Tips For Productivity And Motivation

Hi Friends,
I am very happy that 2022 has arrived. I feel like every new year is a time to reflect, set goals, and have a fresh start. I have made my goals for the year, but I want to share some things that I will be implementing in order to stay productive and motivated. I know that everyone’s life is different, but I still hope that you can get something out of this post.

Vision Board: I have never been a vision board kind of girl. However, I do believe that creating one can help give you a visual and clear view of your hopes for the year. The easiest way to create a vision board is by using Pinterest. You can make the board private or public, depending on your preference. I am a big supporter of dreaming big, but try to keep your goals within the realm of possibility, as well.

Make A Plan: One of my biggest tips for staying on top of your game is to make some sort of list or plan. Now you don’t have to be this major planner lover, but I encourage you to plan at least for the important tasks. Something as simple as making a list of your goals for the month can minimize stress, and help you accomplish more.

Limit Screen Time: I think we are all guilty of this, myself included, but we spend way too much time staring at a screen. This can be scrolling on social media, playing video games, or watching television. It isn’t the healthy thing, or the best use of our time. I am not going to preach about how TV kills brain cells or video games encourage violence, because I don’t buy into that nonsense. However, it is good to limit your screen time, so you can get the most out of your days. Try to disconnect from social media two hours before bed, or turn off the computer by 5 pm. I believe that this can really help productivity in the long run.

Environment: A big key to staying productive and motivated is having a nice, clean, and peaceful environment. I know that for some, their surroundings are…less than ideal. But try to work with what you have. If possible, find a place to call your own, where you can effectively work. Make it one that makes you feel happy and energized. Also, a good idea to switch up your surroundings every once in a while. Try working outside, or even at a coffee shop, for a nice change of scenery.

Reward Yourself: Who says bribery doesn’t work? I know that a way to help me stay motivated all week is to set little accomplishment rewards for myself. These rewards can be as small as an at-home spa day, Starbucks, or a cheat meal. Remember, prizes do not replace the feeling that comes with completing weekly tasks, but they are a nice treat.

I hope that you found this post helpful, and here’s to a productive 2022. Share your thoughts on this post, and other tips you might have in the comments. If you’d like to support my blog, give a follow! It’s totally free, and you get updates on new content.

Until The Next Chapter,

I Wrote FanFiction // Coffee Chat

Hi Friends,
Today I thought I would share something slightly embarrassing with you all. I use to write FanFiction. Now writing fanfic isn’t embarrassing in the slightest, but the terrible fanfic I wrote is cringe worthy.

I loved writing at a young age, and would come up with crazy stories for my favorite shows. The stories I wrote weren’t necessarily bad, but funny to look back on. The first one I ever wrote was about ‘Phil Of The Future,’ which was a super cheesy Disney Channel show. It was about this family from the future. I am not sure what time they were from, but I want to say it was the year 2525. They end up getting stuck in the past, which was our present at the time.

In my story, Phil and his family finally make it home. But this means Phil has to say goodbye to his best friend, Keely. He ends up trying to find her in the future. Thus, my story was called ‘Finding Future Keely.’ Aly Michalka played Keely, and if you know anything about her she has a younger sister AJ. So, I imagined that AJ would play her great granddaughter in the future that Phil meets.

The next story was a fanfiction of this underrated French animated series ‘Code Lyoko.’ In the show, these group of 4 kids find a super computer that transports 3 of them to a cyber world where they all have special abilities. They meet Aelita, who is a virtual girl, about their age, that lives in Lyoko. However, when they turned on the computer it awoke Xana who is sort of this evil computer virus that is trying to destroy the world. Now, they must help Aelita stop all of Xana’s evil cyber attacks.

My story was called ‘Lyoko Lockdown’ where Aelita and the other get stuck in Lyoko. It is up to Jeremie their friend and tech genius, who is not in Lyoko, to help get them out before Xana does something horrible. It was a fun story and a silly story, and I honestly didn’t know where I was going with it.

