This Week // Thankful Thursday

Hi Friday,
Now that it’s November, I will once again be doing ‘Thankful Thursday!’ This is just a series of posts, where every Thursday in November there will be a post that has to do with being thankful. To kick off the series, I am going to talk about three things that I am thankful for this week. Also, I am not including my family or husband on this list because I am always thankful for them.

Although I am always grateful for my fur babies, this week, I have taken the time to appreciate them a lot more. Sometimes being a pet owner can be stressful, but I am so glad that I have these crazy animals in my life.

This might seem silly, but I am so happy that we have bookstores. Yes, I know I can just shop for books online, but there is something different about going into a bookstore. I love shopping the shelves and bringing home a new book. Hopefully, bookstores will never fade away.

I am a winter girlie, so I love that it is starting to get colder. I love wearing sweaters and bundling up in a cozy blanket. Nothing beat a cold winter morning, drinking hot coffee and reading a fall or holiday book.

I am sure that there are a million more things that I am thankful for this week, but if I listed all of them, this post would be very long. So, I am just going to leave you with these three. In the comments, tell me, one thing you are thankful for this week. Do not forget to help support my blog by giving it a follow.

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Halloween Tag // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
Happy Halloween! Today, I am going to be doing the “Halloween Tag” this lifestyle tag was created years ago, 2011 to be exact, by some popular YouTubers at the time. I have been wanting to do a Halloween tag for a while and what better day to post one than the holiday itself.

I know that this film does not take place on Halloween, but lets face it most of us probably watch it in October. My husband and I always celebrate our anniversary, which just so happens to be October 31st, by watching a movie about marriage. Therefore, probably for this reason alone makes it my favorite Halloween film, but it is also a great movie with wonderful songs.

Do people actually remember when they stopped going trick-or-treating? Because, my 31 year old self does not. Honestly, it was probably by the time that I was 10 or 11 years old. I am the youngest out of five, so when my older siblings stopped caring to trick-or-treat, I probably did too.

This is going to be very basic but my favorite costume is going to have to be Sally from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I did not have a huge wedding, but I and my husband got married on Halloween dressed as Jack and Sally from the movie. Three years later, I still have my Sally dress.

We usually just stay in on Halloween. I am going to stay in my pjs, read, and watch movies. So, no dressing up for me. However, if I were to dress up, I would go as Lydia Deetz (from ‘Beetlejuice’) in the red wedding dress.

Nope! I am 100% a horror movie girlie, but I have no desire to put myself in a scary situation, despite it being all for fun. I like to keep my hauntings in book and movie form.

This is difficult because both are awesome. However, I am going to say, vampires. I love me a good vampire story, and I find vampires to be way sexier than werewolves. Even though my husband likes to joke, the werewolves never wear shirts.

I do have a sweet tooth, but Reese’s are probably my favorite candy. I actually do not like peanut butter at all, except in a Reese’s. If I got to choose two candies my second would for sure be Sour Patch Kids, which I think everyone loves.

Of course! I admit that I am not the best decorator, but I do love, putting up a few Halloween decorations. I think decorating makes holidays come to life a little more.

My least favorite costume, which is also the one I have the most memories of, is The Statue Of Liberty. Not only was I just wrapped in sliver fabric, but my third-grade teacher was also The Statue Of Liberty. My 8 year old self was very embarrassed, and I looked like I was a left over wrapped in foil.

I know that I was a witch a few times, but I remember being Belle from “Beauty and the Beast” twice. Many of our costumes were homemade, but my mom actually bought my Belle dress from the Disney store, and I was obsessed with it.

Yes! I think that if you do not believe in ghosts, you are being closed-minded. Sometimes, seeing is not always believing. Sometimes you just have to believe in the unknown.

I have no idea what this means because my Halloweens have been pretty normal. I have never had a traumatic or scary Halloween. I am grateful for this to be the case.

This tag was so fun to do, and I tag anyone who would like to do it. I hope you have a happy and safe Halloween. Please celebrate the holiday by giving my blog a follow.

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The September House // Book Review

About The Book
A woman is determined to stay in her dream home even after it becomes a haunted nightmare in this compulsively readable, twisty, and layered debut novel. Every September, the walls drip blood. The ghosts of former inhabitants appear, and all of them are terrified of something that lurks in the basement. Most people would flee. Margaret is not most people.
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My Rating

This book surprised me in a good way. The book follows Margaret, a woman who moves into a haunted house with her husband. However, when her husband goes missing, their daughter is determined to find out what happened to her father. Her mother is desperate to keep all the supernatural things that go on in the house a secret from her. Does that not sound like a recipe for a good haunted house mystery?

