House Of Salt And Sorrows // Book Review

About The Book
Annaleigh lives a sheltered life at Highmoor with her sisters and their father and stepmother. Once there were twelve, but loneliness fills the grand halls now that four of the girls’ lives have been cut short. When Annaleigh’s involvement with a mysterious stranger who has secrets of his own intensifies, it’s a race to unravel the darkness that has fallen over her family–before it claims her next.
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I thought this book would be a five-star, because of its interesting plot, but it did not quite live up to my expectations. This is a young adult horror retelling of “The Twelve Dancing Princesses.” Being someone who had never heard of the original version, I did not know exactly what to expect. However, after reading this book, I am curious about the original story.

In the book, we follow Annaleigh, she was one out of a family of 12 daughters, however, four of her sisters, along with her mother, passed away. Because of this, people assume that the family is cursed. However, when strange things start happening, Annaleigh begins to wonder if these deaths are not accidents.

This book is full of many twists and turns. Annaleigh was a very smart main character, and I loved how she was willing to believe in the impossible. However, grief clouds our judgment slightly, which could be why she was quick to believe in unusal and strange things going on.

“We are born of the Salt, we live by the Salt, and to the Salt we return.”

The plot was interesting, and it kept me engaged. There is even a romance that I did not see coming but loved. However, there were times when I thought the story lagged, and I did not want to pick up the book quite as much as I would have hoped. However, I never saw the ending coming, and it was amazing.

Overall, I enjoyed how the author brought this story to life, and it was almost a bit of a gothic haunted spin on ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ story. The last few chapters were fairly creepy, so I would say it is a true horror story, even if it is on the tamer side of things.

In the comments, let me know if you have read the “The Twelve Dancing Princesses” and what you thought of this retelling. Do not forget to like and share this post with other book lovers. If you want to become part of my little bookish family, hit the follow button!

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Every Last Fear // Book Review

About The Book
A family made infamous by a true crime documentary is found dead, leaving their surviving son to uncover the truth about their final days. Told through multiple points-of-view and alternating between past and present, Alex Finlay’s Every Last Fear is not only a page-turning thriller, it’s also a poignant story about a family managing heartbreak and tragedy, and living through a fame they never wanted.
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This book was not exactly like I had imagined it, but then again, I went into it, not knowing much about the plot. I was hoping for a thriller that I could not put down, but sadly, that was not the case. However, I do not think that is the book fault, but mainly my expectations being too high.

The plot centers around Matt Pine, a college student whose family was found dead in Mexico due to a gas leak. However, the FBI gets involved, believing that there may be more to the Pine family’s deaths. In addition, Matt’s older brother is in jail for murdering his girlfriend when he was a teenager. A murder that none of his family thinks that he has committed.

The characters in the story failed to draw me in. I found it challenging to care about them sufficiently to truly become invested in the narrative. The story is told from multiple points of view, as well as the past-and-present timelines. I understand the authors’ reasoning for this, but it did not work for me. I generally prefer more focused narratives with fewer perspectives.

“You have two choices when you’re confronted with your every last fear: Give up or fight like hell.”

The story unfolds at a slow pace, lacking the fast-paced tension that often keeps me hooked. Throughout the book, I found myself waiting for more substantial developments that would truly captivate me, but these moments never truly came. The ending did not pack the shocking punch that I had hoped for either, which left me to want more from the story.

The narrative had a familiar feel, akin to a typical episode of a crime show like “Law and Order.” This similarity to formulaic crime dramas was somewhat disappointing. As a fan of the author’s previous work, “The Night Shift,” I had higher expectations of this novel. Unfortunately, these were not met. The plot and ending, while well executed, left a lingering sense of sadness, which might not be everyones cup of tea.

Overall, it is a decent read, but it did not have the magnetic pull that made me excited to pick it up. It falls safely into the tamer side of the thriller category, making it better suited to readers who prefer a less intense experience. So, not really aligned with my tastes, but while it might not be the most captivating, it still has its merits and could very well be an enjoyable read for those seeking a milder kind of thriller/suspense.

