Gallant // Book Review

About The Book
Everything casts a shadow. Even the world we live in. And as with every shadow, there is a place where it must touch. A seam, where the shadow meets its source. New York Times–bestselling author V. E. Schwab crafts a vivid and lush novel that grapples with the demons that are often locked behind closed doors. An eerie, stand-alone saga about life, death, and the young woman beckoned by both.
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I did not know what to expect going into this book because I had not heard much about it. The only thing I knew was that it was supposedly a creepy-haunted house story. However, the first chapter had me immediately intrigued, which is not surprising since V.E. Schwab books are always well written. This is one author who knows how to capture readers’ attention in the first few chapters.

The book follows Olivia, who spent her whole life thinking that she was an orphan with no family. The only personal item she had and cherished was her mother’s journal. However, the journal warns Olivia that she should stay away from Gallant. However, there would not be much of a story if the main character listened to her mother’s warning, so, of course, she receives a letter saying she should return home to Gallant and her family.

As a main character, Olivia was very interesting because I have not read many books with nonverbal characters, let alone a nonverbal protagonist. However, this means that the story is told in a third person, which did not bother me or hinder my reading experience. Because she is mute, there is sign language representation and what I believe is dyslexia representation in one of the other characters.

“Home is a choice.”

Although the characters are the root of the story, we follow Olivia as she learns about her family and all the secrets of Gallant. I would actually say that the book was much more plot driven. Besides Olivia, the story did not dive too much into the background and personalities of the other characters. In addition, the book is not very heavy in terms of it side characters.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and it reminded me a lot of ‘Horrid’ by Katrina Leno. I would say that the book falls more into the middle grade category, for me, but I feel that way about most V.E. Schwab’s young adult work. However, it should be noted that this story might not be for everyone, since it is somewhat unique. Moreover, the plot was quite sad at certain times.

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Bloody Fool For Love // Book Review

About The Book
New York Times best-selling author William Ritter marks the beginning of an all-new series that explores prequel stories about fan-favorite Buffy characters. A verified villain. A slayer killer. A god among vampires. And most of all? A hopeless romantic… This rompy, action-packed novel inspired by one of Buffy’s most infamous bad boys is part Bonnie and Clyde, part Sherlock and Watson, with just a bit more bloodsucking.
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When I heard about a ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ reimagining based on the character of Spike, I immediately added this to my TBR. I was not exactly sure of the plot before going into the book, and probably could not give you a good description of it. Unfortunately, the story is quite forgettable.

The concept of a book that explored the backstory of Spike, a beloved character, had a great deal of promise. While I have always been a fan of Spike, I found that the execution of the story was somewhat lacking. The plot left much to be desired and was difficult to follow at times. There was too much going on for my liking.

One thing I enjoyed was the setting of the book. It took place in the UK, and we got to see the side of Spike, which was a slayer-killer. However, the author did not capture the essence of the characters. Spike is supposed to be this big bad vampire, but comes off too lighthearted. Personally, I think the book generally needed to be darker and more eerie.

“Eat your heart out, Count Dracula.”

However, I appreciate the addition of Drusilla and Darla to this story. This helped connect the story slightly more to the Buffy Universe. Also, I think the author did a wonderful job bringing both these lady vampires to life. Darla reminded me very much of the one from the show. Drusilla was similar to her series counterpart as well. But I admit that I  was never really a fan of these two.

Overall, it did not capture the iconic Buffy vibes that I was hoping for. That said, it was still a good read, and the writing, although not amazing, was decent. I particularly liked the audiobook format since it helped me have a better reading experience. While this prequel did not fully meet my expectations, I would be open to reading more reimaginings in the Buffyverse.

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Divergent|Book Review

About The Book
One choice can transform you. Beatrice Prior’s society is divided into five factions—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). Beatrice must choose between staying with her Abnegation family and transferring factions. Her choice will shock her community and herself.
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For me, the book fell somewhere in the middle of the dystopian pack, and earned three modest stars. While it had some enjoyable qualities, it also had a share of drawbacks that kept me from fully loving the story as much as others. Because, let us face it, the book holds a special place in the dystopian genre.

