The Fear // Book Review

About The Book
It’s just a stupid meme that’s going around their small fishing town in the dead of winter—people reposting and sharing their biggest fear. But when her classmates start turning up dead—dying in the way that they said scared them the most—Izzy knows it’s no joke. With each death hitting closer to home, Izzy sets out to try to stop the killer.

My Rating

After reading ‘The Lake’ (read my review) by this author, I didn’t think I’d ever pick up another one of her books. However, after reading the synopsis for this book, I knew I had to give it a chance. So, I decided to keep an open mind, but my expectations were fairly low. The plot is all about a viral meme where you share the worst way to die, according to you. My husband is an avid memer, so the premise intrigued me.

The first chapter was intense, and kept me wanting read more. Izzy is the main protagonist, and a smart, non-judgmental character. She thinks the meme is weird and the trend is completely ridiculous. However, she was wishy-washy at times, and also naive. What’s with teenage thriller characters being so naive? Are high-schoolers all so clueless these days?

There wasn’t a lot of other characters, at least not ones that we got to know very well. But, I didn’t mind that the author solely focused on Izzy. I liked being inside her head, and following her as she’s trying to help solve these murders.

One of the best things about this book was that it’s scary, but not in an intense way. It is more creepy than anything. But, the creepiness of it makes for such an engaging story – one that keeps the reader immersed until the end. However, the book doesn’t focus on the killing aspect of the story too much, which I prefer in thrillers. Even in horror movies, I’m not one for death after bloody death, just for the sake of it.

“The truth is, when death comes, no matter how it comes, it’s always scary.”

The most chilling thing about this book was that there were chapter from the killer’s perspective. Being inside a killer’s mind is a little frightening. What’s even worse, is that you don’t know who they are, or what they’ll do next. Those chapters had me pretty freaked. And, the book reminds us all to never have a set routine, because you never know who’s following your every move. Creepy, right?

So, the ending was amazing! I loved the outcome and reveal. It was exactly what I wanted in a thriller! The one flaw is that it didn’t answer a huge question that is still on my mind. I have to hand it to Natasha Preston for creating an intense thriller, but what is with these cliffhangers? Does she not like complete endings?

Overall, the writing style in this book is great, and I had a good reading experience. Although, I am unsure now if I want to continue reading her books, knowing how most of them end with an incomplete feeling. I do want to point out that the murders are pretty descriptive in the book, and they made my skin-crawl. There is also mention of child abuse, so be warned if that may be triggering to you.

In the comments, tell me what you think is the worst way to go. Just kidding, I don’t want to know. Instead, tell me your favorite thriller read. If you have read this book, let me know your thoughts on it. Don’t forget to give my little book blog a follow before you go.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Lake // Book Review

About The Book
Esme and Kayla are back at Camp Pine Lake as counselors-in-training, years after they agreed to cover up a terrible incident that occurred while they were campers there themselves. Unfortunately, it’s not all fun and games at camp, and when mysterious threats aimed at the counselors start getting more and more violent, the girls know they aren’t the only ones who know their secret.

My Rating

There were just so many things wrong with this book, that I don’t know where to start. The characters weren’t likable, and the plot was so predictable. And, to top it all off, there wasn’t even one twist that I didn’t see coming. If anything, the only redeeming quality was that it was over quickly.

In the book, Esme and her best friend Kayla return to a summer camp they went to as kids, to be camp counselors themselves. But Esme is nervous, since they did something horrible at the camp when they were kids, and it’s been their little secret for years now. Esme’s character was boring and annoying. She was seriously paranoid, which made me wonder why she even agreed to go back to the camp in the first place.

As for Kayla, she was a bad friend, and didn’t even want to take responsibility for her part in their past mistake. She kept making Esme think she was overreacting. Like, it was very obvious someone was after them. Personally, I would have left that camp after the first creepy experience.

