You’ll Be The Death Of Me // Book Review

About The Book
It’s Ferris Bueller’s Day Off with murder when three old friends relive an epic ditch day, and it goes horribly—and fatally—wrong. Ivy, Mateo and Cal used to be close – best friends back in middle school. But when the trio spot Brian ‘Boney’ Mahoney ditching class too, they follow him – right into a murder scene. When their day of freedom turns deadly, it’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out.
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My Rating

I went into this book knowing that I was most likely going to enjoy it. And I wasn’t wrong. Unlike McManus’ other books, it didn’t start off with a bang, or dive right into the main story. Although I do prefer books that start with a bang, I found the build up to the murder/mystery refreshing.

The main three characters were similar to characters from other Karen M. McManus books. So, I wish there was more variety to her characters’ personalities. However, I found them each likable, and I can see how their friendship once worked.

There is a romance plot, which is typical when it comes to YA books, but I found the romance to be pretty weak. Although it was a second chance/friends-to-lovers type of romance, and I know that a lot of readers enjoy that trope.

I did feel that there was something off with the plot. It could be because I found the backstory about their friendship a little mundane. But she did manage to easily merge their past friendship into a new friendship. The author always finds a way to weave everything together, and make the story flow.

“We all make mistakes, right? And almost never see the fallout coming.”

Unlike some thrillers, ‘You’ll Be The Death Of Me’ had a message to it. Sometimes we forget how deadly our emotions can be, and to not let them get the better of us. We always have to pay a price for revenge. And even if you didn’t intend to hurt someone, you can never truly know how things will turn out in the end.

I found the fact that, throughout the book, the characters didn’t ignore hard topics, and had open communication with one another. This was nice, especially since they weren’t friends anymore. But it was the way they easily reconnected that made you see how they could have been friends, once upon a time.

The book showcased the many sides to a person, and how even horrible acts can be forgiven under the right circumstances. And that it is perfectly okay to ask for help. It also did, however, have some moments where I felt as though the characters were acting like hypocrites. However, they were rare instances.

I did happen to guess the killer, but every now and again, I find it fun to solve the mystery first. Still, this book has so much to offer, and there were a lot of shocking moments are the end. Plus the ending cliffhanger that I didn’t see coming.

I hope that Karen M. McManus doesn’t leave us hanging, because I am dying to see how the rest of this story plays out. In the comments, let me know if you have read this book, and if would like a sequel as well. Follow my blog for more book reviews!

Until The Next Chapter,

Books That Missed The Mark // 2021 Disappointments

Hi Friends,
I talked about my favorite books of 2021, but I thought it was time I mentioned some of the books I didn’t love. These books are ones that I didn’t really enjoy, but keep in mind that this is only my opinion. Also, I will link any reviews I have for each book.

Sunkissed by Kasie West
This was probably my biggest disappointment, because Kasie West is an auto read author for me. I usually love all her books, but this one was infuriating to say the least.

One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
This book bored and annoyed me. The concept of a, sort of, time travel romance seemed so cool. Yet, I didn’t connect with the story or writing. Also, I wasn’t a fan of the ending at all.

The Final Girls Support Group by Grady Hendrix
I heard how great this book was for months, but to me it wasn’t worth the hype. However, that could be due to the fact that I am not a big adult book reader. Still, I think it had more to do with the plot than anything.

So, This Is Christmas by Tracy Andreen
Ugh, this book was such a let down. Honestly, I hate that I have to talk about it since I kind of ranted in my review. It was a major disappointment, enough said.

The Holiday Switch by Tif Marcelo
I can’t fault this one too much for being on the list, since I was just excepting something different from the plot. There isn’t necessarily a problem with the book itself. Although, from the title one naturally assumes it will be a cute holiday swap story but sadly it isn’t.

Time Of Our Lives by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley
This is another book that I couldn’t stand. Truthfully, I don’t have anything good to say about this book, which is very unfortunate. The plot fell flat and the female love interest was extremely unlikable.

