The Holiday Switch // Book Review

Title: The Holiday Switch
Author: Tif Marcelo
Published: 2021
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
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A bookish Filipino-American girl who crosses paths with the innkeeper’s aggravating nephew–but when they accidentally switch phones, their newly discovered secrets draw them together.

With a title like ‘The Holiday Switch’, you’d think this going to be some swap story. However, it has little to do with an actual switch. The main character, Lila, has worked at the cozy local inn for a while, and fancies herself as their best employee. But everything changes, when over winter break, she has to train a new employee, Teddy, who happens to be the nephew of inn’s owner.

First off, this is not some cute enemies-to-lovers swap story. The switch happens fairly early on when the two accidentally swapping phones. However, this gets resolved in a day. That being the end of any switch plot line. While they have each other’s phones, for literally just a few hours. They learn each other’s most deepest secrets.

Lila is hiding her book blog from her overprotective, non-social media loving parents. Teddy has a secret passion of rock climbing that he is very serious about, but he is afraid his family will think it is too dangerous.

“Sometimes it takes a snowstorm to bring two people together, but sometimes it takes one person—and someone you least expect—to help save the day.”

The plot took awhile to get into, and for the first half of the book, I wasn’t invested in the story or supposed romance that was going to happen. I didn’t feel any connection between Lila and Teddy. Sure, Teddy wasn’t the best worker, and was preoccupied with his rock climbing training. But, I found that Lila judged him right off the bat. It seemed that she didn’t like him, because he took away her chance to get extra hours working at the inn. In short, she was just being petty and bitter. Didn’t she ever hear not to judge a book buy it’s cover? Which is ironic seeing as she is a book blogger.

Speaking of her book blog, throughout the book there were review excerpts that she wrote on her blog. It was a nice touch, yet most the books where rated 4 or 5 stars. A little more diversity ratings would have been nice, since not every book can be a 4 star read. However, if all her books are that good, then she is one lucky reader.

This book does focus a lot on both their secrets. And, sharing these secrets help them form a bond. Still, I felt like their friendship and relationship came out of nowhere. Did they even like each other? Or did the mutual agreement to keep each other’s secrets make them want to be together. It really seems like it could be the latter.

As for the side characters, they were all very one dimensional. The author put less thought in everyone surrounding Lila and Teddy. I know a book needs it’s lead, but I like a well round group of supporting character as well. It wasn’t necessarily a bad book, it just wasn’t anything new or exciting. It was pretty forgettable. And overall, there was rather little romance involved in the story.

Also, one of my biggest pet peeves in books is the portrayal of writing as a career. In most every book where a main character wants to be a writer, there is one person that doesn’t believe it is a real career. Seriously, it’s 2022, if people can make a living on social media, then you can be a successful writer. Than again, maybe these authors were judged for their career choice, and are speaking from personal experience.

Please keep in mind that this solely my opinion. I try to be transparent and honest in my reviews. But, I would never want my reading experience to shy you away from reading a book that interests you. If you have any positives about the book, leave them in the comments. If you want to like and share this post, that would be amazing. And, follow my blog for all things bookish, and more!

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My Favorite Books Of 2021 // The Best Of The Best

Hi Friends,
The time has finally come to talk about my favorite books of 2021! I managed to read a lot of books this year. Well, a lot for me. And while I wouldn’t classify my reading year as amazing, some of the books that were top-tier reads. I decided to start at number 11 and work my way down to number 1. Also, I have a review up for, almost, all the books on this list, so if you want to know my in-depth thoughts on any of them, please read my reviews.

1 Number PNG1 Number PNGThe Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee
This is, I believe, the first young adult sci-fi that I have ever read. The premise and character intrigued me, and the ending left me wanting to continue on with the story. I think it was a good way to easy myself into the fantasy genre. It was a cool read that managed to squeak its way on to this list.

1 Number PNG0 Number PNG Legendborn by by Tracy Deonn
I wasn’t to thrilled to pick this book up, since it is a YA fantasy story. If you have read my blog for any length of time than you know me and fantasy aren’t the best of friends. However, I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, and the twist ending was fascinating. I am curious to see where the story will go from here. Overall, the excitement I got from listening to the story was why it got the number 10 spot.

