Summerween 2024 | Day Two

Hi Friends,
It’s Summerween day two! I started my morning with iced coffee and listened to my book, ‘The House Across the Lake‘. I got about 50% through before taking a break to do some cleaning. I was so invested in the story and had a lot of theories about what was going on.

In the afternoon, I worked out while listening to more of the book. Afterward, I made dinner and watched some YouTube videos. I’ve been enjoying Alexandra Roselyn’s old videos. This readathon has made me wish it were fall already, so watching her fall book content has been helping me stay in the fall mood.

I did some personal 45-minute reading sprints to finish off the day. In that time, I was able to complete ‘The House Across the Lake’. It was a crazy read! Riley Sager knows how to write a mystery full of twists and turns. The book ended just before midnight, so by that time, I was ready for bed.

I hope you enjoyed this little recap of Summerween day two! Let me know in the comments what you have been reading lately. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others.

Until The Next Chapter,

Summerween 2024 | Day One

Hi Friends,
Yesterday, Summerween kicked off! In my TBR post for the readathon, I promised to do daily updates. However, I didn’t mention that I wouldn’t be posting the updates until the day after, which is why Day 1 is going up on Day 2. This is because I won’t know how much I’ve read until the day ends. I hope that makes sense.
Anyway, I’m somewhat happy with how my reading went on the first day of the readathon. I managed to finish a book, but unfortunately, it wasn’t for Summerween. I had started ‘Vespertine‘ by Margaret Rogerson at the beginning of the month and wanted to finish it before starting any new books.

However, I was able to start ‘The House Across the Lake‘ by Riley Sager and got to 25%. So, even though I read a lot, I didn’t finish any books for the readathon. Still, I’m happy with my reading for the day.

Let me know in the comments if you are participating in the readathon. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others. And hit the follow button to show your support for the blog.

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Summerween 2024 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
Am I completely insane for doing another TBR for the month? Probably. But I wanted to participate in Summerween 2024, which is taking place from July 5th – 11th. This is a very popular short summer readathon (announcement video). The prompts are fairly simple, and I think a lot of the books already on my TBR should work for them.

Read A Book In The Dark
This is such an easy prompt because I mainly listen to audiobooks. Reading a book in the dark or at night shouldn’t be a problem.

Read A Thriller Or Horror Book
I am going to use ‘Listen for the Lie‘ by Amy Tintera for this prompt. Not only is it on one of my TBRs for the month, but it is also a book I have been wanting to read for so long. This is an adult thriller with a podcast element, and I hear the audiobook is amazing.

Read A Book With A Night Sky On The Cover
I might be stretching this prompt, but I think either ‘The House Across the Lake’ by Riley Sager or ‘How to Sell a Haunted House‘ by Grady Hendrix should fit.

Read A Book With Five Words In The Title
The House Across the Lake‘ could fit this prompt as well, but so could Riley Sager’s ‘The Last Time I Lied’. Both of these are on my July TBR.

Read A Book Set In Summer
I am most likely going to read ‘The Last Time I Lied‘ by Riley Sager because it takes place at a summer camp. Although I’m not sure it is set in the summer, I think it’s safe to assume it will be.

I could essentially read ‘The House Across the Lake’ for all of these prompts, but I am nothing if not overly ambitious. Hopefully, I will get to at least three of these books. I am going to try to post daily Summerween updates, so please follow the blog to stay updated.

Until The Next Chapter,

Camp Foxenwood Readathon // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
Today, I’m sharing my July TBR! Well, sort of. This isn’t just my July TBR but a combination of the rest of June, July, and a little bit of August. I’m part of Alexandra Roselyn’s Patreon, and every season she hosts a Readathon for her subscribers. The summer Readathon is camp-inspired and runs from June 17th to August 5th. There are multiple cabins and bingo boards to choose from, making it a fun event. I’m going to try to complete the horror bingo board because it’s one of my favorite genres, and I’m in desperate need of Summerween! I’m aiming to read a different book for each prompt.

