Winter Wonderland Tag // Toss-Up Tuesday

Hi Friends,
Since it is getting a lot colder here and the holidays have arrived I thought it would be fun to do a winter tag. This isn’t a bookish tag, but it does contain some fun wintery questions.

1.) What is your favorite winter /fall song?
This is a hard one, because I’m always listening to music. For fall song that would be ‘Safe and Sound’ by Taylor Swift feat. The Civil Wars. The song gives me major fall vibes. I don’t have a go to winter song, because by the time winter comes I am mostly just listening to Christmas music.

2.) What is your favorite winter/fall pajamas?
Every year on Christmas eve I get a new pair of pjs, so my current favorite winter pajamas would have to be the ones I received last year. They are from Lauren Conrad’s Kohls fashion line and they are so cute. They are cozy, christmasy and not too warm, which is perfect for someone who is always hot, like me.

3.) What is your favorite winter/fall item that makes you happy?
This scarf is my absolute favorite fall/winter fashion piece. A few years back, I searched everywhere for a scarf like this and it is my go to scarf. The colors remind me of Thanksgiving and I love it.

4.) What is your favorite winter/fall thing to do?
Read holiday books and watch holiday movies! I love snuggling up in bed with a cute Christmas movie or book and a warm drink. It is the best way to spend a chilly winter night in.

5.) What is your favorite winter/fall drink?
I am going to branch out from the typical Starbucks drink answer even though their White Mocha is a forever favorite of mine. I am going to say a milkshake, and yes a milkshake counts as a drink. The peppermint milkshake at Chick-Fa-La is delicious and my favorite winter beverage. As weird as that might be.

6.) What is your favorite winter/fall movie?
‘The Princess Switch’ trilogy is the best trilogy of all time! I could watch these movies anytime of the year, but especially at winter time. Honestly, the first movie ‘The Princess Switch’ is my favorite movie ever!

7.) What changes during your winter/fall routine?
I sleep in a lot. For some reason, during the cold months I just don’t want to get out of bed in the mornings. This isn’t uncommon for me all year long, since I hate mornings, but something about winter makes me want to sleep in everyday of the week.

8.) What are you asking for, for Christmas or Hannukah / holidays?
A Tiffany’s Necklace! Just kidding, kind of. I don’t tend to ask for things, because I tend to buy myself things throughout the year. But, books are always appreciated. I normally just share my Amazon wishlist with my family.

In the comments, let me know your favorite fall/winter song, since I am always looking for new music. Don’t forget to like this post so that you get notified whenever there is a new post. I mainly post bookish content, but every now and then I do fun non-bookish posts too.

Until The Next Chapter,

All I Want For Christmas // Book Review

“This sweet and magical romance about a girl who has just one wish–someone to kiss under the mistletoe–is the perfect holiday escape!”

In the book, our main character, Bailey, is a teenager girl, that only wants one thing for Christmas – a boyfriend. She is consumed with having a Holiday romance, but I think she has watched far too many Hallmark movies. She did admit to loving those movies. Don’t get me wrong, as a teenager, I too was eagerly hoping for a boyfriend. But Bailey came off desperate and boy-crazy. Also, I want to make one thing clear. I too love Hallmark movies, despite how cheesy they tend to be.

Bailey tries hard to come off as a holiday addict, but not being in a relationship made her more of a ‘Holiday Grinch’. Listen, being single isn’t the end of the world. Bailey acted as though a holiday romance would magically make the season better. Truthfully, relationships are hard work, and during the holidays, you should focus on making memories with the ones you love.

In the first chapter, not only are we introduced to Jacob Marley (yep that’s his real name). Can you get any more cliché? After meeting Jacob, and Bailey being outright rude to him, I could already tell where the story was going to go. Sure, Bailey was starting to feel something for Jacob, but she kept making him out to be someone he wasn’t. If I were Jacob, I would have never even given her the time of day.

I thought that this was an enemies-to-lovers YA contemporary, but then Bailey meets Charlie. He is a charming British boy, which does make him more appealing than Jacob. Why are accents so attractive? Nevertheless, I was very bothered by the fact that Bailey was suddenly all about Charlie – way too quickly. She barely knew him, but already thought he was her boyfriend. Honestly, Bailey came off as immature, vain, and argumentative. And, all readers know that disliking the MC makes for a less than enjoyable reading experience.