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House Of Hunger // Book Review

About The Book
WANTED – Bloodmaid of exceptional taste. Must have a keen proclivity for life’s finer pleasures. Girls of weak will need not apply. Though she knows little about the far north—where wealthy nobles live in luxury and drink the blood of those in their service—Marion applies to the position. But when she discovers that the ancient walls of the House of Hunger hide even older secrets.
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If you are a fan of ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ then you are going to love this book. It seriously gives the “1800’s Salvatore Brothers/Katherine Pierce” vibes, and I loved it. This comes from a primarily non-historical fiction reader, but the fact that it was mixed with a bit of an odd blood drinking twist really made it work for me.

The book follows a young woman named Marion, who decides to take a position as a bloodmaid. Essentially, bloodmaids are women who are paid to bleed for very wealthy and powerful families. However, I thought that this was a Vampire-esque story. But don’t be mistaken, it is not. The author never references the blood drinking creatures of the night, so as I understand it, that these are regular wealthy families that use blood to sustain their lives.

Marion was an incredible protagonist. Yes, at times, she enjoyed being a bloodmaid, and submitting to Countess Lisavet charms. However, she was not easily fooled, and could tell that things were not as they seemed. She was smart, and I think that all her time growing up in a toxic environment made her more aware of when things seemed strange.

“Sometimes I feel like I’ve been building you a House out of my own bones.”

As for the Countess, she gave off major Katherine Pierce vibes. She was charming; she knew exactly what to say, and do, to get what she wanted. It was easy to fall under her spell. I simultaneously hated and loved her at the same time. She is a rather complex character.

I loved watching Marion, interacting with the other bloodmaids. They formed a family bond, which makes sense – when you sell your blood with a bunch of other women, you are going to feel a connection with them.

Overall, the writing is what made the story excellent, and it really came to life. It was well paced, and kept me wanting to read. And the ending? Incredible! It is not particularly a scary book, but it gives off eerie gothic vibes that make it a great fall read. I devoured this book! It may not be for everyone, but I highly enjoyed and recommend it.

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The Seven Year Slip // Book Review

About The Book
An overworked book publicist with a perfectly planned future hits a snag when she falls in love with her temporary roommate only to discover he lives seven years in the past, in this witty and wise new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Dead Romantics. After all, love is never a matter of time—but a matter of timing.
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This book is full of romance, time travel, and grief. Sure, they seem like a weird combination, but Ashley Poston somehow makes all these plot points work together. She gives us a story that deals with the past, present and future. I loved the ‘Lake House’ movie vibes of the story, yet grief is a huge topic, which at times did overshadow the romance plot.

The main character, Clementine, is struggling with her aunt’s passing, as well as the possibility of a promotion she doesn’t want. But, when her late aunt’s apartment keeps sending her backwards in time seven years, where she connects with a charming young southern man, she might be forced to start following her heart instead of her head.

I loved the romance side of things! Right away, you could feel the chemistry between Clementine and the stranger. A big thing in the story is how you just know when you’re in love with someone. And, I think that really showed when these two were together. Personally, I agree with the “when you know, you know sentiment”. I met my husband and we both just knew.

The entire story was very engaging, and I wanted to keep reading. I needed to know how things were going to turn out! Honestly, throughout the whole book, I kept guessing where things were going to go. Even though I wasn’t always right, some of my assessments were spot on. And, I loved how the past and present collided in a way that made total sense for the story.

“That was love, wasn’t it? It wasn’t just a quick drop — it was falling, over and over again, for your person.”

As for the grief plot, I felt that it was a bit heavy on the grief. However, in the author’s notes, she mentioned how she might not have tackled loss in the best way possible. I understand why loss and grief was such a big part of the story, because it really helped Clementine rethink her present life and what she wants for the future, yet was just an overwhelming dark cloud throughout the story.

The writing wasn’t my favorite, but that’s not to say it was bad either. I have read Poston’s young adult books before, and felt that her writing is very simple. But, it is easy to read, and her stories are unique in their own way. I really enjoyed how seamlessly the plot flowed, and would read another one of her adult romances in the future.

Overall, this was a solid read, with a fun magical realism element to it. I would have liked an epilogue, but that’s just a personal opinion, since the story didn’t really require it. I do want to mention something, and this might be a spoiler, but I feel that it is important to share. The book deals with suicide, so if that is at all triggering, please do keep that in mind.

