Recommended For You // Book Review

About The Book
When her boss announces a holiday bonus to the person who sells the most books, Shoshanna sees an opportunity to at least fix her car, if none of her other problems. The only person standing in her way? New hire Jake Kaplan. He doesn’t even read! But somehow his sales start to rival hers. Jake may be cute (really cute), and he may be an eligible Jewish single (hard to find south of Atlanta), but he’s also the enemy, and Shoshanna is ready to take him down.
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This story follows Shoshanna, a teenage Jewish girl who works in a bookstore. However, during the Hanukkah season, she not only has to deal with a new rival employee, but her home life is also complicated. I found this book to be a surprising five-star. Shoshanna had a good her personality and found her to be very likable. Throughout the book, she dealt with her moms acting weird and ended up making many mistakes in her personal life.

However, it was also somewhat of a coming-of-age story, yet I did not find her to be as immature as people assumed she was being. Also, I love the main character with an entertaining inner monologue. Speaking of her parents, I liked how close she was to them. Her friends were likable, but the fact that one wanted to be a YouTube beauty influencer was somewhat annoying. However, I guess that everyone wants to be an influencer.

As for the romance, it was adorable! In the beginning, I did not like Jake at all, but in hindsight, some people do make a bad first impression. I liked seeing their relationship grow and develop feelings towards each other. I would say that it is an enemies-to-lovers and grumpy sunshine romance.

“Do you really not read books?”

Because they worked at a bookstore, there were many book references, including the mention of bookmas. There was even a fun, little book-selling competition element that I really enjoyed, and it helped fuel the whole enemies-to-lovers romance. And, it even ended up bringing them closer to each as well, which I loved!

Although the tone of the book is lighter, there are some heavier topics brought up. Shoshanna’s family goes through something and her world starts to spiral. However, the book notes that some people have it worse, and being grateful is important. Money is another factor in this book. The author does a good job showcasing that everyone has a different financial situation. Truthfully, money makes the world go around, and some of us struggle a lot more than others.

Overall, it was a sweet YA holiday contemporary, with some romance sprinkled into the plot. Therefore, if you are looking for a cute read for Hanukkah, I would 100% recommend this for you. Also, in the book, they mention that there are not enough Hanukkah holiday movies, but I love how that is starting to change.
Related Post: Eight Nights Of Flirting // Book Review

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The Witches // Mini Book Review

About The Book
Witches are real, and they are very, very dangerous. They wear ordinary clothes and have ordinary jobs, living in ordinary towns all across the world — and there’s nothing they despise more than children. When an eight-year-old boy and his grandmother come face-to-face with the Grand High Witch herself, they may be the only ones who can stop the witches’ latest plot to stamp out every last child in the country!
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This was such a cute and easy read that you could fly through. Since this is some what of a Flossie, it probably doesn’t need much of an explanation. Nevertheless, the story follows a young boy who recently lost his parents and his eccentric grandmother as they have to face off against witches.

Honestly, the fact that it deals with grief and loss is sad. But, make no mistakes it is in general a fun and slightly spooky children’s and even tween’s story. Yes, there is a sad beginning but it’s not the main focus of the book.

“Children are revolting!”

The plot was fast paced, and a bit sinister, and the writing was great. The characters were likable, and although we didn’t get to know them too well, I don’t think a lot of character depth or development was really needed in the story.

Overall, I found the plot of witches turning kids into rodents great, and the book was pretty funny. The ending was happy (and different), but I liked it. And, I will say the artwork style in the graphic novel was beautiful. There are a few movie adaptations of the book that I would probably enjoy as well.

In the comments, let me know if you have read the book, or seen one of the movie versions. I hear the one starting Anne Hathaway is a little spooky. Before you go, give my blog a follow so you can get notified whenever there’s a new post.

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Kill Joy // Book Review

About The Book
Pip is not in the mood for her friend’s murder mystery party. Especially one that involves 1920’s fancy dress and pretending that their town is an island called Joy. But when the game begins, Pip finds herself drawn into the make-believe world of intrigue, deception and murder. But as Pip plays detective, teasing out the identity of the killer clue-by-clue, the murder of the fictional Reginald Remy isn’t the only case on her mind.
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This is a prequel to Jackson’s ‘A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder’ trilogy. If you are a regular reader of the blog, then you know that I have a love/hate relationship with that series, and Holly Jackson’s books in general.
Related Post: A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder // Book Review

In this book, we follow Pip, as she is a guest at a murder mystery party. I absolutely loved the concept of the book. It was such an easy and fun read. It felt like a true murder mystery game among friends.