Lastly, I wrote the beginning of what was going to be a Destiel (Supernatural’s Dean and Castiel) story.It was going to be completely smuty. But, again I had no clear direction for the story. None of these stories actually got completed, and writing wasn’t my best. Grammar and spelling were, in my opinion, terrible.

I don’t even know if you can find my ‘Phil Of The Future’ or ‘Code Lyoko’ storie on the fanfiction website anymore. Yep, I posted them online. However, I never posted my Destiel one, since it was literally one page long. I hope that you enjoyed this post about my short lived time as a fanfiction writer. Please leave me a comment letting me know if you ever wrote or still write fanfiction. Also, what are some of your favorite stories? Don’t forget to share and like this post. If you want more posts like this follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

Bookish, Blog & More // 2022 Goals

Hi Friends,
In this post, I am going to be sharing my bookish, blog and personal resolutions. I love the start of a New Year because it means new beginnings and adventures. I always like to make resolutions even if I sometimes don’t stick to them.

Blog Goals
– Be More Flexible: I don’t want to be so hard on myself when it comes to a posting schedule. I try to post three times a week, but I don’t want to stress out if that isn’t always possible.
– Branch Out: This is a book blog, and books will forever be the main focus. However, I want to post some lifestyle content every once in a while. I would like to share my other interests outside of books.
– Engage More: I want to read more blogs and engage with other bloggers. I don’t ever seem to make time to read blogs, which is something I hope to change.

Bookish Goals
– GoodReads Goal: As per-usual I would like to achieve my GoodReads goal. I have set it at 50 books, and I think it is doable.
– Read My Shelf: I own a lot of unread books, and that stresses me out. I want to make reading my own books a priority this year.
– Backlist Books: I tend to pick up new releases or hyped books. This year, I want to make an effort of reading older titles that I never got around too.

Personal Goals
– Mental Health: My mental health is very important to me. I want to remember to stay on top of my mental health, and take care of myself.
– Routine: I would like to have more of a set morning and night routine. Something that will put me in a good mood, and help start the day off right. As for night, I want to have a routine that I can look forward to at the end of the day.
– Stay Active: I wouldn’t say that I am not an active person, but I do go weeks without doing any kind of fitness. I would like to consistently be active and healthy.

Those are some of my goals for the year. I have other goals, and one major personal goal. But I thought I would just share a few with you all. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? What are some of yours? Don’t forget to start off the year right by following my blog!

Until The Next Chapter,

The Holiday Traditions Tag

Hi Friends,
I just knew that I had to do a holiday tag before Christmas came. This is a pretty old holiday tag that I discovered this year. But honestly, most tags are timeless.

Favorite holiday destination?
I always stay home and spend the holidays with my family. However, hypothetically, I think celebrating the holidays in England would be a dream come true. I wouldn’t want to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas away from my family, but I would love to spend New Years in England.

Any family traditions?
We have a few family traditions. About 7 years ago we started having lasagna on Christmas Eve. This is a tradition that my husband brought to us because it is a tradition that his family did. Also, we always open one gift on Christmas Eve, which is new PJs. Lastly, since I was an itty bitty kid, we have watched ‘A Muppets Christmas Carol’ right before bed on Christmas Eve.

Favorite ornament or decoration?
I don’t know if this counts, but I love Christmas trees and lights. Not sure if that is basic or random. There is just something about Christmas lights that make me smile. And, seeing a Christmas tree that is decked out in fun ornaments, classy ornaments, or just a few ornaments is heartwarming.

What are you doing for the holidays?
Spending Christmas Day at home in my PJs, watching holiday movies, and playing board games.

Are you a late or early Christmas shopper?
I am a way too early of a shopper. I am talking like January through November. However, next year I am going to try and find a good middle between early and late shopping.

Who usually cooks holiday dinners?
My mom does the cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, me and my sister always try to make a dish or two.

Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
Nope. I would be way to nervous. Also, I don’t sing in public.