The book was very main character focused, but there were a few side characters. Esme and Kayla formed a friend group with the other camp counselors, one being Esme’s sort of love interest. I say sort of, since the two didn’t have much chemistry, and didn’t seem to really trust one another. The rest of the characters were okay, but didn’t play much of a part in the story.

“Living with guilt is hell.”

You could say that there were a lot of suspects throughout the book, but early on, Esme, and probably the reader, knows the culprit. I was hoping that the author would throw a curveball, and make the villain someone out of the blue. Instead of, you know, taking the easy way out and picking the most likely person. It was frustrating knowing right away who was behind it all, and so desperately hoping for some kind of twist.

However, there was a part where Esme pretended her car had broken down in order to talk with someone. The interaction reminded me of a scene in ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’, so that was kind of fun. But one short and silly scene didn’t make up for a very lackluster thriller.

Overall, the plot didn’t have much depth to it, and the big secret wasn’t my favorite. The book was missing those thriller vibes, and was more of a mystery. The book ends on a cliffhanger, so be aware of that. However, I know some people like that in books. I am not one of those people.

As you can tell, this wasn’t the thriller for me, but let me know in the comments your thoughts on it, if you have read it. Please give my blog a quick follow before you go.

Until The Next Chapter,

Love, Life, And The List // Book Review

About The Book
Abby gives herself one month to do ten things, ranging from face a fear (#3) to learn a stranger’s story (#5) to fall in love (#8). She knows that if she can complete the list, she’ll become the kind of artist she’s always dreamed of being. But as the deadline approaches, Abby realizes that getting through the list isn’t as straightforward as it seems . . . and that maybe—just maybe—she can’t change her art if she isn’t first willing to change herself.

My Rating

The plot of this book reminded me of ‘The Lucky List’ by Rachael Lippincott, but in actuality, the books aren’t that similar at all. The book follows Abby, who desperately want to get into an art show put on by the gallery where she works. But in order to participate in the show, her artwork must stand out. So, she decides to makes a summer bucket list of sorts, in hopes that she will discover a new side of herself. A side that might make her a better artist.

Abby was a solid lead character, but there was nothing too special about her. The artist trait was good, but she was too critical of her work. I didn’t feel like she had a lot of confidence in herself. Also, I found the fact that Abby being told her art had no heart was harsh. In my opinion, art is subjective. However, it was nice that the comment just made Abby want to work harder on her art, instead of giving up.

Abby’s family life was very interesting, because her mother dealt with a mental illness that isn’t showcased much in books or shows. Yes, her mom had anxiety, but due to her anxiety, she had essentially become an agoraphobic. Someone close to me suffers from agoraphobia, so I know first hand how hard it can be. Furthermore, I loved Abby’s relationship with her grandfather. They had a lot of witty banter. They were very sarcastic with each other, and that added a comedic element to the book.

“Nobody else’s opinion about you is going to matter to you until yours does.”

There is a friends to lovers romance plot, that I thought was done very well. I’m not usually a friends to lovers fan, but Kasie West is a master at creating great teen romance stories. In the book, Abby was truly open with Cooper about her feelings for him, which isn’t usually the case in YA books. Most of the time the person is secretly yearning for their crush.

I liked how the story touched on fact that it’s scary to go from being friends, to more. Cooper was scared to go there with Abby, because he’d didn’t want their friendship to change, which is understandable. I must admit, I did find Abby and Cooper a little too obsessed with each other. At times, there friendship was a bit too much for me. Abby was always wondering if Cooper was jealous, or if he was dating someone. And, Cooper was annoyed at Abby for making new friends and hanging out with people without him. TheIR friendship could have been toned down, in some regards. 

On a more lighthearted note, there is this great moment where Abby mentioned that a dress with pockets is the best. I completely agree with this statement, and I’m sure that most dress wearing girls, and guys, will back me up on that fact.

Overall, the story was cute and predictable. Most Kasie West books are easy reads with predictable plots, which is what I love about them. They are great comfort reads, and perfect for helping me get out of a reading slump.