9 Number PNGUndead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson
This is actually a book that I started back a year (or so) ago. But, I put it down and never picked it back up. That is, not until this year. I don’t know why I wasn’t engaged in the story the first time around, because I thought the plot worked well! There were also a lot of funny moments throughout the book. I would love to read more from this author, since her writing style was simple and effective. It isn’t the best book of all time, but I enjoyed it enough for it to become a favorite of 2021.

8 Number PNGOne Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus
I read many YA thrillers this year, and many of them were great reads. However, this book was a roller coaster ride, without being too crazy. Truthfully, I felt like I was reading a Lifetime mystery movie, which I am not mad about. I love Lifetime and Hallmark movies, so I think that is one of the reason I enjoyed the book. But the ending is what really too this book to the next level for me. Some might call it predictable; I call it shocking. Which is probably why Karen M. McManus has become a new favorite author of mine, and this book is one of my favorites for the year.

7 Number PNGYou Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson
Lucky number seven! This YA contemporary was cute, but not in a cheesy way. I liked how the story played out, and the female-female romance was very sweet. The main character, Liz, was relatable, and by the end of the book, began to stand up for herself. She had a lot going on at home, but handled it with so much strength, while hiding her anxiety. I think it is important to remember that we are the lead character of our lives, not a supporting role, which Liz eventually realized as well.

6 Number PNGOn The Fence by Kasie West
I love me some Kasie West, but I hadn’t picked up any of her older work until 2021. This is your classic best friends to lovers story, which is always a favorite of mine. Who am I kidding, Kasie West’s name on the cover usually means it’ll be a favorite for me. I liked the romance aspect, and that the main character was the typical pretty girl. There was also a mental health plot that was interesting, as well. It was a simple story, and it made me happy so number six it is.

5 Number PNGThe Afterlife Of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand
This was a reread for me, but this year it became one of my favorite books. Hence it being in my top 5 books of the year. Not sure, what head space I was in the first time I read it, but now it has officially become a yearly holiday read for me. It is a YA retelling of ‘A Christmas Carol’ with a unique twist. I think that just about anyone who knows the classic story would surely get a kick out of this book.

4 Number PNGToy Makers Apprentice by Sherri L. Smith
This is one of the last books that I read in 2021, and I am glad I discovered it. It is a middle-grade ‘The Nutcracker’ retelling that jumps right into the story from the get go. The plot is captivating, and I couldn’t put it down. It is such an original take on the classic story, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. I don’t know why more people aren’t raving about this book. It was very close to being higher on this list, but I read other books that were a little bit better.

3 Number PNGThese Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
This is a book that is getting a lot of buzz, so obviously I had to read it. The book is a take on Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliette’ set in Shanghai. After reading the book, I completely understand the hype. At first, I was a little confused. But once the story got going, it was, in a word, amazing. I don’t know how the author took Shakespeare’s classic story and turned it upside down while still making that connection to the original. I loved it! And evidently, others do too. And, to think I almost forgot to add it to my favorite books of the year. What was I thinking?

2 Number PNGIf I’m Being Honest by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley
I think it is funny that this book made the list, since I was so close to DNFing it. Nevertheless, this book has become a contemporary favorite of mine. The main character was blunt and confident, but learned to be a better person, all on her own. She thought that she had to “tame” herself to get a guy. But really, she need to be better for herself, and nobody else. As said by Dr. Seuss, “Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

1 Number PNGFive Feet Apart by Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott, & Tobias Iaconis
I don’t know if anyone expected this to be my top book of the year, because I sure didn’t. I think I mentioned this in my review for the book, but this story broke me. The plot is incredible and heartbreaking all at once. Your emotions will be all over the place while reading the book, which was probably the authors intention. I am going to warn you that the ending will make you cry, and probably break you as well. In my opinion, it is a love story that everyone should read.

