Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me | Book Review

About The Book
A graphic novel that asks us to consider what happens when we ditch the toxic relationships we crave to embrace the healthy ones we need. Laura Dean, the most popular girl in high school, was Frederica Riley’s dream girl: charming, confident, and SO cute. There’s just one problem: Laura Dean is maybe not the greatest girlfriend.
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This book does a great job of depicting first love, and toxic relationships. Throughout the book, we get to know the main character, Freddy, and the roller-coaster that is her relationship with Laura Dean. She seeks insight into her relationship with Advice Columnist Anna Vice. Freddy tries hard to make her relationship work, and proves her devotion to Lara Dean without getting anything in return.

Laura Dean shows up only when it’s convenient to her, and expects Freddy to always be there when she calls. Throughout the story, Freddy’s friends can see how toxic the relationship is; however, Freddy is blinded by love. She is so infatuated with Laura Dean that she starts to forget about others around her.

The book is the prime definition of ‘we accept the love we think we deserve.’ In this world, we tend to think, especially when it comes to first love, that there is only one person who will love us. Moreover, because we love someone, we should excuse their bad behavior. However, throughout the book, we see Freddy’s slow discovery of how untrue that is.

“Love is hard. Breaking up is hard. Love is dramatic. Breaking up is dramatic.”

Something that I didn’t see coming was how the book touched on teen pregnancy, abortion and statutory rape. The plot was very focused on the toxic relationship between Freddy and Laura, so this side story was surprising. Although well done, it felt a bit out of place in the story.

Overall, the writing and artwork were great and the story was impactful. I can understand how some people might not enjoy this book do to the mistreatment the main character let herself endure in the name of “love.” However, I think that this is a good read for many young people today.

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Daughter Of The Pirate King // Book Review

About The Book
Sent on a mission to retrieve an ancient hidden map – Alosa deliberately allows herself to be captured by her enemies, giving her the perfect opportunity to search their ship. Alosa has only one thing standing between her and the map: her captor, the unexpectedly clever and unfairly attractive first mate Riden. But not to worry, for Alosa has a few tricks up her sleeve, and no lone pirate can stop the Daughter of the Pirate King.
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This thrilling tale introduces you to a remarkable, strong female main character. Alosa, the protagonist, embodies resilience, intelligence, and a fiery spirit, making her the perfect lead in the novel. Her fierce determination and cunning tactics set the tone for a truly engaging story. The romance in this series is a good mixture of slow burn, witty banter, and instant chemistry. It is evident that there is a genuine connection between Alosa and her interest in love. Their interactions add depth to the narrative, making it more than a typical love story.

While Alosa was undoubtedly a compelling character, there were moments when her decisions frustrated me. However, this seemed to enhance my enjoyment of the book. She was ultimately smart and strong, but her setbacks, although they were nail biting, were fun to witness. I kept wanting to see how she would get out of each situation and what she was going to do next.

The fast-paced plot kept me on the edge of my seat, with unexpected twists and turns that made the book even more exciting. This is definitely a page-turner and perfect for readers who are looking for an interesting and adventurous story. The plot and characters kept me fully engaged with the story.

“I live on the cusp of two worlds, trying desperately to fit into one.”

The book offers an interesting blend of different fantasy elements that enhances the story without overwhelming it. The author came up with an original story that got better with every page. As someone who is not keen on pirate novels, this is excellent. So, try not to be put off by the plot if you do not typically gravitate toward pirate tales.

Overall, I highly recommend picking up the book and giving it a chance. Not only was the entire story incredible, the ending leaves you craving more, and has me eagerly wanting to pick up the sequel. I really felt immersed in the vivid world created by the author. However, it is important to note that this is a young adult book, which is evident in the writing and themes, although I still found it entertaining.