“I’ve watched more than my fair share of Hallmark Christmas movies, and even though I’m not a big-city lawyer who has moved back to my hometown to save the family business or a world-weary writer who falls in love with a recently widowed baker, I still believe in the power of Christmas Magic.”

Frankly, a lot of the time I felt that the plot was going nowhere. I didn’t even know what was going to happen throughout a vast majority of the book. However, the book is under 250 pages, so it is a very quick read. I finished it in two days, yet I didn’t find the story to be particularly interesting.

As for the ending, I was blown away with how ridiculous it was. I could see what was going to happen before it did and I was still floored. The fact that the author went this route was comical. One small spoiler about the ending – think ‘The Bishop’s Wife’ meets ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’.

Overall, I don’t regret reading this book. but feel that it was a waste of time. Maybe it is meant for a younger audience, since I could see tweens and young teenagers liking the story. The writing style wasn’t terrible, but as I said before it was a little juvenile. I wouldn’t recommend this book unless you want to read something that will make you roll your eyes.

Before you go, give this post a like and share. If you want to spread some love, please give my little blog a quick follow. And, don’t forget to leave a comment below!

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The Holiday Swap // Book Review

“A feel-good, holiday-themed romantic comedy about identical twins who switch lives in the days leading up to Christmas–perfect for fans of Christina Lauren’s In a Holidaze and Josie Silver’s One Day in December.”

Mark my words – this will be a Hallmark Christmas movie one day. I have seen many Hallmark, movies and this book follows the exact same format. Small town, unexpected romance, and the rest is history. Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way complaining about the predictable plot. In fact, I found the book quiet enjoyable.

In the book, we follow two twin sisters – workaholic Charlie, and shy Cas. The sisters decide to trade places after an accident leaves Charlie unable to do her job as a food competition judge. I found the sisters to be likable, but I don’t think there was enough character development. Honestly, we learned more about Cas than Charlie, but still not enough to get super attached to the character.

As I mentioned, Charlie is a host and judge on a Food Network type competition show. She is competing as well – against her co-host, for a permanent position on the Network. There is talk about being a female in the TV food industry, and how we females aren’t taken seriously. Sometimes we are excepted to stand still and look pretty. I found this subject matter a nice addition to the book, but the competition itself didn’t play a big plot in the story.

Upon switching with Cas, Charlie must return home to her family bakery in her quaint mountain hometown. Why does it’s always have to be a small town? And, a bakery or bookshop. Anyways, I found that Charlie didn’t take her position as Cas very serious. While on the other hand Cas was doing everything she could to help Charlie keep her job.

As for the romance aspect, the love interests were very obvious. You could tell from early on how the romances were going to play out. There was some instant love at play, which I don’t generally care for, but that is typical in a Hallmark movie type of story. Both the love interests were nice characters, but I found myself liking Charlie’s love interest, Jake, more.

“Time heals all things. If time fails, try cake.”

The sisters kept wondering if the guys liked them for them or the role they were playing. They would go back and forth on whether or not to come clean, which was slightly annoying. It’s not like the guys could blow up their plan. Honestly, the switch idea as a whole was a bit immature. However, I found lying to someone while also getting close to them to be even more immature.

By the end of the book, you could see that Cas and Charlie had grown as people. Although, I do think the author put more thought into Cas’ character growth. Still, the twins ended up forming a strong sister bond that wasn’t really there before. Most of all, the story shows that it is never too late to change your life in a way that makes you truly happy.

Overall, I found the book to be a cute and cliché read, which is usually how I feel about any TV romance movie. This book is certainly not for everyone, because there really isn’t much depth to the story. You jump right into the plot and you can basically figure out how the book is going to play out right way.

Yet, I enjoyed not only the storyline, but the easy writing style as well. My only major con is that the book isn’t very Christmasey. You’d think a holiday book would have thrown in a little more of the holidays. Give me Christmas overload! Nevertheless, I did loved that there was a time jump epilogue. In the comments, let me know your thoughts on this book. Don’t forget to hit the follow button before you go.