Those are all my favorite books of 2021, and I am excited to see what will make the list next year. Let me know your favorite books of the year, and don’t forget to check out my reviews on the these books.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Afterlife Of Holly Chase // Book Review

Title: The Afterlife Of Holly Chase
Author: Cynthia Hand
Published: 2017
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
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On Christmas Eve five years ago, seventeen-year-old Holly Chase was visited by three Ghosts who showed her how selfish and spoiled she’d become. They tried to convince her to mend her ways. She didn’t. And then she died. Now she’s stuck working for the top-secret company Project Scrooge—as their latest Ghost of Christmas Past. So far, Holly’s afterlife has been miserable. But this year’s Scrooge is different. This year’s Scrooge might change everything.

I was very excited to read a YA version of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”. This is a story that has been told many different ways before, and for good reason. A Christmas Carol embodies not only the spirit of Christmas, but also teaches us that we should remember the past, live in the present, and hope for a good future. However, the story is always about an older depiction of Scrooge.

A book that follows a teenager, especially a girl, intrigued me. At first, Holly was an unlikable Scrooge who was too self involved to care about the lessons that the ghosts were trying to teach her. She had lost her mother, and grew distant from her father. She was raised by her bitchy stepmother, which turned Holly cold. However, as the story went on, we learned a lot about Holly. She was regretful, and truly lonely. You could see that there was a good person hidden with in her Scrooge-like exterior.

Because Holly ignores the ghost, she is forced to become the new ghost of Christmas past after her death. But when teenager, Ethan, is chosen as the newest Scrooge. Holly is instantly drawn to this younger, teenage version (as was I). The thing that made Ethan different than other Scrooges, even Holly, was that he still wasn’t all that heartless. True, he was stuck-up, self involved, and thought that money was all that mattered. But, he still managed to show kindness at times.

“My fortune read, ‘It’s never too late to become what one could have been’.”

There were moments throughout the story where I felt bad for Holly and Ethan. You want them to get a happy ending with each other. They both had been through things that contributed to their lack of compassion. But, their shared hardship doesn’t excuse their actions. Especially Holly’s, who was being a bit thoughtless in her communications with Ethan. She was being reckless because she found him cute and interesting. His journey wasn’t about her, but she somewhat made it about herself by only thinking about what she wanted and not focusing on thawing his cold heart.

Still, the love-story aspect was very cute. I understand why Holly and Ethan were attracted to one another. They were both unkind people that had a secret desire to change and be better people. But, they didn’t know how after all the mistakes they had made. Although, the love-story was a big part of the plot, it was the fact that isn’t was a real love-story that made this book so special. This was overall a great, heartwarming story.

The ending was incredible, shocking, and inspiring. It gave me all the feels of “A Christmas Carol”, while still managing to separate itself from the original story. However, from the beginning, the story has always begged the question, “Can people truly change?” I, for one, believe that changing yourself is a choice. One must decide if they want to make that choice.

Do you enjoy the story “A Christmas Carol”? What’s your favorite retelling of it? As always, don’t forget to like and share this review, and follow my little book blog for more content!

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So, This Is Christmas // Book Review

Author: Tracy Andreen
Published: 2021
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
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When Finley Brown returned to her hometown of Christmas, Oklahoma, from boarding school, she expected to find it just as she left it. Christmas hasn’t changed much in her sixteen years. But instead she returns to find that her best friend is dating her ex-boyfriend, her parents have separated, and her archnemesis got a job working at her grandmother’s inn. And she certainly didn’t expect to find the boy she may or may not have tricked into believing that Christmas was an idyllic holiday paradise on her grandmother’s doorstep. It’s up to Finley to make sure he gets the Christmas he was promised. This is Finley’s Christmas. It’s about home and family and friends and finding her place, and along the way she also finds the best Christmas present of all: love.

I was excited to pick up this book, since it was a Christmas contemporary set in Oklahoma. I have family from Oklahoma, and my mom grew up an Okie. However, the book left a bad taste in my mouth, because the author portrayed Oklahomans in a very stereotypical way. Tracy Andreen grew up in Oklahoma, so this could stem from her experience there. Or, the stereotyping was simply supposed to be a joke.