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The Survival List // Book Review

 About The Book
From author Courtney Sheinmel comes an emotional, page-turning novel about the bonds of sisterhood, the imprecision of memory, and the incomparable value of finding something to live for. Fans of I Was Here by Gayle Forman and Far from the Tree by Robin Benway will be floored by this heartbreaking yet uplifting teen novel about a grieving girl who follows a mysterious list across the country after her older sister’s death.

My Rating

I’m going to be completely honest, and admit that when I think back on this book, I could barely remember it. So that should speak for itself. The book follows Sloane as she struggles to cope with her older sister Talley’s suicide. Once Sloane finds a mysterious list that Talley left behind, she is hell-bent on figuring out what it means. She thinks that the list holds all the answers to why her sister chose to the take her own life.

The book shows Sloane going through a lot of guilt over Talley’s death, believing that she could have prevented her sister’s suicide. This made her very obsessed with the list. I haven’t experienced what Sloane was going through, but I found that her obsession with finding a reason behind her sisters death unhealthy.

In the book, the list takes Sloane to California, where she reconnects with her estranged aunt. And where she meets a boy named Adam, who might be a piece to the puzzle that is her sister.  But the thing is, suicide doesn’t always have an answer. It isn’t always so black and white. I wanted Sloane to give in to her grief, and try to start healing. She needed to start focusing on keeping her sister’s memory alive, instead of chasing her ghost.

Sloane’s aunt didn’t add much to the story, but gave Sloane new insight to  her sister, as well as her mother. As for Adam, him and Sloane’s friendship felt random and cringy. Honestly, I didn’t like how Sloane would lash out at him for keeping secrets. He barely even knew her, but she excepted him to be an open book. I get that she was lashing out because of grief, but he didn’t owe her anything.

Personally, all the characters in the book fell short, since they were bland. Not one of them stood out to me. Except perhaps Sloane’s best friend, but only because her name was Juno. Also, the book had very weird wording that was a bit on the juvenile side. I am a big YA fan but the author was trying way to hard using phrases such as ‘shit slammer’ and ‘up in my grill.’

“When you try to keep a secret, even if you convinced yourself that it’s for someone else’s own good, it often backfires.”

There was a twist at the end that some people might find offensive. Specifically people that know firsthand the difficulty of having cancer. It was a very unique twist that I found unsettling and wrong. It seemed as though the book was trying to create a reason behind suicide. As if it ran in families. Sometimes that might be the case, but most of the time, there’s no reason to why someone takes their life. Or, at least, you will never truly know why they made such a choice.

You never really know someone, even if they’re family. In the end, we are all fighting our own battles, and depression doesn’t discriminate. The smartest person, with a happy life, could actually be the one that’s hurting most of all. The fact remains that suicide doesn’t end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else.

It was nice that the author made it a priority to mention that the people you get close to will change your life forever. Even after they have passed on. People always leave their mark on the hearts they touch. I did find it funny that the book stated the whole ‘don’t ask permission, but ask forgiveness’ opinion. Because I know first hand, that isn’t true. Don’t believe me? Ask my mom.

Overall, the book was about showing the aftermath of suicide, and how it effects the people you leave behind. However, the story didn’t pack that emotional punch that it needed to make me feel something. I found myself to be pretty bored throughout the book, and I didn’t shed a tear. Still, it was interesting to learn that suicide is illegal in Minnesota. Yet, I don’t know if that still the case today. Remember to research all the trigger warnings for the book, but a few of them are suicide, underage drinking, depression, and overdose.

I’m the comments, let me know if this book is on your TBR. Don’t forget to like and share his review. You can always support my blog by giving it a follow.

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Summer Mixtape 2022 // Readathon Wrap Up

Hi Friends,
I wanted to do a Mixtapeathon wrap-up, and share what I read. If you haven’t seen my August TBR, which was essentially my Summer Mixtape TBR, then let me give you a brief rundown. This is a summer readathon created by some lovely Booktubers. The readathon ran from August 1st – 14th, and there were 5 main reading prompts. I am happy to say that I completed all the prompts! However, once the readathon started, I decided to change my TBR up a bit.