The book might have not had all the suspenseful twists and turns as the other three books in the series, but I didn’t mind. The mystery was very straightforward and simple.
Related Post: Good Girl, Bad Blood // Book Review

I loved being inside Pip’s mind as she tries to put all the pieces of the murder together. Honestly, she’s every competitive person playing a game. Also, it was nice to see her in a more light hearted situation.

“It was almost like the town itself was defined by the murder of Andie Bell, both usually uttered in the same breath, inextricable from the other.”

The ending had a nice small twist that I found so realistic when it comes to the logical aspects of a game. Now I don’t know if I wouldn’t consider this a cozy mystery but I do think for some readers it could fall somewhere along those lines.

My favorite thing about this book is all the foreshadowing of the main trilogy. We got to see Pippa realize what her final year project should be. We saw characters from all the other books, and it was just a very full circle moment.
Related Post: As Good As Dead // Book Review

Overall, the book wasn’t anything spectacular, or the best story I’ve ever read. Yet, it is wonderfully written, and a fast-paced, good read. If you are looking for a mystery story that doesn’t require a lot of brain power, then I’d pick this one up.

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One True Loves // Book Review

About The Book
From the author of Maybe in Another Life—named a People Magazine pick—comes a breathtaking new love story about a woman unexpectedly forced to choose between the husband she has long thought dead and the fiancé who has finally brought her back to life. Who is her one true love? What does it mean to love truly? Emma knows she has to listen to her heart. She’s just not sure what it’s saying.
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When I saw the trailer for the movie adaptation of this book, I knew I was not going to be able to wait and see how things were going to play out. I read the book in a day because I was very invested in the story. However, that isn’t to say that I enjoyed this book one bit. The story follows Emma, whose husband has passed away, but years later finds love again and is engaged. But, here’s the kicker; her husband is alive, and coming back to her.

This book was frustrating because the author took all of the guess work of who she was going to end up with out of the story. I knew where Emma’s heart lived, and I didn’t agree with it. And, the way she went about things in this book was just not right. If you have read this book you know what mean. Let’s just say cheating was a thing in this book, but I’m not even sure it can be called cheating. It was very confusing.

The whole situation was a mess. Because Emma loved her husband but so much time had past that she was an entirely different person than she when they were married. But, could she really marry her fiancé knowing she had been given a second chance with her not-so-departed husband?

“Just because something isn’t meant to last a lifetime doesn’t mean it wasn’t meant to be.”

The book does take the second chance romance trope and flip it on its head. Because, Emma has a second chance not only with her husband, but her new fiancé happens to be an old friend that asked her out back in high school. So, what do you do when you get two second chances at love? Who do you belong with? For me it’s not even a question, but it’s a unique situation one that I can happily say I’ve never been in.

The thing this book had going for it wasn’t the plot, the characters, or even the romance – it was the writing. Taylor Jenkins Reid’s writing style is very easy to read, bordering on addictive. I can see why so many people adore this author. I am interested in picking up some more of her more popular books, since I’m sure they are just as well written. And, hopefully the plots of those books are more up my alley.

Overall, this book is a super quick one day romance read that deals with grief, second chances, and PTSD. Also, be aware that you might be able to predict the ending early on as I did but I know that doesn’t bother some readers. As for me, I probably won’t be watching the movie adaptation, and I think that kind of says it all.

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Five Total Strangers // Book Review

About The Book
Mira needs to get home for the holidays. Harper, Mira’s glamorous seatmate from her initial flight, offers her a ride. Harper and her three friends can drop Mira off on their way home. Soon, roads go from slippery to terrifying. People’s belongings are mysteriously disappearing. Someone in the car is clearly lying, and may even be sabotaging the trip—but why? And can Mira make it home alive, or will this nightmare drive turn fatal?
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My feelings about this book are very mixed. I think the plot was really good, but the story wasn’t as fleshed out as I would’ve liked. In the book, we follow Mira, who gets trapped at the airport during a blizzard. Instead of waiting for the storm to pass, she accepts a ride with 4 other teenagers.