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Ace Of Spades // Book Review

About The Book
Gossip Girl meets Get Out in Ace of Spades, a YA contemporary thriller by debut author Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé about two students, Devon & Chiamaka, and their struggles against an anonymous bully. As Aces shows no sign of stopping, what seemed like a sick prank quickly turns into a dangerous game, with all the cards stacked against them. Can Devon and Chiamaka stop Aces before things become incredibly deadly?
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This is a gripping tale, with the main characters Devon Richards and Chiamaka Adebayo standing out as minorities in their high school. Chiamaka is portrayed as the classic, smart, ‘queen bee,’ and Devon as the music geek from the wrong side of the tracks.

The plot of the book is undeniably interesting, as it revolves around a mysterious threat targeting Devon and Chiamaka, the only two black students at Niveus Private Academy. This premise immediately captivated me, and kept me engaged throughout the book.

While the writing was commendable and entertaining, I found the book to be a bit lengthy. At times, it felt like I was waiting for something significant to occur. Additionally, the fact that Devon and Chiamaka spent a substantial portion of the book apart was somewhat disappointing, as I hoped for more interaction between them.

“But racism isn’t just about that—it’s not about being nice or mean. Or good versus bad. It’s bigger than that.”

Devon’s character was my favorite, and I felt that I enjoyed his chapters and point of view more than Chiamaka, who came across as somewhat cold. Once the two characters finally started to interact, I did not see much of a friendship form until closer to the end of the book. However, the opposites in their personalities may have been intentional, adding depth to their dynamic.

The ending of the book was shocking, and the revelation behind the attacks on Devon and Chiamaka was unexpected. Furthermore, the book’s unique approach to addressing racism was very impressive. The author was able to tackle such an important social issues in a compelling manner.

Overall, the story is an intriguing reading with engaging characters and captivating plot. It may feel a bit long, and the characters maybe could have interacted more. However, the ending, as well as its take on the topic of racism, makes it a good enough read. One quick thing is that the book features LGBT+ representation, which is something I always like to see in books.

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The Kiss Curse // Book Review

About The Book
The follow-up to Erin Sterling’s New York Times bestselling hit The Ex Hex features fan favorite Gwyn and the spine-tinglingly handsome Wells Penhallow as they battle a new band of witches and their own magical chemistry. When a mysterious new coven of witches come to town and Gwyn’s powers begin fading, she and Wells must work together to figure out just what these new witches want and how to restore Gwyn’s magic before it’s too late.
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If you are looking for a witchy romcom, with the perfect amount of witty banter and romance, this is a great read for you. This is a companion novel to ‘The Ex Hex’ (also by Erin Sterling) – but this time around, we’re following Gwyn and Wells, instead of Vivi and Rhys.

Gwyn is Vivi’s cousin, and she is a strong, willed, and opinionated witch. Wells is a serious, non-nonsense-type warlock. He is also the brother of Rhys. Rhys, you may remember, was Vivi’s ex-boyfriend from the previous book.

The cute part is how well the pairing works. Gwyn brought out a more laid back side of Wells. I loved how she always teased him. He was able to keep up with her sarcasm, which was awesome. Thus, there was a ton of witty banter throughout the story.

“The best magic is always a little risky, right?”

The book contains some spicy scenes that I loved. There wasn’t a ton of smut, and most of the romance scenes are the ‘fade to black’ type, but the chemistry between the characters made the scenes even better. This is definitely a ‘he falls first’ type of romance.

In addition to the romance, the plot was amazing. I loved the storyline and all the fun magical moments. It gave me the cozy fall vibes that I look for in a witchy romcom. The pacing of the story was good, and I liked how everything was wrapped up.

Overall, this was a ten out of ten read. It is a great frenemies to lovers magical romance. The story is something I think many people will enjoy. I mean it is a witchy story with my favorite trope; no wonder I liked it.

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Delicate Conditions // Book Review

About The Book
Anna Alcott is desperate to have a family. But as she tries to balance her increasingly public life as an indie actress with a grueling IVF journey, she starts to suspect that someone is going to great lengths to make sure that never happens. And despite everything she’s gone through to make this pregnancy a reality, not even her husband is willing to believe that someone is playing twisted games with her.
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I picked this book up for two reasons – the first being that I loved Danielle Valentine‘s book ‘How To Survive Your Murder.’ Second, I learned that it was going to be the basis for season 12 of the show ‘American Horror Story.’ The book follows actress Anna Alcott, as she and her husband, Dex, are in their third IVF round. However, as Anna’s pregnancy progresses, weird events start to occur. She does not know who to trust or if she can trust her self.