Here Comes the Sun – read a book with nature on the cover

Originally, I was going to read ‘Lost in the Never Woods‘ by Aiden Thomas, but I realized about 12% into the book that I might just not be a fan of Peter Pan retellings. So, I decided to opt for a failsafe book, which was ‘Maybe This Time‘ by Kasie West.

“Beloved author Kasie West brings her signature witty banter and rom-com fun to a bold, fresh format. Think Four Weddings and a Funeral for YA.”

Blame It On The Weatherman – read an unseasonal read

My initial pick for this prompt was ‘The Witchery‘ by S. Isabelle, but I wasn’t feeling the audiobook. So, I was very lucky that my hold for ‘Long Live The Pumpkin Queen‘ by Shea Ernshaw came in on Libby. This book took me a while, but was one of my most anticipated books of the year.

“Hear Sally’s story in this young adult sequel to Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas written by New York Times bestselling author Shea Ernshaw.”

Cake By The Ocean – read a book involving food/read a spicy book

Once again, instead of going with my first book choice, ‘With the Fire on High‘ by Elizabeth Acevedo, I read ‘A Taste for Love‘ by Jennifer Yen. Yes, I went with a food related book, because spicy books aren’t really my thing.

“For fans of Jenny Han, Jane Austen, and The Great British Baking Show, A Taste for Love is a delicious rom-com about first love, familial expectations, and making the perfect bao.”

We’re Going To Ibiza – read a book set in another country

I did end up reading ‘Hot British Boyfriend‘ by Kristy Boyce, and you are certainly going to want to read my review of this book. Let’s just say I have a lot of things to say about it.

“This enchanting debut teen romance novel, which follows one girl across the Atlantic in a quest to find adventure, love (preferably with a guy with a cute accent), and maybe even herself, is perfect for fans of Kasie West and Stephanie Perkins.”

Mixtape – pick a book based on your favourite summer bop/free choice

Finally, I read ‘The Girl From The Sea‘ by Molly Ostertag, which was a very short read. When it comes to readathons, shorter books are the way to go, so I am glad I had this on my TBR.

“In what will prove to be the most important summer of her life so far, Anna learns about love, herself, and the magic that an ordinary summer can bring.”

In total, I read 1554 pages and completed all the prompts! I didn’t complete any of the non-reading prompts, but that is okay by me. I am very proud with the outcome of the readathon, and there will even be an Autumn Mixtape readathon. Please follow the blog, so that you can get notified when my reviews for each of these books go up.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Counselors // Book Review

About The Book
“A nervy, intense, and expertly crafted thriller that kept me hooked page after page. Dark secrets? Summer camp setting? Complex teen girls? Murder? Count me in. A simply stunning book.” — Kathleen Glasgow, New York Times bestselling author of Girl in Pieces, You’d Be Home Now, and The Agathas.

My Rating


My Thoughts
At first, I thought that this was going to be a DNF for me, since the first few chapters were pretty boring. I have read ‘They Wish They Were Us‘ and ‘They’ll Never Catch Us‘ by Jessica Goodman, and have reviews up on both of them. If you have read those reviews, then you know that I haven’t been the biggest fan of her work. Still, I wanted to give this book a chance, because something about camp based thrillers intrigues me. Maybe, ‘Friday the 13th’ is to blame for it.

The book follows Goldie, whose life is turned upside down, and who ,has become an outcast at her high school. Her only safe place is the summer camp, Camp Alpine Lake. My opinion on Goldie changed multiple times throughout the book. Initially, I thought she was weak, since she was still pining for the guy that broke her heart, and let other people treat her like crap. She has this secret that she wants to share with her best friends, Ava and Imogen, but won’t. Yet, she whines about wanting to tell them all the time. It seemed that the author wanted us to feel bad for Goldie, but I was more annoyed at her for willingly taking shit from people for months on end. However, as the story went on, I saw her get stronger as a person – she was done keeping her mouth shut.

