3 Books // 3 Adaptions

Hi Friends,
Lately, there have been many book adaptations released. I have seen the trailers for each of them and wanted to share my thoughts. My opinion is from a readers standpoint, since I have read each of these books.

One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus (Peacock)

This is a series coming to the streaming service of Peacock. I was very excited for this adaptation, since I was a fan of the book. However, I noticed many changes. Of course, most adaptations are modified, but something felt off about this one. There were a lot of character differences, which could turn out to be a good thing. However, throughout the book none of the main characters suspected each other. Sure, they had their doubts at times, but they stuck by one another for the most part. From the looks of the trailer, they aren’t as united. Still, I will probably be giving the first couple episodes a chance. Here’s hoping it surprises me.

There’s Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins (Netflix)

If you read my review of this book than you know I didn’t enjoy it. Although, I wanted to give the movie version the benefit of the doubt. Yet the trailer looks as dull as the book. No offense to anyone who liked the book, because I know a lot of people did. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. Netflix does a lot of book-to-movie adaptations, but sadly I haven’t cared for many of them. But I might watch the film at one point since I do love my horror movies. And, I am genuinely curious to see if the story works better as a film.

I Know What You Did Last Summer by Lois Duncan (Amazon Prime)

This is another series release, and after seeing the trailer I am highly disappointed in the direction of the show. I loved the original movies, because they were scary without being gruesome. But, I guess Amazon saw the attention the Gossip Girl reboot was getting, and decided to go the sexualized, glamorized route. It seems like some weird Gen-Z version of a horror series. I am not into it at all. Out of all the adaptations, this is the one I am least likely to watch.

Keep in mind that these are solely my thoughts on the adaptations. If you want to hear my opinions after watching them, please check out my Twitter. Lastly, you know the drill follow, like and share the blog.

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Lucky In Love // Book Review

Title: Lucky In Love
Author: Kasie West
Published: 2017
Genre: Young Adult/Contemporary
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Maddie’s not impulsive. She’s all about hard work and planning ahead. But one night, on a whim, she buys a lottery ticket. And then, to her astonishment — She wins! In a flash, Maddie’s life is unrecognizable. No more stressing about college scholarships. Suddenly, she’s talking about renting a yacht. And being in the spotlight at school is fun… until rumors start flying, and random people ask her for loans. Now, Maddie isn’t sure who she can trust.

Nothing is better than reading a young adult contemporary with a sweet story. I had low expectations going into the book, since the plot didn’t pique my interest much. But I did enjoy my reading experience, and liked the approach the author took on the story. I haven’t read a ton of ‘lottery winning’ contemporaries, but this one has definitely made my favorites list.

The main character, Maddie, was a solid female lead, but also more than a bit naive. She and I are similar in a lot of ways, like how she wanted to share the money with the ones she loved. She didn’t want people treating her differently because of the money. Most of all, she tried to fix things that weren’t really her problems to solve.

The one thing we for sure have in common is our need to plan literally everything. Like me, Maddie was trying to plan out every detail of her life. However, I think we have both learned that not everything in life can, or even should, be planned. We are also both major worriers, which can be very stressful. But by the end of the book you could see that she was growing and changing for the better, though she didn’t have to completely alter herself to learn from this experience.

Some of the characters made questionable choices and mistakes, but the situations were handled well, and resolved easily. Maddie’s family was being held together by duct tape and glue, but (realistically) money didn’t make their problems magically disappear. It did help some, but it also caused a few problems. It’s easy to think that money can erase all your troubles, but life is filled with struggles. Sometimes, money can make things worse, which the book addressed well.

“Weird is the new cool.”

One of the most important messages to take away from the story is that money can change everything. Maddie’s life was turned upside down, and she didn’t know who to trust. Once people know that you hold the keys to a fortune, suddenly everyone wants to be your best friend.

Truthfully, not all people will be responsible with a huge amount of money. Money just burns a hole in some people’s pockets. Maddie’s older brother was extremely grateful when she shared her wealth, but he was no financial genius. As much as Maddie wanted to save him from himself, she eventually realized that he needed to clean up his own messes.

The romance was so sweet. I don’t know if I can classify it as friends-to-lovers, but it felt natural. They got to know each other prior to the lottery winning, and it didn’t change their feelings for one another. I enjoyed seeing the love interest, Seth, help Maddie break out of her bubble and try new things. There were some bumps along the way, but I liked how things turned out.