Honestly, I had a hard time figuring out what was going on. There was one suspicion that I had early on in the book, which ended up being correct. However, I am not sure that many readers would jump to the same conclusion. The author did a great job with the storyline, so I would not want to spoil the book for anyone.

The book is based around Anna, and although there are other characters, we mostly learn about her. She is the center of the story and, at times, an unreliable narrator because Anna doubts herself and what she believes to be true. There were many other characters in the book, but they did not play a key part in the majority of the story.

“I didn’t know this then, but the truth is there’s no such thing as an uncomplicated pregnancy. We all give something up in exchange for our babies.”

However, Anna’s husband, Dexter, was central to the plot, and he was simply infuriating. The man did not listen to his wife. They were undergoing IVF together, and he kept ignoring her concerns. He was also acted very suspicious. At more than one point in the story, I wanted Anna to leave her husband for her bodyguard.

In addition to this interesting plot, the writing was phenomenal. There is just something about Danielle Valentine’s books that makes them enjoyable. I cannot wait to see what she puts out next! I already know that she can write a fun campy slasher. With this book, she proved that she could also put out a great adult thriller.

Overall, this is a good read-and-decent thriller. However, it is compared to Rosemary’s Baby, which I have never seen, but I understand the comparison. Although I do not think it follows the plot too similarly, so do not go into it, expecting it to be a spot-on retelling of that classic story.

In the comments, let me know if you will be watching the new season of ‘American Horror Story.’ Or, if you’re a fan of ‘Rosemary’s Baby.’ Do not forget to give my blog a follow, because your support helps my blog reach other book lovers.

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The Ex Hex | Book Review

About The Book
Vivienne Jones, a small-town witch, must team up with Rhys Penhallow, the man who broke her heart, when his return to Graves Glen triggers a series of supernatural disasters. They have to work together to save the town and break the breakup curse while trying to ignore their undeniable chemistry.
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If you’re looking for a cozy, witchy romance, then look no further. This is a second chance romance about a witch and a warlock that must work together to break a curse that has thrown their town into magical chaos.

In the book, we follow Vivienne, who is a college professor and witch. Vivi is the sensible type of girl, and hasn’t really given into her witchy side. I loved her relationship with her family. Her aunt and her cousin are her best friends and support system.

Rhys is Vivi ex-boyfriend and warlock that returns to town on his father orders. He’s very charming, and acts before he thinks. His personality is very go with the flow and I liked the contrast between his more easygoing demeanor and Vivi’s somewhat more methodical personality.

“Never mix vodka and witchcraft.”

I loved how Vivi’s teenage self is coming back to bite her in the book. Because, a harmless joking curse she put on Rhys after their bad breakup is the cause of all the town’s misfortune. I liked seeing Rhys and Vivi work together, and realize how much their past relationship meant to them.

Unfortunately, this was a second chance romance book, and although I liked the characters and the plot, I am not a fan of second chance romances. The fact that Vivi and Rhys were still carrying that baggage for each other, even after 9 years, is ridiculous. Neither of them were in a relationship or have even had any meaningful relationships.

Overall, the writing and storyline saved the book for me. I was completely engaged the entire time reading it, and I loved all the witchy Halloween vibes. The ending was so good, and it instantly put me in the fall mood. So, I would recommend this book for anyone looking for a good fall magical romance.

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Mister Magic // Book Review

About The Book
Thirty years after a tragic accident shut down production of the classic children’s program Mister Magic, the five surviving cast members have done their best to move on. Then a twist of fate brings the castmates back together at the remote desert filming compound that feels like it’s been waiting for them all this time. But as the Circle of Friends reclaim parts of their past, they begin to wonder: Are they here by choice, or have they been lured into a trap?
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This book was nothing like I expected, but in the best possible way. I am a very big fan of Kiersten White’s writing style and her books always seem to captivate me. The premise of the book sounded unlike anything I had heard before. A group of childhood friends, who were on a television show together, come back years later to uncover hidden secrets about their beloved TV program. It is similar to Barney but with a supernatural twist.