Tris, our central character, left me feeling somewhat disconnected. In my opinion, her journey from self-centeredness to a heroic figure was a rocky road, and it was difficult to shake the feeling that she remained somewhat self-absorbed throughout the story. For a story centered around “divergence,” she did not embody the divergent nature I expected.

On the other hand, Four, the mysterious love interest, was a more likable character but was still a cookie-cutter love interest. He was very similar to other male main characters I had previously seen in young adult novels. However, I was interested in his backstory and learning more about his character. However, we did not instantly see a connection between him and Tris.

“I am not Abnegation. I am not Dauntless. I am Divergent. And I can’t be controlled.”

The plot had potential, but I feel as though the writing style did not do the book justice. It lacked a certain engaging quality that would have helped make the story come to life. The pacing, in particular, felt slow at times, making me want action and something to drive the story forward.

That said, I must admit that the book managed to redeem itself somewhat with an intense ending. It brought many things to light and was very action-packed. I already know that the sequel is going to be much more complex. I am interested in seeing where the author takes the story and the character development that is bound to occur.

Overall, the plot leans heavily on the classic “chosen one” trope, and while it isn’t a ground breaking take on it, it’s does a great job creating a world that is basically formed by our personalities. If you are new to the dystopian genre, this is a good book to start with, since the world building is not too complex. This is a great introduction to the genre, but it is a very typical YA dystopian.

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All The Bright Places // Book Review

About The Book
Theodore Finch is fascinated by death. Violet Markey lives for the future. When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school—six stories above the ground— it’s unclear who saves whom. Soon it’s only with Violet that Finch can be himself. And it’s only with Finch that Violet can forget to count away the days and start living them. But as Violet’s world grows, Finch’s begins to shrink.
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I love a good heartbreaking young adult romance, but this book hit me too close to home. In this book, we follow two teenagers. Violet, who is still grieving the death of her sister, and Finch, who is struggling with bipolar disorder. The two have a chance encounter that sets them on a path to self-growth and love.

I knew that this book would be heartbreaking, but as someone who struggles with bipolar disorder and has a spouse with the disease, it was a lot to take in, emotionally. The author did a great job portraying somebody with a mood disorder. And I could definitely relate to Finch’s ups and downs.

I did not have the same connection to Violet, but I could see how these two characters were drawn to one another. I enjoyed watching them grow closer and develop feelings toward one another. Their relationship was very ‘we found love in a hopeless place.’ Both clearly fought their own internal demons and found happiness with each other. It was very sweet and, as the reader, you knew that it was not going to last.

“I can’t promise I won’t pick you apart, piece by piece, until you’re in a thousand pieces, just like me.”

This is a basic contemporary young adult romance. The plot is not complex, but the characters are really what makes up the book. We get inside their minds and watch them as they help each other grow as people. You can tell that Finch really wanted to help Violet let go of her grief. I think that the plot dealt with grief and overcome survivor’s guilt in a good way. In addition, the book does a great job of showcasing the difficulties of loving someone with mental health problems.

Overall, the ending is what made this book gut wrenching. Although I enjoyed the overall plot of the book, I was not a fan of the outcome since I had almost been there with my love before. It was just a little too much for me. Still, I can see why others love the book and love the story that develops.

I know that there is a movie adaptation, but I am not sure that I will be able to bring myself to watch it. In the comments, let me know if you have seen the film. Is it worth watching? Don’t forget to like and share this post with other book lovers. Please support me by following this blog.

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Foxglove | Book Review

About The Book
In the sequel to ‘Belladonna’, a duke is murdered, and the lord of Thorn Grove is framed. Signa and her cousin Blythe believe Fate, Death’s vengeful brother, can save Elijah Hawthorne from wrongful imprisonment. However, as they spend time with Fate, Signa’s emerging powers reveal a dangerous connection to his past. Their reality grows increasingly terrifying as they navigate this dark mystery.
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If you’re looking for a romantasy book series, this is a perfect read. Since this is the sequel to Belladonna, I’ll try not to spoil too much of the first book, though there may be a few spoilers. The sequel picks up right where the first book left off, with the duke murdered and Elijah Hawthorne accused of the crime.