What’s Not To Love by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley
Yep, there are two books from this author duo on this list. The plot promises an enemies to lovers YA contemporary, which is only half true. The romance was very random and instant lovey. And, don’t even get me started on are female lead.

I am going to end this list here. After looking at all the books I read in 2021 I realize there are more I could add to this list. I guess my reading year 2021 wasn’t the best at all. Nevertheless, these are just my opinions and not every book is intended for every reader. Please tell me if you enjoyed any of these books in the comments. Don’t forget to follow the blog, share and like this post.

Until The Next Chapter,
Books With Bunny

My Favorite Books Of 2021 // The Best Of The Best

Hi Friends,
The time has finally come to talk about my favorite books of 2021! I managed to read a lot of books this year. Well, a lot for me. And while I wouldn’t classify my reading year as amazing, some of the books that were top-tier reads. I decided to start at number 11 and work my way down to number 1. Also, I have a review up for, almost, all the books on this list, so if you want to know my in-depth thoughts on any of them, please read my reviews.

1 Number PNG1 Number PNGThe Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee
This is, I believe, the first young adult sci-fi that I have ever read. The premise and character intrigued me, and the ending left me wanting to continue on with the story. I think it was a good way to easy myself into the fantasy genre. It was a cool read that managed to squeak its way on to this list.

1 Number PNG0 Number PNG Legendborn by by Tracy Deonn
I wasn’t to thrilled to pick this book up, since it is a YA fantasy story. If you have read my blog for any length of time than you know me and fantasy aren’t the best of friends. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, and the twist ending was fascinating. I am curious to see where the story will go from here. Overall, the excitement I got from listening to the story was why it got the number 10 spot.

9 Number PNGUndead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson
This is actually a book that I started back a year (or so) ago. But, I put it down and never picked it back up. That is, not until this year. I don’t know why I wasn’t engaged in the story the first time around, because I thought the plot worked well! There were also a lot of funny moments throughout the book. I would love to read more from this author, since her writing style was simple and effective. It isn’t the best book of all time, but I enjoyed it enough for it to become a favorite of 2021.

8 Number PNGOne Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus
I read many YA thrillers this year, and many of them were great reads. However, this book was a roller coaster ride, without being too crazy. Truthfully, I felt like I was reading a Lifetime mystery movie, which I am not mad about. I love Lifetime and Hallmark movies, so I think that is one of the reason I enjoyed the book. But the ending is what really too this book to the next level for me. Some might call it predictable; I call it shocking. Which is probably why Karen M. McManus has become a new favorite author of mine, and this book is one of my favorites for the year.

7 Number PNGYou Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson
Lucky number seven! This YA contemporary was cute, but not in a cheesy way. I liked how the story played out, and the female-female romance was very sweet. The main character, Liz, was relatable, and by the end of the book, began to stand up for herself. She had a lot going on at home, but handled it with so much strength, while hiding her anxiety. I think it is important to remember that we are the lead character of our lives, not a supporting role, which Liz eventually realized as well.

6 Number PNGOn The Fence by Kasie West
I love me some Kasie West, but I hadn’t picked up any of her older work until 2021. This is your classic best friends to lovers story, which is always a favorite of mine. Who am I kidding, Kasie West’s name on the cover usually means it’ll be a favorite for me. I liked the romance aspect, and that the main character was the typical pretty girl. There was also a mental health plot that was interesting, as well. It was a simple story, and it made me happy so number six it is.

5 Number PNGThe Afterlife Of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand
This was a reread for me, but this year it became one of my favorite books. Hence it being in my top 5 books of the year. Not sure, what head space I was in the first time I read it, but now it has officially become a yearly holiday read for me. It is a YA retelling of ‘A Christmas Carol’ with a unique twist. I think that just about anyone who knows the classic story would surely get a kick out of this book.