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The September House // Book Review

About The Book
A woman is determined to stay in her dream home even after it becomes a haunted nightmare in this compulsively readable, twisty, and layered debut novel. Every September, the walls drip blood. The ghosts of former inhabitants appear, and all of them are terrified of something that lurks in the basement. Most people would flee. Margaret is not most people.
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This book surprised me in a good way. The book follows Margaret, a woman who moves into a haunted house with her husband. However, when her husband goes missing, their daughter is determined to find out what happened to her father. Her mother is desperate to keep all the supernatural things that go on in the house a secret from her. Does that not sound like a recipe for a good haunted house mystery?

The book is told from Margaret’s perspective during her fourth September in the house. It is widely mentioned throughout the story that September is when shit hits the fan. We get chapters from previous years throughout Margaret’s life. Many of these chapters described what it was like when they first moved to the house. We also learn a lot about Margaret and her life with her husband and daughter.

Margaret is a very unreliable narrator, because there is a mention that her father had a mental illness. Her marriage was unhappy. She mentioned a lot about rules and rules to cope with many things, such as her husband’s drinking and anger and her deadly house.

“Thank you for coming but kindly remove your crazy asses from our holy ground.”

The writing was good, but it did not keep me engaged as much as I had hoped it would. I felt that there were many instances when I wanted the story to progress much faster than it did. I felt that it was just lacking something in the way the author told the story that kept them from becoming a new favorite thriller author.

This plot is interesting. I kept trying to guess what was going to happen. You think the author is going to take you in one direction, but then they do a complete 180, and take you in an entirely different direction. The last few chapters were not incredibly action-packed, but they were very intense.

Overall, it was a decent haunted house story. Will there probably be better options in the future? Sure, but is this one that I will remember? Definitely, yes. Please keep in mind that this book heavily dives into domestic violence and what it is like to be a woman in that situation, especially one with a child.

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You Shouldn’t Have Come Here // Book Review

About The Book
Grace Evans, an overworked New Yorker, books an Airbnb on a ranch in the middle of Wyoming. She’s pleased to find that the owner is a handsome man by the name of Calvin Wells–and he’s eager to introduce her to his easygoing way of life. But there are things Grace discovers that she’s not too pleased about: A lack of cell phone service. A missing woman. And a feeling that something isn’t right with the ranch.
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This book was nothing like I expected it to be, and I am still trying to figure out whether that is a good thing. Jeneva Rose is considered the queen of twists, but whether or not those twists are good is still up for debate, in my opinion. However, if you are looking for a book with a completely shocking twist (that you will probably never see coming), I can see you enjoying this book.

The plot revolves around Grace, who is staying at an Airbnb in a small town in Wyoming. She is instantly drawn to Calvin, the owner of the Airbnb, but you can immediately tell that both Grace and Calvin have some dark secrets. However, both Calvin and Grace are decent characters. I was shocked that we actually received POV’s from both Calvin and Grace throughout the book.

The writing style was great, and I found myself unable to put down the book. I read it in a day, and I am a fan of short chapters, so that was a major plus for me. The author did a good job of keeping the story moving without any unnecessary chapters that do nothing for the plot. I can see why people enjoy her books and I will pick up more of them in the future.

“There was something both beautiful and terrifying about isolation. It made you feel important and insignificant at the same time.”

Regarding the queen of twists title, there were too many breadcrumbs in the story. I quickly figured out two of the twists. Now, I am not the type of reader that tries to figure out book twists, and normally I do not see things coming, but a few of the twists in this book were just plain obvious. However, the end twist was completely out of left field and was unusual. In my opinion, it did not seem to fit the story.

Overall, the book has a decent plot, but the direction the author took the story is baffling. It seemed as if the author threw in this out-of-the-blue twist for the shock value rather than making sense for the plot. I had an idea of where the plot was going and would have actually preferred it if I was correct. Also, the fact that this book title reminds me of the movie ‘You Should Have Left’ is strange to me.

In the comments, let me know your thoughts on the end of the book. Do you agree that Jeneva Rose is the queen of book twists? Do not forget to follow me on Bookstagram (@Books.With.Bunny) and Pinterest, for more bookish content. And help support my blog by giving it a follow!

