Memeathon // 2022 Readathon

Hi Friends,
I am super excited to announce the Memeathon! This a readathon that I have created that focuses on popular memes and reading. I owe this idea to my husband, who is all about that meme life. I don’t believe anyone has ever created a readathon like this before. But, I don’t really know for sure.

Dates: July 1st – 31st
Read All The Books: Read The Next Book In A Series
Shut Up & Take My Money: Read The Last Book You Purchased
Wednesday Frog: Read A Book Containing An Over-Used Trope
Socially Awkward Penguin: Read An Overrated Book
Socially Awesome Penguin: Read An Underrated Book
Distracted Boyfriend: Finish A Book You DNFed
Success Kid: Read A 5 Star Prediction
Guess I’ll Die: Read A Murder Mystery or Thriller

I will obviously be doing a TBR post for the readathon, and I hope that you share your TBR too! This is a super chill readathon, so feel free to double on the prompts. If you can find one book that fulfills all the prompts, then go for it. There is a Twitter account for the readathon that I will try to keep up with as well. Please let me know in the comments if you will be participating. And follow the blog so you never miss a post.

Until The Next Chapter,

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2 years ago

This sounds like such a fun idea. Love this readathon idea. It’ll make choosing my next set of books exciting.

2 years ago

This is such a creative readathon! I bet my husband would love the concept as well because he’s also super into memes. While I’m not big on memes, I do love my books, so I enjoy it for that purpose! I can’t wait to see which titles you choose.