Mira was an unlikable main character for many reasons, but the main one being that I found her to be so naive and clueless. She would willingly believe anything if they put the right amount of doubt in her mind. She never trusted her instincts, or stopped and thought before jumping to conclusions.

The rest of the characters were generic and didn’t have much depth to them. Sure, they played a part in the story, but the plot really does revolve around Mira. However, I didn’t hate any of the characters, which I’d say is a good thing.

My biggest complaint is that the book was very, very slow. I am a fan of fast paced mystery/thrillers, and this one just wasn’t one. I felt like nothing was really happening, and I just kept waiting for things to pick up.

“Six awkward hours in the car with strangers, and I’ll be home with my mom. It’s going to be fine.”

Now, the book did keep me guessing and reading, which is a good thing. But I just wanted more excitement, and more action! For it to be more thrilling. Maybe that’s just a me thing, but if I am reading a mystery/thriller type book, I want to be on the edge of my seat, and not know what to expect every chapter.

The outcome of the story was pretty good, and it did start picking up during the last couple chapters. Also, I was a fan of the writing. All in all, I just wished I liked the general plot and how things played out a little bit more.

Overall, I didn’t hate the book, but I probably wouldn’t recommend it either. However, if you’re looking for a middle of the road, very easy to read, slow thriller, you could give this one a read. Especially if you’re just getting into the YA thriller genre. In short, I would probably pick up more of this author’s books in the future.

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Flight 171 // Book Review

About The Book
In this edge-of-your-seat horror novel, a four-hour flight takes a nightmarish turn when a supernatural creature gives a group of high school students a sinister ultimatum. Choose one among them to sacrifice before the end of the flight. Or the plane will crash. As the clock ticks down, the creature slowly unearths the passengers’ deepest, darkest secrets. The students must agree on a sacrifice, or there won’t be any survivors.
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Honestly, when I think about the fact that I read this book, I think, “why?” And also, “what did I even read?” This book is crazy (to say the least). I have no idea what the author was thinking when they came up with this plot, but at least it was slightly entertaining.

Seriously, the whole time I was thinking “what am I doing?”, but I just couldn’t put it down. There was so much going on, and it was so weird! It was a murder trial, which we jump right into at the beginning. We learn about tons of different characters, but mostly we follow Devon, whose twin sister, Emily, was killed in a hit and run.

One of my biggest problem, besides the mess of a plot, was that none of the character were very likeable, and the MC especially drove me crazy. Even the romance side plot was a little bit off. However, romance had to be the last thing on the authors mind when writing this book.

Honestly, a big pet peeve of mine from reading stories where a family member (or a best friend) passes away, is the fact that our main character always carries some intense guilt because they said or did something regrettable right before they lost them. People say things out of anger, people get in fights. And, if we lose someone, it isn’t our fault. So, to say the least, Devon was not handling her sister’s death very well.

“Life is made of regret. You survive long enough and sometimes it’s all that’s left.”

I feel like I’m having such a hard time explaining this book, because it really is just all over the place. We have Devon trying to solve the mystery of who hit her sister. We have a bunch of kids trapped on an airplane with some supernatural creature that wants to inhabit one of their bodies. Yeah you can see how this book is hard to put into words

Maybe it’s just because I don’t read a lot of sci-fi, but I just didn’t enjoy the plot. It was strange, and all the characters made me so irrationally angry that they were willing to sacrifice one of their own to save themselves. I wanted to throw the book across the room, if I’d even had a copy (I am an audiobook reader, and was not angry enough to throw my phone). But it does show that grief really can make you do some unspeakable things.

The ending was OK. It was probably my favorite part of the entire book (and not just because it was finally over). I would say the last 20% really picked up, and it had an open-ended cliffhanger kind of ending. And, after all was said and done, it really did make me afraid to fly. Not exactly sure I’ll get on a plane, like ever again.

Overall, if you’re a fan of the Goosebumps, with a little bit of the twilight zone thrown in, you might end up enjoying this story. As for the writing, I’m not exactly sure how I feel about it, so I’ll probably be willing to give the author another try. Still, this book just wasn’t for me. There was a lot going on, and I didn’t enjoy either of the plots.