Do you live where it snows?
Not really. It has only ever snowed, probably, about 6 times here. I love the snow and think it would be amazing to have a white Christmas! But sadly, that isn’t usually the case.

One thing that makes you happiest at Christmas?
Buying gifts for others! Picking out something special for my people makes me happy. Yet I hate having to wait to see their reactions. Also, being surrounded with love at the holidays fills my cup ten times over.

What do you want most for Christmas?
Going to be honest here and say a baby. I would love it, and be super scared, anxious, and generally overly worried. But it would be very exciting to be pregnant. However, I don’t think that Santa has got that in his present bag for me. Other than that, I just want surprise gifts. I like seeing what others have picked out for me, rather than me telling them what to get me.

Happy Holidays! I tag everyone to do this tag, even if you are reading it after Christmas.

Until The Next Chapter,

Merry and Bright 2021 Readathon // Reading Log

Hi Friends,
I decided to do a reading vlog of sorts on the Merry and Bright readathon. Keep in mind that this is my first attempt at a reading vlog, so hopefully you guys in enjoy it. Also, I did a post on my TBR for the readathon that you can read as well.

Day 1: 12/09/2021
Today is the first day of the readathon! I cheated a little bit and started my book last night, but I only got to 12%. The book that I am starting out with is ‘These Violent Delights’ by Chloe Gong. This book is for the prompt ‘The Grinch: Enemies-to-lovers.’ And, I have gotten to 41%, which isn’t bad, if I do say so myself. I was hoping to get to 50% today, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen. My mom, my sister and I had to take my Uncle Christmas shopping. We went to some antique stores, and this cute little coffee and fudge shop. I don’t love antiquing, but honestly I can always find something to buy. Shopaholic problems.

Day 2: 12/10/2021
My sister drove into the city for the day to spend some time with the family. We got together and had a girls shopping day. I spent a little too much, but it was fun. We went to two different Targets, then Victoria’s Secret, Hobby Lobby and of course Starbucks. We had lunch at Red Robin, and Jack-In-The-Box for dinner. I also maybe got a book at Target, but it was 20% off. Early Christmas gift to myself. I did get some super cute things from Victoria’s Secret, since they were having a great sale. I had to get a gift there anyways, so I decided to treat myself to some items as well.

The day was draining, but fun. Still, it didn’t leave much time for reading. I am still at 41% of ‘These Violent Delights,’ but luckily I did manage to finish a book. I read ‘The Nutcracker,’ which was for the prompt ‘Last Christmas: Purchased Last Year & Never Read?’ It was a fast read, and I am happy to be able to check it off my TBR.

Day 3: 12/12/2021
I had a pretty relaxing day, so I didn’t get much reading done. I was more focused on writing blog content, since I have the ‘12 Days of Bookmas’ coming up. Still, I did get in a small amount of reading, and got to 61% of ‘These Violent Delights.’ I am enjoying the story a lot more than I anticipated, which is exciting. Other than that, I watched some Christmas movies, worked out, and napped. Don’t judge me.

Day 4: 12/13/2021
I was working a ton on my blog this day, since it was the start of Bookmas. I read only a small bit more of ‘These Violent Delights’, getting to 67%. So, I don’t have much of an update. Also, I had some personal things going on, which made reading not my top priority.

Day 5: 12/14/2021
I finally finished ‘These Violent Delights’! I’m very excited to post my review on it, because I have a lot of thoughts. I will say that it made it on to my top books of the year list. In addition to reading, I worked out and did more blog stuff, which you can probably tell is my normal routine.

Day 6: 12/15/2021
I was going to read another book today, which I could have finished in about an hour. However, I didn’t do any reading since I went out fairly early in the day. I did see some amazing Christmas lights, and will be posting pictures on my Instagram account (@bunnysbookishlife).

In total, I read two books. I was hoping to finish at least 3 books, but that wasn’t the case. Nonetheless, I am still happy that I participated in the readathon. If you took part in the ‘Merry and Bright’ readathon let me know how you did in the comments. As always, like, share, and follow the blog.