We’re quickly introduced to Fate, Death’s brother, who’s been searching for the love of his life—Life herself. He believes Signa is the reincarnation of Life, but Signa is deeply in love and devoted to Death. So, along with trying to clear Elijah’s name, she has to deal with Fate’s attempts to win her heart and pull her away from Death.

This time, we also get Blythe’s POV, which I loved. She quickly became my favorite character. She’s determined to prove her father’s innocence and still curious about her brother’s disappearance. And let me just say, the enemies-to-potential-lovers vibe between her and Fate was amazing. I actually ship them more than I do Death and Signa, but what can I say—I’m all about enemies-to-lovers relationships.

The writing was great, and the story hooked me from the first chapter. I couldn’t put it down and had to know what would happen next. I love the magical elements, and we got to learn more about Signa’s parents. In the first book, she was just discovering her powers, but in this one, she really owns them.

“You may have reign over the dead and dying, but let’s not forget that it’s my hand that controls the fates of the living.”

As I mentioned earlier, Blythe was a force of nature in this book. She was smart and cunning, which is a side of her personality we hadn’t seen before. I was really happy the author chose to include her perspective, especially since she was important to the plot of the first book. It’s great to have a fantasy romance that follows two smart, strong, and magical female characters.

The ending was incredible and well done. It set up the third book perfectly, and now I can’t wait for it to be released. I did see where the plot was heading early on, but I wasn’t mad about it since I was hoping for that outcome, and I’m glad the author went that route.

Overall, this series has a chokehold ob me, and I think my love for it will keep growing. If you’re not into fantasy or romance, you probably won’t love the series. But I still think it’s a wonderful gothic fantasy with romance. It could’ve used a bit more spice, but that’s just my opinion.
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My Best Friend’s Exorcism // Book Review

About The Book
High school sophomores Abby and Gretchen have been best friends since fourth grade. But after an evening of skinny-dipping goes disastrously wrong, Gretchen begins to act different. Abby’s investigation leads her to some startling discoveries—and by the time their story reaches its terrifying conclusion, the fate of Abby and Gretchen will be determined by a single question: Is their friendship powerful enough to beat the devil?
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If a graphic, campy thriller with humor is your thing, then this book is probably for you. The story follows high school student Abby, who believes that her long-time best friend, Gretchen, is possessed by a demon. The story is told in a biographical way, with Abby recounting the whole thing to us. Since the book is set in the late 80s, early 90s there are many fun nineties references.

Grady Hendrix ensured that the classic 90s vibes were present throughout the entire book. There was even a throwback to the classic Mickey Mouse phone, which I did have growing up. We learned a lot about the girls’ friendship, but we learned less about Gretchen than we did Abby. The plot was very character-driven, with Abby being the voice of the story. Through her eyes, we get to see how Gretchen was changing  – and how weird things had become.

Personally, I didn’t find the plot all that interesting. It was middle of the road on horror front, since I think the author was trying to go for that cheesy 80s horror movie style. Unfortunately, the storyline did not work for me. Alternatively, I might just not be a fan of Hendrix’s writing style.

“It’s April 1988 and the world belongs to them.”

There are many trigger warnings in the book that one should be aware of, for example, date rape and animal death. Also, I have seen people mention some more graphic scenes in the book being a little unsettling, so if you are squeamish, keep that in mind.

Overall, this was not a book that kept me up at night. I did not find it scary or unsettling one bit. Still, I loved the underlying message that friendship comes with its ups and downs, but true friendships does exist, as rare as it may be. Everyone deserves someone who is willing to preform an exorcism on them if needed.

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The Summer Of Broken Rules // Book Review

About The Book
Meredith’s family’s annual game of assassin at Martha’s Vineyard during a summer wedding is the perfect chance to honor her sister’s legacy, and finally join the world again. But when Meredith forms an assassin alliance with a cute groomsman, she finds herself getting distracted. And as the week progresses, she realizes she’s not only at risk of losing the game, but also her heart.
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This book was everything I wanted in a summertime young adult contemporary. The story follows Meredith, who returns to Martha’s Vineyard for the first time since her sister, Claire’s, death. Meredith and her family are there for her cousin’s wedding. But, things get complicated when Meredith connects with one of the groomsmen, Witt.