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People Like Us // Book Review

About The Book
Kay Donovan may have skeletons in her closet, but the past is past, and she’s reinvented herself entirely. Now she’s a star soccer player whose group of gorgeous friends run their private school with effortless popularity and acerbic wit. But when a girl’s body is found in the lake, Kay’s carefully constructed life begins to topple. Debut author Dana Mele has written a taut, sophisticated suspense novel that will keep readers guessing until the very end.
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I thought this book was going to be your typical prep school, mystery/thriller type of YA novel. I will say right up front that I haven’t loved many of the books I’ve read that follow this format. However, I am happy to say that I did actually enjoy this one!

The main character Kay is likable and interesting. She has a secret that she has kept hidden for years, but after discovering a body in the lake on Halloween, someone is threatening to expose her past. The skeleton in the closet aspect of the book reminded me a little of ‘There’s Someone Inside Your House’ by Stephanie Perkins, but it was done way better in this book.

This book was so intense! There was murder, blackmail, and it even touched on how the police are usually more concerned about closing a case than actually solving it. Racial profiling was mentioned, student teacher relationships, cheating, suicide, revenge porn, and the list goes on.

I for one couldn’t put the book down! I had to know what was going to happen next. The writing was so good, and the plot just kept getting better. I didn’t really feel like it was another prep school rehashed. Although Kay was the stereotypical non-rich girl on a scholarship, which is a running theme when it comes to the main characters in most private school mysteries.

“Does someone who does one bad thing, even one really bad thing,
deserve bad things to happen to them?”

I had my suspicions on who the killer was and I will admit that I was wrong at first. It was a slow build up to the reveal, but the reveal was done very well. The ending was amazing! By the end, you realize that there were many tiny hints throughout the book that lead you to the murders identity.

I will say that the ending was kind of sad, and had a lot to do with bullying and mental health. That being said, I liked how the story was wrapped up even though some people might guess the killer from early on. So, if you aren’t someone that minds a little predictability than you’ll enjoy this book.

Overall, this book gave me ‘Pretty Little Liars’ meets ‘Gossip Girl’ vibes. However, I did read a review calling it a ‘fucked up sapphic mean girls book’ and I think that describes it way better. But, it is a great read for spooky season, and I did get a kick out of the ‘A Christmas Story’ Ovaltine reference.

I highly recommend checking out trigger warnings —(find here)— before picking thing book up. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others. If you are a book lover (like me) hit the follow button to get notified whenever there’s a new post.

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People Like Us by Dana Mele

Dark And Shallow Lies // Book Review

About The Book
A teen girl disappears from her small town deep in the bayou, where magic festers beneath the surface of the swamp like water rot, in this chilling debut supernatural thriller for fans of Natasha Preston, Karen McManus, and Rory Power. In a town where secrets lurk just below the surface, and where a murderer is on the loose, nobody can be presumed innocent—and La Cachette’s dark and shallow lies may just rip the town apart.
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This book is a very interesting take on the YA mystery genre, because it has a magical realism element to it. In the book, Grey returns to La Cachette, Louisiana to spend the summer in the same place that her best friend, Elora, disappeared from, 6 month earlier.

In La Cachette everyone has some kind of magical ability, from being a love psychic to an empath. However, Grey, just now seventeen years old, is learning to discover her own gift. As the protagonist of the story, Grey was just okay. She wasn’t horrible or unlikable, but I wouldn’t say I loved following her either.

In my opinion, this book is way more mystery based, because there were a lot of secrets going on. The mystery of Elora disappearance did keep me interested, but not enough to where I couldn’t put the book down.

“Welcome to La Cachette, Louisiana Elevation 3 Ft. Population 106 Living Souls.”

For me, the story as a whole just didn’t work. The psychic aspect of the story was a bit weird, and La Cachette was a very twisted place. There’s also another mystery from the past that somewhat ties into the current mystery. And, there’s a romance as well. It just had a lot going on.

My biggest con was the writing. I do understand that this is a debut novel, so I am trying not to judge it too heavily. But, the book didn’t come to life for me, and man, was it slow moving. I wanted the plot to pick up, but it never really did.

Overall, the ending was solid and I do think the author has the potential to write something really good. Nevertheless, I want to say the this book isn’t comparable to Karan M. McManus’ works (as it states on GoodReads), which might be a good thing for some people. Also, the story is pretty sad, and there are some triggering things talked about in this book. One being the murder of children.