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You’re Not Supposed To Die Tonight // Book Review

About The Book
Charity has the summer job of her dreams, playing the “final girl” at Camp Mirror Lake. But the last weekend of the season, Charity’s co-workers begin disappearing. And when one ends up dead, Charity’s role as the final girl suddenly becomes all too real. If Charity and her girlfriend Bezi hope to survive the night, they’ll need figure out what this killer is after.
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This book is in no way the best campy slasher I have ever read, but I found it to be enjoyable. In the book, we follow Charity, who plays the final girl at a horror movie reenactment camp. Think of one of those murder mystery type games, but in this case, people play a part in a horror movie scenario.

Obviously, the plot is all about Charity’s role as a final girl becoming all too real. This is a generic young adult thriller story. I would say that the book was short and sweet. It followed a classic teen slasher film type plot, so the story was not the most original.

I found many things to be predictable. Honestly, if you are a long-time fan of the horror movie genre, you can probably figure out most of the twists. Nothing was particularly shocking, and the final twist was mediocre. Nevertheless, I could see some younger readers finding the ending to be done very well and unexpected.

“I’ve been playing the part of a girl who escapes a serial killer every night for months. It’s not a game this time. The consequences are real, but we still have to play.”

However, I still had a good time reading the book. It gave me exactly what I hoped for, which was a quick, campy, young adult slasher story. I am a big fan of Kalyan Bayron’s writing, so, in my opinion, that helped make the book a lot more enjoyable.

Now, the book has flaws, such as how the characters acted and spoke. It felt like an adult writing how they thought teenagers would act. They were stereotypical and annoying. Yep. They were young, dumb teenagers. Maybe my 31 year old self just can’t handle books with teenagers who act very teenager-like. Does this make sense?

Overall, I think that campy thrillers are never going to be my preferred plot, but my experience reading the book was good, which is a win in my book. There’s not much to the book, making it not require a lot of your attention to understand. I say that if you are looking for a book that gives summer horror movie vibes, then this is a good pick.

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None Of This Is True // Book Review

About The Book
A woman who finds herself the subject of her own popular true crime podcast. Josie’s life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can’t quite resist the temptation to keep making the podcast. Slowly she starts to realize that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it, Josie has inveigled her way into Alix’s life—and into her home.
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I was a little scared going into this book, because my first Lisa Jewell novel, And Then She Was Gone, was very predictable, and quite sad. But in the moment I heard about this book, it immediately rose to the top of my TBR. The plot sounded so intriguing, and because of that, I was willing to give Lisa Jewell another chance.

The premise follows two women who share a birthday, but live completely different lies. But when Podcaster Alix is approached by her birthday twin Josie to do a new Podcast, telling Josie‘s story of her what she claims to be twisted life. Alix’s takes the opportunity, but quickly start seeing the holes in Josie story.

This book is probably one of the most insane thrillers I have ever read. Honestly, the whole time you aren’t sure what to believe. I kept having my guesses at what was going to happen, and who is telling the truth, but in the back of my mind, I kept thinking of the title of the book that none of this is true so maybe nobody is completely trustworthy.

“You have to be free in order to be in control, Alix. You have to be free. No baggage. A clean break.”

The author did a great job at keeping me intrigued and guessing throughout the story. The writing was good, yet there’s just something about Lisa Jewell’s writing that doesn’t quite pull me in as much as I would like. And to me, this was a slower read. It’s not that I didn’t want to pick the book up, the plot seemed to move at a more mid-level pace.

The ending wasn’t super shocking, but it was it underwhelming either. I like how even after everything was said, and done, the author threw in a little comment, one final chapter that made you wonder if the truth is really the truth. For me the jury still out on who to believe.

Overall, this book was a good time at a really solid mystery thriller. It it has made me consider picking up more of the authors other books. Because this one kept me engaged and interested throughout the entire story. So my overall read experience was really good.