There were some side characters, the main ones being Ava and Imogen, who Goldie met at camp. Ava and Imogen don’t live in Goldie’s town, and have fabulous, rich lifestyles. But, Ava and Imogen like Goldie for who she is, and they don’t let money affect their friendship. I liked their friendship dynamic a lot, because they were there for each other, no matter what. There were a few other characters, such as Goldie’s ex-best friend, the owners of the camp, and a few other camp counselors. Honestly, I can’t remember anyone else’s name, and I’m pretty ashamed of that fact.

The main plot is the mystery behind who killed Goldie’s ex-boyfriend, Heller, who was found dead in the camp’s lake. It wasn’t until the halfway point, that I started to get super invested in the story, and couldn’t put it down. The characters started to grow on me, as did the writing style. There was a twist, but you could see it coming before it was revealed. Still, I thought the ending was solid, and was very fitting for the story.

“I inhale deeply and remind myself, You are home.”

The book shows that money and social status can affect people, and even drive you mad. This is something that we face in the real world, too. Some people are so focused on fitting in, having the nicest things, and making the most money, that they’ll do anything. Whatever happened to the saying ‘money can’t buy happiness’? But, we should probably ignore Blair Waldorf’s take on that message.

However, the thing that bugged me the most in the book was that nobody felt bad about their hatred towards Goldie. So many of these characters could have stood by her, but were totally spineless. To me, actions speak louder than words, and feeling guilty doesn’t excuse your bad actions towards them. You would never want to intentionally hurt someone you love.

Overall, this wasn’t a horrible read, and I’ll probably keep reading Goodman’s books. Still, this is in no way a thriller, so keep that in mind before picking it up. It is truly a YA mystery, and some people might prefer that over a thriller. I am not sure which side I fall on, since I am still kind of new to the mystery/thriller genre. Also, the book does mention underage drinking and drugs, which I understand that some readers might not condone.

In the comments, tell me which of Jessica Goodman’s books have been your favorites so far. Don’t forget to share this post, and give it a like! If you want to get notifications of all my upcoming posts, follow the blog.

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The Upside of Falling // Book Review

Becca still picking up the pieces from when her world was blown apart years ago and Brett just barely holding his together now, they begin to realize they have more in common than they ever could have imagined. When the line between real and pretend begins to blur, they are forced to answer the question: is this fake romance the realest thing in either of their lives?

My Rating

My Thoughts
This is a sweet, simple, and short young adult contemporary that I enjoyed right from the start. The plot unfolds quickly, and we learn a lot about the characters early on. However, the quick start was a minor con, since by the have way point the story started to lag a little.

In the book we follow Becca, a romance book lover, who is still dealing with the scars her father left when he walked out on her mom and her. You could tell that her father’s choice deeply affected her, and that she was, in a way, damaged by it. I liked seeing a character that had a lot issues, but not necessarily a mental illness.

Opposite Becca, we have Brett, who seems to be the typical jock. But, like Becca, there’s a lot more to his character. Sure he is the popular, hunky high-school athlete, but he desperately wants his parents to be proud of him. He puts his dad, as well as his parents’ marriage, on a pedestal, which ultimately leads to disappointment.

In the story, Becca and Brett start up a fake relationship, because of some snotty comments made by Becca’s ex-best friend. Personally, I loved how Brett started the fake dating, and was such a sweetheart the whole time. Becca annoyed me at first, since she was not being a very good fake girlfriend. Yet it did fit with her personality, and her history with relationships.

However, at times, Becca was somewhat rude to Brett, because he was different than her. Why is it that girls in books tend to be more judgmental than the guys? But, the romance was cute and it progressed naturally. They might have started off fake, but took time to get to know one another for real. Becca and Brett were cute together fake or not.

“People always talk about falling in love but no one ever talks about falling out of it.”