This is another Kasie West book that didn’t disappoint. If you are looking for a quick read, or something to pick up when you feel a reading slump coming on then give this one a chance.

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The Dazzling Heights // Book Review

Title: The Dazzling Heights (Thousandth Floor, 2)
Author: Katharine McGee
Published: 2017
Genre: YA/Sci-Fi
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New York City, 2118. Manhattan is home to a thousand-story supertower, a breathtaking marvel that touches the sky. But amid high-tech luxury and futuristic glamour, five teenagers are keeping dangerous secrets…

*This review contains information that might be seen as spoilers.*

After reading ‘The Thousandth Floor’, I couldn’t wait to see where the story was going to go. This trilogy follows multiple perspectives, and each character is hiding something. After book one’s insane ending, I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, the events that occurred in the first book weren’t a major plot point. It seemed that most of the characters were fine sweeping everything under the rug and moving on with their lives. Sure they were being blackmailed, but the fact that nobody considered going to the police didn’t sit well with me.

The plot of ‘The Thousandth Floor’ was incredible, and the characters’ story lines were engaging. This time around, they had far less depth. Avery was a favorite character of mine, but her love story went way too far. She borders on being possessive of her brother/boyfriend. Wyatt is one of my favorite characters, but I wasn’t a fan of him being paired with Leda. How was he was falling for her after everything she had done?

I did enjoy the addition of the character Calliope. She and her mother are con-artists, but you get to see the real Calliope behind the facade. Honestly, I would read a whole book just about her, and I’m genuinely curious to see where her story goes from here. Also, I liked that Avery had many sweet moments with Cord throughout the story and wish we could see that relationship develop more. What can I say, I love a good friends-to-lovers story.

The biggest problem with the plot was that the author wanted us to sympathize with a killer. I know it was an accident, but her blackmailing people and lying to the cops was her own doing. The character might have felt remorse for her actions, but didn’t want to take responsibility for them. The characters were way to quick too forgive and forget. In my book, they all have blood on their hands.

“Rich girls never left something expensive on the ground, unless they’d been the one to toss it there.”

Unlike the first book, a lot of the story was about how if you’re rich or have the right friends you can get away with anything, including murder. This time around no one seems to have any kind of moral compass. The characters are willing to commit crimes indiscriminately, provided it doesn’t ruin their lives, and that makes me dislike them all.

The story kind of let me down, which is probably why it took me forever to get through. I was hoping for more excitement, definitely more consequences. There was a cliffhanger ending, which is probably the only reason I’ll pick up the final installment. Things can only go up from here, right?

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Bridge Of Souls // Book Review

Title: Bridge of Souls (Cassidy Blake #3)
Author: Victoria Schwab
Published: 2021
Genre: Middle-Grade/Paranormal
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Nothing can prepare Cass for New Orleans, which wears all of its hauntings on its sleeve. In a city of ghost tours and tombs, raucous music and all kinds of magic, Cass could get lost in all the colourful, grisly local legends. And the city’s biggest surprise is a foe Cass never expected to face: a servant of Death itself.
Credit: GoodReads

I was sad to finish off this trilogy, but excited to see how things would end. In my opinion, the previous books were slightly different from each other, but followed a similar format. The first book was spooky and interesting. While the second book was gripping, it was quite sad as well. I was curious to see where this book would fall.

For me, the story was a bit underwhelming. As the reader, you could tell that the author was trying hard to make the story spine-chilling and exhilarating, but something about it didn’t work. I wasn’t as invested in the plot, and characters like with the other books. In this book, we aren’t following a ghost mystery, but being chased by a soul eater. Personally, I missed the simple story of helping a ghost move on.

One of my major issues with the book was Cassidy’s personality. In the earlier books I had nothing against her, but this time around she thoroughly annoyed me. It is possible that I was more critical this time around, with it being the final book. But she acted reckless and immature throughout the book. She wouldn’t listen to anyone putting others lives in danger.

“Once, I stole from Death. I’m ready to do it again.”

I was glad to see that Lara was back, since she is my favorite character. Not only do I love her accent, but her intellect as well. As always, Jacob is a treat and adds the much needed comic relief. I did feel as if we didn’t see many of the side characters in this book. Cassidy and Jacob were alone a lot of the story until Lara joined them. I could be wrong, but I remember Cassidy’s parents being more prominent in the other books.