I loved the plot, because not only were we watching as Meredith and Witt fell for each other over the course of a week, the majority of the plot was about the characters engaging in a game of assassin. It was such an easy to read summertime story.

Although, the romance was super cute, it was a little insta-lovey. Can you really fall in love with someone in just a week? I am typically a hater when it comes to instant romance plots, yet this one didn’t bother me as much. I liked both Meredith and Witt’s personalities. Also, the romance really worked for me.

One of my favorite things about the book was how the author handled the grief aspect. Yes, loss and grief was a part of the story but there weren’t a ton of sad moments, and it felt more like a summer romance, than someone trying to get over a loss. I liked how the grief aspect was more subtle, and not an overwhelming part of the plot.

“Our time together was unraveling like a ribbon.”

Meredith went through a lot of character development throughout the book. It was interesting to see her character grow and change in just a week. I think it shows that everyday we can open our eyes to things we didn’t realize about ourselves, and what we want.

Of course there was a romance conflict close to the end of the book. But, the author didn’t make it cheesy, and it was resolved very maturely. Personally, I didn’t find the characters to actually be immature at all, which I found refreshing in a young adult book.

Overall, I had a great time reading this book, and recommend it as a great summer read. The ending was nice, and I liked how we got an epilogue. I’m for sure interested in reading more by K.L. Walther in the near future.

In the comments, let me know one of your favorite summer romances. Don’t forget to follow the blog to get notified for more book reviews like this one.

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One Of Us Is Back // Book Review

About The Book
The third time’s a charm. First the Bayview Four had to prove they weren’t killers. Then a new generation outwitted a vengeful copycat. Now the entire Bayview Crew is back home for the summer, and everyone is trying to move on. Only, this is Bayview, and life is never that simple. The global phenomenon returns with the third book in the One of Us Is Lying series, from #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen M. McManus.
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This is the third, and final, installment of Karen M. McManus’s ‘One Of Us’ series. Keep in mind that this review might spoil something’s in the first two books. In this book, we follow the perspectives of Addy, Nate, and Phoebe. I loved being back with the Bayview crew, because these characters are incredibly likable.

In the first book, we had a whodunit type of murder/mystery plot. The next book had a deadly truth or dare situation. However, I’m not really sure I can explain the plot of this book, because there really wasn’t much of one.

The author was trying to create a plot that brought everything full circle and connected all three books. However, I think that she lost sight of making a really engaging story. The plot just kind of lacked, and fell short for me. It wasn’t as intense or gripping as the first two books.

This isn’t to say that the book is bad, because I was interested in the story, but that could just be for my love of these characters. I did find the book to be fast paced and McManus’s writing is wonderful – as always. I was just hoping for more.

“But we all know how Simon felt about secrets, right? They have to come out eventually.”

The way on which everything was tied together wasn’t my favorite. It felt very random. As a horror movie fan, I love when sequels are tied into the first movie, making things come full circle. But, only if it’s done right. The first three Scream movies did that perfectly, yet the ‘Happy Death Day’ films took a really weird route in the second movie. But, I digress.

Overall, the plot just didn’t leave me shocked, and there really wasn’t any sort of major twist. I do like that the author went back to the ‘secrets are powerful’ message, as it was a recurring theme throughout the entire series. Nonetheless, it was a decent conclusion to the trilogy, and I will continue to support Karen M. McManus. Also, thank you for giving us more Knox and Phoebe!

In the comments, let me know which ‘One Of Us’ book is your favorite. My personal favorite is ‘One Of Us Is Next’, because I was on the edge of my seat the entire time I read it. If you enjoyed this book, please hit the follow button, because it really helps my blog grow!