Until The Next Chapter,

Thanksgiving Day 2021 // A Day In Pictures

Hi Friends,
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Day. I thought it might be nice to share with you my Thanksgiving in pictures.

Corn Bread Stuffing
Shells and Cheese
Turkey Ham
Deviled Eggs
Bunny & Moose (Me and My Husband)

What was your Thanksgiving dinner? Did you have a Friendsgiving? Were you excited to have a semi post-Covid Thanksgiving? Let me know in the comments below.

Until The Next Chapter,

Bookish Black Friday Deals

Hi Friends,
Today I thought it would be nice to share some bookish Black Friday deals. Black Friday is usually the day when most people do the bulk of their Christmas shopping. This year, there are great sales on bookish items. If you are looking for a gift for a friend, family member, or if you just want to treat yourself, then these deals might be what you’re looking for.

Half-Priced Books
Since the store typically has discounted prices, they don’t do huge sales. But this year, they are offering a 20% discount code and $5 off coupon starting in January. However, you only receive the coupon if you purchase a $25 gift card between now and December 24th.

Book Outlet
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this discounted book retailer. I completely understand the negativity surrounding  the store, and why some have chosen to boycott it. Still, I know there are people out there that continue to use it as their primary source of book buying. So I thought I would give a quick mention of their Black Friday sale. Right now you can get 25% extra off your purchase, and orders over $35 qualify for free shipping.

Barnes and Noble
Now this is where the books deals are at this Black Friday. On November 26th, they are bringing back their exclusive special edition signed books. If you are in need of an e-reader, you can get the Nook 10″ HD Lenovo Tablet for $30 off. Some e-books will be on sale for under $10. In the ad, they ‘A Court of Silver Flames’ and ‘A Darker Shade Of Magic’. In my opinion, one of the best discounts is buy one, get one half off sale for their collectable editions. Lastly, you can get a $10 eGift card for every $100 you buy in gift cards.

These are the bookish Black Friday sales that I have come across. But, if you know of anymore, please leave them in the comments below. Don’t forget to follow the blog, like, and share this post.

Until The Next Chapter,

Ones I Couldn’t Live Without // Thankful Thursday

Hi Friends,
In this ‘Thankful Thursday’ post, I am going to talk about all the people in my life that make it complete. I know that some people don’t have any family or close friends, which makes me incredibly sad. As much as I wish that everyone had some, I cannot change this fact. There is a quote that goes, “The best feeling in the world is knowing that you actually mean something to someone.” I think that everyone can relate to these words. I don’t know where I would be today without these amazing people in my life.

My Mom: I am lucky enough to have two amazing parents that have always loved and supported me. But my mom is truly my biggest fan. She is the Lorelei to my Rory, highly animated and the one I most want to make proud. She has never told me that I should be anyone but myself. That my differences aren’t flaws, because they make me who I am. Yes, we have had our shares of fights and disagreements, but I don’t know where I’d be today without her. I am grateful for both my parents, yet my mama will always be the type of person I hope to become one day.

My Siblings: I have 4 siblings (three older sisters and one brother) and love each of them in their own way. However, I am closest to my sister born right before me and brother. Us three have the most in common and deal with mental health issues. We support each other, and tend to get under each other’s skin like nobody else could. There have been many times we have stayed up late joking, watching shows, and having random conversations. When I was little, I wondered what it would be like to be an only child. Now I think it would just be very lonely. I couldn’t imagine a life without my siblings, and I hope that I never have to.

My Husband: I have talked about my husband in other posts, so you probably figured he’d be on this list. Our relationship was rocky from the start, and at times I didn’t think we’d end up together. But we overcame a lot, and I mean a lot of obstacles to get to where we are now. Not everyday is perfect, but I am grateful for the love we share. I know it’s cliché but I would rather spend a million tough days with him than a few perfect days with somebody else.

True, these are typically things to be thankful for, still it is good to remember the people that bless your life. Each and every one of them make my world immeasurably better, and I am a better person for knowing them. Tell me in the comments who or what you are thankful for! And please share this post, and follow the blog so that you never miss one.