One thing’s for sure Schwab had a way of bringing each city to life. This time around we are in New Orleans, yet the author didn’t utilities the city as she did with Scotland and Paris. The only thing that was talked about was New Orleans cuisine.

Don’t get me wrong, the book wasn’t all bad. I do enjoy Schwab’s writing and storytelling. However, the energy in the story was off, and it didn’t read like the first and second book. The ending to the series was satisfying, but there was something missing in the plot.

These are good middle-grade ghost stories that I can see fans of Neil Gaiman enjoying. The author left the series somewhat open-ended, so she might revisit these characters in the future. If you asked me to name my favorite book out of all three, I’d pick ‘Tunnel of Bones.’

Let me know if you have read the Cassidy Blake trilogy. Did you like the final book? Please like and share this review. Don’t forget to follow my blog for more bookish content.

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Thank You, Next // Decluttering My TBR

Hi Friends,
Last week, I had 378 books on my ‘want to read’ shelf on GoodReads, which is crazy. I knew that there were some books that no longer interested me. I decided it was time to do a deep clean of my tbr shelf. It was interesting to see the books I eliminated, and thought I would share some of them with you.

Starters (Starters #1) by Lissa Price
This book still sounds interesting to me, but I don’t typically like reading series. I haven’t heard anything about this book, which makes me think it is pretty underrated. Sure, I could be convinced to read it one day, but right now I am okay with axing it from my tbr.

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) by Marissa Meyer
This might come as a shock to some of you, since these books are beloved in the book community. Truthfully, this series interested me back when it was all the rage. However, I think too many years have pasted for me to care enough to read it. I’d much rather read a standalone than a fantasy series.

Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe this is YA thriller. From the synopsis, I understand that this is a dark stolen identity story. I haven’t read anything like this before, but after reading reviews it doesn’t seem worth wasting my time on.

This Adventure Ends by Emma Mills
I have heard a lot of good things about Emma Mills, which is probably why I added this book to my tbr. However, books about social-media stars aren’t really my cup of tea. Also, the synopsis now sounds kind of boring.

Mechanica (Mechanica #1) by Betsy Cornwell
Honestly, I cannot for the life of me understand why I would put this on my tbr. The plot isn’t typically what I would go for in a book. It sounds like a weird Cinderella retelling. It just seems odd and confusing.

Little White Lies (Debutantes #1) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
This sounds a little like a found family contemporary, since the main character’s estranged grandmother shows up. And, she is trying to learn more about her absent father. It is described as a thriller as well, which intrigues to me. However, I am not the biggest fan of fish-out-of-water stories, so I’m going to pass on it.

The Ravens (The Ravens #1) by Kass Morgan, Danielle Paige
This a paranormal fantasy that gives me ‘Legenborn’ vibes. It is about a sorority of witches and secrets. It sounds like other books on the market, thus I don’t think I’ll ever read it.

The Young Elites (The Young Elites #1) by Marie Lu
I have heard conflicting opinions about Marie Lu’s writing, which is probably the reason for this being on my tbr. I am big about forming my own opinion on authors and books. Nevertheless, after going through my tbr shelf this story didn’t stand out to me. I could tell it was going to take me a while to finish the book. As you probably know fantasy is one of my least favorite genres.

I wish I could say that I got my tbr down into the 200s, but that isn’t the case. After my clear out, I have 364 books on my ‘want to read shelf’. This is still a big number, yet I want to start reading more back-list titles. Hopefully that can be a goal of my in 2022. How many books are on your tbr? As always, like and share the post, and follow the blog.

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Little Women | Book Review

Title: Little Women
Author: Louisa May Alcott
Published: 1869
Genre: Classic/Contemporary
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Generations of readers young and old, male and female, have fallen in love with the March sisters of Louisa May Alcott’s most popular and enduring novel, Little Women. Here are talented tomboy and author-to-be Jo, tragically frail Beth, beautiful Meg, and romantic, spoiled Amy, united in their devotion to each other and their struggles to survive in New England during the Civil War.
Credit: GoodReads

Being a long-time fan of the movie adaptations, I knew that I was eventually going to have to pick this book up. The story is very iconic and timeless. At a young age, my mom would compare me to Jo. At 15 years-old, I thought that this was the highest of compliments.