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The Only One Left | Book Review

About The Book
At seventeen, Lenora Hope was accused of killing her entire family, though she claimed innocence. But she’s the only one not dead. Now, as an elderly invalid, Lenora’s new caretaker begins uncovering the truth behind the murders and the mystery of a missing nurse.
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This book was phenomenal! The story follows a home health aide, Kit McDeere, as she becomes the new caretaker for Lenora Hope, an elderly woman who was suspected of a Lizzie Borden-type murder back in the 1920s. The plot itself sounds amazing, and the writing was fantastic. The book kept me interested every step of the way.

However, this isn’t one of those fast-paced thrillers. The story is fairly slow-moving, but I didn’t mind that at all. I was so invested in this mystery that I couldn’t put the book down! Like the main character, I kept going back and forth on what really happened all those years ago.

I will say that my only con with this book was Kit. She isn’t a horrible main character, but I found her to be somewhat lacking in common sense. Honestly, she kept saying she couldn’t trust anyone but was totally willing to share everything she thought she knew with anyone. That got on my nerves at times.

“She’s capable of so little yet accused of so much, and I remain torn between wanting to protect her and the urge to suspect her.”

But the twists in this book were amazing. There weren’t many shocking moments, and a more skilled detective could probably have figured things out before the big reveal. I was just happy to be along for the ride and loved every twist and turn. The ending was done so well, and one of my guesses turned out to be correct.

Overall, I loved how invested the story kept me, and the chapters flew by. This is one of those rainy night reads that you could probably finish in a day or two. The plot, characters, and mystery are just that good. This book will hopefully keep you as intrigued as it kept me, right up until the end.

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Lying In The Deep // Book Review

About The Book
A juicy mystery of jealousy, love, and betrayal set on a Semester at Sea-inspired cruise ship, with a diverse cast of delightfully suspicious characters who’ll leave you guessing with every jaw-dropping twist. [In this new murder mystery by Diana Urban find out what happens when a semester at sea turns deadly.] Perfect for readers of Natasha Preston, E. Lockhart, and Karen McManus!
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This book frustrated me to no end. I was hoping for a fun, fast-paced YA thriller book, but that isn’t what I got at all. In the book, we follow Jade as she is doing a semester on a cruise ship. And, if you were a teenager in the 2000s you’re probably having ‘The Suite Life on Deck’ flashbacks.

However, Jade’s semester abroad turns sour when she discovers her ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend, who are now a couple, are also aboard the cruise ship. Honestly, I couldn’t figure out if this was a petty high school breakup story or a thriller. For about, 60% of the book Jade is wining about her backstabbing best friend and pining for her ex. And every time she’d try and confront them, she’d wimp out and than start whining again.

I thought there would be more suspense and mystery, and less high school drama. Although, since they’re in high school, I should have figured they’d act like they’re in high school. Still, the writing just felt very immature and the characters were juvenile. But, being in my 30s, I can admit that I am not really the intended audience for the book.

“No better trash can for a murderer than the entire ocean.”

The book didn’t pick up until around the last 75% of the book, and that’s when I felt like the story was actually getting somewhere. But, everything started happening so quickly. It felt like nothing at all was happening, and then, suddenly, a bunch of shit goes down. What was even the point of the first half of the book?

However, once the plot picked up, it was really enjoyable. I didn’t see the twist coming, which I liked. But, the characters were really the downfall for me. I disliked pretty much all of them. Still, there was one character, Jade’s love interest, that I did like, and he called Jade out on her pettiness and whining, which was called for.

Overall, the writing and plot weren’t for me at all. Maybe, I’ve just grown out of young adult, but I think that the real issue is that I didn’t know that the book was a retelling of “Death on the Nile” by Agatha Christie. Correction – I have heard people say that it’s a YA “Death on the Nile” retelling, but I don’t know if that’s true. Nevertheless, I’ve heard that “Death on the Nile” has similarly slow moving, nothing’s happening type of plot.

In the comments, let me know if this book is on your TBR. If it is, take it from me and skip it. Personally, I would have had a better time watching ‘The Suite Life on Deck’. However, if you did enjoy the book, leave a comment letting others know why. Don’t forget to follow the blog for more bookish posts.

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