Buy The Book

When I saw this prompt, I immediately thought of this book. It doesn’t directly follow best friends, but the story revolves around a main character who thought she killed her best friend years ago. Now, a true crime podcast is trying to uncover what really happened. In my opinion, it fits the prompt perfectly.

Buy The Book

I’ve heard mixed reviews about this book, but I’m a big fan of Kiersten White’s writing. It has a paranormal monster element, which makes it suitable for this prompt.
Related Post: Mister Magic // Book Review

Buy The Book

This is a paranormal historical fiction horror with gothic vibes that I can’t wait to read. It’s a recent purchase, and I’m excited to dive into it.

Buy The Book

This is the third book in the Housemaid series. The first book was amazing, but the second was just okay. I’m hoping this one will be a pleasant surprise.

Buy The Book

I’ve been wanting to read this book for years. It’s a young adult horror novel that is supposedly a retelling of ‘Carrie’ by Stephen King, which sounds great to me.
Related Post: White Smoke // Book Review

Buy The Book

This manga literally has “summer” in the title, so it fits the prompt. It’s a LGBTQ+ horror manga about best friends Yoshiki and Hikaru. When Hikaru returns from a trip, Yoshiki starts to suspect that this person who looks like his best friend isn’t really Hikaru.

Buy The Book

I’m nervous about this one because I’ve read two other books by this author that I didn’t really like. However, I love haunted house and ghost stories. This book involves siblings going through their parents’ stuff and trying to sell their childhood home after their parents’ death, with some family secrets involved. A review described it as “Annabelle meets Child’s Play,” which intrigues me even more.
Related Post: The Final Girls Support Group // Book Review

Buy The Book

This 2024 release has a plot that sounds like it’s straight out of a horror movie or a supernatural episode. I’m excited to read it and hope it will be my first 5-star rating for this author.
Related Post: The Sundown Motel // Book Review

Buy The Book

This young adult horror book takes place on an island with a film crew and a creepy curse. It seems like a quick and engaging summer horror read, and I have high expectations for it.

That’s my Camp Foxenwood Readathon TBR! If you aren’t a member of Lexi’s Patreon, I highly recommend joining. I’ll be posting another July TBR soon, featuring my TBR game. Hit the follow button to get a notification when that post goes live.

Until The Next Chapter,

Read In The New Year // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
I have been in a weird funk lately, and my loving husband thought that a Readathon might just be the cure to getting me out of it. Thus, I am doing the ‘Read In The New Year’ Readathon, which is a readathon hosted on Booktube. The readathon takes place from January 14th through the 22nd, and is inspired by New Year’s resolutions. There are 7 prompts, but I will be using books for more than one prompt.

I picked ‘What Moves The Dead’ by T. Kingfisher, since it’s a horror retelling that is under 200 pages. The plot sounds very intriguing, and I’m in the mood for a quick horror read.

After doing a little digging I came across the graphic novel ‘Chef’s Kiss’ written by Jarrett Melendez. This is a queer love story about a newly graduated young adult man that ends up working at a restaurant. Luckily, I didn’t have to pay for it because it’s on both Libby and KU.

I have a whole list of books that I need to read before the end of the year, or I’ll have to unhaul them. And, I do plan to do a post sharing them all, but one book that I have owned for a while is ‘River Of Dreams’ by Jan Nash. Obviously a river is a body of water so I think that counts. This is a young adult book with magical realism elements. I’m not sure if it’s going to be for me, but I want to give it a chance since the audiobook is fairly short.

I was lucky to be able to use one of the book that is already on my January Bookopoly TBR for these prompts. ‘The Nightingale’ by Kristin Hannah happens to be a historical fiction novel by an author I’ve never read before.

For this prompt, I’m going with ‘Icebreaker’ by Hannah Grace, which is another book of my Bookopoly TBR for the month. Some people might not count this as a series, but it is technically the first book is a series of companion novels, so to me that counts.

I have five books on this TBR, so I don’t know how successful I will actually be in completing it. Especially since this is only a week long readathon. However, two of the books are short, so I’m pretty confident I will get to most of them. In the comments, let me know if you plan on taking part in this readathon to kick off a new year of reading. Don’t forget to follow the blog, because your support really does help the blog grow.

