3 Banned Books To Add To Your TBR

Hi Friends,
Happy Banned Books Week! I want to start by saying that I don’t support banning or challenging books in any way. Just because a book touches on a sensitive topic or doesn’t end with a happily ever after doesn’t mean it should be banned. There’s definitely a place for those stories in literature, and no reader should miss out on them. Everyone deserves the freedom to choose what they want to read, and no author should face silencing.

Thanks for letting me hop on my little soapbox for Banned Books Week! Now, I’d love to share a few banned and challenged books that are on my TBR.

They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
I have both this book and the prequel, ‘The First to Die at the End‘, on my TBR. It combines sci-fi and dystopian elements in a world where you receive a call the day before you die. An app called Last Friend helps you find someone to spend your last day with. I believe it also features an LGBTQ+ romance. Just from the title, I can tell this book is going to break my heart.

Scythe by Neal Shusterman
This dystopian novel hasn’t been banned, but people have challenged it because its main theme revolves around death. The story takes place in a world where people no longer die naturally, so Scythes train to control the population by deciding who lives and who dies. I might be a bit off on the synopsis, but that’s the general idea. It sounds like a fascinating series, and I know it’s hugely popular.

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
I’ve had this one on my TBR for years, so I’m not sure when I’ll actually get to it, and I don’t know the full plot. From what I gather, it follows two teenagers in the 1980s, and I think it’s a love story. I’ve heard it’s a YA contemporary that explores love and coming-of-age, and people really hyped it up when it first came out.

So, there you have it three banned and challenged books that I’m excited to read! The great news is that you can find all of these books on Everand. I know I sound like a broken record, but you can use my link (click here) to get a free trial, which I really recommend.

As readers, we need to stand up against those who try to silence authors by supporting their work and sharing why banning books is wrong. One of my favorite books, ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by J.D. Salinger, is banned, and I think that’s absolutely ridiculous. If you haven’t read it yet, you’re missing out on an amazing story!

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Until The Next Chapter,

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3 months ago

I agree that banning books should not even be a thing, and it is especially harmful today because many of the banned books are written by POC authors and have LGBTQ+ themes.
I loved They Both Die at the End because it was unlike anything I have read before, and I want to read the prequel. I’m also intrigued by Eleanor & Park.