Bookish Holiday Tag

Hi Friends,
Christmas will be here in just a few weeks, and I thought a holiday tag would be a great way to celebrate the holiday season! This one has some fun, bookish questions, so I knew it would be the perfect tag to do.

• What is your favorite book to gift during the holidays?
Is there any other answer than ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens? I know you are probably sick of hearing me talk about how much I love this book. So all I’ll say is that it is a classic holiday story, that you cannot go wrong with giving.

• What is the best book you have ever received as a gift?
Last year, I received a steam punk edition of ‘A Christmas Carol’, and the year before I got ‘A Christmas Carol: Book-to-Table Edition.’ However, I think the most meaningful book I have been gifted is ‘A Muppet’s Christmas Carol‘. The book is based off the movie by the same name. The film is very special to my family, so I was happy, shocked and blessed to receive the book adaptation.

• What book do you hope to get this year?
Honestly, I don’t really have a Christmas list. I am grateful to have people that love me enough to give me a gift, but I never really ask for anything. Still, if I am asked what I want I always say books. Also, I would like a brush hairdryer, which might seems a little random.

• What is your favorite holiday movie?
Don’t yell at me, but I have to mention it again. My all time favorite Christmas movie is ‘A Muppet’s Christmas Carol’. However, I will tell you the other two holiday movies that I adore. The first is the Grinch – mainly the 1966 ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas’ cartoon. Yet, I also really enjoyed the 2018, The Grinch, animated version as well. Secondly, I am a huge fan of the ‘Princess Switch’ movies on Netflix. I like them all, but my favorite will probably always be the first one.

• What holiday song is always on repeat?
Can anyone just pick one holiday song? If I have to choose, then I’m going with my girl Taylor Swift. She released a small holiday album years ago. It was a Target exclusive album that I don’t think many people remember. On the album, she has a track called ‘Christmas Must Be Something More,’ which has such a powerful message. The song reminds us that Christmas isn’t about presents, decorations, or snow. It’s about so much more. As the Grinch said, “Maybe Christmas (he thought) doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.”

• What is your favorite holiday food to either make or eat?
It would be a tie between corn pudding and potatoes of any kind. We only have corn pudding on Thanksgiving and Christmas, so it is a rare treat. As for potatoes, I simply love them! I am fan of all potato dishes, from mashed to scalloped. Also, I do usually make the potatoes every year, so I maybe biased.

If you want to do this tag too, then go right ahead! Let me know in the comments if you do, so I can go check out your posts. If you don’t want to miss out on any posts, then give me a follow!

Until The Next Chapter,

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[…] I found this tag over at Books With Bunny, be sure to check out her amazing post. […]

3 years ago

Love this! I adore the Muppet Christmas Carol and did not know there was also a book!!


Ooh, reading this made me feel so festive! I’ve got my decorations up (we only have a few) and I’m ready to listen to the music and watch festive films!

3 years ago

This is such a fun tag! Love your answers. I was already looking for new festive tags to do and this one is new to me, so I will be doing that later this month. *dances*

Megan Charlie
3 years ago

I love the muppets Christmas carol! I had no idea there was a book edition. I think I’d love receiving that as well.