Although, I wouldn’t say their relationship was ‘To All The Boys’ level good; I didn’t mind the love story being mid-range. Honestly, the book showcased some other important topics that were almost more interesting than the fake dating plot. Something major happens to Brett’s family life, and although it wasn’t shocking (I saw it coming miles away), it was an interesting turn of events.

The side characters were all fleshed out, good characters, and it was nice to see Becca clear the air with her former BFF. The two have this whole moment, and it was a big “aha” moment for Becca. As readers, we fall so in love with books and their stories, that we sometimes forget that they are still just a work of fiction. They can always be our comfort zone, but will never be our reality.

Also, there were a lot of little things added in to the story that I liked, such as Becca’s need for pro/cons lists, and Brett’s funny one-liners. There was even a mention of buying 4 books for $36.00, which is a steal in my opinion. And, I don’t think they were even secondhand books.

Overall, the book was an easy read, with a good plot and writing style. I already know that I will be reading more of this author’s works. Also, there is a part in the story where Becca tells Brett that she categorizes things in her mind. Labeling things as ones that are worth remembering, and the ones that aren’t. Now, it isn’t a way to live life, but it was fascinating to think about which moments or days I’d say are worth remembering.

Please know that divorce is a major subject in the book as well as another type of relationship issue in the book that I won’t mention as not to spoil anything. Nevertheless, some people might not like the way such topics are handled in the book. I for one, am not a fan of the outcome, since it is something that is unforgivable in my eyes. Even so, I was generally happy with the story.

Quick PSA, there is a scene that showcases a murder (of books), but it’s okay, you will get through it. Don’t forget to hit that like, and follow my little book blog for more reviews.

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14 Ways To Die // Book Review

A decade ago, Jess lost her mother to the Magpie Man, an infamous serial killer who is still at large and planning to kill again. Now, She’s going to use her new platform as the star of a YouTube reality series to catch him. That is, if he doesn’t catch her first.
Synopsis from Amazon

My Rating


My Thoughts
I had been seeing this book in stores for months, and decided to pick it up. I went into it fairly blind, but the cover and title were very intriguing. It was interesting to see that the plot centers around a serial killer and unsolved murders. The book follows Jess, a teenage girl, determined to find the Magpie Man, who is the serial killer responsible for her mother’s death.

To draw the Magpie Man out of hiding, Jess enters a YouTube reality competition where she documents her search for her mother’s killer. Honestly, I t think that the whole reality competition aspect was unnecessary. You didn’t learn much about the other contestants, and the story could have had the same outcome without the reality show element. The author could have simply made Jess start her own YouTube channel about the murders, instead of adding cameramen and show runners.

It was understandable that Jess wanted to bring her mom’s killer to justice, but she was too reckless about it. She was literally asking for a serial killer to come get her. She didn’t even have a plan as to what she’d do if she found the killer. You should always have a plan. However, she gets points for being bold, since I don’t know if I could be as brave as Jess is in the book.

Yet, I didn’t feel like we got to know Jess, or any of the other characters, much. All we really learn is that Jess spent her whole life wanting to avenge her mother’s death, which I found to be very unhealthy. However, her determination was understandable for the story. You could see that she has a lot of unresolved issues, and hasn’t fully come to terms with the loss of her mother.

Keep in mind that the book is very plot driven, which is the case with a lot of thrillers. Still, I want strong character development in addition to a solid mystery. For me, a successful book is made up of an engaging plot, and a forged connection with the characters. This book was lacking on the character front.

There is a romance that forms between Jess and someone, which progresses gradually. The love interest cared for Jess, and wanted her to stay safe. But they also understood that she had to see her plan out until the end. He didn’t understand her pain, but wanted to be there for her nonetheless.

We lie to sad people because we think it will make them feel better. But sad people see through lies. You can only trick happy people with bullshit.”

There weren’t many suspects, so it was hard to see where the story was going. When the killer was finally revealed, you started to put all the pieces together. The author did a good job of dropping bread crumbs throughout the book without making the serial killer’s identity too obvious.The book depicts that everyone has a story to tell, and some people’s stories might be more tragic than others. Also, a murder is never truly perfect. There is always some evidence left behind. Yet, the police overlooked certain things for years. More and more, a lot of books have been brave enough to call out the police and the justice system.