4 Number PNGToy Makers Apprentice by Sherri L. Smith
This is one of the last books that I read in 2021, and I am glad I discovered it. It is a middle-grade ‘The Nutcracker’ retelling that jumps right into the story from the get go. The plot is captivating, and I couldn’t put it down. It is such an original take on the classic story, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. I don’t know why more people aren’t raving about this book. It was very close to being higher on this list, but I read other books that were a little bit better.

3 Number PNGThese Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
This is a book that is getting a lot of buzz, so obviously I had to read it. The book is a take on Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliette’ set in Shanghai. After reading the book, I completely understand the hype. At first, I was a little confused. But once the story got going, it was, in a word, amazing. I don’t know how the author took Shakespeare’s classic story and turned it upside down while still making that connection to the original. I loved it! And evidently, others do too. And, to think I almost forgot to add it to my favorite books of the year. What was I thinking?

2 Number PNGIf I’m Being Honest by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley
I think it is funny that this book made the list, since I was so close to DNFing it. Nevertheless, this book has become a contemporary favorite of mine. The main character was blunt and confident, but learned to be a better person, all on her own. She thought that she had to “tame” herself to get a guy. But really, she need to be better for herself, and nobody else. As said by Dr. Seuss, “Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

1 Number PNGFive Feet Apart by Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott, & Tobias Iaconis
I don’t know if anyone expected this to be my top book of the year, because I sure didn’t. I think I mentioned this in my review for the book, but this story broke me. The plot is incredible and heartbreaking all at once. Your emotions will be all over the place while reading the book, which was probably the authors intention. I am going to warn you that the ending will make you cry, and probably break you as well. In my opinion, it is a love story that everyone should read.

Those are all my favorite books of 2021, and I am excited to see what will make the list next year. Let me know your favorite books of the year, and don’t forget to check out my reviews on the these books.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Holiday Traditions Tag

Hi Friends,
I just knew that I had to do a holiday tag before Christmas came. This is a pretty old holiday tag that I discovered this year. But honestly, most tags are timeless.

Favorite holiday destination?
I always stay home and spend the holidays with my family. However, hypothetically, I think celebrating the holidays in England would be a dream come true. I wouldn’t want to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas away from my family, but I would love to spend New Years in England.

Any family traditions?
We have a few family traditions. About 7 years ago we started having lasagna on Christmas Eve. This is a tradition that my husband brought to us because it is a tradition that his family did. Also, we always open one gift on Christmas Eve, which is new PJs. Lastly, since I was an itty bitty kid, we have watched ‘A Muppets Christmas Carol’ right before bed on Christmas Eve.

Favorite ornament or decoration?
I don’t know if this counts, but I love Christmas trees and lights. Not sure if that is basic or random. There is just something about Christmas lights that make me smile. And, seeing a Christmas tree that is decked out in fun ornaments, classy ornaments, or just a few ornaments is heartwarming.

What are you doing for the holidays?
Spending Christmas Day at home in my PJs, watching holiday movies, and playing board games.

Are you a late or early Christmas shopper?
I am a way too early of a shopper. I am talking like January through November. However, next year I am going to try and find a good middle between early and late shopping.

Who usually cooks holiday dinners?
My mom does the cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, me and my sister always try to make a dish or two.

Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
Nope. I would be way to nervous. Also, I don’t sing in public.

Do you live where it snows?
Not really. It has only ever snowed, probably, about 6 times here. I love the snow and think it would be amazing to have a white Christmas! But sadly, that isn’t usually the case.

One thing that makes you happiest at Christmas?
Buying gifts for others! Picking out something special for my people makes me happy. Yet I hate having to wait to see their reactions. Also, being surrounded with love at the holidays fills my cup ten times over.

What do you want most for Christmas?
Going to be honest here and say a baby. I would love it, and be super scared, anxious, and generally overly worried. But it would be very exciting to be pregnant. However, I don’t think that Santa has got that in his present bag for me. Other than that, I just want surprise gifts. I like seeing what others have picked out for me, rather than me telling them what to get me.