The book mainly follows Val, who was one of the cast members of the children’s show ‘Mister Magic.’ She had disappeared years ago, and her disappearance was the reason behind the shows cancellation. Val is an unreliable narrator, since she has no memories of her time on ‘Mister Magic.’ However, I found that the rest of her cast members were also somewhat unreliable since their memories of the show were somewhat blurry.

The plot follows Val, as she decides to join five out of six former cast members to celebrate the show’s 30th anniversary by doing a podcast that talks about the show. However, in truth, she is hoping to discover what actually happened all those years ago, and who the sixth-cast member really was. And let me tell you that the mystery aspect was done very well. Honestly, I had no idea who to trust or what was going to happen.

“Children accept absurdity because everything is absurd, everything made up of complex rules and systems that they don’t understand.”

The book was fast-paced, and it kept me engaged for the whole time. I needed to know what was going to happen! I loved seeing these former childhood friends reconnecting and forming bonds as adults. They all had their share of trauma, but I found the added found family element to be a nice touch in a thriller novel.

The only con I had with the book was a certain subject matter that I am not usually fond of in books, but to talk about it outright would be kind of spoiler-ish. All that I will say is that despite my usual distaste for this plot device, it had a remarkable lack of impact on my overall enjoyment of the book. Thus, it is nothing too earth shattering.

Overall, the supernatural element was a little weird, but I think the author did a good job by tying everything together. I did happen to figure out how the book was going to end, so, unfortunately, I was not too shocked at the outcome. However, there were a few twists that I did not see coming, and I think Kiersten White put quite some thought into the story. Although it fits more into the supernatural and magical realism category, so keep that in mind when picking it up.

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Nothing More To Tell // Book Review

About The Book
Four years ago, Brynn left Saint Ambrose School following the shocking murder of her favorite teacher—a story that made headlines after the teacher’s body was found by three Saint Ambrose students in the woods behind their school. Now that Brynn is moving home and starting her dream internship at a true-crime show, she’s determined to find out what really happened. The kids who found Mr. Larkin are her way in, and her ex–best friend, Tripp Talbot, was one of them.
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I am a huge fan of Karen M. McManus, but I was sadly disappointed with this book. The plot follows high school student Brynn, who gets an internship at a true crime podcast. She has a perfect case for the show to follow – the unsolved murder of her favorite teacher, Mr. Larkin, at Saint Ambrose School. However, this means reconnecting with her ex-best friend Tripp, one of the three students who discovered Mr. Larkin’s body.

This book did not live up to my expectations. The plot was not very intriguing, and the characters were simply okay. There were some twists and turns, but nothing left me shocked. The entire book was very slow moving. I wanted more excitement, thrilling, and heart-pounding moments.

Don’t get me wrong, McManus has impeccable writing, which really helped me enjoy the book. However, I did not care about the mystery, which is the whole point of a mystery/thriller book? Furthermore, the plot in general was not all too interesting, but maybe I was just expecting too much from the book, since I have loved most of her other releases.

As for the podcast show element, it was not something I cared for either. It felt as though that was just away to get the characters digging into Mr. Larkin’s murder. I am not the biggest fan of books that follow podcasts or true crime lovers since they usually seem like they are trying to be relevant. Not that they’re bad, I just have not enjoyed any of the books I read with that plot device.

“I know that secrets can eat you alive, and the truth can break your heart, and sometimes it’s hard to know which is worse.”

There was a romance in the book that you could see coming to, but the main question was whether it was needed. Not every young adult book requires a love story. I felt that the book could achieve the same outcome without any sort of second-chance romance side plot.

Now the ending was fairly shocking, and truth be told, I am not sure how I feel about it. The author went a rather unexpected and interesting route that I did not see coming at all. The book was left somewhat open and ended. If you know me, I am not a fan of cliffhangers, so this ending bothered me.

Overall, I still love Karen M. McManus and will continue to read anything she will release. This story was not my favorite, but the writing was phenomenal and the ending was quite unexcepted. I would probably only recommend it if you were very new to the YA mystery/thriller genre.

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