2023 Lucky 13 // Best Books

Hi Friends,
Here, we have my best books for 2023! I had such a hard time narrowing down my best books, and 12 was not going to cut it. Therefore, I decided that 13 books deserve to be on this list. However, there is probably more that I could have added. Thus, without further ado, let us talk about my favorite books from last year.

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Originally, I gave this book four stars, but the story was stuck in my mind for weeks. For that reason, I knew that I had to bump it up to five stars. This is a young adult romance about a long-distance relationship, which is something that is not written about much. I loved how the story went, and the character development was one of the best things in the book.

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I did not expect a cozy fantasy to make this list, but this one really pulled at my heartstrings. No, I do not think it resembles Gilmore Girls or Practically Magic, but nevertheless, I loved the characters and story. A small town, family of witches, and mystery all make for a wonderful read. However, you might also shed a few tears at the end of the book because I certainly did.

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I never thought that I was a pirate girl, but this book had me thinking I might be. This story was so action packed, and had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I loved our female main character, and despite the romance being very typical of a young adult book, I found it enjoyable to read.

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I do not hear anyone talking about this book, which is such a shame. Although this story is probably not anything to write home about, I had such a great experience reading this book. It was a fast-paced adult romcom with a happily ever after ending. Personally, I sometimes need a feel-good love story, which is exactly what this book was for me.

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I am so happy that I was finally able to read the first book in this mystery series because it was brilliant. I loved how we followed a cast of animal characters in a small town. The mystery was fun, although predictable. However, the slight romance plot is unexpected and entertaining. This is both an easy and enjoyable read.

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This is one, if not the best, queer romance I have read. What makes this even better is that it is a YA story. I found that the book provides a real look at different sexualities and what it is like to struggle with one’s own sexual identity. And let me just mention that an open door spicy scene was very unexpected for a young adult novel, but I did not mind it one bit.

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Honestly, I cannot say why this book sticks out in my mind, besides the fact that the plot was so well-done. I thought that this was going to be a simple psychological thriller, but there was so much more to it. The story was surprisingly more twisted than I expected. Still, I liked how the author showed the darker and more horrifying side of the publishing world.

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In my opinion, this book is underrated in the thriller genre. I have heard some negative things about it, but I loved the slower character-driven plot. Although there were not many twists and turns, I found the story very engaging. I found myself unable to put the book down, which made my reading experience even better.

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At first, I thought that this was going to be a thriller involving vampires, but I was actually very wrong. This is a difficult book to describe, but I loved the writing style, the found family element to be a nice touch, and the plot incredibly unique. The story I was so captivating that I read it in a day.

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I knew from the synopsis that I was going to love this book, but I did not expect it to become a new favorite romcom. Everything about this book from the story to the spice is perfection. I think it is a great book for readers who do not typically love the friends-to-lovers romance trope.

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This book has such an interesting plot and is a wonderful start for the series. I had never read anything by this author before and picked up this book because of its title alone. However, I am so glad that I read it because it was an enjoyable experience. The love story is original, and the magical aspect is fascinating.

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I was truly surprised by how much I loved the book. This is similar to the Hunger Games but with vampires and magic elements. The world building was amazing and the characters were very interesting. However, the last few chapters take this book the extra mile and really cement it as a standout read, in my opinion.

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Right from the first chapter, I felt that this was going to be my favorite book of the year. I loved it even more than the first book (Belladonna), and the ending has anxiously awaiting the release of what I believe is the final book in this series. I am in love with this story, the world, and characters.

I hope that you enjoyed if not all some of these books. Feel free to share your favorite books of 2023 in the comments. If you weren’t a fan of one of these books I mentioned, that’s okay too, because I still adore all of these books. Don’t forget to like and share this post with others. It would be great if you could follow the blog before you go.

Until The Next Chapter,

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Alice Myles
9 months ago

Oh, I so need to pick up You, Again this year! I heard so many good things