Happy Holidays! I tag everyone to do this tag, even if you are reading it after Christmas.

Until The Next Chapter,

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Posts

Hi Friends,
I started this bookish blog back in Mach of 2021, and boy has it been a ride. I’ve had fun writing all my posts, and sharing my love of books (and other things) with you all. In this post, I wanted to share some of the posts that I had the most fun writing for so far.

March TBR Feat. Tis The Damn Readathon
This was second post ever, and it is very special to me. I participated in my first readathon of the year. My husband pushed me to read a different book for each post. It was crazy, but I was glad that I challenged my self to read more than I usually would. So, this post will always be one of my favorites.

Coffee Meets Books // Holiday Edition
I thought that this post was very unique. Although it might have been done by others, it was interesting pairing books with coffee. I really had to think of what book to pair with each drink.

Ones I Couldn’t Live Without // Thankful Thursday
Although, I loved all my ‘Thankful Thursday’ posts, this one warms my heart. I was happy to get the opportunity to talk about the ones I love so much. It gave me a chance to remember how grateful I am to have these people in my life.

The Gilmore Girls Tag
If you have read my bio, you know I am a huge (no, mega!) Gilmore Girls fan. This tag was loads of fun to do, and I want to do another GG tag in the future.

Thanksgiving Day 2021 // A Day In Pictures
I don’t share too much of my personal life on the blog, so this post was a nice change. The photos gave my readers a small glimpse into my life. I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

Music Meets Books // Holiday Edition
This is another recommendations post that was a blast to write. I came up with this idea, and immediately knew the book and song pairings. I think that a lot of the recommendations worked well, and it put me in the holiday spirit.

For The Ones You Love // Book Recommendations
As you can see, I love doing book recommendations. It was interesting suggestions books for people in other people’s lives. I don’t know if it actually helped anyone with their Christmas shopping, but I like to think it did. Nevertheless, it was a cute post, and different from the normal gift guides we get every year.

The Bookmas Tag
This post kind of kick started Bookmas 2021, which, if I being honest, has been a bit much too handle. However, I am happy that I decided to do the ’12 Days Of Bookmas’. This post had a ton of fun questions, and I had a good time coming up with my answers.

I love all my posts in their own ways, but these ones have stood out to me. If you are a fellow blogger, let me know what posts you enjoyed writing in 2021! As per usual, like, share, comment, and follow the blog. And once again, happy holidays to all of you.

Until The Next Chapter,

So, This Is Christmas // Book Review

Author: Tracy Andreen
Published: 2021
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
Rating:Full, star, bookmark, favorite, favourite, like, rating icon - Download on IconfinderFull, star, bookmark, favorite, favourite, like, rating icon - Download on Iconfinder

When Finley Brown returned to her hometown of Christmas, Oklahoma, from boarding school, she expected to find it just as she left it. Christmas hasn’t changed much in her sixteen years. But instead she returns to find that her best friend is dating her ex-boyfriend, her parents have separated, and her archnemesis got a job working at her grandmother’s inn. And she certainly didn’t expect to find the boy she may or may not have tricked into believing that Christmas was an idyllic holiday paradise on her grandmother’s doorstep. It’s up to Finley to make sure he gets the Christmas he was promised. This is Finley’s Christmas. It’s about home and family and friends and finding her place, and along the way she also finds the best Christmas present of all: love.

I was excited to pick up this book, since it was a Christmas contemporary set in Oklahoma. I have family from Oklahoma, and my mom grew up an Okie. However, the book left a bad taste in my mouth, because the author portrayed Oklahomans in a very stereotypical way. Tracy Andreen grew up in Oklahoma, so this could stem from her experience there. Or, the stereotyping was simply supposed to be a joke.