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Books I Regret Buying #1 // Spring 2022

Hi Friends,
If you watch beauty videos on YouTube or follow beauty blogs than I guarantee you have seen people talk about the products they regret buying. Well, I thought it would be fun to do a bookish twist on this type of post. I am going to be talking about the books that I regret buying.

Final Girls Support Group by Grady Hendrix
Actually, I didn’t buy this book, but I was gifted it for Christmas 2021. I received it from my older brother after adding it to my Christmas wishlist. At the time, I hadn’t read the book, but after reading it I instantly regretted wanting it. I was not a fan of the book at all. It was even on my worst books of 2021 list. Honestly, I don’t get how this book became so popular, but maybe I just wasn’t the reader for it.

You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao
This was another Christmas gift, but I was with my mom when she bought it for me. So, I am counting this as a book that I bought. By now you all should probably know how much of a disappointment this book was for me. I thought the premise sounded amazing but the story fell flat. This book is loved by a lot of readers, so I might be alone in my dislike of it. I kind of wish that I had read it before asking for it.

You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn
I have a review up on this book, which goes into more detail about why I didn’t like it. However, I thought this would be a cute Nashville (the TV show) type of read. But, the book was filled with way too much drama and heavy plot points. Also, I wasn’t a big fan of the writing style or characters. It was just a little boring in my opinion.

A Stolen Life: A Memoir by Jaycee Lee Dugard
This book is a pretty hard read, but I bought the ebook copy when it was released back in 2011. I used to be really into stories that dealt with kidnapping or just sexual abuse in general. Partly because I was a big fan of ‘Law and Order’, but mainly because I think that sexual abuse is horrific especially if it involves a minor. I used to be very interested in the thought of stopping sex crimes whether that meant being a lawyer or FBI agent (I am a dreamer). Any who, this book was not my cup of tea. I understand this is Jaycee’s real experience but she was to nice in how she talked about her abuser. And, you could tell there was some Stockholm syndrome there that wasn’t touched on. I couldn’t even finish the book, and will never pick it up again.

Looking For Alaska by John Green
Now I could mention ‘The Fault In Our Stars‘ and ‘Paper Towns’ as well, because I do regret buying and reading them. However, I haven’t read this book yet and can’t for the life of me fathom why I thought it was a good idea to buy it. Something about me and John Green books don’t mix. I haven’t liked any book I have read from him, with the exception of ‘Let It Snow’, but his story was my least favorite out of the three. This book is on my ‘These Books Will Self Destruct‘ challenge and honestly I don’t even care enough to give it a chance.

I probably rambled a little about the last two books, so I am going to stop here. If you want to see part two of this post let me know in the comments. Sadly, I am sure there are more books that I regret buying. I keep telling myself to stop buying books I haven’t read, but I don’t listen to my own advice. Before you go, give my little book blog a follow because it really helps me grow.

Until The Next Chapter,

Christmas Book Haul 2021

Hi Friends,
Today, I am going to be doing my Christmas book haul. I was lucky enough to get some great books for Christmas for my loved ones. I am a fan of Christmas hauls, and I know others do as well. So, here are the books that I got for Christmas.

Yep, I got many books plus a gift card to buy more books. I am so incredibly thankful and grateful for everything I was gifted. I hope that you got some amazing gifts as well. Also, two of my lovely Twitter friends Emma (BookTube Channel) and Jazz (BookTube Channel) gifted me books from my wishlist. I haven’t received them yet, but it was very kind of them to send me a gift. I hope that you had a great holiday season, and remember the holidays are about family and sharing love not presents.

Until The Next Chapter,

The Holiday Traditions Tag

Hi Friends,
I just knew that I had to do a holiday tag before Christmas came. This is a pretty old holiday tag that I discovered this year. But honestly, most tags are timeless.

Favorite holiday destination?
I always stay home and spend the holidays with my family. However, hypothetically, I think celebrating the holidays in England would be a dream come true. I wouldn’t want to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas away from my family, but I would love to spend New Years in England.

Any family traditions?
We have a few family traditions. About 7 years ago we started having lasagna on Christmas Eve. This is a tradition that my husband brought to us because it is a tradition that his family did. Also, we always open one gift on Christmas Eve, which is new PJs. Lastly, since I was an itty bitty kid, we have watched ‘A Muppets Christmas Carol’ right before bed on Christmas Eve.