Until The Next Chapter,

End Of November Readathon // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
I am loosely participating in an end of November readathon on Instagram. This is just a fun readathon, that is all about trying to see how many books you can read before the month ends. I have set the intention of reading 9 books, which I know is very ambitious. The readathon was created by @sassynutreads, and takes place from the 24th – 30th, so this TBR is a little late.

I am excited to try and get to all these books. Especially since I’m so close to hitting my reading goal for the year. Let me know what books you are hoping to read before the month is over. Don’t forget to show my blog some love by giving it a quick follow.

Until Then Next Chapter,

Foxenwood Fall Readathon // To Be Read

Hello Friends,
Today, I am doing a readathon TBR post, which is very exciting. I joined on of my favorite Booktuber’s patreon, Alexandra Roselyn. She has multiple different tiers you can join, but I choose the Foxenwood tier. There is a lot of member benefits, one being exclusive readathons. This month is the fall one, which began on October 13th and ends October 20th. I am not going to share the prompts for the readathon because this is an exclusive readathon. And, yes, most of the books I am planning on reading this week are graphic novels. Honestly, graphic novels are the way to go when it comes to readathons.

In the comments, tell me if you have participated in any readathons this month. If you did not know, I joined Threads (@books.with.bunny), and I have been loving interacting with the book community there. You can always help support my blog by following it.

Until The Next Chapter,

September 2023 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
Today, I am doing my September TBR post, which is really just my ‘The Vampire Diaries‘ readathon TBR. In September, there is a month-long readathon inspired by The Vampire Diaries. More details on the readathon can be found on Chloe Reads Books’s Youtube channel. However, let us not waste anytime and jump right into what I will be reading.

I’ve been wanting to read ‘Gallant,’ since it was released. I am always down for a creepy-haunted house story. This one, from what I know, falls somewhere between middle grade and young adult, so it should be easy and quick to read.

Honestly, I tried reading ‘The Saturday Night Ghost Club’ for a readathon before and did not get too far into it. I do not think I was in the mood for it at the time, but I recently bought it, so I thought I should give it another chance. It is supposed to give off spooky fall vibes and should have a fun friend group.

There are so many books with school settings, so it was difficult to pick just one. I could have been daring and gone with dark academia, but I decided to play it safely and choose a middle-grade book. I have not heard anyone talk about ‘The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane, ’ but it is the first book in a mystery series set at a boarding school. The best aspect is that the audiobook is very short, which makes it perfect for a readathon.

This book probably holds the number one spot of books I want to read in fall. It is a gothic horror with historical fiction elements and vampires. I have heard mixed things about this book, but I think I am going to love it. Also, the plot of ‘House Of Hunger’ is giving me the same feel of the 2022 movie ‘The Invitation,’ yet I might be completely off with that comparison.

When the prompt of reading a popular book came up, I knew that ‘Legends And Lattes’ was going to be my pick. Not only is this book very popular, I hear that it is a great fall read. This book seems like a cozy fantasy, which is a genre I desperately want to read lately.

I loved ‘How To Survive Your Murder’ by Danielle Valentine, so which when I found out that she was coming out with an adult thriller book called ‘Delicate Condition’ I knew that I had to read it. I’m not going to lie, but this book might actually lean a little more towards horror than a thriller. It is supposedly Rosemary’s Baby meets Alien and is the basis for the new season of the American Horror story.

I am going to say that since the cover of ‘The Ex Hex’ by Erin Sterling is primarily dark, it works for this prompt. This book is always so talked about in the fall, so I had to jump on the bandwagon and see what all the hype is about. From what I can tell it is your classic witchy rom-com, so it will most likely be a cute and cozy read.

I was so lucky to have been given an ARC of ‘Ghosted’ by Sarah Ready, which will be released on September 26th. Since it is an adult romance, it perfectly fits the romance prompt. The fact that it features a ghost makes me think it might be a good fall read, even though the cover is giving off spring time.