Overall, I was a fan of the writing style and the short chapters. The book went by fast, but still got the story across. The plot twist at the end was good, but I was hoping for more. I think that fans of ‘A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder’ would thoroughly enjoy this book. Speaking of the “Good Girl’s” trilogy, I do have reviews up for all three of those books, if you want to know my thoughts on them.

In the comments, let me know if you have read anything by this author. I would love to know more about their other books. If you like bookish content, then be sure to follow my blog.

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Love And Gelato // Book Review

A summer in Italy turns into a road trip across Tuscany in this sweeping New York Times bestseller filled with romance, mystery, and adventure. Kirkus Reviews called Love & Gelato “a sure bet for fans of romance fiction,” while VOYA said readers “will find it difficult to put this book down.” Readers are about to discover a new place, a new romance, and a new talent.
Synopsis from Amazon

My Rating

My Thoughts
In the book, we follow sixteen year old Lina, who is dealing with the passing of her single mother. However, her mom’s dying wish is for her to move to Italy and get to know her estranged father, Howard. I could understand Lina’s frustration about the prospect of moving all the way to to Italy, and leaving behind her friends and loved ones. Her mother just died, and now she has to say goodbye to the people she’s known for years.

At first, Lina took out her frustration and grief on Howard. Sure, he wasn’t around for years, but you could tell right away that it wasn’t his choice. Also, you could instantly tell that there was more to her mother and Howard’s story. As a main character, Lina frustrated me, because she seemed completely clueless about Italy. Actually, she just seemed clueless in general.

A big part of the story is that Lina is given her mother’s old journal, which helps her see who her mother was before she had Lina. We learned a lot about her late mom, since she was almost like a second main character. It was interesting to see Lina discover a new side of her, and find out about her secret college romance.

“I thought I wanted caprice and fire, but it turns out that what I really want is someone who will wake me up early so I don’t miss a sunrise.”

There weren’t many other characters, at least not ones we got to know. There is Howard, and his co-workers, Sonia as well as Ren, who is Lina’s love interest. Honestly, Lina and Ren’s romance wasn’t a major part of the story, since it focused more on her mom’s life, and Lina trying to piece together her mom’s past in Italy.

Actually, the story focused a lot more on her mother’s love life, which I found to be way more interesting. I want to note that there are a few minor characters, such as Ren’s friends, Lina’s mom’s college friends, plus her mothers stuck-up ex-boyfriend that all play small parts in the story.

The ending was nice, and wrapped things up well, but there was still a slight twist, albeit one that was very easy to figure out. Still, I liked that Lina started to trust Howard more, and realized that her mother wanted to share all her secrets with him as well. But, I did think the outcome of her and Ren’s romance was a little too intense for teenagers.

A con was that being in Italy wasn’t a huge part in the book. There were some moments showcasing different places in Italy, and a lot of talk about gelato, but, I wish the author described the beauty of the country more. I wanted to feel like I was in Italy, and the book didn’t do that for me.

Overall, the writing was fine, and the story was well done. It isn’t my favorite contemporary – especially since the plot was fairly slow moving. I wouldn’t read it again, but it wasn’t a disappointing read.

In the comments, let more know what your thoughts on the book are, because I’d love to hear your opinions. Don’t forget that following the blog lets you know about new posts!

Until The Next Chapter,

The Towering Sky // Book Review

In this breathtaking finale to The Thousandth Floor trilogy, Katharine McGee returns to her vision of 22nd-century New York: a world of startling glamour, dazzling technology, and unthinkable secrets. After all, when you have everything… you have everything to lose.
Synopsis from GoodReads

My Rating

My Thoughts
Since this book is the final book in the ‘Thousandths Floor’ trilogy, it will be hard not to include spoilers. So before continuing, I recommend you first read my reviews on the first and second books in the trilogy. The books follow the perspectives of 5 different characters, and is set in a sci-fi, dystopian version of the real world. This final book takes place a few months after the events of the second book, and we learn what the characters have been up to since then.