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Finale // Book Review

About The Book
Welcome, welcome to the Caraval’s Finale. All games must come to an end. With lives, empires, and hearts hanging in the balance, Tella must decide if she’s going to trust Legend or a former enemy. After uncovering a secret that upends her life, Scarlett will need to do the impossible. And Legend has a choice to make that will forever change and define him. Caraval is over, but perhaps the greatest game of all has begun.
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This is the final book in the Caraval trilogy, so beware that this review will contain spoilers. The book starts right off from where the second book, ‘Legendary’, ended. The dates have been released, and now everyone’s lives are at risk.

Something that was weird to me is that the whole second book was about Donatella’s desire to bring back their mother. However, she played such a small roll in this book. We didn’t even get to know anything about her. However, she did have a role in the overall plot without actually being in the story if that makes any sense.
Related Post: Legendary // Book Review

In the book, Donatella, Scarlet, Jillian, and Legend are trying their hardest to defeat the fates. That plot sounds amazing! And, although the book is fantastic, it was kind of slow moving. Tella’s whole story arc became all about her romance with Legend and Jacks (King Of Hearts).

I wanted there to be more fantasy, and less pinning for Legend. And, don’t even get me started on the slow burn between Legend and her. There’s even a sort of love triangle between her, Legend, and Jacks.

“There is nothing quite so precious as the love of a sister.”

On the other hand, Scarlett’s story arc was amazing. We learn something about her that left me stunned. Also, her and Jillian’s romance is super cute. But, I’ve always found Scarlett to be very likable. Not to say I don’t like Tella, because out of the two I actually relate more to her than Scarlett.

Now I did feel like this book had a lot going on, maybe a little too much going on. It was very plot driven, which to be honest the trilogy as a whole is more focused on the plot than characters. And, although there was a lot of packed into the story, it all came together at the end.

However, Tella’s story didn’t go exactly how I wanted it too. Let’s just say I’m a ‘villain gets the girl’ kind of reader. But, I liked how everything was wrapped up, and the last few chapters had me on the edge of my seat!

Overall, the book was well written. The characters didn’t have much development this time around, but were still very likable, and the story was fantastic. Although, it didn’t give me that 5 star feel, I would still recommend it to any YA fantasy lover.

In the comments, let me know your thoughts on the Caraval trilogy. Don’t forget to follow the blog for more book reviews.

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Moment Of Truth // Book Review

About The Book
At sixteen, Hadley Moore knows exactly who she is—a swimmer who will earn a scholarship to college. So when a guy dressed as Hollywood’s latest action hero, Heath Hall, crashes her swim meet, she isn’t amused. Instead, she’s determined to make sure he doesn’t bother her again. Only she’s not sure exactly who he is. She soon finds herself getting caught up in the mysterious world of the fake Heath Hall.
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This book is way more than your average YA contemporary romance, which I actually really enjoyed. In the book, we follow high schooler Hadley, who is all about swimming. She has two loving parents that support her, but she always feels as though she’s competing with her brother. The brother she never met because he passed away before she was born.

If you’ve read any of Kasie West’s books, then you know that they usually aren’t all about the romance, and have a more serious side plot to them as well. However, this book takes a different approach with the romance being the side plot.

As the synopsis states, there’s this mystery plot point involving someone in a Heath Hall mask. And, that aspect really tied everything together; from the romance, to the more serious topics together. This book definitely requires you to look into trigger warnings, yet I recommend doing this for all books.

“Just because you can’t see the future, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. You don’t have to see everything clearly or know exactly where you’re going to move forward.”

The book tackles many different aspects of grief from not letting go, to feeling like a replacement child, to even being in competition with someone that’s not here anymore. It was interesting to see Hadley struggle with her feelings towards her late brother, and wonder if they’d be close if he were alive. The book begs explores the topic of how to fully grieve someone that we’ve never met, but have a connection with.

The romance was very cute, and young adult romance is something that Kasie West does a spectacular job of writing. I don’t know if I’d categorize this as an enemies to lovers, or opposites attract love story, since it falls somewhere in between. However, the love interest was funny and you could tell there were both catching feelings from early on.

Overall, if you want a more major romance contemporary then I’d give this a read. It also happens to be the last book in her ‘Love, Life, And The List’ companion trilogy. Although, the link to the first book was a very minor thing. Also, this author books are usually quick reads for me but this one, being a bit more serious, is a slower read, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that’s a con.

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