Is Prom considered a party? This book has been on my radar for some time because the premise sounds very good. This book is essentially a retelling of ‘Carrie’ by Stephen King. How does this not seem amazing? I read ‘White Smoke’ by this author and liked it, but I think that I will enjoy ‘The Weight of Blood’ more.

Of course, being ‘The Vampire Diaries’ readathon, you must read a vampire book. Now I could double up and read ‘House Of Hunger’ for this prompt too, but I want to push myself and not share books. So, I am going to read ‘Big Bad’ by Lily Anderson, which is an adult dark ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ retelling or more like inspired by Buffy. I loved Lily Anderson’s writing in ‘Undead Girl Gang,’ so I am excited to see if I feel the same way about this book.

There, you have my ‘The Vampire Diaries’ readathon TBR! I have so many more books that I would like to get to in fall, so I am hoping to read more than just these books. In the comments, tell me if you will participate in the readathon and what team you are on. I am a Stefan girlie Don’t forget to like this post and follow my blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

Xmas Evil in July 2023 // To Be Read

Hi Friends,
I am doing another readathon! I know, two readathons in one month, who am I? I will be taking part in the ‘Xmas Evil in July’ readathon that will run from July 16th – 31st. This is a Christmas in July inspired readathon, which I am here for. There are only three reading prompts, so they should be fairly easy to complete.

Read a Holiday Book
The first prompt is simple enough and that’s to just read any holiday book. I am most likely going to read ‘All I Want For Christmas‘ by Maggie Knox. I read ‘The Holiday Swap‘ by Knox last year and loved it, so I have high hopes for this book. However, I might pick up ‘Tis The Season For Revenge’ by Morgan Elizabeth as well (or instead of) but I’m not sure yet.
Related Post: The Holiday Swap // Book Review

Read a Book Set During Summer
This is a no brainer, because my Libby loan of ‘You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight‘ by Kalynn Bayron should be coming in very soon. I have been dying to read this summer YA slasher, and the audiobook is very short. I love a good short book for a readathon.

Read a Mood Read
Obviously, I can’t actually pick out a book for this prompt since I don’t know what I’m going to be in the mood for during the readathon. Although, I still need to read ‘The Summer of Broken Rules‘ by K. L. Walther, which is my book club read for the month. And, with the readathon taking place during the last two weeks of July, it might be nice to get one of my last summer reads out of the way.

There you have my quick little TBR. I will be trying to complete the photo prompts over on Instagram, so if you are not already following me, you should be. Of course, I’m @Books.With.Bunnys on the social media platform. For more details on the readathon, you can visit @xmasevilreadathon on Instagram. Don’t forget to show my blog some love by hitting the follow button before you leave.

Until The Next Chapter,

Reading Wrap-Up // Summerween 2023

Hi Friends,
The Summerween readathon is over, and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, you should go read my Sunmerween TBR post. But, for the week of Summerween, I ended up reading 3 books, and completing all the prompts.

Lying in the Deep’ by Diana Urban
I was originally going to read ‘Every Last Fear’ by Alex Finlay for the ‘Read a Thriller’ prompt, but I had this audiobook on my Libby, so I decided to pick this one up. It’s a YA thriller/mystery, more mystery than thriller, but it is categorized as a thriller, so it counts. I did end up finishing this book, but it wasn’t my favorite read.

Fence’ Vol. 2 by C.S. Pacat and Johanna the Mad
I have become a big fan of this graphic novel series, so for the ‘Read a Graphic Novel, Manga, or Novella’ prompt I knew that I had to read volume 2. I finished this quickly, and enjoyed it.

The Haunting of Aveline Jones’ by Phil Hickes
This book filled two prompts: ‘Read a Book That Takes Place in the Fall’ and ‘Read a Book With Black and/or Orange on the Cover’. I really like this spooky middle-grade, and I can’t wait to read the other books in this series.

On the last day of the readathon, I ended up starting ‘Every Last Fear’. I only got about 20% into the audiobook, but so far it has me intrigued.

Let me know in the comments, if you participated in Summerween. Also, I vlogged each day of the readathon over on my TikTok account (@BooksWithBunny). Before you go hit the follow button, so that you never miss a post.

Until The Next Chapter,