The Stand-In // Book Review

About The Book
Gracie Reed’s barely holding it all together. But when a mysterious SUV pulls up beside her, revealing Chinese cinema’s golden couple Wei Fangli and Sam Yao, Gracie’s world is turned on its head. Fangli so desperately needs her help. Readers will delight in this glamourous, swoon worthy enemies-to-lovers romance that is as hilarious as it is heart-wrenching.
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This is a fun romantic comedy with the ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ trope. In the book, we follow Gracie balancing an uncomfortable work situation, getting her mom into a top-notch nursing home, and trying to create the best planner app. But, her life is flipped upside down when she gets approached by Chinese star Wei Fangli, and her supposed boyfriend Sam Yao, and asked to be her stand-in.

Now this isn’t a doppelganger story, because throughout the book- it is mentioned that the two don’t look completely alike. However, with the right makeup, clothing and lighting- they look almost identical. And, I loved every second of this book – because this is one of my favorite plot devices.

Gracie is a very shy and non-confrontational person, so she rarely, if ever, stands up for herself or goes after what she wants. I am not a fan of characters that are pushovers, but I did love seeing Gracie’s character development throughout the book. Even though the ending was a little too far fetched and happily-ever-after for my liking.

“No one else can be you. No one else can tell your story like you. You are unique. So write the movie you want to see.”

There were so many great side characters within the story, such as the love interest, Sam. You could almost call this a grumpy/sunshine romance, since Sam was much more serious than Gracie, but they did help bring out a different side of each other. Gracie was able to speak her mind to Sam. And, he let her show him how to be a regular person despite his stardom.

Although she wasn’t shown much, Wei was another great character. Her storyline was a nice addition to the plot. This is, first and foremost, a full romance plot, but mental health does play a role as well. Struggles with depression and anxiety are talked about throughout the story. I appreciate how the author let it be known that it’s okay to seek help and get on medication.

Overall, the writing was phenomenal, and really kept me interested. However, I did find that the book was a bit long, and slow at times. But that ending was amazing! I didn’t see it coming, yet it worked well and wrapped everything together. Looking back on it, however, there was a lot of foreshadowing, so one could probably figure out the twist.

In the comments, let me know if this book is on your TBR. Don’t forget to hit the follow button to get post notifications. Every week you can find new bookish posts on the blog.

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Finding Her Edge // Book Review

About The Book
Adriana Russo is figure skating royalty. With gold-medalist parents, and her older sister headed to the Olympics, all she wants is to live up to the family name and stand atop the ice dance podium at the Junior World Championships. That means training on the same ice as her first crush, Freddie, the partner she left when her growth spurt outpaced his. For the past two years, he’s barely acknowledged her existence, and she can’t even blame him for it.
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Here’s a little fun fact about me: I love ice skating! That’s right, when I was a kid (and teenager) I thought figure skating was the coolest sport. I even took an ice skating lessons for a year. And, to this day, Ice Princess is probably still my most watched movie. So, when I heard about this YA contemporary following a figure skater, I couldn’t have been more excited for it!

Unfortunately, this book was a total letdown. Now that’s not to say I didn’t like to story, because I found the plot to be really good. And, the book is very fast paced. Honestly, it gave me those Ice Princess vibes that I was hoping for.

However, the major plot of this book was this second chance romance love triangle aspect. I was not a fan of that at all. I typically don’t like second chance romances, so it’s not a big surprise when they fall short for me. In this book, we get four tropes in one. Second chance romance, fake dating, love triangle and unrequited love. And let’s just say I didn’t like the outcome.

As for the characters, I found most of them to be immature and annoying. Although, the side characters were great. and I wish that we had gotten to know them better. I was way more interested in them then the main character, Adriana.

“There are no guarantees in figure skating.”

The book does give a good look into the intense world that is professional figure skating. It made me want to watch a whole series following figure skaters, because it’s a lot of pressure. When you’re part of a duo, you really have to trust your partner. And, I think the author did a good job relaying how competitive it is. Also, partner romances can make things messy.