Each of our characters have their own plots going on, but are still connected to one another. However, this time around, I didn’t actually feel as though the characters stories really intertwined. It felt as if I was reading five different stories, which made the plot feel disjointed. However, there was a one main plot point that held the book together, but for me it wasn’t really a huge aspect of the story.

Calliope, who was introduced in the second book, ‘The Dazzling Heights’, is my favorite character. I love her personality and her backstory. That being said, I still can’t figure out what her character added to the story in this book. She had minimal interaction with the other four core characters, and wasn’t a part of the bigger plot that had been at play since the first book. Although her character was my favorite, she just felt really out of place, but I found her arc to be very transformative. Ultimately, her story’s ending was very bittersweet. I wasn’t 100% in love with the way the author warped things up for her and her mother.

Avery was another character that I enjoyed reading about, but her entire story-line in this series is kind of weird. I am not sure if the author wants us to support her forbidden romance, or be creeped out by it. Still, it was nice to see her standing up for herself, and not being the perfect daughter her parents expected her to be. Honestly, her relationship with Atlas gave me ‘Flowers in the Attic’/’Petals on the Wind’ vibes. Well, maybe not that extreme. It’s cringey, but secretly, a part of you is rooting for them.

Wyatt’s plot in the book focused around Leda, which I found pathetic. I cannot stand their relationship, or how the author turned Wyatt into such a lovesick puppy. He started off as one of the most interesting characters in the books, then he got paired with Leda. Yet, it was nice to see him realize how one can become too reliant on technology. Being connected with Nadia for so long made him lose himself, and this discovery helped take his character development to the next level.

“Maybe happy endings were real, as long as you understood that they weren’t endings, but steps on the road.”

Rylin is a character that I didn’t mind, since she added a bit of realness to the story. She’s the only character that isn’t rich, and has to work hard to get where she wants to go in life. I do think that in this book she was a bit stubborn and rash. I felt as though she didn’t feel good enough to be around these characters, or in their world. And, she take her own insecurities out on others. The main issue with her character is that her presence isn’t memorable at all. I can’t remember much about her chapters, and didn’t really see much character development.

Leda is the worst character ever! Okay, maybe not ever, but in each of these books, she finds new ways to make me dislike her. However, in this book we find that she has been distancing herself from everyone and trying to become a better person. She eventually learns to let her loved ones back in, and forgives herself for her mistakes. But, I personally couldn’t get behind her sorry, because if she truly felt bad for the crimes she committed she would have owned up to them and turned herself in. She kept saying it was all an accident, but really it was a drugged up episode that all sparked because she was a jealous spoiled brat. And, the fact that the characters all acted like Eris death wasn’t her fault was ridiculous.

The plot of the book was slow moving, but the multiple story-lines were slightly more interesting than the ones in the second book in the series. Still, I was having to push myself to finish reading it. The biggest problem with the book was that it felt like the previous two books. The books all followed similar plots and the characters kept repeating the same patterns. There wasn’t enough mystery thrown in to make the book to make it interesting, or standout from the first two books in the trilogy. Nevertheless, there was one twist at the ending that I didn’t see coming, and it really worked well with the story, and world that the book takes place in.

Overall, there was the message that you can’t simply sweep your problems under the rug, but instead you have to face them head on. Only once you own up to your mistakes can you start moving on from them. There was a mention that we all have a Tiffany’s (Breakfast At Tiffany’s reference), a place where we go to think, and feel at peace. It made me wonder if I have a Tiffany’s, so to speak. Do you have one?

All in all, these books missed the mark completely, which is a bummer since the first book showed so much promise. Let me know in the comments your thoughts on this trilogy as a whole. And, give my blog a follow so you never miss a post.

Until The Next Chapter,