Favorite ornament or decoration?
I don’t know if this counts, but I love Christmas trees and lights. Not sure if that is basic or random. There is just something about Christmas lights that make me smile. And, seeing a Christmas tree that is decked out in fun ornaments, classy ornaments, or just a few ornaments is heartwarming.

What are you doing for the holidays?
Spending Christmas Day at home in my PJs, watching holiday movies, and playing board games.

Are you a late or early Christmas shopper?
I am a way too early of a shopper. I am talking like January through November. However, next year I am going to try and find a good middle between early and late shopping.

Who usually cooks holiday dinners?
My mom does the cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas. However, me and my sister always try to make a dish or two.

Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
Nope. I would be way to nervous. Also, I don’t sing in public.

Do you live where it snows?
Not really. It has only ever snowed, probably, about 6 times here. I love the snow and think it would be amazing to have a white Christmas! But sadly, that isn’t usually the case.

One thing that makes you happiest at Christmas?
Buying gifts for others! Picking out something special for my people makes me happy. Yet I hate having to wait to see their reactions. Also, being surrounded with love at the holidays fills my cup ten times over.

What do you want most for Christmas?
Going to be honest here and say a baby. I would love it, and be super scared, anxious, and generally overly worried. But it would be very exciting to be pregnant. However, I don’t think that Santa has got that in his present bag for me. Other than that, I just want surprise gifts. I like seeing what others have picked out for me, rather than me telling them what to get me.

Happy Holidays! I tag everyone to do this tag, even if you are reading it after Christmas.

Until The Next Chapter,

My Christmas Wishlist // 2021

Hi Friends,
I thought that I would share my Christmas wishlist for you today. Now, I have mentioned that I don’t really make a gift list, but I do have a personal wishlist for myself. So, these are some of the things that I would eventually like to get, but wouldn’t mind if they were gifted to me as well.

Rose Gold Slip-On Sneakers
I pretty much only where flats and booties these days, so I wanted a dressier pair of slip-ons. There were some that I found some on Amazon that are super cute, and in rose gold! I wouldn’t mind getting them in black either.

Bobs Slip-On
Yep, more shoes what can I say I am living out my Carrie Bradshaw obsession. I love my Bobs! They have to be the most comfy shoes that I have ever worn. However, my black ones are on their last leg, which means I’m going to need a replacement. Soon. Bobs are more on the pricey side, so it is always nice to get them as a gift.

No Heat Curlers
I watched a video featuring ‘The Sleep Styler’ and it made me want hair rollers so bad. I never leave myself enough time to do my hair in the mornings, but I hate my wavy messy looking hair. The curlers could be a good way to do my hair without adding a ton of heat to it. Also, I am not looking to get expensive rollers since I am just starting out with them.

Anything by Karen M. McManus
This past year, I have become a fan of her YA thrillers, so I wouldn’t mind receiving any of her books. I enjoyed the ‘One Of Us Is Lying’ duology, and would like to read more of her releases. The books aren’t too scary, and they’re easy reads.

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
I love getting different versions to add to my collection. I have seen some additions with stunning covers. In my opinion, one can never have too many copies of their favorite book.

The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand
I am surprised that I haven’t asked for this book sooner since it is a YA ‘Christmas Carol’ retelling. And by now you all know my obsession with that book (see above). Having a copy of this one would be amazing, since reread it every holiday season.

Those are all some small things that I have on my wishlist, but I prefer to be surprised when it comes to gifts. There is just something about getting a present that someone picked out for you, just because it made them think of you. That just fills my heart with joy. Let me know what is on your wishlist, book related or otherwise. Like, share and follow the blog for more Bookmas content.

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Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares (Dash & Lily, #1) // Book Review

Author: Rachel Cohn, David Levithan
Published: 2010
Genre: YA/Contemporary/Holiday
Rating:Full, star, bookmark, favorite, favourite, like, rating icon - Download on IconfinderFull, star, bookmark, favorite, favourite, like, rating icon - Download on IconfinderFull, star, bookmark, favorite, favourite, like, rating icon - Download on Iconfinder

Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions?