Each sister (Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy) had their own stories, but they were all connected. They learned to be selfless, grow-up and above all less that family comes first. Jo March is the most notable character from the book. Probably because her arc is the main focus of the story. Also, she was an offbeat girl of that time, which was refreshing. I found Jo to be a little too stubborn for my liking, but I did notice some similarities between me and her.

Jo was outspoken, strong and not afraid to be herself. Throughout the book she mentioned how marriage, class or money wasn’t her goal. She wanted to be known for her talents instead of her status in society. Meg was the oldest of the sisters, and at first wanted nothing more than to fit in. I enjoyed her journey most of all. She chose love and a family over a career, which isn’t always a bad thing. I liked that she married for love, and though she wanted expensive things, never regretted the life she picked. Out of all the sister, I found myself relating most to Meg.

Beth didn’t have a big plot in the book, but she was the glue that tied the sisters together. She was kind, shy and had a great love of music. In the book, she probably went through the most physically, and it was painful to see how her story ended. She never complained about the cards she was dealt, and wanted what was best for her family. This is something we both have in common.

Amy, like many, was my least favorite sister. I do understand that the author was trying to portray her as immature and selfish, since she was the youngest March girl. It was evident that her character development was supposed to be the most drastic.

In some ways, I get Amy’s need to marry rich and move up in society. Her desires weren’t purely for herself, but for her family. She wanted to be able to provide for the ones she loved, even if it meant marrying someone just for money. Although, I would never do that, I can see her point of view.

As for the boys, Meg and Brooke’s relationship was very wholesome and real. They started as friends and grew into something more. What can I say I’m a hopeless romantic. On the flip-side, Laurie’s obsession with Jo was a tab much. I hated that he acted poorly when she refused his proposal. His relationship with Amy started as a fallback for not getting Jo, which left a sour taste in my mouth. Does he even really love her?

“I hate ordinary people!”

For me, Jo and the Professor’s relationship was my favorite. Some people might think that Jo was better off single. Because not all women need a man to be complete. Although, I agree, it was heartwarming to see Jo fall in love. Throughout the book, she was so against marriage and being seen as somebody’s wife. It showed that you can achieve your goals, and find love too. Once you find your person, everything changes.

After reading the book, I found that I could relate to each March sister in one way, or another. We are all Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy in are own way. I will probably always ship Jo and Laurie even though his fixation was a little much.

The one final thing I learned from my reading experience is that classics aren’t for me. Yes, my favorite book is a classic, but I don’t generally enjoy classic books. I’ll continue to watch all ‘Little Women’ adaptations that are released. And, probably read a few more classics in my lifetime. But they aren’t my first reading priority.

Is Little Women one of your favorite books? Do you enjoy reading classics? Give my blog a follow, like and share this post.

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The Cozy Fall // Book Tag

Hi Friends,
I knew that I had to do a fall book tag to celebrate the change in seasons. Autumn is one of my favorite times of year for many reasons.The cooler weather, movies and food. This tag was originally created by The Book Belle on Youtube and combines fall and books.

1) What book always reminds you of fall/autumn?
For years, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott has made me think of fall. The story takes place throughout all the seasons. But I will forever think of this story as a great fall read.

2) What is your favorite autumnal book cover?
The Fall Changes by Marie McGrath has a simple cover that sets the tone for a cozy fall contemporary. Truth be told, I haven’t read the book, but it is on my never-ending tbr.

3) What is your favorite autumnal drink to read with?
I am a sucker for fall Starbucks drinks. Their Salted Carmel Mocha is one of my favorite autumn drinks. Additionally, I fancy a hot cup of coffee with cinnamon creamer.

4) Do you prefer to read late at night or early in the morning?
Is anytime an acceptable answer to this question? I read mostly throughout the afternoon. Sometimes I will read during breakfast, or stay up late to finish a book. I am pretty much always reading.

5) Halloween is coming! What is your favorite spooky read?
I haven’t read many thrillers or horror books. My answer is probably pretty lame, but it is Coraline by Neil Gaiman. It is a spooky children’s book, which isn’t a huge genre.

6) What is the ultimate comfort read for you?
I have to go with one of my favorite series, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han. The book starts in fall as school is starting back up. There is baking, family relationships and fake dating. I need to do a reread of this series, because it is one of my all-time favorite contemporaries.