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The Guest List | Book Review

About The Book
A wedding celebration turns dark and deadly in this deliciously wicked and atmospheric thriller reminiscent of Agatha Christie from the New York Times bestselling author of The Hunting Party. The bride – The plus one – The best man – The wedding planner – The bridesmaid – The body. And then someone turns up dead. Who didn’t wish the happy couple well? And perhaps more important, why?
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This book left me feeling a bit conflicted, because I am not sure if I truly disliked it, or if I am just being too critical. I know that this is one of those books that you either love or hate. However, maybe I am just not an isolated setting type of reader. However, no matter how I try to justify it, this book just did not do anything for me.

First, the characters in the book were simply unlikable. We follow five different points of views 4 being women and one man. They all seemed to possess certain unlikable qualities that made it challenging for me to root for any of them. It is not uncommon for a thriller to have morally ambiguous characters, but in this case, they veered more towards the annoying side than toward the intriguing one.

Honestly, I just could not bring myself to care enough about the characters for the mystery to be genuinely interesting. When the stakes are high in a thriller, you should be emotionally invested in the fates of the characters and sadly, that was missing for me.

“If you love someone, really, you don’t do anything to hurt them.”

Unfortunately, the plot did not do much to salvage my experience. It felt like it trudged along at a snail’s pace, and I found myself impatiently waiting for something essential to happen. The slow-moving narrative hindered my engagement with the story and made it difficult for me to stay invested.

Now, the ending delivers a shock, which is often a redeeming quality in a mystery novel. However, while it was surprising, I could not help but feel that it lacked the impact I hoped for. It was one of those endings that left me torn between hating it and appreciating the unexpected twist element.

Overall, the story had its moments, and the ending provided a jolt of surprise. However, the lack of likable characters, slow pacing, and writing left me unsure about my feelings towards the book. Even now, I am not entirely sure if I liked it. And I am still on the fence about whether I will explore Lucy Foley’s work in the future.

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New Moon // Book Review

About The Book
Bella and Edward face a devastating separation, the mysterious appearance of dangerous wolves roaming the forest in Forks, a terrifying threat of revenge from a female vampire and a deliciously sinister encounter with Italy’s reigning royal family of vampires, the Volturi. Passionate, riveting, and full of surprising twists and turns, this vampire love saga is well on its way to literary immortality.
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This is the sequel to ‘Twilight,’ and as always, when it comes to reviewing a book series, there will be spoilers pertaining to the previous book or books. In this novel, Bella and Edward’s relationship is in full force, but things occur, causing Edward to flee Forks, leaving Bella behind.

Honestly, I’m not quite sure how I feel about Bella’s reaction to Edwards leaving. From the way, the other characters described her state of mind it was bordering on clinical depression and suicidal. Making me think that her and Edward’s relationship is very problematic.

The main plot does not actually kick off until Bella realizes that her subconscious will conjure Edward whenever she puts herself in danger. Therefore, like any allegedly sane person, she decides that she should embark on risky tasks just to hear Edward’s voice.

This is the first book that we see Bella form a true friendship with Jacob Black. He becomes Bella’s closest friend as she continues to put herself in danger. Personally, I really liked Jacob’s character, and you can see that he cared for Bella. However, there was absolutely no romantic chemistry between them, especially since Bella was devoted/moderately obsessed with Edward.

“I honestly have no idea how to live without you.”

The last chapters were fast-paced and full of action. In this book, the author introduces to another supernatural creature that you know will play a significant role in the books to come. In addition, we learn about The Volturi, the largest and most powerful coven and vampires.

The only cons I have about this story is how Bella ditched her friends for months, then expected them to want to hang out with her after she lost the Cullens. She was also careless with her life and literally begged Edward to turn her. She does not even care about the people she will leave behind and the pain she will cause them. Bella is a bit of a selfish character.

Overall, the book went by way faster than the first one. However, if you are looking for exceptional writing or storytelling, these might not be the books for you. This is just a fun, classic, young adult, supernatural romance. There is not much depth or twist in the story.