The book was exactly how I anticipated it to be, yet there were some twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. In the book, we follow Lily, who is an adorably awkward teenage girl having the worst Christmas of her life. Her family have all made other Christmas plans, leaving her with her older brother who is more focused on his holiday romance than spending time with his kid sister. Dash on the other-hand isn’t a fan of all the holidays opting to spend Christmas alone. These two very different teens meet by fate, kind of, and embark on the cutest love-story.

This is a dual perspective story where we get to hear from Dash and Lily. And, I am happy to say that I enjoyed both sides of the story equally. Lily is a fun character to follow, because even though she isn’t having the merriest Christmas, she is determined to stay joyful. She is shy and socially awkward, which I found to be very relatable. Dash dared her to challenge herself and step out of her comfort zone. And, to not be so afraid to be seen by the world. I know that was swooning hard over Dash, so there is no question to why Lily fell for him.

Dash reminded me so much of Holden Caulfield. He is cynical, moody, and a bit of a know-it-all. He doesn’t let anyone see his soft side, and is scared to let anyone get too close. Dash is lonely and wants to find ‘his person’ but isn’t sure there’s someone out there for him. Lily changed his outlook on a lot of things, including the holidays. I think he realized that maybe Christmas isn’t so bad if you have someone to spend it with.

It was fun watching the story unfold, and I kept wondering what the next dare would be. For a large portion of the book, they only converse through a red notebook. There is something sweet about falling for someone by their words, not their looks. Which just so happens to be how I fell in love with my husband. Still, I couldn’t wait until they finally met in person.

“I want to believe there is a somebody out there just for me. I want to believe that I exist to be there for that somebody.”

The story does a good job of showcasing how we all place people on pedestals. This is especially true when we only have a mental image of someone. Dash and Lily both got to know one another, but they still had unrealistic expectations. No one will ever be exactly how you envisioned them, but that’s okay. The story demonstrated that we can, and should, overcome our preconceived notion of somebody, and to get to know the real them.

The story had some flaws, as most do. One being that Lily was very confusing at times. She wanted Dash, but didn’t mind pursuing someone that she didn’t even like. I understand that Dash was just the guy in the notebook, but I would think that all his attempts to break her out of her shell would make her more brave. I want her to go get the guy, and not settle.

Dash annoyed me at times, because he could be really stuck-up. Without spoiling anything, there was a scene close to the end of the book where Lily messed up big. Dash was unforgiving, and it made me slightly annoyed, considering they hadn’t even met at that point. Cut the girl some slack.

As for the ending, I think it was simple, and wrapped everything up with a nice bow. The story as a whole was exciting, cute, and it took place in New York City! Spending the holidays in The Big Apple, even through a book, is fabulous. If you have read the book, go ahead and leave your rating in the comments. Also, follow the blog – all the cool kids are doing it!

Until The Next Chapter,

Bookish Gift Guide // Holiday 2021

Hi Friends,
Sometimes it’s hard to decide on the perfect gift for someone. So to help you out, I put together a bookish holiday gift guide for the reader in your life. These are just some gift ideas that I think any book lover would be delighted to receive.

Audiobook Credit
I am a big advocate for audiobooks, so I think a credit to an audiobook service would be a great gift idea. I know that some readers aren’t a fan of audiobooks, but your gift might give them the chance to try them without any commitment. You can gift an Audible (Amazon’s audiobook subscription services) membership to someone, or use one of your credits to gift a certain audiobook. If you are looking for another option, Rakuten Kobo is an audiobook/eBook subscription service that offers eGift cards.

Bookish DVDs
Maybe you have a reader in your life who has more than enough books. Wait, is that even possible? Anyhow, try switching things up by gifting them a book related movie. A few of my favorites are ‘The Man Who Invented Christmas’, which tells the story of how Charles Dickens came up with his most famous novel, ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Another classic that has been adapted many times is ‘Little Women’. There are many film versions that would make great presents, but I particularly enjoyed the 2019 film. There are a ton more book-to-movies adaptations that you can give that I am sure any book addict would love to receive.