7) What is your favorite autumnal reading snack?
I would say slice of gingerbread, since my mom only makes it in the fall. Which is a real shame because homemade gingerbread with apple butter is so yummy.

8) What is your favorite autumnal candle to burn whilst reading?
Leaves from Bath and Body Works is the perfect fall candle. The scent notes are red apples, golden nectar and cloves. It smells like hot apple cider on a cozy fall day.

9) When you’re not reading, what is your favorite autumnal activity?
Watching fall movies! Some of my favorite autumn films include Stepmom, Little Women, Matilda and Casper.

10) What is on your autumn/fall reading list?
How long do you have? Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White are at the top of the list.
Both are books that have been on my ‘to be read’ list for an embracing long time.

This was such a fun bookish tag. I tag everyone, and looking forward to seeing your answers. Before you leave like and share the post. Don’t forget to give my bookish blog a follow.

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Undead Girl Gang // Book Review

Title: Undead Girl Gang
Author: Lily Anderson
Published: 2018
Genre: Young Adult/Paranormal
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Meet teenage Wiccan Mila Flores, who truly could not care less what you think about her Doc Martens, her attitude, or her weight because she knows that, no matter what, her BFF Riley is right by her side. So when Riley and Fairmont Academy mean girls June Phelan-Park and Dayton Nesseth die under suspicious circumstances, Mila refuses to believe everyone’s explanation that her BFF was involved in a suicide pact. Instead, armed with a tube of lip gloss and an ancient grimoire, Mila does the unthinkable to uncover the truth: she brings the girls back to life.
Credit: Google Books

From what I’ve seen and heard, this book isn’t very liked. However, I found it to be a funny and thrilling. Their were some twists and turns that I didn’t see coming, but loved. At first, I thought this would be fun, witchy contemporary, but it surprisingly has a lot of thriller aspects.

To be honest, the writing isn’t the best, so that might turn some readers off. Yet, I found that the writing fit the story perfectly. The entire book felt like an old-school teen movie. It was lighthearted, but had spooky elements too. I noticed that there were a lot of pop-culture references throughout the book.

These days a lot of contemporary seem to be full of pop-culture references. Perhaps authors believe that they’ll relate more to the younger generation if they talk about ‘Instagram’ and ‘HP’ in their stories. I personally don’t care when authors do this, but I know some readers find it annoying. I will say that those references worked well in this case, since the story was very campy.

“You wouldn’t understand. It’s a dead girl thing.”

The best part of the book was the twist at the end. Now, I am not the best at solving mysteries. So I found the reveal at the end to be shocking. However, I can see how some could find it underwhelming. Looking back, there were a lot of red flags when it came to the killer that I seemed to have overlooked.

Personally, my favorite thing about the book was the dialog. For a spooky YA story, I found it to be pretty funny. The author did an amazing job mixing a mystery-thriller with a cheerful contemporary. I probably wouldn’t rereead the book, since I already know the big twist at the end. Still, I will recommend it to others looking for a more tame YA thriller.

Let me know your thoughts on the book in the comments. And, like, share and follow the blog. Please and thank you!

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Autumn Book Recommendations

Hi Friends,
Below is a list of books that I would love to pick up this fall. These books strike me as autumn reads, so I thought now would be the perfect time to share them with you guys. Hopefully this will help anyone looking for some cozy season book recommendations. Side note, I don’t care whether a book is popular, but it is fun to see what all the hype is about.

1) These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling 
From the title, you can tell this is a YA book about witches. It is set in Salem and has LGBT representation. I haven’t read many witchy stories, but this one sounds like so much fun. I think it is the first book in a duology, so I’m interested to see if I’m going to want to continue with the series.

2) Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
This is a mystery novel set at a boarding school. I don’t know about you, but I love a good private school or boarding school book. The book follows a teenage girl, Stevie, who is really into true crime. She starts attending, Ellingham Academy, where the founder of the school’s spouse and daughter went missing years ago. She decides to put her detective skills to work and solve a century old cold case. There are four other books in the series, and I have heard nothing but good things about them.

3) A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
Surprise, surprise another series. To be honest I don’t know much about this book. Except that its a YA thriller. I hear that it’s perfect for thriller/horror newbies like myself. I have been recommended this books countless times, and it gives me Halloween vibes. All I know about the plot is that it is set in a small town with lots of secrets.