Overall, I wished that I had liked it more. It wasn’t necessarily a bad book, just not one that I would necessarily recommend or think of in the future. Honestly, I was not a fan of how the love triangle ended. Let’s just say I would have preferred the author to go the unexpected route.

In the comments, tell me what sport of hobby did you find fascinating as a teenager. Don’t forget to share this post with others. And, feel free to follow my blog before you go.

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Rock Paper Scissors // Book Review

About The Book
Things have been wrong with Mr and Mrs Wright for a long time. When Adam and Amelia win a weekend away to Scotland, it might be just what their marriage needs. They both know this weekend will make or break their marriage, but they didn’t randomly win this trip. One of them is lying, and someone doesn’t want them to live happily ever after. Ten years of marriage. Ten years of secrets. And an anniversary they will never forget.
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I didn’t know what to expect when going into this book, but I had heard that it was a wild ride. In this book, we follow a couple, Adam and Amelia, that wins a trip to Scotland. This trip will either fix or break their already strained marriage. But, the couple soon realize this gateway might not be just for the two of them.

The book has an isolation setting plot, which I have learned that I’m not the biggest fan of. Yet, I think it worked well for the plot. The book is also somewhat of dual timelines. We get letters written to Adam by his wife, for each of their anniversaries. These letters help piece together what has lead their marriage to the breaking point.

Another interesting aspect is that Adam has face blindness. I had never even heard about the illness until this book, and it is very interesting. And, it really added another element to the story that was needed to tie everything together.

For me the plot was super interesting,= and the characters were written well. My biggest complaint is that the book was slow moving. I wanted it to be more fast-paced, and have things progress quicker than they did. But, I think that’s just my preference when reading thrillers.

“If every story had a happy ending, then we’d have no reason to start again.”

There were some twists, and the ending was shocking to say the least. I didn’t actually see the last twist coming at all. Maybe a more skilled thriller or mystery reader would have figured things out, but I was just along for the roller coaster that is this book.

I have heard from other people that Alice Feeney is a very hit-or-miss author, but I think that’s the case for a lot of thriller writers. It really depends on the approach they take with their plot twists and characters. However, the same could be said for pretty much all books.

Overall, I had a good time reading the book, and I’m glad that I finally got around to picking it up. If you like a good plot twist and isolation setting thriller, then I’d give this one a read. I’m for sure going to be reading more by Alice Feeney in the near future.

In the comments, tell me which of Alice Feeney’s books is your favorite. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others! If you enjoy book reviews, then follow the blog to get notified whenever there’s a new post.

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Reading Wrap-Up // Summerween 2023

Hi Friends,
The Summerween readathon is over, and if you have no idea what I’m talking about, you should go read my Sunmerween TBR post. But, for the week of Summerween, I ended up reading 3 books, and completing all the prompts.

Lying in the Deep’ by Diana Urban
I was originally going to read ‘Every Last Fear’ by Alex Finlay for the ‘Read a Thriller’ prompt, but I had this audiobook on my Libby, so I decided to pick this one up. It’s a YA thriller/mystery, more mystery than thriller, but it is categorized as a thriller, so it counts. I did end up finishing this book, but it wasn’t my favorite read.

Fence’ Vol. 2 by C.S. Pacat and Johanna the Mad
I have become a big fan of this graphic novel series, so for the ‘Read a Graphic Novel, Manga, or Novella’ prompt I knew that I had to read volume 2. I finished this quickly, and enjoyed it.

The Haunting of Aveline Jones’ by Phil Hickes
This book filled two prompts: ‘Read a Book That Takes Place in the Fall’ and ‘Read a Book With Black and/or Orange on the Cover’. I really like this spooky middle-grade, and I can’t wait to read the other books in this series.