In the book, Finley, returns home for the holidays after spending the semester at an elite boarding school. She spends the holiday season coming to terms with the things that occurred while she was away at school, all while working at her grandmother’s inn. Things get mess when her snobby British schoolmate shows up at the inn with his aunt for the perfect Christmas holiday.

In the book, we meet characters that sound and act like dumb hicks that never left their small Oklahoma town. It seemed like most the girls end up getting pregnant in high school, or at least that how it was with Finley’s family. And, sure Oklahoma is known to be a religious state, but I wouldn’t classify everyone as judgemental.

Moving on, Finley wasn’t enjoyable to read about and, in the audiobook, she had an overly southern accent. Not all Oklahomans have an accent, but apparently in this book they do. Also, the love story didn’t work for me one bit. I didn’t get an ounce of chemistry from them. It felt forced, and I wasn’t buying the enemies-to-lovers story the author was selling.

“Three percent Neanderthal wasn’t it?”

Rather than hate-to-love it was an unexpected romance story. The two didn’t even know each other well enough to hate one another. Perhaps if this was a dual perspective story where we heard from Finley and her love interest, Arthur, I wouldn’t have had such a negative opinion on the romance.

Furthermore, the plot was predictable from the get go, but not in a cute Hallmark movie way. More like a Disney Channel movie that is trying to be relatable and cute. About halfway through the book, I knew exactly how everything was going to turn out. I don’t always mind this, but it is more annoying when the story already isn’t captivating me.

Besides the holiday romance and family drama, the book’s message is that life is tough. Things are hard, but you shouldn’t give up. If you fall down, get back up and try again. Although, I think this is a good message, the book didn’t deliver it well. True, one shouldn’t give up because something is hard. But giving up shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing.

Sometimes we do things that might not turn out the way we hoped. They might be too hard, or just give us stress. It is always okay to say ‘I can’t do this.’ Not every choice you make will be right, but it is better to do what is best for you, than to do something because you feel obligated to. Honestly, life isn’t that black and white, and you should make the best decision you can for yourself.

As you can tell, I had such a great time reading this book. Okay, bad joke. This book was a big letdown, and wished I had DNFed it. Still, if you liked this book, then I am happy for you. I think that I probably rambled way too much in this review, so, sorry (not sorry). Anyhow, give me a like, a share, and a follow.

Until The Next Chapter,

Merry and Bright 2021 Readathon // Reading Log

Hi Friends,
I decided to do a reading vlog of sorts on the Merry and Bright readathon. Keep in mind that this is my first attempt at a reading vlog, so hopefully you guys in enjoy it. Also, I did a post on my TBR for the readathon that you can read as well.

Day 1: 12/09/2021
Today is the first day of the readathon! I cheated a little bit and started my book last night, but I only got to 12%. The book that I am starting out with is ‘These Violent Delights’ by Chloe Gong. This book is for the prompt ‘The Grinch: Enemies-to-lovers.’ And, I have gotten to 41%, which isn’t bad, if I do say so myself. I was hoping to get to 50% today, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen. My mom, my sister and I had to take my Uncle Christmas shopping. We went to some antique stores, and this cute little coffee and fudge shop. I don’t love antiquing, but honestly I can always find something to buy. Shopaholic problems.

Day 2: 12/10/2021
My sister drove into the city for the day to spend some time with the family. We got together and had a girls shopping day. I spent a little too much, but it was fun. We went to two different Targets, then Victoria’s Secret, Hobby Lobby and of course Starbucks. We had lunch at Red Robin, and Jack-In-The-Box for dinner. I also maybe got a book at Target, but it was 20% off. Early Christmas gift to myself. I did get some super cute things from Victoria’s Secret, since they were having a great sale. I had to get a gift there anyways, so I decided to treat myself to some items as well.

The day was draining, but fun. Still, it didn’t leave much time for reading. I am still at 41% of ‘These Violent Delights,’ but luckily I did manage to finish a book. I read ‘The Nutcracker,’ which was for the prompt ‘Last Christmas: Purchased Last Year & Never Read?’ It was a fast read, and I am happy to be able to check it off my TBR.