In the book, Finley, returns home for the holidays after spending the semester at an elite boarding school. She spends the holiday season coming to terms with the things that occurred while she was away at school, all while working at her grandmother’s inn. Things get mess when her snobby British schoolmate shows up at the inn with his aunt for the perfect Christmas holiday.

In the book, we meet characters that sound and act like dumb hicks that never left their small Oklahoma town. It seemed like most the girls end up getting pregnant in high school, or at least that how it was with Finley’s family. And, sure Oklahoma is known to be a religious state, but I wouldn’t classify everyone as judgemental.

Moving on, Finley wasn’t enjoyable to read about and, in the audiobook, she had an overly southern accent. Not all Oklahomans have an accent, but apparently in this book they do. Also, the love story didn’t work for me one bit. I didn’t get an ounce of chemistry from them. It felt forced, and I wasn’t buying the enemies-to-lovers story the author was selling.

“Three percent Neanderthal wasn’t it?”

Rather than hate-to-love it was an unexpected romance story. The two didn’t even know each other well enough to hate one another. Perhaps if this was a dual perspective story where we heard from Finley and her love interest, Arthur, I wouldn’t have had such a negative opinion on the romance.

Furthermore, the plot was predictable from the get go, but not in a cute Hallmark movie way. More like a Disney Channel movie that is trying to be relatable and cute. About halfway through the book, I knew exactly how everything was going to turn out. I don’t always mind this, but it is more annoying when the story already isn’t captivating me.

Besides the holiday romance and family drama, the book’s message is that life is tough. Things are hard, but you shouldn’t give up. If you fall down, get back up and try again. Although, I think this is a good message, the book didn’t deliver it well. True, one shouldn’t give up because something is hard. But giving up shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing.

Sometimes we do things that might not turn out the way we hoped. They might be too hard, or just give us stress. It is always okay to say ‘I can’t do this.’ Not every choice you make will be right, but it is better to do what is best for you, than to do something because you feel obligated to. Honestly, life isn’t that black and white, and you should make the best decision you can for yourself.

As you can tell, I had such a great time reading this book. Okay, bad joke. This book was a big letdown, and wished I had DNFed it. Still, if you liked this book, then I am happy for you. I think that I probably rambled way too much in this review, so, sorry (not sorry). Anyhow, give me a like, a share, and a follow.

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As If On Cue // Book Review

Author: Marisa Kanter
Published: 2021
Genre: YA/Contemporary
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Lifelong rivals Natalie and Reid have never been on the same team. So when their school’s art budget faces cutbacks, of course Natalie finds herself up against her nemesis once more. She’s fighting to direct the school’s first ever student-written play, but for her small production to get funding, the school’s award-winning band will have to lose it. Reid’s band. And he’s got no intention of letting the show go on. But when their rivalry turns into an all-out prank war that goes too far, Natalie and Reid have to face the music, resulting in the worst compromise: writing and directing a musical. Together. At least if they deliver a sold-out show, the school board will reconsider next year’s band and theater budget. Everyone could win.

From the synopsis, you get the sense that this is going to be a cute hate-to-love contemporary. However, the book didn’t read like one, which was slightly disappointing. Natalie and Reid’s feud started when they were in middle school, over their equal love of the clarinet. Natalie eventually found a love for theater and writing, leaving music to Reid and losing the bond she shared with her dad.

The main protagonist, Natalie, is very flawed. I didn’t enjoy how her imperfections are pointed out throughout the story, by other people close to her. She did need to hear some of these comments, but people, especially her friends, shouldn’t have been so blunt. This being said, I am unsure if we were supposed to sympathize with Natalie and find her relatable. Or, if she was intended to be an unlikable character. Because, I’m still on the fence about my opinion of her. As for Reid, her love interest, he was very pleasant to read about. His personality was relatable, and he didn’t come off as obnoxious. He knew that he was talented, but didn’t brag about it. His parents didn’t support his dreams, so he tried his hardest to prove that he was talented enough to make music as a career.