The book is told from Margaret’s perspective during her fourth September in the house. It is widely mentioned throughout the story that September is when shit hits the fan. We get chapters from previous years throughout Margaret’s life. Many of these chapters described what it was like when they first moved to the house. We also learn a lot about Margaret and her life with her husband and daughter.

Margaret is a very unreliable narrator, because there is a mention that her father had a mental illness. Her marriage was unhappy. She mentioned a lot about rules and rules to cope with many things, such as her husband’s drinking and anger and her deadly house.

“Thank you for coming but kindly remove your crazy asses from our holy ground.”

The writing was good, but it did not keep me engaged as much as I had hoped it would. I felt that there were many instances when I wanted the story to progress much faster than it did. I felt that it was just lacking something in the way the author told the story that kept them from becoming a new favorite thriller author.

This plot is interesting. I kept trying to guess what was going to happen. You think the author is going to take you in one direction, but then they do a complete 180, and take you in an entirely different direction. The last few chapters were not incredibly action-packed, but they were very intense.

Overall, it was a decent haunted house story. Will there probably be better options in the future? Sure, but is this one that I will remember? Definitely, yes. Please keep in mind that this book heavily dives into domestic violence and what it is like to be a woman in that situation, especially one with a child.

You can always check book trigger warnings on the StoryGraph app or at Book Trigger Warnings. Please leave me a comment letting me know if you are interested in this book. Do not forget to hit the follow button, so that you never miss any of my posts.

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Five Favorite Covers // Horror & Thriller

Hi Friends,
Let us talk about creepy book covers! When it comes to books, I can definitely be a cover buyer at times, but I do not just gravitate towards pretty covers. As a thriller reader, I love a good spooky book cover, so today I am going to talk about five of my favorite thriller/horror book covers. Remember this is my opinion, so you might not find these covers spooky, which is completely fine.

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I have heard that this is a very disturbing adult horror, but something about this cover gives me chills. It is a fairly simple cover but manages to give off a sinister look. Personally, I love how subtle and creepy the cover is, and I can tell that this is a horror without having to read the synopsis.

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Honestly, I know nothing about this book, but I would buy it just for the cover. It is giving off ghost story vibes, which I love. At the same time, this cover is spooky and beautiful. I kind of get the chills looking at it and I’m okay with that

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This is another simple but creepy cover. The red eyes add such a spooky element, and I love the pink and black color choice. I mean sheep are not generally frightening, but this book cover makes me think otherwise.

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Every time I see this cover, I instantly think Freddy Krueger “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” which is obviously what they were intending from this cover. However, it is so unsettling that I think my husband would have nightmares if he saw this cover. There is no question that this is a horror book just from the looks of it.

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I have been wanting to read this book for years now because the cover screams thriller. It gives me the women in white, but YA. I find it to be eerie, but again, it has the spook factor without being an outright scary design. I believe that these types of covers are the creepiest.

In the comments, let me know what some of your favorite thrillers or horror books cover. Do not forget to share this post with other readers. And, if you are a fan of books, you can give my blog a follow so that you never miss a post.

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Characters & Costumes // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
Halloween is practically here, and I wanted to do a fun Halloween costume post! So I thought it would be fun to share what I think some bookish characters would be for Halloween.

Coraline‘ by Neil Gaiman
This one was a no brainer. She would simply go as a black cat. It is an easy and laid-back costume, especially for someone like Coraline, who does not typically like to get all dressed up. Also, cats are pretty significant to her, so I think she would be more than happy to celebrate Halloween as one.

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder’ by Holly Jackson
Pip is the main character in this mystery book trilogy, and because of her love for solving crime, I believe she’d would go as a classic teen detective, Nancy Drew. Both girls are smart and driven, and always find themselves caught up in some sort of mystery.

A Merry Little Meet Cute’ by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone
In this book, Bee, a plus-sized pornstar, and Nolan, a former boy band member, fall in love. I think that they’d do a couples costume, and what is more classic than Sandy and Danny from Grease? Not only is it a musical type of costume for Nolan, but Sandy’s bad girl look at the end of the film would be right up Bee’s alley because it is classic, yet sexy.

I am not sure everyone will agree on these costume choices, but I think they work well for the characters. This was a really fun post to put together, and I would love to know what you all think of it. Please share and like this post because it really does help my blog. Before you go, give the blog a quick follow.