Blind Date With A Book
These have become all the rage lately, and I’m all for it. Honestly, I think that this is a fun gift, even for an occasional reader in your life. It is an awesome surprise gift since you don’t know what you’re going to get. There are many shops that sell these bundles, and you can pick your preferred genre. The prices range is quite varied. However, I’ve noticed that the more expensive ones include additional items along with the book.


Bookmarks & Book Sleeves
I think these two are often forgotten, but useful to many of us readers. For years, every Christmas I’d get a fancy bookmark from a department store. Nowadays, you can get some amazing bookmarks and book sleeves from places like Etsy and Amazon. I know that Amazon is the every shopper friendly and typically my go to shopping place. But it is always good to shop at small businesses especially during the Holidays.

Cheesy Books
I didn’t know exactly how to phrase this idea, but I think it might be silly to gift. I have read some really interesting books in my life, and some of them were surprisingly entertaining. First, I would recommend the ‘L.A. Candy’ series by Lauren Conrad, which is loosely based on her life on reality TV. These books are very cheesy and full of drama. However, I am unsure if you can still find them online, yet there’s a pretty good chance that you can get them secondhand.

Another good choice would be the ‘Beneath the Glitter’ duology by YouTuber’s Elle and Blair Fowler. These books, are ironically enough based on their lives, which seems to be the theme of non-typical writers books. Like they say, write what you know. The books follow sisters, Sophia and Ava London, who become internet sensations thanks to their popular YouTube beauty channels. The books are filled with parties, drama and scandal, which makes for an insane time.

And that’s a few bookish gift ideas! Hopefully, this post helps you out with your gift giving this year. Feel free to like and share this post. And, before you click away follow the blog.

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Bookish Holiday Tag

Hi Friends,
Christmas will be here in just a few weeks, and I thought a holiday tag would be a great way to celebrate the holiday season! This one has some fun, bookish questions, so I knew it would be the perfect tag to do.

• What is your favorite book to gift during the holidays?
Is there any other answer than ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens? I know you are probably sick of hearing me talk about how much I love this book. So all I’ll say is that it is a classic holiday story, that you cannot go wrong with giving.

• What is the best book you have ever received as a gift?
Last year, I received a steam punk edition of ‘A Christmas Carol’, and the year before I got ‘A Christmas Carol: Book-to-Table Edition.’ However, I think the most meaningful book I have been gifted is ‘A Muppet’s Christmas Carol‘. The book is based off the movie by the same name. The film is very special to my family, so I was happy, shocked and blessed to receive the book adaptation.

• What book do you hope to get this year?
Honestly, I don’t really have a Christmas list. I am grateful to have people that love me enough to give me a gift, but I never really ask for anything. Still, if I am asked what I want I always say books. Also, I would like a brush hairdryer, which might seems a little random.

• What is your favorite holiday movie?
Don’t yell at me, but I have to mention it again. My all time favorite Christmas movie is ‘A Muppet’s Christmas Carol’. However, I will tell you the other two holiday movies that I adore. The first is the Grinch – mainly the 1966 ‘How The Grinch Stole Christmas’ cartoon. Yet, I also really enjoyed the 2018, The Grinch, animated version as well. Secondly, I am a huge fan of the ‘Princess Switch’ movies on Netflix. I like them all, but my favorite will probably always be the first one.

• What holiday song is always on repeat?
Can anyone just pick one holiday song? If I have to choose, then I’m going with my girl Taylor Swift. She released a small holiday album years ago. It was a Target exclusive album that I don’t think many people remember. On the album, she has a track called ‘Christmas Must Be Something More,’ which has such a powerful message. The song reminds us that Christmas isn’t about presents, decorations, or snow. It’s about so much more. As the Grinch said, “Maybe Christmas (he thought) doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.”

• What is your favorite holiday food to either make or eat?
It would be a tie between corn pudding and potatoes of any kind. We only have corn pudding on Thanksgiving and Christmas, so it is a rare treat. As for potatoes, I simply love them! I am fan of all potato dishes, from mashed to scalloped. Also, I do usually make the potatoes every year, so I maybe biased.

If you want to do this tag too, then go right ahead! Let me know in the comments if you do, so I can go check out your posts. If you don’t want to miss out on any posts, then give me a follow!

Until The Next Chapter,