On the last day of the readathon, I ended up starting ‘Every Last Fear’. I only got about 20% into the audiobook, but so far it has me intrigued.

Let me know in the comments, if you participated in Summerween. Also, I vlogged each day of the readathon over on my TikTok account (@BooksWithBunny). Before you go hit the follow button, so that you never miss a post.

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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue // Book Review

About The Book
A Life No One Will Remember. A Story You Will Never Forget. France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever—and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue. But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name.
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I had heard that this book was beautifully written with an addictive plot. Well, I do agree that that the writing was fantastic. V.E. Schwab is a wonderful author, but since I’ve read her Cassidy Blake trilogy, written as Victoria Schwab, I already knew that I loved her writing style. The writing might be one of the best things about this book.

Schwab has a way of pulling you into the story write from the first chapter. The book started off wonderful, and I wanted to know what was going to happen next. In the book, we follow a young girl named Addie LaRue, who in 1714 makes a deal with a demon. One that has lasting consequences. She shall live forever, but never be remembered by anyone.

Now tell me that plot doesn’t sound intriguing? Of course, Addie does end up meeting a boy who, by some miracle. remembers her. And, thus a romance develops. I didn’t mind the romance, but I’m not actually sure if I liked Addie or her love interest, Henry. However, I enjoyed watching the fall in love and understand each. One of my all time favorite quotes is “The greatest feeling in this world is knowing you actually mean something to someone.” And, I think that describes their relationship.

On the other hand, we have Luc who is the demon that made the deal with Addie. The book shows that they share somewhat of a bond, but their relationship is more of want vs need. Although, I will say I have a thing for a dark, mysterious bad boy so I was team Luc. And, I have no shame in saying that.

“If no one heard it, did it happen?
If a person cannot leave a mark, do they exist?”

The plot was actually pretty heartbreaking, yet I didn’t find myself crying. A big message with in the story is that sometimes the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Every choice has consequences and your life might be worse for it. That being said, love played a big part in the story mainly what you’d do for true love.

There was some LGBT representation in the book, but I would say mental health was very prevalent in the plot. Interestingly enough the mental health aspect worked well in this primarily magic realism story. Also, Addie had to do some questionable things throughout her life. Some of those things could be triggering to be. As I always say, please do your research, and look up trigger warnings before reading the book.

I think my major problems with this book, and the reason I didn’t rate it super high, is the pacing. The chapters were so long and the book it self felt very slow. As a reader, I am all about fast paced books especially when it comes to fantasies. And, this one just took me way too long to finish. Also, I’m normally fine with dual timelines but I found myself getting a bit confused with all the jumping around through time with in the story.

Overall, the book is a solid story, that I didn’t hate whatsoever. The plot was very interesting, and the writing was top notch. Not sure how I feel about the end, but I enjoyed my reading experience nonetheless. And, I will most certainly be reading more from this author.

In the comments, let me know if you think this book deserves all the hype behind it. Don’t forget to give this post a like, and share it with other book lovers. Support my little book blog by giving it a follow.

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Queen Of The Tiles | Book Review

About The Book
They Wish They Were Us meets The Queen’s Gambit in this thriller set in the world of competitive Scrabble, where a teen girl, Najwa, is forced to investigate the mysterious death of her best friend, Trina, when her Instagram comes back to life with cryptic posts and messages. As secrets are revealed and the true colors of her friends are shown, it’s up to Najwa to find out who’s behind these mysterious posts—not just to save Trina’s memory, but to save herself.
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I hadn’t heard anything about this book before going into it. Also, I don’t really know anything about Scrabble, except that I would probably lose in a Scrabble competition. In the book we follow, Najwa who is competing in her first Scrabble tournament since her best friend’s death. Her best friend, Trina, was known around the teen Scrabble circuit as the Queen of the Tiles.