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Our Crooked Hearts // Book Review

About The Book
Ivy and her soon-to-be ex nearly run over a nude young woman standing in the middle of a tree-lined road. It’s only the first in a string of increasingly eerie events and offerings: a dead rabbit in the driveway, a bizarre concoction buried by her mother in the backyard, a box of childhood keepsakes hidden in her parents’ closet safe. Most unsettling of all, corroded recollections of Ivy and her enigmatic mother’s past resurface, with the help of the boy next door.
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I am still not sure what I think of this book because I found only one-half of the dual-timeline plot fairly interesting. Furthermore, I did not love the characters or the way the story was told. In the first few chapters, we get tossed right into the story – there’s no build up, or getting to know the characters, which I did not really love. I am all for a fast-paced book, but this was too much.

In this book, we follow Ivy, a 17 years old who has a strained relationship with her mother. However, once her mother disappears, weird things start happening, and Ivy starts to wonder if there are pieces of her life that she has forgotten. Ivy as a character was not necessarily bad, but she was a teenager who thought that they knew everything. This was irritating to say the least.

As mentioned, the book has dual timelines, so we have a present timeline following Ivy, coupled with a past timeline following her mother. The past chapters help us learn why this is all happening in the present, which is probably why we do not get much backstory at the beginning of the book. Unfortunately, I enjoyed only the past timeline chapters.

“So. Magic. It is the loneliest thing in the world.”

I would’ve loved the book just to be about the girls in the past, because those chapters were giving me ‘The Craft’ movie vibes, and I loved it. I liked Ivy’s mother in the past because she was very smart and strong. Seeing how all of this came to be, it was really interesting. It was dark and twisty, which is something I did not get from the present storyline with Ivy.

My biggest con in the book is the fact that Ivy, even after everything, did not understand her mother more or why she made the choices she made. Yes, some of the things her mother did were out of line, but Ivy had a hand in her mother making these choices. It annoyed me that she did not give her mother any sort of grace. However, I guess that a teenager for you.

Overall, the book kept me entertained, and the writing style was good. The plot was interesting enough, and I did not want to DNF the book. However, I just feel like this type of witchy story was not my cup of tea, but if you are looking for a dark, young adult, witchy book, then I would recommend you picking this one up.

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She Is A Haunting // Book Review

About The Book
A House with a terrifying appetite haunts a broken family in this atmospheric horror, perfect for fans of Mexican Gothic. Chilling, evocative, and atmospheric, She Is a Haunting is a slow burn debut horror novel about the ghosts of the past and the ways in which they connect to our present. Tran’s vivid imagery makes this terrifying tale a true standout. This house eats and is eaten . . .
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This is a haunted house story that has been compared to ‘Mexican Gothic’ by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, and I can see why it can be seen as a YA version of that book. However, I did not enjoy it as much. This story was not gripping, and it was also slightly more confusing. And if I am being honest, I do not remember a lot of the book, which should say something.

The plot follows Jade, as she goes to Vietnam with her sister to visit their estranged father. However, weird things start happening in the house where they are staying with their Ba. Although, it didn’t feel like a ‘true’ spooky haunted house story, which probably doesn’t make any sense.

As a main character, Jada was mediocre, and she did not want to be there, which was apparent throughout much of the story. Truthfully, she had reasons for coming to Vietnam, but she could have left at any time instead of forcing herself to be in a situation that made her uncomfortable.

“I know this is a dream because I am not afraid of my father.”

The book was entertaining but kind of all over the place. I found myself becoming confused and having to reread passages. I found it easy to read mindlessly, without really understanding it. At the end of the book, I was confused, shocked and disappointed.

The writing was not my favorite and did not keep me engaged. The story felt slow moving, and I kept waiting for more to happen. The author is a great storyteller, but her writing form is not what I prefer.

Overall, I did not get the spooky vibes that I was looking for in the story. I would not call it a bad read at all, it just was not something that really interested me. However, I am willing to give the author another shot in the future.

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