The Quarter Year Crisis // Book Tag

Hi Friends,
I have been seeing ‘The Quarter Year Crisis’ book tag making its way around the bookish community. This tag is similar to the ‘Mid-Year Book Freakout‘ tag. Since I love doing the mid-year tag I decided that it would be fun to do the quarter year one as well. The tag was created by Booktuber Roisin’s Reading, and I recommend you check out her channel.

How many books have you read so far?

I have only read 21 books, which I think is pretty good. I have never actually read more than two books a month, so I am proud of myself for reading more than I every thought I could in a month.

Have you already found a book you think might be a 2022 favorite?

I am not going to lie, but most of the books I have read thus far have been 3 star reads. However, ‘You’ll Be the Death of Me‘ by Karen M. McManus will most likely make it on to my favorites of the year list. This doesn’t really come as a surprise, since her book ‘One Of Us Is Lying‘ was a 2021 favorite of mine.

What was your favorite book you read that wasn’t quite five stars?

Probably, going to have to go with ‘Radio Silence‘ by Alice Oseman, yes she is author of the widely popular graphic novel series ‘Heartstopper‘. This book was really good and the message was amazing. I gave the book 4.5 stars, so it was just barely a 5 star read for me. If you want more of my thoughts on the book you can read my review of it.

Any 1 star books / least favorite book of the year?

I have had a few disappointing reads in the past few months, but the one that stands out the most is ‘You’ve Reached Sam‘ by Dustin Thao. I have also done a review of this book, so I don’t want to talk to much about it. But, this book was such a letdown.

Most read genre so far?

100% contemporary! This doesn’t come as a shock since YA contemporary has always been my most read genre. Yet, I think as the year progresses YA horrors and thrillers might beat out contemporary books.

A book that surprised you?

This would have to be ‘Horrid‘ by Katrina Leno. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting going into this book, but I really enjoyed it. For some reason I didn’t think I would like it as much as I did. I will definitely be reading more from this author in the future.

Book that’s come out in 2022 already that you want to read but haven’t yet?

This is an easy one for me, but that would be ‘Blaine for the Win‘ by Robbie Couch. Technically the book was released on April 12th, yet the audiobook isn’t out until May 10th. As most of you know, I am an audiobook addict which is why I have already pre-ordered my copy of the audiobook. I cannot wait to dive into this book.

One goal you’ve made that you’re succeeding at?

This isn’t a bookish goal, but a blogging one. In my 2022 goal post I talked about how I wanted to broaden my blog content. I think that I have been doing pretty good on posting some lifestyle content in addition to bookish posts. I do ‘Toss-Up Tuesday‘, which is when I usually post my non-book content. I have been liking doing those posts and hope to make them more of a regular things.

One goal you made that you need to focus on?

This is a bookish goal, and it is to read the books that I own. I have been very inconsistent with reading from my bookshelves. There are so many new releases that I want to get to that I forget to read the books I already own. I hope to make my owned TBR more of a priority as the year goes on.

New to you Booktubers/bookstagrammers/booktokers for 2022 that you recommend?

I have just started Booktok so I don’t really have any recommendations there (unless you count myself @bookswithbunny). I do have a bookstagram, but don’t really have any account recommendations since I mainly going on Instagram to see cute comics. As for Booktube, I recommend Julie Janis Books and LiterallyLo. They always make great bookish content.

I hope that you enjoyed this tag. If you like this kind of tag, follow my blog so you don’t miss out on when I post my ‘Mid-Year Book Freakout’ tag. I want to tag all my fellow book bloggers, so leave a comment letting me know if you do the tag.

Until The Next Chapter,

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2 years ago

Cool recommendations. I like anything from Alice and Karen too.