Summerween 2024 | Day Six

Hi Friends,
We are on day six of Summerween! I wasn’t able to get as much reading done as I wanted to today. I believe I only got to 15% of ‘How To Sell A Haunted House‘ by Grady Hendrix. However, I am still very intrigued by the plot.

I spent some of the day out and about. I had a lovely dinner at Panera. When I go there, which isn’t actually all that often, I usually get the Pick 2 deal. I had a yummy half salad and sandwich. It was really tasty, and I forgot how good the food is there.

Also, I had to stop by Barnes & Noble and Target. I didn’t get any books at Barnes & Noble—I know, shocker!—but I did get six books at Target since they were having a buy 2, get 1 free sale. I’m really excited to read all the books I picked up.

Let me know if you’ve bought any books lately. Please like and share this post with other book lovers. Before you leave, show my blog some love by giving it a follow.

Until The Next Chapter,


Summerween 2024 | Day Five

Hi Friends,
Happy Summerween day five! I can’t believe the readathon is almost over. I’ve actually completed all the prompts today, so any more books I read are just extra and don’t have to fit the prompts. I finished ‘The Last Time I Lied’ by Riley Sager, and it was amazing. It counted for a book that takes place during the summer and also worked for the five-word title prompt. I have a lot to say about this book, but you’ll have to wait for my review.

I also completed the graphic novel ‘Something Is Killing The Children’. It was another great read, and I’m definitely going to continue with this graphic novel series. I read the e-book via Everand, and you can get a free trial using my link (click here).

Even though I’ve finished all the prompts, I decided to try and read one more book before the readathon ends. So, I ended day five by starting ‘How To Sell A Haunted House’ by Grady Hendrix. I got about five chapters in, and I’m actually enjoying the story, which is interesting since this author isn’t a favorite of mine.

In the comments, let me know how you’re doing on your Summerween TBR or your reading goals in general. Please like and share this post with other readers and follow the blog before you go.

Until The Next Chapter,

Summerween 2024 | Day Four

Hi Friends,
Today is Summerween Day Four! Unfortunately, I wasn’t feeling too well, so I didn’t get much reading done. However, I did manage to reach the 70% mark of Riley Sager’s ‘The Last Time I Lied‘. This book is getting so good that I can’t seem to put it down. I need to know how the story ends!

I also did a quick workout and took a nap, hoping it would make me feel better. Additionally, I uploaded a TikTok video! If you want to see my BookTok content, you can visit my page @BooksWithBunny. I post a lot of fun bookish content and book aesthetic videos, so if you’re looking for more book content from me, that’s another place to find it.

I finished the night with a donut for dessert and read some of my graphic novel ‘Something Is Killing The Children‘. I reached the 70% point in that book as well. While I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t finish any books, I know some days are like that. Still, I’m very happy with the amount of reading I did get done.

In the comments, let me know how many books you have read so far this month. If you are participating in Summerween, how is it going for you? Before you leave, show my blog some support by giving it a follow.

Until The Next Chapter,

Summerween 2024 | Day Three

Hi Friends,
Happy Summerween Day Three! I’ll be completely honest and let you know that I did practically nothing on Day 3 of Summerween. However, that is my typical Sunday routine. I slept in way too late and then had a yummy breakfast for lunch. Still, I did manage to read a bit, though I didn’t finish any books.

I started ‘Something Is Killing the Children‘, a horror graphic novel. It wasn’t originally on my TBR, but I thought it would be a quick read and fit the prompt to read a thriller or horror book. I got about 40% through it and I’m really liking it; the story is quite interesting.

I also started my next audiobook for the readathon, ‘The Last Time I Lied‘ by Riley Sager. I’m enjoying this book a lot; it’s very fast-paced, and I’m really invested in the story. I’ve read up to the 30% mark and I’m curious to see where it goes.

Besides my reading, I posted a photo for Day Two of the readathon’s photo challenges on Instagram. The challenge was to post a sunset book stack. If you want to see all my photos for the photo prompts, follow me on Instagram (@Books.With.Bunny). Before you go, like this post and leave me a comment telling me how your weekend went.

Until The Next Chapter,

Summerween 2024 | Day Two

Hi Friends,
It’s Summerween day two! I started my morning with iced coffee and listened to my book, ‘The House Across the Lake‘. I got about 50% through before taking a break to do some cleaning. I was so invested in the story and had a lot of theories about what was going on.

In the afternoon, I worked out while listening to more of the book. Afterward, I made dinner and watched some YouTube videos. I’ve been enjoying Alexandra Roselyn’s old videos. This readathon has made me wish it were fall already, so watching her fall book content has been helping me stay in the fall mood.