When we first meet Natalie and Reid, their interaction is rather snarky, but I found Reid to be fairly civil. It was Natalie that turned everything into a competition, and Reid was just along for the ride. This could be due to the fact that Natalie felt that Reid had replaced her in her fathers eyes. But this wasn’t Reid’s fault; she had misplaced anger. Natalie created a lot of drama and problems for herself. She never asked anyone before jumping to conclusions, and was seriously over-dramatic. Reid was trying to compromise, but she dismissed all his suggestion.

“I will never be enough for you.”

Nevertheless, I found myself empathizing with her at times. Despite all the drama, her feelings were valid. She was basically screaming out for her dad’s affection and getting shrugged off everytime. By the end of the book, I still didn’t see much growth in their relationship. Still, the message of following your dreams was a highlight in the story. A person can have a career they enjoy and still make a decent living. You might struggle, but everyone has struggles, even if they aren’t career related.

One odd plot point was the play theme, a ‘Frozen’ retelling. The author’s idea for a play – based off the animated film- that had a more important message was cute. But ‘Frozen’ just feels a little more middle school to me. Although, I am probably biased, since I am not a big ‘Frozen’ fan. I did want to mention that there is some Jewish representation in the book, but it doesn’t play a major role in the story. In short, the book didn’t feel like a true enemies-to-lovers, but more of a message about following your passion, and letting go of preconceived opinions of someone. If you are looking for a middle-of-the-road young adult contemporary, then give this one a read.

If you enjoyed this review, give the post a like and a share. I have many reviews up on the blog, and more to come, so follow the blog to get notified whenever I post.

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Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares (Dash & Lily, #1) // Book Review

Author: Rachel Cohn, David Levithan
Published: 2010
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
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Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions?

The book was exactly how I anticipated it to be, yet there were some twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. In the book, we follow Lily, who is an adorably awkward teenage girl having the worst Christmas of her life. Her family have all made other Christmas plans, leaving her with her older brother who is more focused on his holiday romance than spending time with his kid sister. Dash on the other-hand isn’t a fan of all the holidays opting to spend Christmas alone. These two very different teens meet by fate, kind of, and embark on the cutest love-story.

This is a dual perspective story where we get to hear from Dash and Lily. And, I am happy to say that I enjoyed both sides of the story equally. Lily is a fun character to follow, because even though she isn’t having the merriest Christmas, she is determined to stay joyful. She is shy and socially awkward, which I found to be very relatable. Dash dared her to challenge herself and step out of her comfort zone. And, to not be so afraid to be seen by the world. I know that was swooning hard over Dash, so there is no question to why Lily fell for him.

Dash reminded me so much of Holden Caulfield. He is cynical, moody, and a bit of a know-it-all. He doesn’t let anyone see his soft side, and is scared to let anyone get too close. Dash is lonely and wants to find ‘his person’ but isn’t sure there’s someone out there for him. Lily changed his outlook on a lot of things, including the holidays. I think he realized that maybe Christmas isn’t so bad if you have someone to spend it with.

It was fun watching the story unfold, and I kept wondering what the next dare would be. For a large portion of the book, they only converse through a red notebook. There is something sweet about falling for someone by their words, not their looks. Which just so happens to be how I fell in love with my husband. Still, I couldn’t wait until they finally met in person.

“I want to believe there is a somebody out there just for me. I want to believe that I exist to be there for that somebody.”

The story does a good job of showcasing how we all place people on pedestals. This is especially true when we only have a mental image of someone. Dash and Lily both got to know one another, but they still had unrealistic expectations. No one will ever be exactly how you envisioned them, but that’s okay. The story demonstrated that we can, and should, overcome our preconceived notion of somebody, and to get to know the real them.

The story had some flaws, as most do. One being that Lily was very confusing at times. She wanted Dash, but didn’t mind pursuing someone that she didn’t even like. I understand that Dash was just the guy in the notebook, but I would think that all his attempts to break her out of her shell would make her more brave. I want her to go get the guy, and not settle.