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New Moon | Book Review

About The Book
Bella and Edward face a devastating separation, the mysterious appearance of dangerous wolves roaming the forest in Forks, a terrifying threat of revenge from a female vampire and a deliciously sinister encounter with Italy’s reigning royal family of vampires, the Volturi. Passionate, riveting, and full of surprising twists and turns, this vampire love saga is well on its way to literary immortality.
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My Rating

This is the sequel to ‘Twilight,’ and as always, when it comes to reviewing a book series, there will be spoilers pertaining to the previous book or books. In this novel, Bella and Edward’s relationship is in full force, but things occur, causing Edward to flee Forks, leaving Bella behind.

Honestly, I’m not quite sure how I feel about Bella’s reaction to Edwards leaving. From the way, the other characters described her state of mind it was bordering on clinical depression and suicidal. Making me think that her and Edward’s relationship is very problematic.

The main plot does not actually kick off until Bella realizes that her subconscious will conjure Edward whenever she puts herself in danger. Therefore, like any allegedly sane person, she decides that she should embark on risky tasks just to hear Edward’s voice.

This is the first book that we see Bella form a true friendship with Jacob Black. He becomes Bella’s closest friend as she continues to put herself in danger. Personally, I really liked Jacob’s character, and you can see that he cared for Bella. However, there was absolutely no romantic chemistry between them, especially since Bella was devoted/moderately obsessed with Edward.

“I honestly have no idea how to live without you.”

The last chapters were fast-paced and full of action. In this book, the author introduces to another supernatural creature that you know will play a significant role in the books to come. In addition, we learn about The Volturi, the largest and most powerful coven and vampires.

The only cons I have about this story is how Bella ditched her friends for months, then expected them to want to hang out with her after she lost the Cullens. She was also careless with her life and literally begged Edward to turn her. She does not even care about the people she will leave behind and the pain she will cause them. Bella is a bit of a selfish character.

Overall, the book went by way faster than the first one. However, if you are looking for exceptional writing or storytelling, these might not be the books for you. This is just a fun, classic, young adult, supernatural romance. There is not much depth or twist in the story.

In the comments, let me know if you are team Jacob or team Edward. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others. If you would like to be notified whenever there is a new post. please follow the blog.

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House Of Salt And Sorrows // Book Review

About The Book
Annaleigh lives a sheltered life at Highmoor with her sisters and their father and stepmother. Once there were twelve, but loneliness fills the grand halls now that four of the girls’ lives have been cut short. When Annaleigh’s involvement with a mysterious stranger who has secrets of his own intensifies, it’s a race to unravel the darkness that has fallen over her family–before it claims her next.
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My Rating

I thought this book would be a five-star, because of its interesting plot, but it did not quite live up to my expectations. This is a young adult horror retelling of “The Twelve Dancing Princesses.” Being someone who had never heard of the original version, I did not know exactly what to expect. However, after reading this book, I am curious about the original story.

In the book, we follow Annaleigh, she was one out of a family of 12 daughters, however, four of her sisters, along with her mother, passed away. Because of this, people assume that the family is cursed. However, when strange things start happening, Annaleigh begins to wonder if these deaths are not accidents.

This book is full of many twists and turns. Annaleigh was a very smart main character, and I loved how she was willing to believe in the impossible. However, grief clouds our judgment slightly, which could be why she was quick to believe in unusal and strange things going on.

“We are born of the Salt, we live by the Salt, and to the Salt we return.”

The plot was interesting, and it kept me engaged. There is even a romance that I did not see coming but loved. However, there were times when I thought the story lagged, and I did not want to pick up the book quite as much as I would have hoped. However, I never saw the ending coming, and it was amazing.

Overall, I enjoyed how the author brought this story to life, and it was almost a bit of a gothic haunted spin on ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ story. The last few chapters were fairly creepy, so I would say it is a true horror story, even if it is on the tamer side of things.

In the comments, let me know if you have read the “The Twelve Dancing Princesses” and what you thought of this retelling. Do not forget to like and share this post with other book lovers. If you want to become part of my little bookish family, hit the follow button!

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54321 // Book Tag

Hi Friends,
I came across the ‘54321’ book tag a while ago on the book blog ‘Amy Leigh Reads‘ and thought that it would be a fun quick tag to do. I am not going to give much context to my answers, but if you have been following my blog for sometime, they’re pretty self-explanatory.

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Related Post: Hidden Pictures // Book Review
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Related Post: The Do-Over // Book Review
Related Post: You’ll Be The Death Of Me // Book Review
Related Post: Caraval // Book Review 

Related Post: The Only One Left // Book Review

In the comments section, feel free to leave your answers to these questions. Do not forget to share this post with other booklovers. If you enjoy my bookish content, please give my blog a follow because your support really helps my blog grow.