Until The Next Chapter,

Coffee Meets Books // Holiday Edition

Hi Friends,
Do you love coffee? And the holidays? Then you’re in luck! Starbucks holiday drinks were released on November 4th! I’m not sure if they launched worldwide, but let me know in the comments if they did. Seeing as I am a holiday, coffee, and book lover, I thought I would recommend books based on some Starbucks holiday drinks.

Peppermint Mocha
For this drink, I wanted to recommend a classic story, since peppermint is a timeless holiday flavor. The Nutcracker is a classic children’s holiday story that tells the tale of a little girl who journeys to the Land of Sweets on Christmas Eve. This story, like this drink, can be enjoyed by everyone. Peppermint is a flavor that never gets old, and neither does The Nutcracker.

Caramel Brulée Latte
This drink is sweet, without being to sugary. It made me think of a collection of holiday short stories; ‘My True Love Gave To Me’, edited by Stephanie Perkins. When we think of holiday movies and books, we instantly think of cheesy, lovey-dovey stories. However, this book contains a mix of both love and other unique stories. Just like this drink, these stories aren’t all sugar.

Toasted White Mocha
This drink reminds me of Christmas! It has a subtle sweetness, with all the flavors of the holidays. For this reason, I paired (in my opinion) the best holiday book with it. I chose ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. I believe I’ve mentioned before that this is my favorite book ever. You probably already know the plot, so I won’t even bother explaining it. But it is also the quintessential holiday story. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend it to everyone, even non-classic readers.

This post was so much fun to put together, and a bit challenging. If you have any book recommendations based on holiday drinks, or cocktails leave them in the comments. Please like, share and follow the blog for all things bookish.

Until The Next Chapter,

Pay It Forward // Thankful Thursday 2021

Hi Friends,
Today, I am going to be starting a small, ‘mini-post’ series on the blog. This month, I will be doing something called ‘Thankful Thursday.’ I got this idea from another blogger on Twitter (thank you Lit Lemon Books). I try to remember how grateful I am throughout the year, but I think it would be nice to share some thankful thoughts with you all. It is Thanksgiving month, after all, so what better time to give thanks?

In this post, I am going to tell you guys about times when strangers have shown kindness to me. Also, I wanted to share some ways that you can pay it forward. There have been a few times at Starbucks that the person in front of me at the drive-thru has paid for my order. I always pay-it-forward by paying for the person behind me. One of the most surprising times a stranger showed their generosity was at Old Navy of all places. A kind person in front of me paid for my things while I was checking out. I was stunned, but very grateful.

A few simple ways you can show kindness to others:

Paying For Someones Order: This doesn’t only apply to coffee, but all drive-thrus. You can pay for the person behind you at Starbucks, Taco Bell, McDonald’s and the list goes on. It might seem small, but it can really brighten someones day.

Donating: This doesn’t require any money at all. Giving to your local charity/donation center helps people that can’t afford basic things. Go through your clothes, kids toys, old electronics, and give them a new home by donating them. Somebody in need might be really grateful for your donation.

Sending A Gift: Make a friend, relative, or even an internet friend smile by sending them a small gift. If you can see the persons Amazon wishlist, send them something from it with a special note. You’ll be surprised how much one package can do.

Lending A Hand: Giving up a few hours in a day to help your mom, grandparents, co-worker, anyone at all, is a simple gesture. Not everyone has people in their lives to help them when needed. You offering assistance could really ease their stress.

A Quick Note Or Email: I’m not going to lie, I know that technology is the norm right now. But I still enjoy handwritten notes. Sending a note to someone is a nice way to reconnect with them and give them your best wishes! If you are more on the modern day side of things, a kind email is a good alternative.

Those are all my tips to help you spread cheer to others. Share your pay it forward stories in the comments below. Follow the blog to get notified about all my ‘Thankful Thursdays’ (and other cool posts).

Until The Next Chapter,