Dash annoyed me at times, because he could be really stuck-up. Without spoiling anything, there was a scene close to the end of the book where Lily messed up big. Dash was unforgiving, and it made me slightly annoyed, considering they hadn’t even met at that point. Cut the girl some slack.

As for the ending, I think it was simple, and wrapped everything up with a nice bow. The story as a whole was exciting, cute, and it took place in New York City! Spending the holidays in The Big Apple, even through a book, is fabulous. If you have read the book, go ahead and leave your rating in the comments. Also, follow the blog – all the cool kids are doing it!

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The Final Girls Support Group // Book Review

Author: Grady Hendrix
Published: 2021
Genre: Adult/Horror
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In horror movies, the final girl is the one who’s left standing when the credits roll. The one who fought back, defeated the killer, and avenged her friends. The one who emerges bloodied but victorious. But after the sirens fade and the audience moves on, what happens to her?

This book had been extremely hyped up, which made me eager to pick it up. As a horror movie lover the plot sounded right up my alley, yet I did have my reservations about it. The plot centers around a group of the last girls standing. Each girl has faced some horrific event, but made it out alive. They all attend a support group, because nobody understands the struggle of being the one that survived, except others that have done the same.

This book did take a bit to get into, but I think that was a personal thing. Adult fiction isn’t something I  generally read, so I was going into it with a young adult reader mindset. We follow Lynnette Tarkington, a final girl that survived a massacre as a teenager, essentially by playing dead. Because she didn’t fight to survive others don’t see her as a ‘true’ final girl. She was a decent character, with a lot of dimensions to her. You could tell that out of all the girls in the support group, she struggled most with reintegrating into society. I wouldn’t say that she was a protagonist that I enjoyed reading about, but I did understand her issues.

As for the other girls, they were a diverse bunch, and each had their own emotional scars from the fearful events they had to face. Some of them tried to put the past behind them, while others tried to do good. One used substances to cope with the nightmares. Throughout the story, it was evident that despite all the time they spent together, they weren’t very close to each other. I attribute this to girls not wanting to get close to people and having to risk losing them.

“Isn’t the point of therapy that one day you don’t need it anymore?”

There were many nods to classic horror movies that I know and love. However, it wasn’t as if the author took these events right out of the movies. And, though one could spot the movie similarities you could tell that they were used solely as inspiration. My favorite horror movies have actual plots, and not just killing for the sake of killing. This book balances mystery and horror well. The mystery was interesting, and had me changing my suspects throughout the story. When I thought I knew who the killer was, the author would add something that made me rethink my initial guess.

The book wasn’t necessarily slow, but it wasn’t fast paced either. It fell somewhere in between. However, the second half of the book picked up the pace significantly. The last half was probably the easiest to get through, too. In all honesty, I would most likely have DNF’ed this book if not for the hype surrounding it. But, I’m glad that I stuck with it, since the ending really shocked me. The author did a great job, with a twist ending that I never saw coming. I found the moral of the story to be about tragedy, and it’s effect on people. We cannot guarantee that bad things won’t happen, but when they do, we only have two choices. Live in fear that they will occur again, or try to move on and live life. The author did a fantastic job conveying such a heavy message.

I wouldn’t call this a favorite book, since I expected a lot more from it. Also, I can also say with fair certainty that I won’t reread it, but I am happy that I gave it a chance. It will be interesting to see what this author will release next. I might read another one of their books in the future. In the comments, tell me know if you agree with the hype surrounding the book. And, be sure to give this post a like so that I know you enjoy my reviews.

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The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein // Book Review

Title: The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
Author: Kiersten White
Published: 2018
Genre: YA/Gothic/Retelling
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A stunning and dark reimagining of Frankenstein told from the point-of-view of Elizabeth Lavenza, who is taken in by the Frankenstein family. As the years pass, Elizabeth’s survival depends on managing Victor’s dangerous temper and entertaining his every whim, no matter how depraved. Behind her blue eyes and sweet smile lies the calculating heart of a girl determined to stay alive no matter the cost…as the world she knows is consumed by darkness.

