Bookish, Blogging & More | 2025 Goals

Hi Friends,
Happy 2025! I can’t believe it’s the first day of a New Year. I’m excited to see what this year brings. I have so many fun content ideas for all my bookish platforms and can’t wait to bring them to life. To kick off the New Year, I want to share my 2025 goals. These goals cover my blog content, reading, and personal life.

Blog Goals
Quality Over Quantity: I’ve always worked hard to stick to a blogging schedule, and for the most part, it works. However, I want to be more flexible with my content in 2025. Instead of striving for three posts a week, I want to prioritize quality over quantity. If that means publishing only one post some weeks, I’m okay with that as long as it’s the best it can be.

Book Reviews: In 2024, I struggled to stay on top of book reviews. There are still so many I haven’t published! This year, I’m determined to change that. Instead of waiting weeks to write and post reviews, I’ll try my hardest to publish them shortly after finishing each book.

Originality: I always aim to be creative with my content, but sometimes it’s challenging. In 2025, I want to brainstorm more unique and innovative bookish posts. Some of my favorite posts have been the ones that feel fresh and unlike anything I’ve seen in the book community.

Bookish Goals
Backlist Books: I’m not sure if this was a goal of mine last year, but I hope to focus more on backlist books in 2025. I often get caught up in reading new releases and neglect older titles. However, there are so many books that have been out for years that I’d love to read.

Read More, Buy Less: I want to read more books from my shelves than I buy each month. This might sound ambitious, but I’d really like to cut back on book purchases in 2025. Essentially, my goal is to read more books than I purchase each month. For example, if I buy eight books in January, I want to read at least ten books I already own. I hope that makes sense!

Reading Goal: Every year, I set a reading goal, and this year is no different. Last year, I aimed to read 115 books—and I managed to hit that goal! This year, I’m lowering my goal to 100 books. The reason for this change is that many of the books I want to read are longer and more emotionally intense. A smaller goal feels more realistic and aligned with the type of reading experience I’m aiming for.

Personal Goals
Workout: I’ve always been an exercise girlie (I even have my yoga teacher certification!), but I feel like I let fitness take a back seat in the latter half of 2024. I’d love to get back into my fitness routine and rekindle my love for working out.

Author PA: I’m so grateful to be starting my journey as an author PA. In 2025, I’d love to grow in this role, connect with more authors, and help them share their work with the world. I’m always happy to work with all budgets and assist authors with social media marketing.

Baby E: This has been a goal for my husband and me for the past four years. Hopefully, 2025 will be the year we’re blessed with a pregnancy and, possibly, a baby. It’s been a long, challenging journey, but we’re still holding on to hope that we’ll finally see those two pink lines.

And there you have it—my 2025 goals! Let me know your reading goals for the New Year in the comments. As always, you can follow me on other social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Please consider hitting the follow button—you won’t want to miss all the exciting blog content I have planned!

Until The Next Chapter,