of you are too. For some reason, I think that everything should be happy and good 24/7, which isn’t healthy or normal. So stop putting all this pressure on yourself to be in a good mood all the time. The first step in dealing with mental illness is telling yourself that it’s okay to not be okay. Our feelings are valid.

Sleep The Day Away

Does everyone feeling stressed when they sleep all day? Or is it just me? I am trying hard to remind myself that sleep is good for the brain. When you’re depressed, sleep can help clear your mind. Living with a mental illness is hard, and can lead to negative thinking. So, fo ahead and sleep off the sadness and destructive thoughts.

Talk It Out

It can be hard to share your feelings when you have anxiety and depression. But I have always found it better to open up to people, rather than keeping my feelings bottled up. I am blessed to have some amazing people in my life that I can talk to on the rough days. However, I know not everyone has a support system. There are plenty of online, text, and talk help lines. Crisis Text Line is a 24/7 chat that helps people with anxiety, depression, eating disorders and more.

Find Your Playlist

Music is such a powerful healing tool. When you are dealing with mental health issues, having a ‘default’ playlist you can go to can really help. Just shut the world out, and simply listen to the lyrics. Trying having a mix of sad songs, mental illness related songs and songs that make you happy on your playlist. Or playlists for your individual moods. You know yourself, run with it.

The Little Things

We always forget to think about the little things in life. Whatever is weighing you down, when you see it come to the forefront of your thoughts, just stop for a moment. Think about all the little things in your life that lift you up. We all have a reason – no matter how small – to smile.

I’d like to think that this post has reached someone, even one person, that needed to see these words today. We may not be fighting the same battle, but we are all fighting a battle. Now wake up, take a deep breath, and ride your wave. Help this post reach that one person that needs to see it, and like, share, subscribe.

Until The Next Chapter,


A Little Bit Personal

Hello Book Lovers,
This isn’t going to be your typical post on this blog. Instead of talking about all things bookish, which I love. I wanted to have an open and honest decision about my mental health and how I have been feeling lately. If you are just stumbling across this blog, Hi I’m Bunny, and this is my little corner of the internet. I talk about all things bookish and more on this blog that I have come to love. I am a former Booktuber turned book blogger, and couldn’t be more happy.

Lately, I haven’t felt like myself, and I know that a lot of factors have contributed to that feelings. I have never mentioned this on the blog, but I suffer with depression, OCD, anxiety, ADD, Bipolar and women health concerns. Yep, I am a beautiful mess. I have dealt with a lot of self-hate lately and feeling of hopelessness. I am someone who is consistently thinking, and most of the time never feels satisfied in what they are doing regardless if it makes me happy.

In the past 2 years, I gained about 40 pounds, tried multiple medications, looked into therapy and been having lot of physical health issues. On top of everything, my husband health has also be steadily declining. Now, I am not writing this post to get sympathy or throw a pity party for myself. I am simply here to tell other that might be having a shit year, or years, and dealing with mental and/or physical issues, or just life in general that you are not alone.

I feel like having anxiety is the cool new trend, but let me tell you it isn’t fun to be consistently anxiousness. I want you guys to know that this blog no matter how small has helped me a lot, and I love all your support. Also, I have a growing community on Twitter and Instagram that I am very proud of.

I would like to mention that I had planned to do the mini PopCulture Readathon (Degrassi: TNG themed), but I want to take the next two weeks to focus on myself and recollect. I am throwing my tbr out the window and just mood reading for the rest of the month. I would love some post request down below, since I am thinking of doing 5 post a week in June to celebrate my birthday month. Also, should we start a monthly book club here on the blog? Let me know in the comments.

Thank you all for viewing this blog and sharing this post. I would sincerely love to know how you are doing and what you are reading.

Until The Next Chapter,

Book Review: You Should See Me In A Crown by Leah Johnson

Title: You Should See Me In A Crown
Author: Leah Johnson
Published: 2020
Rating: 5.0/5.0 Stars

Synopsis: Liz Lighty has always believed she’s too black,
too poor, too awkward to shine in her small, rich, prom-obsessed midwestern town. But it’s okay—Liz has a plan that will get her out of Campbell, Indiana, forever: attend the uber-elite Pennington College, play in their world-famous orchestra, and become a doctor. But when the financial aid she was counting on unexpectedly falls through, Liz’s plans come crashing down, until she’s reminded of her school’s scholarship for prom king and queen. There’s nothing Liz wants to do less than endure a gauntlet of social media trolls, catty competitors, and humiliating public events, but despite her devastating fear of the spotlight she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get to Pennington.
Source: GoodReads

I am a huge fan of YA contemporaries. I would go as far as to say they are my favorite genre to read, so when I heard about this book from multiple Booktubers and book bloggers I knew I had to pick it up. The main character of Liz is not only POC, but part of the LGBTQ community. She has overcome the death of her mother, her brother’s chronic illness and anxiety all while living with her loving grandparents who are struggling to get by paycheck to paycheck.

Liz’s life was very relatable, and though I don’t deal with all her struggles I understand her anxiety and fears about not affording college. The main character has such amazing growth, which didn’t happen all at once, but progressed naturally throughout the the book. She ran for prom queen with the hopes of getting a scholarship and nothing more, yet it turned into something greater. She set free a part of herself that she was too sacred to show and learned to stand up for her rights. I feel that the anxiety representation was done well and I connected with her fear of other’s opinions.

“I’m so tired of the way this place treats people who are different, tired of feeling like I exist in the margins of my own life. I deserve better than that.”

She did face friendship struggles, which was probably my least favorite aspect of the story. I enjoyed the fact that she reconnected with an old friend, still I wish that it showed how friends change and grow apart especially at a young age. Instead it went another route, which was completely fine just not my favorite. Also, there was some major conflict between Liz and her best friend that was mended by the end of the book. However, I feel as though it was resolved rather quickly and there wasn’t much closure to it.

The romance was one of my favorite aspects of the book. It was so cute! Of course the girls go through some ups and downs, but you cannot deny how adorable they are together. I will say that the romance had an instant love feel, but probably very relatable to high-schoolers. I have never been to high school, home schooler here, still in every teen movie there is an instant crush. The love interest was a perfect contrast to Liz since she was outspoken and quirky, and helped Liz come out of her shell.

Someone compared this book to a 90s teen movie and I completely agree. I got all those classic teen romances flick feels that I love so much. If you are in the mood for a super cute contemporary than I recommend you give this one a chance. I hope that you liked this review and please let me know your thoughts on this book. If you want to support me please share and like this post. Also, follow the blog to get notified when I post.

Until The Next Chapter,