As you can probably guess, with this being a mystery thriller and all, that Najwa starts to wonder if her best friend was murdered for her ‘Scrabble crown’. Like in any sport, people will do anything to be number one. Najwa was an okay character, yet a little on the naive side, for my liking. But, we got to know a lot about her and her best friends relationship.

Let’s just say that in their friendship Najwa wasn’t the main character. However, Najwa didn’t really seem bitter about being the supporting character, but should could understand the desire to dethrone the scrabble queen. But, you could tell that she was still grieving the loss of her friend, and winning the scrabble competition, in honor of her BFF was her way of coping.

The mystery was interesting, and I didn’t want to put the book down. However, the plot in general was slow moving, and nothing really gripped me. Although, I did like learning more about Scrabble. It’s a pretty competitive and strategic game. One I’ve actually never played.

“And the idea that Scrabble is still there for me, grounding me through everything that’s going on, is comforting.”

Grief is a being topic in the book, which is a little strange for a murder mystery. And, I think the fact that it was such a huge plot point in the book could be why it felt so slow. More on the side of a contemporary vs a mystery. But, I will say that at its root it is a solid mystery thriller.

It’s hard to say if I liked the ending or not. Because, I’m someways it was completely expected and easy to see coming. On the other hand, it was a little shocking, especially since there were times when we were giving the element of an unreliable narrator. So I’m torn.

Overall, I found the book to be a pretty good read. The writing was nice and the plot was very well done. Although, I’m not sure if I liked the writing style enough to read more from this author. But, if you are newer to the YA mystery genre, I’d recommend this book.

In the comments, let me know if you enjoy a good game of Scrabble. Don’t forget to follow the blog to get notified whenever there’s a new post!

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Mooncakes // Mini Book Review

About The Book
Nova Huang knows more about magic than your average teen witch. One fateful night, she follows reports of a white wolf into the woods, and she comes across the unexpected: her childhood crush, Tam Lang, battling a horse demon in the woods. As a werewolf, Tam has been wandering from place to place for years, unable to call any townhome. Their latent feelings are rekindled against the backdrop of witchcraft, untested magic, occult rituals, and family ties both new and old in this enchanting tale of self-discovery.
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This book has so much representation, and I love it! Not only are the two main character part of the LGBT+ community, but we’ve got deaf representation, and even talk about using the correct pronouns. Also, it’s a graphic novel about witches and werewolves. Need I say more?

In the book, we follow a witch name Nova, who reconnects with her childhood crush Tam,  a werewolf who is hiding from dark force that is trying to take her werewolf powers.

I loved how Nova was instantly willing to help Tam and give her a place to call home. Honestly, it showed that home isn’t necessarily a place, but mainly people. Although their relationship was cute, the magical part of the plot was fun too.

“We can get you some tea and a spell for this.”

The book could put anyone in a fall mood. Not only does it have the magic element, but evil forces and werewolves positively scream autumn! The artwork does a wonderful job as well. The colors of scheme will make you feel like it’s fall no matter when you read it.

Overall, there isn’t a tone of depth, or a shocking twist to the story. However, it’s a cute, easy, one sitting read. It’s a great pickup for spooky season! And, I know a lot of people will enjoy that it includes the somewhat second-chance romance trope.

In the comments, let me know if you’ve read this book, and your thoughts on it. Don’t forget to hit the like button and share this post. If you’re a fan of bookish content, you should check out some of my other reviews. And, follow the blog so that you get notified whenever there’s a new post.

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Mexican Gothic // Book Review

About The Book
Something sinister is brewing beneath an isolated mansion in the Mexican countryside, and an ancient evil is about to be exposed. From the author of Gods of Jade and Shadow comes “a terrifying twist on classic gothic horror” (Kirkus Reviews) set in glamorous 1950s Mexico. With callbacks to classics like Rebecca, Jane Eyre and The Haunting of Hill House, Moreno-Garcia proves that she is just as consumed by stories of haunted houses as we are in this new gothic horror with a twist.
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I’m not exactly sure how to describe this book, but I will say that it was a gripping read. In the book, we follow Noemi whose family receives a letter from her newly married cousin. A letter requesting help. Noemi is basically sent to rescue her cousin from her new family, but this rescue mission is proving to be more complex than she originally thought it would be.