I heard mixed things about this book; some people thoroughly enjoyed it, while others didn’t care for it. I’m not particularly well versed in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, so I was going in completely unbiased. However, I will admit there were a few times throughout the book that I looked up cliff-notes on ‘Frankenstein.’ I found the book very easy to read and follow. The plot was straightforward, and even the ‘flashback’ moments were incorporated well.

It wasn’t a book that I was dying to finish, at first. But once we got into the meat of the story, I wanted to keep reading. The plot was captivating enough to keep me invested in what was going to happen next. I wouldn’t say that I couldn’t put it down, but I did want to know out how the story would end.

Elizabeth was a complex character, with lots of worries and insecurities that she kept hidden. Before meeting the Frankenstein family, her childhood was depressing, and she thought that she came from nothing. She wanted to have a place in society and desired to fit in. She was smart, and crafted plans that would keep her out of the poor house.

I think that Elizabeth’s best quality was her heart. She had a sensible and tough exterior, but would do anything for her loved ones. This did get her in trouble at times. Especially when it came to her devotion to Victor. I am unaware of the ‘original’ Elizabeth’s personality, but I still liked White’s take on the character. She seems like a simple girl, yet there are many layers underneath.

“Death is never allowed to touch you.”

Personally, I enjoyed the slower pace of the story. I think that a more atmospheric telling worked well in this case. However, I understand how some people would consider the book to be boring. The story was primarily character driven while still being plot focused. There were secondary characters that played big roles throughout the story, but the focus and storyteller was Elizabeth herself.

It wasn’t a scary story, which I believe is unlike ’Frankenstein.’ It is more of a sad story about protecting the people we love versus seeing the real them. Elizabeth could only ignore the truth for so long before it came crashing down on her. It was frightening to see the situations that Elizabeth, Justine, and Henry ended up in. Elizabeth’s predicament was the most unsettling, since it was something many women in 19th century faced. Men would silence women through manipulation, which is horrifying and despicable.

As for Kiersten White writing style, it was very familiar to me. She wrote with such class, almost melodic, if that makes any sense. It was almost as if this book was actually written back in the 1800’s. Her writing was poetic, but still plain. I don’t mean plain as an insult by any means, because I quite liked the writing. But I can see that she drew a lot of inspiration from Mary Shelley and the 1800’s era.

I don’t know if I will ever read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, but the fact that she wrote it on a dare is inspiring. Women back than were seen as subservient, but she freed herself from the box society put her in. White took a classic novel and made it her own, while still writing it in the image of the original story. Amazing.

Let me know if you have read this book, or the original ‘Frankenstein’. Which do you prefer? Like and share this post with all your friends, family, pets, etc. And follow the blog if you want to get notifications for all my posts.

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These Witches Don’t Burn // Book Review

Title: These Witches Don’t Burn
Author: Isabel Sterling
Published: 2019
Genre: Young Adult/Paranormal
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Isabel Sterling’s delightful, suspenseful debut is equal parts sweet romance and thrilling mystery. With everything she loves on the line, Hannah must confront this murderous villain before her coven—and any chance she has with the new girl—is destroyed.

I must admit, this book didn’t intrigue me that much. Still, I am glad that I gave it a chance. Once I was a few chapters in, I couldn’t put it down. This book follows Hannah, who is an elemental witch in Salem. It is such a cliche, but I love it when witch stories take place in Salem. Hannah’s family is part of a coven of elemental witches, which her ex-girlfriend, Veronica, happens to be in as well.

I thought that the breakup drama was well written. You could tell that they both still had feelings for one another, but Hannah wasn’t going to just forgive and forget. If you are curious about what Veronica did (like I was), apparently she left Hannah in a deadly situation with a blood witch. However, I wish that we got more context to the breakup, and perhaps even a flashback or two.

Throughout the book we see Hannah trying to sort out her complex feelings for her ex, while starting a relationship with the new girl in town, Morgan. Morgan was a sweet character, and didn’t blame Hannah for running off to, unbeknownst to her, deal with this supernatural crisis. Also, it’s hard when your crush still has a close relationship with her ex, but Morgan was very understanding throughout the story.

“And it’s not like Disney ever showed us how to fall for another girl.”