Day 3: 12/12/2021
I had a pretty relaxing day, so I didn’t get much reading done. I was more focused on writing blog content, since I have the ‘12 Days of Bookmas’ coming up. Still, I did get in a small amount of reading, and got to 61% of ‘These Violent Delights.’ I am enjoying the story a lot more than I anticipated, which is exciting. Other than that, I watched some Christmas movies, worked out, and napped. Don’t judge me.

Day 4: 12/13/2021
I was working a ton on my blog this day, since it was the start of Bookmas. I read only a small bit more of ‘These Violent Delights’, getting to 67%. So, I don’t have much of an update. Also, I had some personal things going on, which made reading not my top priority.

Day 5: 12/14/2021
I finally finished ‘These Violent Delights’! I’m very excited to post my review on it, because I have a lot of thoughts. I will say that it made it on to my top books of the year list. In addition to reading, I worked out and did more blog stuff, which you can probably tell is my normal routine.

Day 6: 12/15/2021
I was going to read another book today, which I could have finished in about an hour. However, I didn’t do any reading since I went out fairly early in the day. I did see some amazing Christmas lights, and will be posting pictures on my Instagram account (@bunnysbookishlife).

In total, I read two books. I was hoping to finish at least 3 books, but that wasn’t the case. Nonetheless, I am still happy that I participated in the readathon. If you took part in the ‘Merry and Bright’ readathon let me know how you did in the comments. As always, like, share, and follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

Books I Wish I’d Read // In 2021

Hi Friends,
There were so many books that I wanted to read in twenty-twenty one. But, sadly I didn’t have time to read every book on my TBR. If only the days were longer, and I had hours to dedicate to reading. Nevertheless, I put together a list of the top books that I wanted to read, but never got to.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber
“Welcome to Caraval, where nothing is quite what it seems. Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father.”

I was hoping to reread this book, and possibly finish the whole series. However, I was never able to fit it on to my TBR. Although, I don’t think I was ever really in the mood to pick it up. It is, still, a great fantasy series that I would like to complete.

The Lucky List by Rachael Lippincott
“Two girls, one list and twelve chances to fall in love this summer. From the #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Five Feet Apart comes a gripping new romance, perfect for fans of The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda.”

I am so sad that I didn’t get around to reading this book. It is by one of the authors of ‘Five Feet Apart,’ which I read this year and loved. I don’t know much about this book except that it is a YA contemporary that gives me summer romance vibes. I think it is a female-female love story, which I am here for.

White Smoke by Tiffany D. Jackson
“The Haunting of Hill House meets Get Out in this chilling YA psychological thriller and modern take on the classic haunted house story from New York Times bestselling author Tiffany D. Jackson!”

I have heard nothing but good things about Tiffany D. Jackson’s writing. So I was looking forward to picking up her newest novel. I was going to read it in October, but failed to. It is a YA thriller, which is awesome since I have been branching out into that genre lately. I will mostly likely be reading this in October of 2022. Maybe even sooner.

What Once Was Mine (Twisted Tales, #12) by Liz Braswell
“The 12th installment in the New York Times best-selling series asks: What if Rapunzel’s mother drank a potion from the wrong flower?”

I have been getting into the Twisted Tales series, and managed to read two of them this year. When I read the plot of this one, I was anticipating its release. It is a twist on the ‘Tangled’ animated film, which followed Rapunzel. Honestly, I kind of forgot about the book once it was released. I do hope to read it next year, but might get to more of the previous books in the series first.

The Mary Shelley Club by Goldy Moldavsky
“New York Times-bestselling author Goldy Moldavsky delivers a deliciously twisty YA thriller that’s Scream meets Karen McManus about a mysterious club with an obsession for horror.”