This book was eerie and gothic inspired. As a main character, Noemi was confident and strong despite other regarding her as just a common socialite and a bit flighty. I liked that not only could she be that high society girl, but she also has a good head on her shoulders. And, let me just say, the sprinkle of romance added into this mainly gothic suspense was very well done and a nice touch.

If you are looking for a fast-paced plot, this book has you covered! Also, I love when books give off movie vibes, which is another thing Silvia Moreno-Garcia perfected with this book. Speaking of Silvia Moreno-Garcia, her writing is fantastic. The book was very easy to get sucked into, and often, that stems from the writing.

“We thought monsters and ghosts were found in books, but they’re real, you know?”

As I mentioned before, the story was super interesting. Which, in a way, shocked me. I had heard good things about this book, but I hadn’t read a lo,t if any, gothic style thrillers, so I was unsure of what to expect. Nevertheless, I found myself unable to put the book down. I will say that the book is far more creepy than it is actually scary, if that makes any sense.

The major con I have with book was that there was a lot going on. I had to go back and reread chapters, because I wasn’t sure what exactly was happening. However, some people might think that’s a good thing, when it comes to a thriller book. Sadly, I’m not one of those people.

Overall, I enjoyed the ride that the book took me on. I was shocked a lot of the time, and despite the fact that ending left me confused, I would still recommend this book to other thriller readers. Also, I don’t know if this is just me, but the ending gave me major ‘The Nun’ movie flashbacks.

In the comments, let me know which of Silvia Moreno-Garcia books I should read and review next. Don’t forget to give my blog a follow so you never miss a post.

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2023 Mid-Year Book Freakout // Book Tag

Hi Friends,
Today I’m doing the classic ‘Mid-Year Book Freakout’ Book Tag! This tag is a very popular one among the book community. If you’d like, you can check out my 2021 and 2022 editions of this tag.

I’m going to say ‘Belladonna’ by Adalyn Grace. This is a young adult fantasy that I couldn’t put down. I can’t wait for the sequel to be released! Other than that, I feel like my reading year hasn’t been the best.
Related Post: Belladonna // Book Review

Because I’m terrible at finishing series, I haven’t read too many sequel. So, there’s only one answer for this question and that would have to be ‘Finale’ by Stephanie Garber. It’s the conclusion to the ‘Caraval’ trilogy. I enjoyed how the ending, but it wasn’t my favorite book in the series.
Related Post: Finale // Book Review

You Shouldn’t Have Come Here’ by Jeneva Rose is an adult thriller about a woman that rents an Airbnb ad falls for the owner of it. But, their romance goes from sweet to obsessive. It was released back in April of 2023 and I still haven’t had the chance to pick it up. I haven’t read anything by this author, but I tend to have good luck with adult thrillers, so I have high hopes for this book.

This is a no brainer! It’s is, for sure, ‘One of Us Is Back’ by Karen M. McManus, which will be released on July 25th. I loved ‘One of Us is Lying’ and ‘One of Us is Next’, so I’m very excited for the next book in this YA thriller series of companion novels. Hopefully we get to see more of Knox and Phoebe relationship.
Related Post: One Of Us Is Lying // Book Review

Probably, ‘Five Survive’ by Holly Jackson. I’m a pretty big fan of the ‘Good Girl’s Guide To Murder’ trilogy by this author, but this book was a fail. It was my first read of the year and put me in a reading slump. The whole premise behind the book was subpar and the writing wasn’t up to her usual standards.
Related Post: Five Survive // Book Review

I’m going to have to say my biggest reading surprise of the year, so far has been ‘With and Without You’ by Austin Siegemund-Broka and Emily Wibberley. I have read all of their YA novels, and only ever truly liked one of them. But, this book shocked me and was a 5 star read. It was such a cute YA contemporary romance that had a long distance relationship element, which isn’t something you typically see in YA books.