Hannah’s parents and best friend, Jemma were likeable enough supporting characters. Towards the end, Jemma became one of my favorite characters. She added a much-needed comic relief to the story. Also, she was quick to defend Hannah to other people in her life. Hannah’s parents might not have understood their daughter at times, but you could see that they truly loved her.

The main plot is finding out who is responsible for the dark magic being used in Salem. Yet, there were times when we focused on the romance and family side of the story. I wouldn’t classify this as a contemporary. The magic and mystery plot was the backbone of the book. But I did like the times we stepped-away from the main plot to focus on ‘normal’ teenager things, like dating, heartbreak and parental drama.

For the most part, the book kept me interested, and there were some confessions that threw me for a loop. However, the storyline and ending were easy to predict. I am not suggesting that’s a bad thing, because sometimes it is nice to know what to expect. But I would have liked a few more surprising elements. I didn’t foretell some of the sadder moments, and although they hurt my heart, I do think they were needed to push the story forward.

Seeing as this is a duology, I will most likely be picking up the second book. But it may not be until next fall, since I think witchy books make good October reads. Do let me know in the comments if you have read this one, and what your opinions are on it. And before you leave, why don’t you give the blog a follow? It is completely free, and you get to support me and get updates at the same time

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Two Can Keep A Secret // Book Review

Title: Two Can Keep A Secret
Author: Karen M. McManus
Published: 2019
Genre: Young Adult/Mystery
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Ellery knows all about secrets. Her mother has them; her grandmother does too. And the longer she’s in Echo Ridge, the clearer it becomes that everyone there is hiding something. The thing is, secrets are dangerous–and most people aren’t good at keeping them. Which is why in Echo Ridge, it’s safest to keep your secrets to yourself.

I didn’t expect this book to blow me away, and for the most part I was right. The plot follows a teenage girl, Ellery. She is sent, with her twin brother, to live with their grandmother in Echo Ridge. Their mother, a small time actress, is doing another stint in rehab, so the twins have to make the best of their new lives. Ellery’s only interest is the murder of the homecoming queen that took place five years prior.

This is a dual perspective narrative, which I didn’t anticipate. We get Ellery’s point of view, but we also get Malcom’s, whose brother was the prime suspect in homecoming murder. I didn’t like one perspective more than the other, which I find is good when it comes to books that alternate narratives. However, I did think that Ellery was always jumping the gun when it came to sharing her theories. She didn’t take the time to think things through fully, and went for the easy suspects.

One thing’s for sure, I couldn’t get behind Ellery and Malcom as a couple. Their relationship started instantly, without any development. I didn’t see the chemistry between the two characters. I was fond of, Mia, who is Malcom’s best friend. And, Ezra, Ellery’s twin brother. It was nice that they were both diverse characters, as Ezra is both biracial and gay. While Mia is a bisexual Korean. I could sense that Mia added some spice to Malcom’s life, while Ezra was more level-headed than Ellery. Also, I cannot get over the fact that his name is ‘Ezra’ and the book is titled ‘Two Can Keep A Secret.’ Pretty Little Liars Easter egg?

“I thought she was your mother.”

Something that I am not a fan of when it comes to books is multiple plots. In this book, we are trying to solve the homecoming murder from five years ago. But than there’s this hit and run accident, absent mother story-line and even some found family side plot. As if that wasn’t enough, Ellery is also trying to uncover what happened to her mother’s twin sister, who disappeared many years ago. All the pieces do come together at the end, but I think that was way too much for one book to handle.

The ending has got to be the best part. I think that somewhere around the last two chapters, you get a sense of whose the killer. Personally, however, I was still shocked at the reveal. The motive was done well, and it was jaw-dropping. At one point, you don’t think the characters are going to make it out of alive. Also, the final page had a major twist that I never saw coming.

Even though the book didn’t wow me like ‘One Of Us Is Lying’ did, Karen M. McManus is still an exceptional author. I probably wouldn’t give this one a reread, but I do wish that it was a bit longer since there was sort of a cliffhanger ending. I needed to know more.

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