I saw this book in store during spooky season, but the cover didn’t wow me. The title did catch my eye, though. However, once I found out about the interesting plot, I already had other books that I wanted to read more. I haven’t seen many people mention the book, but it is high on my radar.

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord
“A fresh, irresistible rom-com from debut author Emma Lord about the chances we take, the paths life can lead us on, and how love can be found in the opposite place you expected.”

This is a book that has been raved about from fans of YA contemporaries for a while. It is a hate-to-love story, which you should know by now is one of my favorite tropes. I think this is a summer read, but as usual, it never made it on to my TBR for the year. Next year, I will for sure pick this up. But, please don’t hold me to that promise.
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
“She came from nothing. They had everything. Now there’s only one rule: winner takes all. An utterly addictive and twisty thriller, full of dark family secrets and deadly stakes. Perfect for fans of One of Us is Lying and Knives Out.”

This is one that I heard about later in the year, and it seems like YA thriller with a fascinating mystery aspect. Again, this is one that I didn’t get to pick up during spooky season. I way to preoccupied with Karen M. McManus books to read any other YA thrillers. I do want to make an effort to read this book, which I believe is duology.

The Girls I’ve Been by Tess Sharpe
“A slick, twisty YA page-turner about the daughter of a con artist who is taken hostage in a bank heist.”

To be honest, this was a last minute addition to the list. I had seen the cover, but pegged it as an adult thriller. Once I discovered that it was a YA book about a former con-artist, it immediately made it on to my TBR. I read about a con-artist early this year, and that type of character transfixes me. I want to predict that this will be a 4 or 5 star read that I will be picking up sooner rather than later.

Those are some of the many books that I wanted to read in 2021, but didn’t have time to read. Let me know the books you wanted to pick up this year, but never managed to. If you want to give me a holiday gift, then like, share, and follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Bookmas Tag

Hi Friends,
Today, I’m going to be doing the ‘Bookmas’ tag! This tag was created by SophiesSeries on Booktube. Since, I am going to be doing the ‘12 Days of Bookmas’ this year, so I thought this would be a good start to Bookmas.

☸ The Lovebirds: Which two characters would you like to see under the mistletoe?
I have a review up on ‘One Of Us Is Next’ by Karen M. McManus, and I believe mentioned how much I loved the relationship that developed between Phoebe and Knox. Truthfully, I would read a whole book on their friends to lovers story. Although, I don’t really know if I can classify them as friends turned lovers. Still, I think finding them under the mistletoe together would be so cute.

The Mismatched: Which unlikely pair of characters would get stuck under the mistletoe?
It would be hilarious if Selwyn and Nick from ‘Legendborn’ by Tracy Deonn got caught under the mistletoe together. They have this love-hate brotherly type of bond, so they would be pissed if this happened.


☸ The Grinch: Which character would spend the day with their face in a knot?
Leda Cole from ‘The Thousandth Floor’ series by Katharine McGee for sure! From what I’ve read she seems like such a negative person. I can just see her being in a grumpy, snarky mood during the holidays.

The Naughty List: Which character has angered so many people that nobody felt like getting them a gift?
Possibly, Warner from the ‘Shatter Me’ books by Tahereh Mafi. This might be a stretch since I’ve only read the first book in the series. And, I do believe that Warner gets more likable as the books go on. However, I still feel like his colder demeanor would rub people the wrong way making them give him coal instead of a gift.

The Fraud: Which character would assign a fake date to the gathering, just so they don’t appear alone?
I would say Avery Fuller from ‘The Thousandth Floor’ series, since I remember her doing something similar to this in the first book. She is seen as the perfect girl, so I think she’d feel like she always needs to attend every event with a handsome man.

The Caroler: Which character does everybody have to yell at to stop singing Christmas songs?
Obviously Lily from ‘Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares‘ by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn! She was literally in a Christmas caroling group. Also, I don’t see her having any problem singing peoples ears off with Christmas tunes.

