Book Club and Read Alongs // February 2022 Update

Hi Friends,
I have so many announcements coming at you. One of them I still can’t say, but I will be announcing it next month. The first is that I am going to be starting a book club! I have been wanting to do this for a while. I don’t know if anyone will actually join in, but I thought I would give it a shot. There will be a GoodReads page for the group, and it will be the ‘Hop It To Reading’ Book Club.

On the GoodReads page, we can discuss the book, and possibly set a date for a live discussion of the book. I will post a poll for us to pick the book for each month. The first poll is up now! I also might do reading sprints once a week on my Twitter (@bookswithbunny). I really hope some of you will join in on the book club.

Next, I want to host a Vampire Academy read-along, or maybe a buddy read. There is a VA series coming out soon, so I would like to read the books. I know that many people have already read this series, but if you haven’t, or are planning to reread it, please join in the read-along!

Those are all the updates I have for you guys this month. Please check back in March for my other exciting announcement! If you want to buy me a coffee or donate to my blog you can visit my Ko-Fi. All your support means the world to me!

Until The Next Chapter,

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