Hi Friends,
Happy Halloween! Today, I am going to be doing the “Halloween Tag” this lifestyle tag was created years ago, 2011 to be exact, by some popular YouTubers at the time. I have been wanting to do a Halloween tag for a while and what better day to post one than the holiday itself.

I know that this film does not take place on Halloween, but lets face it most of us probably watch it in October. My husband and I always celebrate our anniversary, which just so happens to be October 31st, by watching a movie about marriage. Therefore, probably for this reason alone makes it my favorite Halloween film, but it is also a great movie with wonderful songs.

Do people actually remember when they stopped going trick-or-treating? Because, my 31 year old self does not. Honestly, it was probably by the time that I was 10 or 11 years old. I am the youngest out of five, so when my older siblings stopped caring to trick-or-treat, I probably did too.

This is going to be very basic but my favorite costume is going to have to be Sally from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I did not have a huge wedding, but I and my husband got married on Halloween dressed as Jack and Sally from the movie. Three years later, I still have my Sally dress.

We usually just stay in on Halloween. I am going to stay in my pjs, read, and watch movies. So, no dressing up for me. However, if I were to dress up, I would go as Lydia Deetz (from ‘Beetlejuice’) in the red wedding dress.

Nope! I am 100% a horror movie girlie, but I have no desire to put myself in a scary situation, despite it being all for fun. I like to keep my hauntings in book and movie form.

This is difficult because both are awesome. However, I am going to say, vampires. I love me a good vampire story, and I find vampires to be way sexier than werewolves. Even though my husband likes to joke, the werewolves never wear shirts.

I do have a sweet tooth, but Reese’s are probably my favorite candy. I actually do not like peanut butter at all, except in a Reese’s. If I got to choose two candies my second would for sure be Sour Patch Kids, which I think everyone loves.

Of course! I admit that I am not the best decorator, but I do love, putting up a few Halloween decorations. I think decorating makes holidays come to life a little more.

My least favorite costume, which is also the one I have the most memories of, is The Statue Of Liberty. Not only was I just wrapped in sliver fabric, but my third-grade teacher was also The Statue Of Liberty. My 8 year old self was very embarrassed, and I looked like I was a left over wrapped in foil.

I know that I was a witch a few times, but I remember being Belle from “Beauty and the Beast” twice. Many of our costumes were homemade, but my mom actually bought my Belle dress from the Disney store, and I was obsessed with it.

Yes! I think that if you do not believe in ghosts, you are being closed-minded. Sometimes, seeing is not always believing. Sometimes you just have to believe in the unknown.

I have no idea what this means because my Halloweens have been pretty normal. I have never had a traumatic or scary Halloween. I am grateful for this to be the case.
This tag was so fun to do, and I tag anyone who would like to do it. I hope you have a happy and safe Halloween. Please celebrate the holiday by giving my blog a follow.
Until The Next Chapter,