The Klutz: Which character accidentally knocks over the Christmas tree?
This question was a hard one, but I am going to pick Charlie from ‘10 Truths and a Dare’ by Ashley Elston. He is such a goofball character, so I feel like he would do something impulsive and knock over the tree.

The Snooper: Which character would ruin all of their surprises by trying to figure out what all the gifts are?
I think Kitty from the ‘To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before’ trilogy by Jenny Han. She is kind of spoiled and nosy, which makes me think she’d peek at the gifts. Also, I don’t think this has anything to do with her being the youngest, seeing as I am the youngest out of my siblings. And I would never sneak a peek at the gifts.

I tag all of you to do this tag, even if you aren’t taking part in Bookmas. I hope that you are all excited for Bookmas! If you have already been reading and watching some Bookmas content let me know in the comments. You wont want to miss any of my upcoming post, so hit that follow button. Pretty please!

Until The Next Chapter,

Merry and Bright 2021 Readathon // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
I decided, last minute, to take part in the ‘Merry and Bright’ readathon, hosted by booktubers Zoe, Chandler, and Spencer. There are only six reading prompts, and it is all together a chill readathon. I have picked a different book for each prompt, so hopefully I can get to them all.

Readathon Dates: December 9th – 15th

Winter Wonderland: White On The Cover?

‘If I Stay’ meets ‘Your Name’ in Dustin Thao’s ‘You’ve Reached Sam’, a heartfelt novel about love and loss and what it means to say goodbye.

I have been dying to pick up this book. What can I say, I am a sucker for a good heartbreaking YA contemporary. This one has a sci-fi element twist that reminds me of the movie ‘The Lake House’.

Hot Cocoa: Cozy Vibes?

In this clever reimagining of Charles Dickens’s life, he and fiancée Kate Hogarth must solve the murder of an old miser, just before Christmas.

When I heard about this book, I knew that it was right up my alley. You should know by now that I am a huge ‘A Christmas Carol’ fan, so a mystery retelling sounds amazing. For some reason, this book gives me those cozy London feels.

Elf on the Shelf: Already Owned?

A heartwarming, page-turning adventure about one child’s love for his most treasured thing, and how far he will go to find it. A tale for the whole family to fall in love with, from one of the world’s greatest storytellers.

I got this book for my wedding anniversary and couldn’t be more excited for it. Being a lover of Christmas and pigs, a Christmas pig related story is sure to be a 5 star read. I hope the book doesn’t let me down.

Last Christmas: Purchased Last Year & Never Read?

The tale of Nutcracker, written by E.T.A. Hoffmann in 1816, has fascinated and inspired artists, composers, and audiences for almost two hundred years. It has retained its freshness because it appeals to the sense of wonder we all share.

I was gifted two different copies of ‘The Nutcracker’, so it seemed like it was about time to read it. I have actually never read the book, or even seen the stage production.

The Grinch: Enemies-to-Lovers or Unreliable Narrator?

Perfect for fans of ‘The Last Magician’ and ‘Serpent & Dove’, this heart-stopping debut is an imaginative Romeo and Juliet retelling set in 1920s Shanghai, with rival gangs and a monster in the depths of the Huangpu River.

I have been wanting to read this book for a while, since it has become a favorite among the book community. So, I knew I had to find away to add it to my TBR. I can’t wait to jump into this ‘Romeo and Juliette’ fantasy retelling, and hopefully I will enjoy it as much as some of the others.

Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Dual Perspective?

Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich’s ‘If This Gets Out’ is an absolute showstopper! Equal parts edgy and adorable, this bright, joyful book has everything I look for in a queer YA romance.” —Phil Stamper, bestselling author of ‘The Gravity of Us’

This was on my TBR for the month, and is a much anticipated release (for me, at least).

Those are the books that I will be reading for the ‘Merry and Bright’ readathon. In total, it is only 6 days long, so hopefully I can complete this TBR. Let me know if you will be participating as well, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content.

Until The Next Chapter,