4) The Cousins by Karen M. McManus
This is another book that I don’t know much about. In my opinion, it isn’t really talked about in the book community. It is YA thriller about three cousins that go to visit their grandmother over the summer. I believe she has disinherited each of their parents, so they are trying to get back into her good graces. Obviously it is going to be filled with twist and turns. I know some people aren’t a fan of Karen M. McManus, but I enjoy her writing style.

5) The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix
For once I have an adult novel on a tbr. This is an adult horror book that has caught my attention. If you seen any horror movie you know that there is always one heroine left standing. Think Sidney Prescott in Scream. This book follows the girls, who survived. I could be wrong, but I believe somebody has comeback to try and kill these ‘Final Girls.’ It sounds so intense and interesting. I cannot wait to read this during the spooky season.

6) House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig
From what I’ve been told, this is a horror ’12 Dancing Princess’ retelling. I don’t know anything about the original story, so I am going into this with an open mind. It follows a young girl that starts becoming suspicious when her sisters start getting murdered. I hear that it isn’t too scary, but such a good read.

I cannot wait to read all of these books in the near future. Please let me know if you have read any of these books, or if you plan on picking them up.

Until The Next Chapter,


Hocus Pocus and the All New Sequel // Book Review

Title: Hocus Pocus and the All New Sequel
Author: A.W. Jantha
Published: 2018
Genre: Young Adult/Fantasy
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Hocus Pocus is beloved by Halloween enthusiasts all over the world. Diving once more into the world of witches, this electrifying two-part young adult novel, released on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the 1993 film, marks a new era of Hocus Pocus. Fans will be spellbound by a fresh retelling of the original film, followed by the all-new sequel that continues the story with the next generation of Salem teens.
Credit: GoodReads

The idea of a Hocus Pocus sequel is awesome. Especially, now that one is officially happening. However, I was unprepared for the concept of the book. Part one is the Hocus Pocus movie we know and love. I listened to this on audiobook, which is my preferred method of reading these days. But it was as if I was listening to the movie instead of watching it. Of course some parts were different, and scenes were omitted, but overall they were one in the same.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of the 90s film. There is just something strange about an author taking a movie and trying to adapted it into a book, while still making it their own. I guess I shouldn’t be so unimpressed by this since Hollywood has been adapting books into films for years. Nevertheless, I’d much rather just watch the movie. Don’t lie you know you would too.

However, the first half of the book did keep me entertained. The author tried their best to bring the movie story to life in a different way. And, give us all the feels we get from watching the film. Part two of the book was a whole new story; thus the sequel. It follows Max and Allison’s daughter, Poppy. All her life she’s heard stories about the Halloween her parents and aunt brought back the Sanderson sisters. Usually she laughs them off, because the story is too unbelievable to be real. But on Halloween night, Poppy and her friends sneak into the Sanderson museum and accidentally bring the witched back from the dead once again.

This sounds like a solid concept, but it was very lackluster. I wasn’t invested in the characters, which made me not care if they lost against the witches. The author tried to play off readers love for the movie by adding cameos of some of the movies characters. However, those characters felt out of place and didn’t fit it the story. And, it was clear that the author didn’t know how to right Max, Allison and Dani as adults.

Max and Allison were so far off from their original personalities. Allison was lawyer, which made no sense to me. Max was a teacher, which was weird as well. I would have mad Allison a teacher instead. Max seemed very creative, so I would picture him going that route. Maybe writing fiction books that stemmed from his experience with the Sanderson sisters. As for Dani, she was portrayed very childish. Like an adult, who think they’re still in high school.

“Oh, look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick!”

Throughout the book, Poppy talked about how her parents always freaking out on Halloween. They didn’t ever celebrate the holiday most years. This is another fact that was unrealistic to me. Sure three witches almost taking over Salem would probably change anyone perspective on Halloween, but that drastically. I think not. You would think that over time the story would start to sound fake even to them. They might even chalk it up to a nightmare of sorts. When paranormal thing happen most people convince themselves that their mind is playing tricks on them. So why wouldn’t these characters.

For me, the book was so-so. I would have preferred a ‘what if’ type story. Kind of similar to the Disney twisted tale books. Now that would have peaked my interested. Let me know your thoughts on the book in the comments below. Don’t forget to like and share this post. If you are a book lover follow my blog for book reviews and more.

Until The Next Chapter,