I did some personal 45-minute reading sprints to finish off the day. In that time, I was able to complete ‘The House Across the Lake’. It was a crazy read! Riley Sager knows how to write a mystery full of twists and turns. The book ended just before midnight, so by that time, I was ready for bed.

I hope you enjoyed this little recap of Summerween day two! Let me know in the comments what you have been reading lately. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others.

Until The Next Chapter,

Summerween 2024 | Day One

Hi Friends,
Yesterday, Summerween kicked off! In my TBR post for the readathon, I promised to do daily updates. However, I didn’t mention that I wouldn’t be posting the updates until the day after, which is why Day 1 is going up on Day 2. This is because I won’t know how much I’ve read until the day ends. I hope that makes sense.
Anyway, I’m somewhat happy with how my reading went on the first day of the readathon. I managed to finish a book, but unfortunately, it wasn’t for Summerween. I had started ‘Vespertine‘ by Margaret Rogerson at the beginning of the month and wanted to finish it before starting any new books.

However, I was able to start ‘The House Across the Lake‘ by Riley Sager and got to 25%. So, even though I read a lot, I didn’t finish any books for the readathon. Still, I’m happy with my reading for the day.

Let me know in the comments if you are participating in the readathon. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others. And hit the follow button to show your support for the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

Merry and Bright 2021 Readathon // Reading Log

Hi Friends,
I decided to do a reading vlog of sorts on the Merry and Bright readathon. Keep in mind that this is my first attempt at a reading vlog, so hopefully you guys in enjoy it. Also, I did a post on my TBR for the readathon that you can read as well.

Day 1: 12/09/2021
Today is the first day of the readathon! I cheated a little bit and started my book last night, but I only got to 12%. The book that I am starting out with is ‘These Violent Delights’ by Chloe Gong. This book is for the prompt ‘The Grinch: Enemies-to-lovers.’ And, I have gotten to 41%, which isn’t bad, if I do say so myself. I was hoping to get to 50% today, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen. My mom, my sister and I had to take my Uncle Christmas shopping. We went to some antique stores, and this cute little coffee and fudge shop. I don’t love antiquing, but honestly I can always find something to buy. Shopaholic problems.

Day 2: 12/10/2021
My sister drove into the city for the day to spend some time with the family. We got together and had a girls shopping day. I spent a little too much, but it was fun. We went to two different Targets, then Victoria’s Secret, Hobby Lobby and of course Starbucks. We had lunch at Red Robin, and Jack-In-The-Box for dinner. I also maybe got a book at Target, but it was 20% off. Early Christmas gift to myself. I did get some super cute things from Victoria’s Secret, since they were having a great sale. I had to get a gift there anyways, so I decided to treat myself to some items as well.

The day was draining, but fun. Still, it didn’t leave much time for reading. I am still at 41% of ‘These Violent Delights,’ but luckily I did manage to finish a book. I read ‘The Nutcracker,’ which was for the prompt ‘Last Christmas: Purchased Last Year & Never Read?’ It was a fast read, and I am happy to be able to check it off my TBR.

Day 3: 12/12/2021
I had a pretty relaxing day, so I didn’t get much reading done. I was more focused on writing blog content, since I have the ‘12 Days of Bookmas’ coming up. Still, I did get in a small amount of reading, and got to 61% of ‘These Violent Delights.’ I am enjoying the story a lot more than I anticipated, which is exciting. Other than that, I watched some Christmas movies, worked out, and napped. Don’t judge me.

Day 4: 12/13/2021
I was working a ton on my blog this day, since it was the start of Bookmas. I read only a small bit more of ‘These Violent Delights’, getting to 67%. So, I don’t have much of an update. Also, I had some personal things going on, which made reading not my top priority.

Day 5: 12/14/2021
I finally finished ‘These Violent Delights’! I’m very excited to post my review on it, because I have a lot of thoughts. I will say that it made it on to my top books of the year list. In addition to reading, I worked out and did more blog stuff, which you can probably tell is my normal routine.

Day 6: 12/15/2021
I was going to read another book today, which I could have finished in about an hour. However, I didn’t do any reading since I went out fairly early in the day. I did see some amazing Christmas lights, and will be posting pictures on my Instagram account (@bunnysbookishlife).

In total, I read two books. I was hoping to finish at least 3 books, but that wasn’t the case. Nonetheless, I am still happy that I participated in the readathon. If you took part in the ‘Merry and Bright’ readathon let me know how you did in the comments. As always, like, share, and follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,