Ace Of Spades // Book Review

About The Book
Gossip Girl meets Get Out in Ace of Spades, a YA contemporary thriller by debut author Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé about two students, Devon & Chiamaka, and their struggles against an anonymous bully. As Aces shows no sign of stopping, what seemed like a sick prank quickly turns into a dangerous game, with all the cards stacked against them. Can Devon and Chiamaka stop Aces before things become incredibly deadly?
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My Rating

This is a gripping tale, with the main characters Devon Richards and Chiamaka Adebayo standing out as minorities in their high school. Chiamaka is portrayed as the classic, smart, ‘queen bee,’ and Devon as the music geek from the wrong side of the tracks.

The plot of the book is undeniably interesting, as it revolves around a mysterious threat targeting Devon and Chiamaka, the only two black students at Niveus Private Academy. This premise immediately captivated me, and kept me engaged throughout the book.

While the writing was commendable and entertaining, I found the book to be a bit lengthy. At times, it felt like I was waiting for something significant to occur. Additionally, the fact that Devon and Chiamaka spent a substantial portion of the book apart was somewhat disappointing, as I hoped for more interaction between them.

“But racism isn’t just about that—it’s not about being nice or mean. Or good versus bad. It’s bigger than that.”

Devon’s character was my favorite, and I felt that I enjoyed his chapters and point of view more than Chiamaka, who came across as somewhat cold. Once the two characters finally started to interact, I did not see much of a friendship form until closer to the end of the book. However, the opposites in their personalities may have been intentional, adding depth to their dynamic.

The ending of the book was shocking, and the revelation behind the attacks on Devon and Chiamaka was unexpected. Furthermore, the book’s unique approach to addressing racism was very impressive. The author was able to tackle such an important social issues in a compelling manner.

Overall, the story is an intriguing reading with engaging characters and captivating plot. It may feel a bit long, and the characters maybe could have interacted more. However, the ending, as well as its take on the topic of racism, makes it a good enough read. One quick thing is that the book features LGBT+ representation, which is something I always like to see in books.

In the comments, let me know if you have read anything from this author previously. Do not forget to like and share this post with others. Before you go, feel free to hit the following button.

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My Fall Makeup Bag // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
In today’s post, I am going to talk about what is in my makeup bag, and the beauty products that I like to use in the fall. I would not say that I am a huge makeup girlie, but I do find that makeup makes me feel more confident. Also, I am not going to mention things like foundation, concealer, setting powder, or mascara because those products do not typically change from season to season.


The blushes I enjoy in the fall are usually red or berry colors. One of my favorites is the MAC Cosmetics blush in ‘Burnt Pepper, ’ which is a beautiful, deep matte red shade. Another great fall blush in my makeup bag that I find to be a similar to the MAC one, but a bit more shimmery, is ‘Brick Red’ by e.l.f. Cosmetics. These are the two blushes I am always reaching for in the fall.


My go-to-fall bronzer is the Too Faced ‘Chocolate Soleil’ Matte Bronzer in medium/deep. However, currently in my fall makeup bag, I have an e.l.f. Cosmetics Halo Glow Contour in fair/light. It is a new product that I am testing.


This is probably my absolute favorite beauty product, so I have a lot to choose from. In the fall, I like to go for a more white highlighter. The two currently in my makeup bag are the e.l.f. Halo Glow Highlighter in ‘Rose Quartz.’ The other is the I Heart Revolution Disney Cinderella Highlighter in ‘Just Before Midnight.’

Face Palette

I have a ton of face palettes, but the one that I keep in my fall makeup bag is the Makeup Revolution The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Face Palette Spooktacular. There is no better face palette that I could have chosen for the fall time.

Eyeshadow Palette

I am no longer really an eyeshadow wearer, but I love a good seasonal eyeshadow palette. In my fall makeup bag, I have my ColourPop cosmetics original ‘Hocus Pocus’ palette. The colors are so pretty, and you can create a perfect fall-eye look with just this one palette.


As for lipstick, I have become more of a natural lip girl, but in my makeup bag, I have three that are perfect for this time of year. These are the three lipsticks released in the Makeup Revolution X Corpse Bride Collection. The colors represent Emily, Victor, and Victoria.

Hope you enjoyed getting a sneak peek into my makeup bag. I know that this was a different type of post from me, but I love sharing other parts of my personality besides my love of books. However, don’t worry, the book content is not going anywhere, so remember to follow the blog to get notified whenever there is a new post.

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