I’ve apparently been sleeping with regard to Kara Thomas’ young adult thrillers. I read ‘The Cheerleaders’ and it was a really captivating mystery. The writing was wonderful and it’s made me want to pick up all of her books.

I’ve got two answers for this question. The first being, Patrick from ‘With and Without You’, because if I was a teen girl, I would be swooning for this boy. And, the second is Four from ‘Divergent’ by Veronica Roth. What can I say I guess I have a thing for quiet, strong, serious guys.

Vera from ‘Shady Hollow’ by Juneau Black is a great main character. Yes, she is a fox, but I love her personality, and she’s become one of my new favorite characters.
Related Post: Shady Hollow // Book Review

So far, I actually haven’t read a book that has made me cry. But, I did find ‘Then She Was Gone’ by Lisa Jewell really sad. Honestly, for a mystery thriller, it’s pretty heartbreaking.
Related Post: Then She Was Gone // Book Review

The Stand-In’ by Lily Chu brought a smile to my face. It’s an adult romance that I adored. The entire plot and writing was great, and I had a really fun time reading it.

The special edition of ‘Daughter of the Pirate King‘ by Tricia Levenseller. I pre-ordered it, so it isn’t released until my birthday (June 27th). But, I’m still counting it as the most beautiful book I’ve bought this year. And, yes I did pre-order the rest of the series special editions as well. Before you ask, no, I haven’t read the series yet.

My TBR is far too long for this question. However, I’m really hoping to complete some book series that I’ve started. One that is high on my list is ‘Our Violent Ends’ by Chloe Gong, since I really enjoyed ‘These Violent Delights’. It should be easy to get a few duologies finished by the end of the year. At least, that’s what I’m hoping.
Related Post: These Violent Delights // Book Review

In the comments, let me know if you have done this tag too. Don’t forget to like and share this post. Also, hit the follow button to get notified whenever there’s a new post.

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The Magician’s Elephant // Book Review

About The Book
What if? Why not? Could it be? When a fortuneteller’s tent appears in the market square of the city of Baltese, orphan Peter Augustus Duchene knows the questions that he needs to ask: Does his sister still live? And if so, how can he find her? The fortuneteller’s mysterious answer (an elephant! An elephant will lead him there!) sets off a chain of events so remarkable, so impossible, that you will hardly dare to believe it’s true.
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This book follows a young boy on a mission to find his sister. Honestly, I had no idea this book existed until I saw the trailer for the Netflix animated film adaptation for the movie. Than I discovered that it was written by the author of ‘Because Of Winn-Dixie’ and ‘The Tale of Despereaux’.

I’ve actually seen both of those movie adaptations and I read ‘The Tale of Despereaux’ book. Yet, I didn’t particularly love either of the stories. And, truthfully, ‘The Tale of Despereaux’ creeped me out a little. So, I didn’t have high hopes for this book.

There are a lot of different characters within the story, and most of them have sad backstories. I did find that there was a found family component with the book, which I really enjoyed.

“Magic is always impossible…. It begins with the impossible and ends with the impossible and is impossible in between. That is why it’s magic.”

Although the story wasn’t as magical or fantastical as I would have liked, I did enjoy it. I was just hoping for more of this adventure filled journey about this boy and an elephant looking for his sister.

However, the book is a quick read, and a simple children’s novel. I would say this is perfect for kids between the ages of 9 and 13. For me wasn’t anything that particularly stood out about the plot.

Overall, it is a book that you could read in one sitting, and I’m looking forward to seeing the film. But, I wouldn’t say you necessarily have to read it before watch the movie.

In the comments, let me know if you will be reading the book or watch the Netflix adaptation. Don’t forget to support my blog by giving it a follow!

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